Roll 6 dependencies and bypass changed API usage

Roll third_party/glslang/ 3ee5f2f1d..2de6d657d (6 commits)

$ git log 3ee5f2f1d..2de6d657d --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-08-04 john SPV: Standalone; sanity check the client GLSL input semantics option value.
2020-08-04 john SPV: Use more correct SPV-Tools environment, partially addressing #2290
2020-08-04 john SPV: Fix #2363: include trailing newline named text SPV output.
2020-07-03 ShabbyX Use GLSLANG_ANGLE to strip features to what ANGLE requires
2020-07-31 bclayton Revert changes that migrate to `thread_local`.
2020-07-27 dneto Avoid spurious warning about uninit var

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/glslang

Roll third_party/shaderc/ cfacaaffd..c626b912d (1 commit)

$ git log cfacaaffd..c626b912d --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-07-29 dsinclair Update some language usage. (#1124)

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/shaderc

Roll third_party/spirv-cross/ f5e9f4a17..82d1c43e4 (6 commits)

$ git log f5e9f4a17..82d1c43e4 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-08-03 cdavis MSL: Fix handling of matrices and structs in the output control point array.
2020-07-29 post Add some test cases for complex type aliasing scenario.
2020-07-29 post Ensure that we use primary alias type when emitting flattened members.
2020-07-29 post GLSL: Be more aggressive about using type_alias.
2020-07-29 post Only rewrite type aliases for the base type.
2020-07-28 post GLSL: Add option to force flattening IO blocks.

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/spirv-cross

Roll third_party/spirv-headers/ 979924c8b..3fdabd0da (4 commits)

$ git log 979924c8b..3fdabd0da --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-08-03 44190824+mmerecki Reserve SPIR-V token range for upcoming Intel extensions. (#165)
2020-07-29 alanbaker Update BUILD.bazel and (#166)
2020-07-29 alanbaker Publish the headers for the clspv embedded reflection non-semantic extended instruction set (#164)
2020-07-29 johnkslang Update the registry in spir-v.xml to modernize and split out opcodes. (#156)

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/spirv-headers

Roll third_party/SPIRV-Tools/ 150be20d4..8bc27a1cf (17 commits)

$ git log 150be20d4..8bc27a1cf --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-08-04 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Remove OpFunctionCall operands in correct order (#3630)
2020-08-04 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Handle capabilities during module donation (#3651)
2020-08-04 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Refactor boilerplate in TransformationAddParameter (#3625)
2020-08-03 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: TransformationMoveInstructionDown (#3477)
2020-07-31 jaebaek Remove DebugDeclare only for target variables in ssa-rewrite (#3511)
2020-07-31 vasniktel Fix typo in ASAN CI build (#3623)
2020-07-30 stefanomil spirv-fuzz: Transformation to add loop preheader (#3599)
2020-07-30 stefanomil spirv-fuzz: Pass to replace int operands with ints of opposite signedness (#3612)
2020-07-30 jaebaek Debug info preservation in loop-unroll pass (#3548)
2020-07-30 alanbaker Validator support for non-semantic clspv reflection (#3618)
2020-07-30 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Fix memory bugs (#3622)
2020-07-29 andreperezmaselco.developer spirv-fuzz: Implement the OpOuterProduct linear algebra case (#3617)
2020-07-30 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Compute corollary facts from OpBitcast (#3538)
2020-07-29 dj2 Update some language usage. (#3611)
2020-07-29 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Relax type constraints in DataSynonym facts (#3602)
2020-07-29 vasniktel spirv-fuzz: Remove non-deterministic behaviour (#3608)
2020-07-29 afdx Avoid use of 'sanity' and 'sanity check' in the code base (#3585)

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/SPIRV-Tools

Roll third_party/tint/ c5cd8f5bd..f18d737b4 (26 commits)

$ git log c5cd8f5bd..f18d737b4 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-08-04 rharrison Rolling 7 dependencies and fix
2020-07-30 dsinclair [ast] Add texture types to the AST.
2020-07-30 dsinclair Add SamplerType to AST.
2020-07-30 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add loop support.
2020-07-30 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add if/else statements.
2020-07-30 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Emit variable declarations.
2020-07-30 rharrison Add SPIR-V Reader Fuzzer
2020-07-30 rharrison Remove _exe suffix from sample program
2020-07-30 rharrison Change the default for to build all the modules
2020-07-30 rharrison Simplify fuzzer targets to ease adding additional targets
2020-07-30 dsinclair Fixup build warnings
2020-07-30 dsinclair [wgsl-reader] Add stride support.
2020-07-30 dsinclair [wgsl-writer] Emit array stride decoration.
2020-07-30 idanr Add BlockStatement insert and non-const global_variables
2020-07-30 sarahmashay [Validator] Using pointers instead of refs
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add member accessor emission.
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add AsExpression to the HLSL backend.
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add BlockStatement support.
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Emit discard.
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Emit array accessors.
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add alias type support.
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add constructor emission.
2020-07-29 dsinclair Add hlsl writer tests to
2020-07-29 dsinclair [hlsl-writer] Add type emission.
2020-07-29 dsinclair Update some language usage.
2020-07-29 dneto [spirv-reader] Only support column-major matrices

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/tint

Change-Id: I68064a00fb428d91aa00efa45f729bab1af2b103
Reviewed-by: Ryan Harrison <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Ryan Harrison <>
2 files changed
tree: 864e2ccd03c84fd3635aece6675157f259833800
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. generator/
  5. infra/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/
  9. tools/
  10. .clang-format
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gn
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  17. codereview.settings
  19. dawn.json
  20. dawn_wire.json
  21. DEPS
  23. OWNERS
  25. README.chromium

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. More precisely it implements webgpu.h that is a one-to-one mapping with the WebGPU IDL. Dawn is meant to be integrated as part of a larger system and is the underlying implementation of WebGPU in Chromium.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
    • The webgpu.h version that Dawn implements.
    • A C++ wrapper for the webgpu.h.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on macOS and iOS
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android and Fuchsia
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Helpful links:

Documentation table of content

Developer documentation:

User documentation: (TODO, figure out what overlaps with webgpu.h docs)




Apache 2.0 Public License, please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.