Using split copy to fix metal issue on uploading texture from an unpacked buffer

When uploading textures from an unpack buffer, some drivers count an
extra row padding when checking if the pixel unpack buffer is big
enough. This will generate error about totalUsedBytes is larger than the

Using split copy to take care of the last row of the unpack buffer will
workaround this issue.


Change-Id: I9d521d65e1f9e8039ae0388092d5e650cc4e65ce
Commit-Queue: Shaobo Yan <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
diff --git a/src/dawn_native/metal/ b/src/dawn_native/metal/
index 064f6eb..bb76ca2 100644
--- a/src/dawn_native/metal/
+++ b/src/dawn_native/metal/
@@ -262,16 +262,98 @@
                     size.height = copySize.height;
                     size.depth = copySize.depth;
+                    // When uploading textures from an unpacked buffer, Metal validation layer
+                    // doesn't compute the correct range when checking if the buffer is big enough
+                    // to contain the data for the whole copy. Instead of looking at the position
+                    // of the last texel in the buffer, it computes the volume of the 3D box with
+                    // rowPitch * imageHeight * copySize.depth. For example considering the pixel
+                    // buffer below where in memory, each row data (D) of the texture is followed
+                    // by some padding data (P):
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDA|PP|
+                    // The last pixel read will be A, but the driver will think it is the whole
+                    // last padding row, causing it to generate an error when the pixel buffer is
+                    // just big enough.
+                    // We work around this limitation by detecting when Metal would complain and
+                    // copy the last image and row separately using tight sourceBytesPerRow or
+                    // sourceBytesPerImage.
+                    uint32_t bytesPerImage = src.rowPitch * src.imageHeight;
+                    // Check whether buffer size is big enough.
+                    bool needWorkaround =
+                        (buffer->GetSize() - src.offset < bytesPerImage * size.depth);
-                    [encoders.blit copyFromBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
-                                     sourceOffset:src.offset
-                                sourceBytesPerRow:src.rowPitch
-                              sourceBytesPerImage:(src.rowPitch * src.imageHeight)
-                                       sourceSize:size
-                                        toTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
-                                 destinationSlice:dst.slice
-                                 destinationLevel:dst.level
-                                destinationOrigin:origin];
+                    if (!needWorkaround) {
+                        [encoders.blit copyFromBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                                         sourceOffset:src.offset
+                                    sourceBytesPerRow:src.rowPitch
+                                  sourceBytesPerImage:(src.rowPitch * src.imageHeight)
+                                           sourceSize:size
+                                            toTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                                     destinationSlice:dst.slice
+                                     destinationLevel:dst.level
+                                    destinationOrigin:origin];
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    uint32_t offset = src.offset;
+                    // Doing all the copy except the last image.
+                    if (size.depth > 1) {
+                        [encoders.blit
+                                 copyFromBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                                   sourceOffset:offset
+                              sourceBytesPerRow:src.rowPitch
+                            sourceBytesPerImage:(src.rowPitch * src.imageHeight)
+                                     sourceSize:MTLSizeMake(size.width, size.height, size.depth - 1)
+                                      toTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                               destinationSlice:dst.slice
+                               destinationLevel:dst.level
+                              destinationOrigin:origin];
+                        // Update offset to copy to the last image.
+                        offset += (copySize.depth - 1) * bytesPerImage;
+                    }
+                    // Doing all the copy in last image except the last row.
+                    if (size.height > 1) {
+                        [encoders.blit copyFromBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                                         sourceOffset:offset
+                                    sourceBytesPerRow:src.rowPitch
+                                  sourceBytesPerImage:(src.rowPitch * (src.imageHeight - 1))
+                                           sourceSize:MTLSizeMake(size.width, size.height - 1, 1)
+                                            toTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                                     destinationSlice:dst.slice
+                                     destinationLevel:dst.level
+                                    destinationOrigin:MTLOriginMake(origin.x, origin.y,
+                                                                    origin.z + size.depth - 1)];
+                        // Update offset to copy to the last row.
+                        offset += (copySize.height - 1) * src.rowPitch;
+                    }
+                    // Doing the last row copy with the exact number of bytes in last row.
+                    // Like copy to a 1D texture to workaround the issue.
+                    uint32_t lastRowDataSize =
+                        copySize.width * TextureFormatPixelSize(texture->GetFormat());
+                    [encoders.blit
+                             copyFromBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                               sourceOffset:offset
+                          sourceBytesPerRow:lastRowDataSize
+                        sourceBytesPerImage:lastRowDataSize
+                                 sourceSize:MTLSizeMake(size.width, 1, 1)
+                                  toTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                           destinationSlice:dst.slice
+                           destinationLevel:dst.level
+                          destinationOrigin:MTLOriginMake(origin.x, origin.y + size.height - 1,
+                                                          origin.z + size.depth - 1)];
                 } break;
                 case Command::CopyTextureToBuffer: {
@@ -292,16 +374,100 @@
                     size.height = copySize.height;
                     size.depth = copySize.depth;
+                    // When Copy textures to an unpacked buffer, Metal validation layer doesn't
+                    // compute the correct range when checking if the buffer is big enough to
+                    // contain the data for the whole copy. Instead of looking at the position
+                    // of the last texel in the buffer, it computes the volume of the 3D box with
+                    // rowPitch * imageHeight * copySize.depth.
+                    // For example considering the texture below where in memory, each row
+                    // data (D) of the texture is followed by some padding data (P):
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDD|PP|
+                    //     |DDDDDDA|PP|
+                    // The last valid pixel read will be A, but the driver will think it needs the
+                    // whole last padding row, causing it to generate an error when the buffer is
+                    // just big enough.
+                    // We work around this limitation by detecting when Metal would complain and
+                    // copy the last image and row separately using tight destinationBytesPerRow or
+                    // destinationBytesPerImage.
+                    uint32_t bytesPerImage = dst.rowPitch * dst.imageHeight;
+                    // Check whether buffer size is big enough.
+                    bool needWorkaround =
+                        (buffer->GetSize() - dst.offset < bytesPerImage * size.depth);
-                    [encoders.blit copyFromTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
-                                       sourceSlice:src.slice
-                                       sourceLevel:src.level
-                                      sourceOrigin:origin
-                                        sourceSize:size
-                                          toBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
-                                 destinationOffset:dst.offset
-                            destinationBytesPerRow:dst.rowPitch
-                          destinationBytesPerImage:(dst.rowPitch * dst.imageHeight)];
+                    if (!needWorkaround) {
+                        [encoders.blit copyFromTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                                           sourceSlice:src.slice
+                                           sourceLevel:src.level
+                                          sourceOrigin:origin
+                                            sourceSize:size
+                                              toBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                                     destinationOffset:dst.offset
+                                destinationBytesPerRow:dst.rowPitch
+                              destinationBytesPerImage:(dst.rowPitch * dst.imageHeight)];
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    uint32_t offset = dst.offset;
+                    // Doing all the copy except the last image.
+                    if (size.depth > 1) {
+                        size.depth = copySize.depth - 1;
+                        [encoders.blit copyFromTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                                           sourceSlice:src.slice
+                                           sourceLevel:src.level
+                                          sourceOrigin:origin
+                                            sourceSize:MTLSizeMake(size.width, size.height,
+                                                                   size.depth - 1)
+                                              toBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                                     destinationOffset:offset
+                                destinationBytesPerRow:dst.rowPitch
+                              destinationBytesPerImage:dst.rowPitch * dst.imageHeight];
+                        // Update offset to copy from the last image.
+                        offset += (copySize.depth - 1) * bytesPerImage;
+                    }
+                    // Doing all the copy in last image except the last row.
+                    if (size.height > 1) {
+                        [encoders.blit copyFromTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                                           sourceSlice:src.slice
+                                           sourceLevel:src.level
+                                          sourceOrigin:MTLOriginMake(origin.x, origin.y,
+                                                                     origin.z + size.depth - 1)
+                                            sourceSize:MTLSizeMake(size.width, size.height - 1, 1)
+                                              toBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                                     destinationOffset:offset
+                                destinationBytesPerRow:dst.rowPitch
+                              destinationBytesPerImage:dst.rowPitch * (dst.imageHeight - 1)];
+                        // Update offset to copy from the last row.
+                        offset += (copySize.height - 1) * dst.rowPitch;
+                    }
+                    // Doing the last row copy with the exact number of bytes in last row.
+                    // Like copy from a 1D texture to workaround the issue.
+                    uint32_t lastRowDataSize =
+                        copySize.width * TextureFormatPixelSize(texture->GetFormat());
+                    [encoders.blit
+                                 copyFromTexture:texture->GetMTLTexture()
+                                     sourceSlice:src.slice
+                                     sourceLevel:src.level
+                                    sourceOrigin:MTLOriginMake(origin.x, origin.y + size.height - 1,
+                                                               origin.z + size.depth - 1)
+                                      sourceSize:MTLSizeMake(size.width, 1, 1)
+                                        toBuffer:buffer->GetMTLBuffer()
+                               destinationOffset:offset
+                          destinationBytesPerRow:lastRowDataSize
+                        destinationBytesPerImage:lastRowDataSize];
                 } break;
                 default: { UNREACHABLE(); } break;