blob: 883d9f9ead9245b8a41cd13cf8677e0525e80f79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn_native/PipelineLayout.h"
#include "common/Assert.h"
#include "common/BitSetIterator.h"
#include "common/HashUtils.h"
#include "common/ityp_stack_vec.h"
#include "dawn_native/BindGroupLayout.h"
#include "dawn_native/Device.h"
#include "dawn_native/ShaderModule.h"
namespace dawn_native {
MaybeError ValidatePipelineLayoutDescriptor(DeviceBase* device,
const PipelineLayoutDescriptor* descriptor) {
if (descriptor->nextInChain != nullptr) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("nextInChain must be nullptr");
if (descriptor->bindGroupLayoutCount > kMaxBindGroups) {
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("too many bind group layouts");
BindingCounts bindingCounts = {};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < descriptor->bindGroupLayoutCount; ++i) {
return {};
// PipelineLayoutBase
PipelineLayoutBase::PipelineLayoutBase(DeviceBase* device,
const PipelineLayoutDescriptor* descriptor)
: CachedObject(device) {
ASSERT(descriptor->bindGroupLayoutCount <= kMaxBindGroups);
for (BindGroupIndex group(0); group < BindGroupIndex(descriptor->bindGroupLayoutCount);
++group) {
mBindGroupLayouts[group] = descriptor->bindGroupLayouts[static_cast<uint32_t>(group)];
PipelineLayoutBase::PipelineLayoutBase(DeviceBase* device, ObjectBase::ErrorTag tag)
: CachedObject(device, tag) {
PipelineLayoutBase::~PipelineLayoutBase() {
// Do not uncache the actual cached object if we are a blueprint
if (IsCachedReference()) {
// static
PipelineLayoutBase* PipelineLayoutBase::MakeError(DeviceBase* device) {
return new PipelineLayoutBase(device, ObjectBase::kError);
// static
ResultOrError<PipelineLayoutBase*> PipelineLayoutBase::CreateDefault(
DeviceBase* device,
std::vector<StageAndDescriptor> stages) {
using EntryMap = std::map<BindingNumber, BindGroupLayoutEntry>;
// Merges two entries at the same location, if they are allowed to be merged.
auto MergeEntries = [](BindGroupLayoutEntry* modifiedEntry,
const BindGroupLayoutEntry& mergedEntry) -> MaybeError {
// Minimum buffer binding size excluded because we take the maximum seen across stages.
// Visibility is excluded because we take the OR across stages.
bool compatible =
modifiedEntry->binding == mergedEntry.binding && //
modifiedEntry->type == mergedEntry.type && //
modifiedEntry->hasDynamicOffset == mergedEntry.hasDynamicOffset && //
modifiedEntry->viewDimension == mergedEntry.viewDimension && //
modifiedEntry->textureComponentType == mergedEntry.textureComponentType;
// Check if any properties are incompatible with existing entry
// If compatible, we will merge some properties
if (!compatible) {
"Duplicate binding in default pipeline layout initialization "
"not compatible with previous declaration");
// Use the max |minBufferBindingSize| we find.
modifiedEntry->minBufferBindingSize =
std::max(modifiedEntry->minBufferBindingSize, mergedEntry.minBufferBindingSize);
// Use the OR of all the stages at which we find this binding.
modifiedEntry->visibility |= mergedEntry.visibility;
return {};
// Does the trivial conversions from a ShaderBindingInfo to a BindGroupLayoutEntry
auto ConvertMetadataToEntry =
[](const EntryPointMetadata::ShaderBindingInfo& shaderBinding) -> BindGroupLayoutEntry {
BindGroupLayoutEntry entry = {};
entry.type = shaderBinding.type;
entry.hasDynamicOffset = false;
entry.viewDimension = shaderBinding.viewDimension;
entry.textureComponentType = shaderBinding.textureComponentType;
entry.storageTextureFormat = shaderBinding.storageTextureFormat;
entry.minBufferBindingSize = shaderBinding.minBufferBindingSize;
return entry;
// Creates the BGL from the entries for a stage, checking it is valid.
auto CreateBGL = [](DeviceBase* device,
const EntryMap& entries) -> ResultOrError<Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase>> {
std::vector<BindGroupLayoutEntry> entryVec;
for (auto& it : entries) {
BindGroupLayoutDescriptor desc = {};
desc.entries =;
desc.entryCount = entryVec.size();
DAWN_TRY(ValidateBindGroupLayoutDescriptor(device, &desc));
return device->GetOrCreateBindGroupLayout(&desc);
// Data which BindGroupLayoutDescriptor will point to for creation
ityp::array<BindGroupIndex, std::map<BindingNumber, BindGroupLayoutEntry>, kMaxBindGroups>
entryData = {};
// Loops over all the reflected BindGroupLayoutEntries from shaders.
for (const StageAndDescriptor& stage : stages) {
SingleShaderStage shaderStage = stage.first;
const EntryPointMetadata::BindingInfo& info =
stage.second->module->GetEntryPoint(stage.second->entryPoint, shaderStage).bindings;
for (BindGroupIndex group(0); group < info.size(); ++group) {
for (const auto& bindingIt : info[group]) {
BindingNumber bindingNumber = bindingIt.first;
const EntryPointMetadata::ShaderBindingInfo& shaderBinding = bindingIt.second;
// Create the BindGroupLayoutEntry
BindGroupLayoutEntry entry = ConvertMetadataToEntry(shaderBinding);
entry.binding = static_cast<uint32_t>(bindingNumber);
entry.visibility = StageBit(shaderStage);
// Add it to our map of all entries, if there is an existing entry, then we
// need to merge, if we can.
const auto& insertion = entryData[group].insert({bindingNumber, entry});
if (!insertion.second) {
DAWN_TRY(MergeEntries(&insertion.first->second, entry));
// Create the bind group layouts. We need to keep track of the last non-empty BGL because
// Dawn doesn't yet know that an empty BGL and a null BGL are the same thing.
// TODO( remove this when Dawn knows that empty and null BGL are the
// same.
BindGroupIndex pipelineBGLCount = BindGroupIndex(0);
ityp::array<BindGroupIndex, Ref<BindGroupLayoutBase>, kMaxBindGroups> bindGroupLayouts = {};
for (BindGroupIndex group(0); group < kMaxBindGroupsTyped; ++group) {
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(bindGroupLayouts[group], CreateBGL(device, entryData[group]));
if (entryData[group].size() != 0) {
pipelineBGLCount = group + BindGroupIndex(1);
// Create the deduced pipeline layout, validating if it is valid.
PipelineLayoutBase* pipelineLayout = nullptr;
ityp::array<BindGroupIndex, BindGroupLayoutBase*, kMaxBindGroups> bgls = {};
for (BindGroupIndex group(0); group < pipelineBGLCount; ++group) {
bgls[group] = bindGroupLayouts[group].Get();
PipelineLayoutDescriptor desc = {};
desc.bindGroupLayouts =;
desc.bindGroupLayoutCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(pipelineBGLCount);
DAWN_TRY(ValidatePipelineLayoutDescriptor(device, &desc));
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(pipelineLayout, device->GetOrCreatePipelineLayout(&desc));
// Sanity check in debug that the pipeline layout is compatible with the current pipeline.
for (const StageAndDescriptor& stage : stages) {
const EntryPointMetadata& metadata =
stage.second->module->GetEntryPoint(stage.second->entryPoint, stage.first);
ASSERT(ValidateCompatibilityWithPipelineLayout(device, metadata, pipelineLayout)
return pipelineLayout;
const BindGroupLayoutBase* PipelineLayoutBase::GetBindGroupLayout(BindGroupIndex group) const {
ASSERT(group < kMaxBindGroupsTyped);
const BindGroupLayoutBase* bgl = mBindGroupLayouts[group].Get();
ASSERT(bgl != nullptr);
return bgl;
BindGroupLayoutBase* PipelineLayoutBase::GetBindGroupLayout(BindGroupIndex group) {
ASSERT(group < kMaxBindGroupsTyped);
BindGroupLayoutBase* bgl = mBindGroupLayouts[group].Get();
ASSERT(bgl != nullptr);
return bgl;
const BindGroupLayoutMask& PipelineLayoutBase::GetBindGroupLayoutsMask() const {
return mMask;
BindGroupLayoutMask PipelineLayoutBase::InheritedGroupsMask(
const PipelineLayoutBase* other) const {
return {(1 << static_cast<uint32_t>(GroupsInheritUpTo(other))) - 1u};
BindGroupIndex PipelineLayoutBase::GroupsInheritUpTo(const PipelineLayoutBase* other) const {
for (BindGroupIndex i(0); i < kMaxBindGroupsTyped; ++i) {
if (!mMask[i] || mBindGroupLayouts[i].Get() != other->mBindGroupLayouts[i].Get()) {
return i;
return kMaxBindGroupsTyped;
size_t PipelineLayoutBase::HashFunc::operator()(const PipelineLayoutBase* pl) const {
size_t hash = Hash(pl->mMask);
for (BindGroupIndex group : IterateBitSet(pl->mMask)) {
HashCombine(&hash, pl->GetBindGroupLayout(group));
return hash;
bool PipelineLayoutBase::EqualityFunc::operator()(const PipelineLayoutBase* a,
const PipelineLayoutBase* b) const {
if (a->mMask != b->mMask) {
return false;
for (BindGroupIndex group : IterateBitSet(a->mMask)) {
if (a->GetBindGroupLayout(group) != b->GetBindGroupLayout(group)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace dawn_native