blob: a40b11d38d0aa60c0608b9799a1a54315779a299 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/resolver/const_eval_test.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/reader/reader.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/result/result.h"
using namespace tint::builtin::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
namespace tint::resolver {
namespace {
struct Case {
struct Success {
Value value;
struct Failure {
std::string error;
Value lhs;
Value rhs;
utils::Result<Success, Failure> expected;
struct ErrorCase {
Value lhs;
Value rhs;
/// Creates a Case with Values of any type
Case C(Value lhs, Value rhs, Value expected) {
return Case{std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs), Case::Success{std::move(expected)}};
/// Convenience overload that creates a Case with just scalars
template <typename T, typename U, typename V, typename = std::enable_if_t<!IsValue<T>>>
Case C(T lhs, U rhs, V expected) {
return Case{Val(lhs), Val(rhs), Case::Success{Val(expected)}};
/// Creates an failure Case with Values of any type
Case E(Value lhs, Value rhs, std::string error) {
return Case{std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs), Case::Failure{std::move(error)}};
/// Convenience overload that creates an error Case with just scalars
template <typename T, typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<!IsValue<T>>>
Case E(T lhs, U rhs, std::string error) {
return Case{Val(lhs), Val(rhs), Case::Failure{std::move(error)}};
/// Prints Case to ostream
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Case& c) {
o << "lhs: " << c.lhs << ", rhs: " << c.rhs << ", expected: ";
if (c.expected) {
auto& s = c.expected.Get();
o << s.value;
} else {
o << "[ERROR: " << c.expected.Failure().error << "]";
return o;
/// Prints ErrorCase to ostream
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const ErrorCase& c) {
o << c.lhs << ", " << c.rhs;
return o;
using ResolverConstEvalBinaryOpTest = ResolverTestWithParam<std::tuple<ast::BinaryOp, Case>>;
TEST_P(ResolverConstEvalBinaryOpTest, Test) {
auto op = std::get<0>(GetParam());
auto& c = std::get<1>(GetParam());
auto* lhs_expr = c.lhs.Expr(*this);
auto* rhs_expr = c.rhs.Expr(*this);
auto* expr = create<ast::BinaryExpression>(Source{{12, 34}}, op, lhs_expr, rhs_expr);
GlobalConst("C", expr);
if (c.expected) {
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
auto expected_case = c.expected.Get();
auto& expected = expected_case.value;
auto* sem = Sem().Get(expr);
const constant::Value* value = sem->ConstantValue();
ASSERT_NE(value, nullptr);
EXPECT_TYPE(value->Type(), sem->Type());
CheckConstant(value, expected);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), c.expected.Failure().error);
// Mixed abstract type args
C(1_a, 2.3_a, 3.3_a),
C(2.3_a, 1_a, 3.3_a),
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpAddIntCases() {
auto r = std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}),
C(T{1}, T{2}, T{3}),
C(T::Lowest(), T{1}, T{T::Lowest() + 1}),
C(T::Highest(), Negate(T{1}), T{T::Highest() - 1}),
C(T::Lowest(), T::Highest(), Negate(T{1})),
if constexpr (IsAbstract<T>) {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "+", b);
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
E(T::Highest(), T{1}, error_msg(T::Highest(), T{1})),
E(T::Lowest(), Negate(T{1}), error_msg(T::Lowest(), Negate(T{1}))),
} else {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T::Highest(), T{1}, T::Lowest()),
C(T::Lowest(), Negate(T{1}), T::Highest()),
return r;
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpAddFloatCases() {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "+", b);
return std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}),
C(T{1}, T{2}, T{3}),
C(T::Lowest(), T{1}, T{T::Lowest() + 1}),
C(T::Highest(), Negate(T{1}), T{T::Highest() - 1}),
C(T::Lowest(), T::Highest(), T{0}),
E(T::Highest(), T::Highest(), error_msg(T::Highest(), T::Highest())),
E(T::Lowest(), Negate(T::Highest()), error_msg(T::Lowest(), Negate(T::Highest()))),
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpSubIntCases() {
auto r = std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}),
C(T{3}, T{2}, T{1}),
C(T{T::Lowest() + 1}, T{1}, T::Lowest()),
C(T{T::Highest() - 1}, Negate(T{1}), T::Highest()),
C(Negate(T{1}), T::Highest(), T::Lowest()),
if constexpr (IsAbstract<T>) {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "-", b);
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
E(T::Lowest(), T{1}, error_msg(T::Lowest(), T{1})),
E(T::Highest(), Negate(T{1}), error_msg(T::Highest(), Negate(T{1}))),
} else {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T::Lowest(), T{1}, T::Highest()),
C(T::Highest(), Negate(T{1}), T::Lowest()),
return r;
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpSubFloatCases() {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "-", b);
return std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}),
C(T{3}, T{2}, T{1}),
C(T::Highest(), T{1}, T{T::Highest() - 1}),
C(T::Lowest(), Negate(T{1}), T{T::Lowest() + 1}),
C(T{0}, T::Highest(), T::Lowest()),
E(T::Highest(), Negate(T::Highest()), error_msg(T::Highest(), Negate(T::Highest()))),
E(T::Lowest(), T::Highest(), error_msg(T::Lowest(), T::Highest())),
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpMulScalarCases() {
auto r = std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}),
C(T{1}, T{2}, T{2}),
C(T{2}, T{3}, T{6}),
C(Negate(T{2}), T{3}, Negate(T{6})),
C(T::Highest(), T{1}, T::Highest()),
C(T::Lowest(), T{1}, T::Lowest()),
if constexpr (IsAbstract<T> || IsFloatingPoint<T>) {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "*", b);
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
// Fail if result is +/-inf
E(T::Highest(), T::Highest(), error_msg(T::Highest(), T::Highest())),
E(T::Lowest(), T::Lowest(), error_msg(T::Lowest(), T::Lowest())),
E(T::Highest(), T{2}, error_msg(T::Highest(), T{2})),
E(T::Lowest(), Negate(T{2}), error_msg(T::Lowest(), Negate(T{2}))),
} else {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T::Highest(), T::Highest(), Mul(T::Highest(), T::Highest())),
C(T::Lowest(), T::Lowest(), Mul(T::Lowest(), T::Lowest())),
return r;
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpMulVecCases() {
auto r = std::vector<Case>{
// s * vec3 = vec3
C(Val(T{2.0}), Vec(T{1.25}, T{2.25}, T{3.25}), Vec(T{2.5}, T{4.5}, T{6.5})),
// vec3 * s = vec3
C(Vec(T{1.25}, T{2.25}, T{3.25}), Val(T{2.0}), Vec(T{2.5}, T{4.5}, T{6.5})),
// vec3 * vec3 = vec3
C(Vec(T{1.25}, T{2.25}, T{3.25}), Vec(T{2.0}, T{2.0}, T{2.0}), Vec(T{2.5}, T{4.5}, T{6.5})),
if constexpr (IsAbstract<T> || IsFloatingPoint<T>) {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "*", b);
ConcatInto( //
// Fail if result is +/-inf
E(Val(T::Highest()), Vec(T{2}, T{1}), error_msg(T::Highest(), T{2})),
E(Val(T::Lowest()), Vec(Negate(T{2}), T{1}), error_msg(T::Lowest(), Negate(T{2}))),
} else {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(Val(T::Highest()), Vec(T{2}, T{1}), Vec(T{-2}, T::Highest())),
C(Val(T::Lowest()), Vec(Negate(T{2}), T{1}), Vec(T{0}, T{T::Lowest()})),
return r;
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpMulMatCases() {
auto r = std::vector<Case>{
// s * mat3x2 = mat3x2
Mat({T{1.0}, T{4.0}}, //
{T{2.0}, T{5.0}}, //
{T{3.0}, T{6.0}}),
Mat({T{2.25}, T{9.0}}, //
{T{4.5}, T{11.25}}, //
{T{6.75}, T{13.5}})),
// mat3x2 * s = mat3x2
C(Mat({T{1.0}, T{4.0}}, //
{T{2.0}, T{5.0}}, //
{T{3.0}, T{6.0}}),
Mat({T{2.25}, T{9.0}}, //
{T{4.5}, T{11.25}}, //
{T{6.75}, T{13.5}})),
// vec3 * mat2x3 = vec2
C(Vec(T{1.25}, T{2.25}, T{3.25}), //
Mat({T{1.0}, T{2.0}, T{3.0}}, //
{T{4.0}, T{5.0}, T{6.0}}), //
Vec(T{15.5}, T{35.75})),
// mat2x3 * vec2 = vec3
C(Mat({T{1.0}, T{2.0}, T{3.0}}, //
{T{4.0}, T{5.0}, T{6.0}}), //
Vec(T{1.25}, T{2.25}), //
Vec(T{10.25}, T{13.75}, T{17.25})),
// mat3x2 * mat2x3 = mat2x2
C(Mat({T{1.0}, T{2.0}}, //
{T{3.0}, T{4.0}}, //
{T{5.0}, T{6.0}}), //
Mat({T{1.25}, T{2.25}, T{3.25}}, //
{T{4.25}, T{5.25}, T{6.25}}), //
Mat({T{24.25}, T{31.0}}, //
{T{51.25}, T{67.0}})), //
auto error_msg = [](auto a, const char* op, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, op, b);
ConcatIntoIf<IsAbstract<T> || IsFloatingPoint<T>>( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
// vector-matrix multiply
// Overflow from first multiplication of dot product of vector and matrix column 0
// i.e. (v[0] * m[0][0] + v[1] * m[0][1])
// ^
E(Vec(T::Highest(), T{1.0}), //
Mat({T{2.0}, T{1.0}}, //
{T{1.0}, T{1.0}}), //
error_msg(T{2}, "*", T::Highest())),
// Overflow from second multiplication of dot product of vector and matrix column 0
// i.e. (v[0] * m[0][0] + v[1] * m[0][1])
// ^
E(Vec(T{1.0}, T::Highest()), //
Mat({T{1.0}, T{2.0}}, //
{T{1.0}, T{1.0}}), //
error_msg(T{2}, "*", T::Highest())),
// Overflow from addition of dot product of vector and matrix column 0
// i.e. (v[0] * m[0][0] + v[1] * m[0][1])
// ^
E(Vec(T::Highest(), T::Highest()), //
Mat({T{1.0}, T{1.0}}, //
{T{1.0}, T{1.0}}), //
error_msg(T::Highest(), "+", T::Highest())),
// matrix-matrix multiply
// Overflow from first multiplication of dot product of lhs row 0 and rhs column 0
// i.e. m1[0][0] * m2[0][0] + m1[0][1] * m[1][0]
// ^
E(Mat({T::Highest(), T{1.0}}, //
{T{1.0}, T{1.0}}), //
Mat({T{2.0}, T{1.0}}, //
{T{1.0}, T{1.0}}), //
error_msg(T::Highest(), "*", T{2.0})),
// Overflow from second multiplication of dot product of lhs row 0 and rhs column 0
// i.e. m1[0][0] * m2[0][0] + m1[0][1] * m[1][0]
// ^
E(Mat({T{1.0}, T{1.0}}, //
{T::Highest(), T{1.0}}), //
Mat({T{1.0}, T{2.0}}, //
{T{1.0}, T{1.0}}), //
error_msg(T::Highest(), "*", T{2.0})),
// Overflow from addition of dot product of lhs row 0 and rhs column 0
// i.e. m1[0][0] * m2[0][0] + m1[0][1] * m[1][0]
// ^
E(Mat({T::Highest(), T{1.0}}, //
{T::Highest(), T{1.0}}), //
Mat({T{1.0}, T{1.0}}, //
{T{1.0}, T{1.0}}), //
error_msg(T::Highest(), "+", T::Highest())),
return r;
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpDivIntCases() {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "/", b);
std::vector<Case> r = {
C(T{0}, T{1}, T{0}),
C(T{1}, T{1}, T{1}),
C(T{1}, T{1}, T{1}),
C(T{2}, T{1}, T{2}),
C(T{4}, T{2}, T{2}),
C(T::Highest(), T{1}, T::Highest()),
C(T::Lowest(), T{1}, T::Lowest()),
C(T::Highest(), T::Highest(), T{1}),
C(T{0}, T::Highest(), T{0}),
// Divide by zero
E(T{123}, T{0}, error_msg(T{123}, T{0})),
E(T::Highest(), T{0}, error_msg(T::Highest(), T{0})),
E(T::Lowest(), T{0}, error_msg(T::Lowest(), T{0})),
// Error on most negative divided by -1
ConcatIntoIf<IsSignedIntegral<T>>( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
E(T::Lowest(), T{-1}, error_msg(T::Lowest(), T{-1})),
return r;
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpDivFloatCases() {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "/", b);
std::vector<Case> r = {
C(T{0}, T{1}, T{0}),
C(T{1}, T{1}, T{1}),
C(T{1}, T{1}, T{1}),
C(T{2}, T{1}, T{2}),
C(T{4}, T{2}, T{2}),
C(T::Highest(), T{1}, T::Highest()),
C(T::Lowest(), T{1}, T::Lowest()),
C(T::Highest(), T::Highest(), T{1}),
C(T{0}, T::Highest(), T{0}),
C(T{0}, T::Lowest(), -T{0}),
// Divide by zero
E(T{123}, T{0}, error_msg(T{123}, T{0})),
E(Negate(T{123}), Negate(T{0}), error_msg(Negate(T{123}), Negate(T{0}))),
E(Negate(T{123}), T{0}, error_msg(Negate(T{123}), T{0})),
E(T{123}, Negate(T{0}), error_msg(T{123}, Negate(T{0}))),
return r;
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpModCases() {
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "%", b);
// Common cases for all types
std::vector<Case> r = {
C(T{0}, T{1}, T{0}), //
C(T{1}, T{1}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, T{1}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, T{2}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, T{3}, T{1}), //
C(T{10}, T{4}, T{2}), //
C(T{10}, T{5}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, T{6}, T{4}), //
C(T{10}, T{5}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, T{8}, T{2}), //
C(T{10}, T{9}, T{1}), //
C(T{10}, T{10}, T{0}), //
// Error on divide by zero
E(T{123}, T{0}, error_msg(T{123}, T{0})),
E(T::Highest(), T{0}, error_msg(T::Highest(), T{0})),
E(T::Lowest(), T{0}, error_msg(T::Lowest(), T{0})),
if constexpr (IsIntegral<T>) {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T::Highest(), T{T::Highest() - T{1}}, T{1}),
if constexpr (IsSignedIntegral<T>) {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T::Lowest(), T{T::Lowest() + T{1}}, -T(1)),
// Error on most negative integer divided by -1
E(T::Lowest(), T{-1}, error_msg(T::Lowest(), T{-1})),
// Negative values (both signed integrals and floating point)
if constexpr (IsSignedIntegral<T> || IsFloatingPoint<T>) {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(-T{1}, T{1}, T{0}), //
// lhs negative, rhs positive
C(-T{10}, T{1}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, T{2}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, T{3}, -T{1}), //
C(-T{10}, T{4}, -T{2}), //
C(-T{10}, T{5}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, T{6}, -T{4}), //
C(-T{10}, T{5}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, T{8}, -T{2}), //
C(-T{10}, T{9}, -T{1}), //
C(-T{10}, T{10}, T{0}), //
// lhs positive, rhs negative
C(T{10}, -T{1}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, -T{2}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, -T{3}, T{1}), //
C(T{10}, -T{4}, T{2}), //
C(T{10}, -T{5}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, -T{6}, T{4}), //
C(T{10}, -T{5}, T{0}), //
C(T{10}, -T{8}, T{2}), //
C(T{10}, -T{9}, T{1}), //
C(T{10}, -T{10}, T{0}), //
// lhs negative, rhs negative
C(-T{10}, -T{1}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{2}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{3}, -T{1}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{4}, -T{2}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{5}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{6}, -T{4}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{5}, T{0}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{8}, -T{2}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{9}, -T{1}), //
C(-T{10}, -T{10}, T{0}), //
// Float values
if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint<T>) {
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T{10.5}, T{1}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{2}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{3}, T{1.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{4}, T{2.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{5}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{6}, T{4.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{5}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{8}, T{2.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{9}, T{1.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, T{10}, T{0.5}), //
// lhs negative, rhs positive
C(-T{10.5}, T{1}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{2}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{3}, -T{1.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{4}, -T{2.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{5}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{6}, -T{4.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{5}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{8}, -T{2.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{9}, -T{1.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, T{10}, -T{0.5}), //
// lhs positive, rhs negative
C(T{10.5}, -T{1}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{2}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{3}, T{1.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{4}, T{2.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{5}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{6}, T{4.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{5}, T{0.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{8}, T{2.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{9}, T{1.5}), //
C(T{10.5}, -T{10}, T{0.5}), //
// lhs negative, rhs negative
C(-T{10.5}, -T{1}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{2}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{3}, -T{1.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{4}, -T{2.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{5}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{6}, -T{4.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{5}, -T{0.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{8}, -T{2.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{9}, -T{1.5}), //
C(-T{10.5}, -T{10}, -T{0.5}), //
return r;
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
template <typename T, bool equals>
std::vector<Case> OpEqualCases() {
return {
C(T{0}, T{0}, true == equals),
C(T{0}, T{1}, false == equals),
C(T{1}, T{0}, false == equals),
C(T{1}, T{1}, true == equals),
C(Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(true == equals, true == equals)),
C(Vec(T{1}, T{0}), Vec(T{0}, T{1}), Vec(false == equals, false == equals)),
C(Vec(T{1}, T{1}), Vec(T{0}, T{1}), Vec(false == equals, true == equals)),
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
OpEqualCases<AInt, true>(),
OpEqualCases<i32, true>(),
OpEqualCases<u32, true>(),
OpEqualCases<AFloat, true>(),
OpEqualCases<f32, true>(),
OpEqualCases<f16, true>(),
OpEqualCases<bool, true>()))));
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
OpEqualCases<AInt, false>(),
OpEqualCases<i32, false>(),
OpEqualCases<u32, false>(),
OpEqualCases<AFloat, false>(),
OpEqualCases<f32, false>(),
OpEqualCases<f16, false>(),
OpEqualCases<bool, false>()))));
template <typename T, bool less_than>
std::vector<Case> OpLessThanCases() {
return {
C(T{0}, T{0}, false == less_than),
C(T{0}, T{1}, true == less_than),
C(T{1}, T{0}, false == less_than),
C(T{1}, T{1}, false == less_than),
C(Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(false == less_than, false == less_than)),
C(Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(T{1}, T{1}), Vec(true == less_than, true == less_than)),
C(Vec(T{1}, T{1}), Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(false == less_than, false == less_than)),
C(Vec(T{1}, T{0}), Vec(T{0}, T{1}), Vec(false == less_than, true == less_than)),
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
OpLessThanCases<AInt, true>(),
OpLessThanCases<i32, true>(),
OpLessThanCases<u32, true>(),
OpLessThanCases<AFloat, true>(),
OpLessThanCases<f32, true>(),
OpLessThanCases<f16, true>()))));
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
OpLessThanCases<AInt, false>(),
OpLessThanCases<i32, false>(),
OpLessThanCases<u32, false>(),
OpLessThanCases<AFloat, false>(),
OpLessThanCases<f32, false>(),
OpLessThanCases<f16, false>()))));
template <typename T, bool greater_than>
std::vector<Case> OpGreaterThanCases() {
return {
C(T{0}, T{0}, false == greater_than),
C(T{0}, T{1}, false == greater_than),
C(T{1}, T{0}, true == greater_than),
C(T{1}, T{1}, false == greater_than),
C(Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(false == greater_than, false == greater_than)),
C(Vec(T{1}, T{1}), Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(true == greater_than, true == greater_than)),
C(Vec(T{0}, T{0}), Vec(T{1}, T{1}), Vec(false == greater_than, false == greater_than)),
C(Vec(T{1}, T{0}), Vec(T{0}, T{1}), Vec(true == greater_than, false == greater_than)),
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
OpGreaterThanCases<AInt, true>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<i32, true>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<u32, true>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<AFloat, true>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<f32, true>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<f16, true>()))));
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
OpGreaterThanCases<AInt, false>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<i32, false>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<u32, false>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<AFloat, false>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<f32, false>(),
OpGreaterThanCases<f16, false>()))));
// Test that we can compare the maximum and minimum AFloat values in vectors (
struct AbstractFloatVectorCompareCase {
ast::BinaryOp op;
bool expected_0;
bool expected_1;
using ResolverConstEvalBinaryOpAbstractFloatVectorCompareTest =
TEST_P(ResolverConstEvalBinaryOpAbstractFloatVectorCompareTest, Test) {
auto params = GetParam();
auto* lhs_expr = Call(ty.vec2<AFloat>(), AFloat::Highest(), AFloat::Lowest());
auto* rhs_expr = Call(ty.vec2<AFloat>(), AFloat::Lowest(), AFloat::Highest());
auto* expr = create<ast::BinaryExpression>(Source{{12, 34}}, params.op, lhs_expr, rhs_expr);
GlobalConst("C", expr);
ASSERT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
auto* value = Sem().Get(expr)->ConstantValue();
ASSERT_NE(value, nullptr);
CheckConstant(value, Value::Create<bool>(utils::Vector{builder::Scalar(params.expected_0),
testing::Values(AbstractFloatVectorCompareCase{ast::BinaryOp::kEqual, false, false},
AbstractFloatVectorCompareCase{ast::BinaryOp::kNotEqual, true, true},
AbstractFloatVectorCompareCase{ast::BinaryOp::kLessThan, false, true},
AbstractFloatVectorCompareCase{ast::BinaryOp::kLessThanEqual, false, true},
AbstractFloatVectorCompareCase{ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThan, true, false},
AbstractFloatVectorCompareCase{ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThanEqual, true, false}));
static std::vector<Case> OpLogicalAndCases() {
return {
C(true, true, true),
C(true, false, false),
C(false, true, false),
C(false, false, false),
testing::Combine( //
static std::vector<Case> OpLogicalOrCases() {
return {
C(true, true, true),
C(true, false, true),
C(false, true, true),
C(false, false, false),
testing::Combine( //
static std::vector<Case> OpAndBoolCases() {
return {
C(true, true, true),
C(true, false, false),
C(false, true, false),
C(false, false, false),
C(Vec(true, true), Vec(true, false), Vec(true, false)),
C(Vec(true, true), Vec(false, true), Vec(false, true)),
C(Vec(true, false), Vec(true, false), Vec(true, false)),
C(Vec(false, true), Vec(true, false), Vec(false, false)),
C(Vec(false, false), Vec(true, false), Vec(false, false)),
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpAndIntCases() {
using B = BitValues<T>;
return {
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b1111}, T{0b1010}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0000}, T{0b0000}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0011}, T{0b0010}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b1100}, T{0b1000}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0101}, T{0b0000}),
C(B::All, B::All, B::All),
C(B::LeftMost, B::LeftMost, B::LeftMost),
C(B::RightMost, B::RightMost, B::RightMost),
C(B::All, T{0}, T{0}),
C(T{0}, B::All, T{0}),
C(B::LeftMost, B::AllButLeftMost, T{0}),
C(B::AllButLeftMost, B::LeftMost, T{0}),
C(B::RightMost, B::AllButRightMost, T{0}),
C(B::AllButRightMost, B::RightMost, T{0}),
C(Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(B::All, B::All, B::All), //
Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost)), //
C(Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}), //
Vec(T{0}, T{0}, T{0})), //
C(Vec(B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(B::AllButLeftMost, B::AllButRightMost), //
Vec(T{0}, T{0})),
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn( //
Concat(OpAndBoolCases(), //
static std::vector<Case> OpOrBoolCases() {
return {
C(true, true, true),
C(true, false, true),
C(false, true, true),
C(false, false, false),
C(Vec(true, true), Vec(true, false), Vec(true, true)),
C(Vec(true, true), Vec(false, true), Vec(true, true)),
C(Vec(true, false), Vec(true, false), Vec(true, false)),
C(Vec(false, true), Vec(true, false), Vec(true, true)),
C(Vec(false, false), Vec(true, false), Vec(true, false)),
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> OpOrIntCases() {
using B = BitValues<T>;
return {
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b1111}, T{0b1111}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0000}, T{0b1010}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0011}, T{0b1011}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b1100}, T{0b1110}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0101}, T{0b1111}),
C(B::All, B::All, B::All),
C(B::LeftMost, B::LeftMost, B::LeftMost),
C(B::RightMost, B::RightMost, B::RightMost),
C(B::All, T{0}, B::All),
C(T{0}, B::All, B::All),
C(B::LeftMost, B::AllButLeftMost, B::All),
C(B::AllButLeftMost, B::LeftMost, B::All),
C(B::RightMost, B::AllButRightMost, B::All),
C(B::AllButRightMost, B::RightMost, B::All),
C(Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(B::All, B::All, B::All), //
Vec(B::All, B::All, B::All)), //
C(Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}), //
Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost)), //
C(Vec(B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(B::AllButLeftMost, B::AllButRightMost), //
Vec(B::All, B::All)),
testing::Combine( //
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NotAndOrOfVecs) {
auto v1 = Vec(true, true).Expr(*this);
auto v2 = Vec(true, false).Expr(*this);
auto v3 = Vec(false, true).Expr(*this);
auto expr = Not(Or(And(v1, v2), v3));
GlobalConst("C", expr);
auto expected_expr = Vec(false, false).Expr(*this);
GlobalConst("E", expected_expr);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
auto* sem = Sem().Get(expr);
const constant::Value* value = sem->ConstantValue();
ASSERT_NE(value, nullptr);
EXPECT_TYPE(value->Type(), sem->Type());
auto* expected_sem = Sem().GetVal(expected_expr);
const constant::Value* expected_value = expected_sem->ConstantValue();
ASSERT_NE(expected_value, nullptr);
EXPECT_TYPE(expected_value->Type(), expected_sem->Type());
ForEachElemPair(value, expected_value, [&](const constant::Value* a, const constant::Value* b) {
EXPECT_EQ(a->ValueAs<bool>(), b->ValueAs<bool>());
return HasFailure() ? Action::kStop : Action::kContinue;
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> XorCases() {
using B = BitValues<T>;
return {
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b1111}, T{0b0101}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0000}, T{0b1010}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0011}, T{0b1001}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b1100}, T{0b0110}),
C(T{0b1010}, T{0b0101}, T{0b1111}),
C(B::All, B::All, T{0}),
C(B::LeftMost, B::LeftMost, T{0}),
C(B::RightMost, B::RightMost, T{0}),
C(B::All, T{0}, B::All),
C(T{0}, B::All, B::All),
C(B::LeftMost, B::AllButLeftMost, B::All),
C(B::AllButLeftMost, B::LeftMost, B::All),
C(B::RightMost, B::AllButRightMost, B::All),
C(B::AllButRightMost, B::RightMost, B::All),
C(Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(B::All, B::All, B::All), //
Vec(T{0}, B::AllButLeftMost, B::AllButRightMost)), //
C(Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(T{0}, T{0}, T{0}), //
Vec(B::All, B::LeftMost, B::RightMost)), //
C(Vec(B::LeftMost, B::RightMost), //
Vec(B::AllButLeftMost, B::AllButRightMost), //
Vec(B::All, B::All)),
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat(XorCases<AInt>(), //
XorCases<i32>(), //
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> ShiftLeftCases() {
using ST = u32; // Shift type is u32
using B = BitValues<T>;
auto r = std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0b1010}, ST{0}, T{0b0000'0000'1010}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{1}, T{0b0000'0001'0100}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{2}, T{0b0000'0010'1000}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{3}, T{0b0000'0101'0000}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{4}, T{0b0000'1010'0000}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{5}, T{0b0001'0100'0000}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{6}, T{0b0010'1000'0000}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{7}, T{0b0101'0000'0000}), //
C(T{0b1010}, ST{8}, T{0b1010'0000'0000}), //
C(B::LeftMost, ST{0}, B::LeftMost), //
C(Vec(T{0b1010}, T{0b1010}), //
Vec(ST{0}, ST{1}), //
Vec(T{0b0000'0000'1010}, T{0b0000'0001'0100})), //
C(Vec(T{0b1010}, T{0b1010}), //
Vec(ST{2}, ST{3}), //
Vec(T{0b0000'0010'1000}, T{0b0000'0101'0000})), //
C(Vec(T{0b1010}, T{0b1010}), //
Vec(ST{4}, ST{5}), //
Vec(T{0b0000'1010'0000}, T{0b0001'0100'0000})), //
C(Vec(T{0b1010}, T{0b1010}, T{0b1010}), //
Vec(ST{6}, ST{7}, ST{8}), //
Vec(T{0b0010'1000'0000}, T{0b0101'0000'0000}, T{0b1010'0000'0000})), //
// Abstract 0 can be shifted by any u32 value (0 to 2^32), whereas concrete 0 (or any number)
// can only by shifted by a value less than the number of bits of the lhs.
// (see ResolverConstEvalShiftLeftConcreteGeqBitWidthError for negative tests)
ConcatIntoIf<IsAbstract<T>>( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0}, ST{64}, T{0}), //
C(T{0}, ST{65}, T{0}), //
C(T{0}, ST{65}, T{0}), //
C(T{0}, ST{10000}, T{0}), //
C(T{0}, ST{u32::Highest()}, T{0}), //
C(Negate(T{0}), ST{64}, Negate(T{0})), //
C(Negate(T{0}), ST{65}, Negate(T{0})), //
C(Negate(T{0}), ST{65}, Negate(T{0})), //
C(Negate(T{0}), ST{10000}, Negate(T{0})), //
C(Negate(T{0}), ST{u32::Highest()}, Negate(T{0})), //
// Cases that are fine for signed values (no sign change), but would overflow
// unsigned values. See below for negative tests.
ConcatIntoIf<IsSignedIntegral<T>>( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(B::TwoLeftMost, ST{1}, B::LeftMost), //
C(B::All, ST{1}, B::AllButRightMost), //
C(B::All, ST{B::NumBits - 1}, B::LeftMost) //
// Cases that are fine for unsigned values, but would overflow (sign change) signed
// values. See ShiftLeftSignChangeErrorCases() for negative tests.
ConcatIntoIf<IsUnsignedIntegral<T>>( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0b0001}, ST{B::NumBits - 1}, B::Lsh(0b0001, B::NumBits - 1)),
C(T{0b0010}, ST{B::NumBits - 2}, B::Lsh(0b0010, B::NumBits - 2)),
C(T{0b0100}, ST{B::NumBits - 3}, B::Lsh(0b0100, B::NumBits - 3)),
C(T{0b1000}, ST{B::NumBits - 4}, B::Lsh(0b1000, B::NumBits - 4)),
C(T{0b0011}, ST{B::NumBits - 2}, B::Lsh(0b0011, B::NumBits - 2)),
C(T{0b0110}, ST{B::NumBits - 3}, B::Lsh(0b0110, B::NumBits - 3)),
C(T{0b1100}, ST{B::NumBits - 4}, B::Lsh(0b1100, B::NumBits - 4)),
C(B::AllButLeftMost, ST{1}, B::AllButRightMost),
auto error_msg = [](auto a, auto b) {
return "12:34 error: " + OverflowErrorMessage(a, "<<", b);
ConcatIntoIf<IsAbstract<T>>( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
// ShiftLeft of AInts that result in values not representable as AInts.
// Note that for i32/u32, these would error because shift value is larger than 32.
E(B::All, T{B::NumBits}, error_msg(B::All, T{B::NumBits})),
E(B::RightMost, T{B::NumBits}, error_msg(B::RightMost, T{B::NumBits})),
E(B::AllButLeftMost, T{B::NumBits}, error_msg(B::AllButLeftMost, T{B::NumBits})),
E(B::AllButLeftMost, T{B::NumBits + 1},
error_msg(B::AllButLeftMost, T{B::NumBits + 1})),
E(B::AllButLeftMost, T{B::NumBits + 1000},
error_msg(B::AllButLeftMost, T{B::NumBits + 1000})),
ConcatIntoIf<IsUnsignedIntegral<T>>( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
// ShiftLeft of u32s that overflow (non-zero bits get shifted out)
E(T{0b00010}, T{31}, error_msg(T{0b00010}, T{31})),
E(T{0b00100}, T{30}, error_msg(T{0b00100}, T{30})),
E(T{0b01000}, T{29}, error_msg(T{0b01000}, T{29})),
E(T{0b10000}, T{28}, error_msg(T{0b10000}, T{28})),
E(T{1 << 28}, T{4}, error_msg(T{1 << 28}, T{4})),
E(T{1 << 29}, T{3}, error_msg(T{1 << 29}, T{3})),
E(T{1 << 30}, T{2}, error_msg(T{1 << 30}, T{2})),
E(T{1u << 31}, T{1}, error_msg(T{1u << 31}, T{1})),
// And some more
E(B::All, T{1}, error_msg(B::All, T{1})),
E(B::AllButLeftMost, T{2}, error_msg(B::AllButLeftMost, T{2})),
return r;
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat(ShiftLeftCases<AInt>(), //
ShiftLeftCases<i32>(), //
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, BinaryAbstractAddOverflow_AInt) {
GlobalConst("c", Add(Source{{1, 1}}, Expr(AInt::Highest()), 1_a));
"1:1 error: '9223372036854775807 + 1' cannot be represented as 'abstract-int'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, BinaryAbstractAddUnderflow_AInt) {
GlobalConst("c", Add(Source{{1, 1}}, Expr(AInt::Lowest()), -1_a));
"1:1 error: '-9223372036854775808 + -1' cannot be represented as 'abstract-int'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, BinaryAbstractAddOverflow_AFloat) {
GlobalConst("c", Add(Source{{1, 1}}, Expr(AFloat::Highest()), AFloat::Highest()));
"1:1 error: "
"4797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0 + "
"797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0' cannot be "
"represented as 'abstract-float'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, BinaryAbstractAddUnderflow_AFloat) {
GlobalConst("c", Add(Source{{1, 1}}, Expr(AFloat::Lowest()), AFloat::Lowest()));
"1:1 error: "
"797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0 + "
"4797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0' cannot be "
"represented as 'abstract-float'");
// Mixed AInt and AFloat args to test implicit conversion to AFloat
testing::Values(C(Val(1_a), Val(2.3_a), Val(3.3_a)),
C(Val(2.3_a), Val(1_a), Val(3.3_a)),
C(Val(1_a), Vec(2.3_a, 2.3_a, 2.3_a), Vec(3.3_a, 3.3_a, 3.3_a)),
C(Vec(2.3_a, 2.3_a, 2.3_a), Val(1_a), Vec(3.3_a, 3.3_a, 3.3_a)),
C(Vec(2.3_a, 2.3_a, 2.3_a), Val(1_a), Vec(3.3_a, 3.3_a, 3.3_a)),
C(Val(1_a), Vec(2.3_a, 2.3_a, 2.3_a), Vec(3.3_a, 3.3_a, 3.3_a)),
C(Mat({1_a, 2_a}, //
{1_a, 2_a}, //
{1_a, 2_a}), //
Mat({1.2_a, 2.3_a}, //
{1.2_a, 2.3_a}, //
{1.2_a, 2.3_a}), //
Mat({2.2_a, 4.3_a}, //
{2.2_a, 4.3_a}, //
{2.2_a, 4.3_a})), //
C(Mat({1.2_a, 2.3_a}, //
{1.2_a, 2.3_a}, //
{1.2_a, 2.3_a}), //
Mat({1_a, 2_a}, //
{1_a, 2_a}, //
{1_a, 2_a}), //
Mat({2.2_a, 4.3_a}, //
{2.2_a, 4.3_a}, //
{2.2_a, 4.3_a})) //
// AInt left shift negative value -> error
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, BinaryAbstractShiftLeftByNegativeValue_Error) {
GlobalConst("c", Shl(Expr(1_a), Expr(Source{{1, 1}}, -1_a)));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "1:1 error: value -1 cannot be represented as 'u32'");
// AInt left shift by AInt or u32 always results in an AInt
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, BinaryAbstractShiftLeftRemainsAbstract) {
auto* expr1 = Shl(Expr(1_a), Expr(1_u));
GlobalConst("c1", expr1);
auto* expr2 = Shl(Expr(1_a), Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("c2", expr2);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
auto* sem1 = Sem().Get(expr1);
ASSERT_NE(sem1, nullptr);
auto* sem2 = Sem().Get(expr2);
ASSERT_NE(sem2, nullptr);
auto aint_ty = create<type::AbstractInt>();
EXPECT_EQ(sem1->Type(), aint_ty);
EXPECT_EQ(sem2->Type(), aint_ty);
// i32/u32 left shift by >= 32 -> error
using ResolverConstEvalShiftLeftConcreteGeqBitWidthError = ResolverTestWithParam<ErrorCase>;
TEST_P(ResolverConstEvalShiftLeftConcreteGeqBitWidthError, Test) {
auto* lhs_expr = GetParam().lhs.Expr(*this);
auto* rhs_expr = GetParam().rhs.Expr(*this);
GlobalConst("c", Shl(Source{{1, 1}}, lhs_expr, rhs_expr));
"1:1 error: shift left value must be less than the bit width of the lhs, which is 32");
testing::Values( //
ErrorCase{Val(0_u), Val(32_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_u), Val(33_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_u), Val(34_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_u), Val(10000_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_u), Val(u32::Highest())}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_i), Val(32_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_i), Val(33_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_i), Val(34_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_i), Val(10000_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(0_i), Val(u32::Highest())}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_u)), Val(32_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_u)), Val(33_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_u)), Val(34_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_u)), Val(10000_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_u)), Val(u32::Highest())}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_i)), Val(32_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_i)), Val(33_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_i)), Val(34_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_i)), Val(10000_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(Negate(0_i)), Val(u32::Highest())}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_i), Val(32_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_i), Val(33_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_i), Val(34_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_i), Val(10000_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_i), Val(u32::Highest())}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_u), Val(32_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_u), Val(33_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_u), Val(34_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_u), Val(10000_u)}, //
ErrorCase{Val(1_u), Val(u32::Highest())} //
// AInt left shift results in sign change error
using ResolverConstEvalShiftLeftSignChangeError = ResolverTestWithParam<ErrorCase>;
TEST_P(ResolverConstEvalShiftLeftSignChangeError, Test) {
auto* lhs_expr = GetParam().lhs.Expr(*this);
auto* rhs_expr = GetParam().rhs.Expr(*this);
GlobalConst("c", Shl(Source{{1, 1}}, lhs_expr, rhs_expr));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "1:1 error: shift left operation results in sign change");
template <typename T>
std::vector<ErrorCase> ShiftLeftSignChangeErrorCases() {
// Shift type is u32 for non-abstract
using ST = std::conditional_t<IsAbstract<T>, T, u32>;
using B = BitValues<T>;
return {
{Val(T{0b0001}), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 1})},
{Val(T{0b0010}), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 2})},
{Val(T{0b0100}), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 3})},
{Val(T{0b1000}), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 4})},
{Val(T{0b0011}), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 2})},
{Val(T{0b0110}), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 3})},
{Val(T{0b1100}), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 4})},
{Val(B::AllButLeftMost), Val(ST{1})},
{Val(B::AllButLeftMost), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 1})},
{Val(B::LeftMost), Val(ST{1})},
{Val(B::LeftMost), Val(ST{B::NumBits - 1})},
testing::ValuesIn(Concat( //
template <typename T>
std::vector<Case> ShiftRightCases() {
using B = BitValues<T>;
auto r = std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{0}, T{0b10101100}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{1}, T{0b01010110}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{2}, T{0b00101011}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{3}, T{0b00010101}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{4}, T{0b00001010}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{5}, T{0b00000101}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{6}, T{0b00000010}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{7}, T{0b00000001}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{8}, T{0b00000000}), //
C(T{0b10101100}, u32{9}, T{0b00000000}), //
C(B::LeftMost, u32{0}, B::LeftMost), //
// msb not set, same for all types: inserted bit is 0
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{0}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{1}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{2}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{3}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{4}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{5}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{6}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{7}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{8}, //
C(T{0b01000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{9}, //
// msb set, result differs for i32 and u32
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, u32>) {
// If unsigned, insert zero bits at the most significant positions.
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{0},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{1},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{2},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{3},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{4},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{5},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{6},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{7},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{8},
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{9},
// msb shifted by bit width - 1
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000000000000}, u32{31},
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, i32>) {
// If signed, each inserted bit is 1, so the result is negative.
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{0},
T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{1},
T{0b11000000000000000000000001010110}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{2},
T{0b11100000000000000000000000101011}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{3},
T{0b11110000000000000000000000010101}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{4},
T{0b11111000000000000000000000001010}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{5},
T{0b11111100000000000000000000000101}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{6},
T{0b11111110000000000000000000000010}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{7},
T{0b11111111000000000000000000000001}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{8},
T{0b11111111100000000000000000000000}), //
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000010101100}, u32{9},
T{0b11111111110000000000000000000000}), //
// msb shifted by bit width - 1
C(T{0b10000000000000000000000000000000}, u32{31},
// Test shift right by bit width or more
if constexpr (IsAbstract<T>) {
// For abstract int, no error, result is 0
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
C(T{0}, u32{B::NumBits}, T{0}),
C(T{0}, u32{B::NumBits + 1}, T{0}),
C(T{0}, u32{B::NumBits + 1000}, T{0}),
C(T{42}, u32{B::NumBits}, T{0}),
C(T{42}, u32{B::NumBits + 1}, T{0}),
C(T{42}, u32{B::NumBits + 1000}, T{0}),
} else {
// For concretes, error
const char* error_msg =
"12:34 error: shift right value must be less than the bit width of the lhs, which is "
ConcatInto( //
r, std::vector<Case>{
E(T{0}, u32{B::NumBits}, error_msg),
E(T{0}, u32{B::NumBits + 1}, error_msg),
E(T{0}, u32{B::NumBits + 1000}, error_msg),
E(T{42}, u32{B::NumBits}, error_msg),
E(T{42}, u32{B::NumBits + 1}, error_msg),
E(T{42}, u32{B::NumBits + 1000}, error_msg),
return r;
testing::Combine( //
testing::ValuesIn(Concat(ShiftRightCases<AInt>(), //
ShiftRightCases<i32>(), //
namespace LogicalShortCircuit {
/// Validates that `binary` is a short-circuiting logical and expression
static void ValidateAnd(const sem::Info& sem, const ast::BinaryExpression* binary) {
auto* lhs = binary->lhs;
auto* rhs = binary->rhs;
auto* lhs_sem = sem.GetVal(lhs);
EXPECT_EQ(lhs_sem->ConstantValue()->ValueAs<bool>(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(lhs_sem->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kConstant);
auto* rhs_sem = sem.GetVal(rhs);
EXPECT_EQ(rhs_sem->ConstantValue(), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(rhs_sem->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kNotEvaluated);
auto* binary_sem = sem.Get(binary);
EXPECT_EQ(binary_sem->ConstantValue()->ValueAs<bool>(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(binary_sem->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kConstant);
/// Validates that `binary` is a short-circuiting logical or expression
static void ValidateOr(const sem::Info& sem, const ast::BinaryExpression* binary) {
auto* lhs = binary->lhs;
auto* rhs = binary->rhs;
auto* lhs_sem = sem.GetVal(lhs);
EXPECT_EQ(lhs_sem->ConstantValue()->ValueAs<bool>(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(lhs_sem->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kConstant);
auto* rhs_sem = sem.GetVal(rhs);
EXPECT_EQ(rhs_sem->ConstantValue(), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(rhs_sem->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kNotEvaluated);
auto* binary_sem = sem.Get(binary);
EXPECT_EQ(binary_sem->ConstantValue()->ValueAs<bool>(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(binary_sem->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kConstant);
// Naming convention for tests below:
// [Non]ShortCircuit_[And|Or]_[Error|Invalid]_<Op>
// Where:
// ShortCircuit: the rhs will not be const-evaluated
// NonShortCircuitL the rhs will be const-evaluated
// And/Or: type of binary expression
// Error: a non-const evaluation error (e.g. parser or validation error)
// Invalid: a const-evaluation error
// <Op> the type of operation on the rhs that may or may not be short-circuited.
// Short-Circuit Unary
// NOTE: Cannot demonstrate short-circuiting an invalid unary op as const eval of unary does not
// fail.
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Unary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && (!0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Not(Source{{12, 34}}, 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator ! (abstract-int)
2 candidate operators:
operator ! (bool) -> bool
operator ! (vecN<bool>) -> vecN<bool>
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Unary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || (!0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Not(Source{{12, 34}}, 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalOr(lhs, rhs));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator ! (abstract-int)
2 candidate operators:
operator ! (bool) -> bool
operator ! (vecN<bool>) -> vecN<bool>
// Short-Circuit Binary
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Binary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && ((2 / 0) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Div(2_a, 0_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Binary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) && ((2 / 0) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Div(Source{{12, 34}}, 2_a, 0_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: '2 / 0' cannot be represented as 'abstract-int'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Binary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && (2 / 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Div(2_a, 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(Source{{12, 34}}, lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator && (bool, abstract-int)
1 candidate operator:
operator && (bool, bool) -> bool
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Binary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || ((2 / 0) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Div(2_a, 0_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Binary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) || ((2 / 0) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Div(Source{{12, 34}}, 2_a, 0_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: '2 / 0' cannot be represented as 'abstract-int'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Binary) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || (2 / 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Div(2_a, 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(Source{{12, 34}}, lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator || (bool, abstract-int)
1 candidate operator:
operator || (bool, bool) -> bool
// Short-Circuit Materialize
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Materialize) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && (1.7976931348623157e+308 == 0.0f);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Expr(1.7976931348623157e+308_a), 0_f);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Materialize) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) && (1.7976931348623157e+308 == 0.0f);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Expr(Source{{12, 34}}, 1.7976931348623157e+308_a), 0_f);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
"12:34 error: value "
"738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0 cannot be represented as 'f32'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Materialize) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && (1.7976931348623157e+308 == 0i);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, 1.7976931348623157e+308_a, 0_i);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (abstract-float, i32)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Materialize) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || (1.7976931348623157e+308 == 0.0f);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(1.7976931348623157e+308_a, 0_f);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Materialize) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) || (1.7976931348623157e+308 == 0.0f);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Expr(Source{{12, 34}}, 1.7976931348623157e+308_a), 0_f);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
"12:34 error: value "
"738177180919299881250404026184124858368.0 cannot be represented as 'f32'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Materialize) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || (1.7976931348623157e+308 == 0i);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, Expr(1.7976931348623157e+308_a), 0_i);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (abstract-float, i32)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
// Short-Circuit Index
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Index) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = array(1i, 2i, 3i);
// const i = 4;
// const result = (one == 0) && (a[i] == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Call<array<i32, 3>>(1_i, 2_i, 3_i));
GlobalConst("i", Expr(4_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(IndexAccessor("a", "i"), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Index) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = array(1i, 2i, 3i);
// const i = 3;
// const result = (one == 1) && (a[i] == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Call<array<i32, 3>>(1_i, 2_i, 3_i));
GlobalConst("i", Expr(3_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(IndexAccessor("a", Expr(Source{{12, 34}}, "i")), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: index 3 out of bounds [0..2]");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Index) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = array(1i, 2i, 3i);
// const i = 3;
// const result = (one == 0) && (a[i] == 0.0f);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Call<array<i32, 3>>(1_i, 2_i, 3_i));
GlobalConst("i", Expr(3_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, IndexAccessor("a", "i"), 0.0_f);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (i32, f32)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Index) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = array(1i, 2i, 3i);
// const i = 4;
// const result = (one == 1) || (a[i] == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Call<array<i32, 3>>(1_i, 2_i, 3_i));
GlobalConst("i", Expr(4_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(IndexAccessor("a", "i"), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Index) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = array(1i, 2i, 3i);
// const i = 3;
// const result = (one == 0) || (a[i] == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Call<array<i32, 3>>(1_i, 2_i, 3_i));
GlobalConst("i", Expr(3_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(IndexAccessor("a", Expr(Source{{12, 34}}, "i")), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: index 3 out of bounds [0..2]");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Index) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = array(1i, 2i, 3i);
// const i = 3;
// const result = (one == 1) || (a[i] == 0.0f);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Call<array<i32, 3>>(1_i, 2_i, 3_i));
GlobalConst("i", Expr(3_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, IndexAccessor("a", "i"), 0.0_f);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (i32, f32)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
// Short-Circuit Bitcast
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Bitcast) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = 0x7F800000;
// const result = (one == 0) && (bitcast<f32>(a) == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Expr(0x7F800000_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Bitcast<f32>("a"), 0.0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_And_Invalid_Bitcast) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = 0x7F800000;
// const result = (one == 1) && (bitcast<f32>(a) == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Expr(0x7F800000_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Bitcast(Source{{12, 34}}, ty.f32(), "a"), 0.0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: value inf cannot be represented as 'f32'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Bitcast) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = 0x7F800000;
// const result = (one == 0) && (bitcast<f32>(a) == 0i);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Expr(0x7F800000_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, Bitcast<f32>("a"), 0_i);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (f32, i32)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Bitcast) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = 0x7F800000;
// const result = (one == 1) || (bitcast<f32>(a) == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Expr(0x7F800000_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Bitcast<f32>("a"), 0.0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_Bitcast) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = 0x7F800000;
// const result = (one == 0) || (bitcast<f32>(a) == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Expr(0x7F800000_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Bitcast(Source{{12, 34}}, ty.f32(), "a"), 0.0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: value inf cannot be represented as 'f32'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Bitcast) {
// const one = 1;
// const a = 0x7F800000;
// const result = (one == 1) || (bitcast<f32>(a) == 0i);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
GlobalConst("a", Expr(0x7F800000_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, Bitcast<f32>("a"), 0_i);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (f32, i32)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
// Short-Circuit value construction / conversion
// NOTE: Cannot demonstrate short-circuiting an invalid init/convert as const eval of init/convert
// always succeeds.
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Init) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && (vec2<f32>(1.0, true).x == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs =
Equal(MemberAccessor(Call<vec2<f32>>(Source{{12, 34}}, 1.0_a, Expr(true)), "x"), 0.0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs));
R"(12:34 error: no matching constructor for vec2<f32>(abstract-float, bool)
5 candidate constructors:
vec2(x: T, y: T) -> vec2<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec2(T) -> vec2<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec2(vec2<T>) -> vec2<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec2() -> vec2<abstract-int>
vec2<T>() -> vec2<T> where: T is f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
5 candidate conversions:
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<f32> where: T is f32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, i32, f16, u32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<f16> where: T is f16, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, i32, u32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<i32> where: T is i32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, u32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is u32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<bool> where: T is bool, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or u32
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Init) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || (vec2<f32>(1.0, true).x == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs =
Equal(MemberAccessor(Call<vec2<f32>>(Source{{12, 34}}, 1.0_a, Expr(true)), "x"), 0.0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalOr(lhs, rhs));
R"(12:34 error: no matching constructor for vec2<f32>(abstract-float, bool)
5 candidate constructors:
vec2(x: T, y: T) -> vec2<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec2(T) -> vec2<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec2(vec2<T>) -> vec2<T> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
vec2() -> vec2<abstract-int>
vec2<T>() -> vec2<T> where: T is f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
5 candidate conversions:
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<f32> where: T is f32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, i32, f16, u32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<f16> where: T is f16, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, i32, u32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<i32> where: T is i32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, u32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<u32> where: T is u32, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or bool
vec2<T>(vec2<U>) -> vec2<bool> where: T is bool, U is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32 or u32
// Short-Circuit Array/Struct Init
// NOTE: Cannot demonstrate short-circuiting an invalid array/struct init as const eval of
// array/struct init always succeeds.
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_StructInit) {
// struct S {
// a : i32,
// b : f32,
// }
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && Foo(1, true).a == 0;
Structure("S", utils::Vector{Member("a", ty.i32()), Member("b", ty.f32())});
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(MemberAccessor(Call("S", Expr(1_a), Expr(Source{{12, 34}}, true)), "a"), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs));
"12:34 error: type in structure constructor does not match struct member type: "
"expected 'f32', found 'bool'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_StructInit) {
// struct S {
// a : i32,
// b : f32,
// }
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || Foo(1, true).a == 0;
Structure("S", utils::Vector{Member("a", ty.i32()), Member("b", ty.f32())});
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(MemberAccessor(Call("S", Expr(1_a), Expr(Source{{12, 34}}, true)), "a"), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalOr(lhs, rhs));
"12:34 error: type in structure constructor does not match struct member type: "
"expected 'f32', found 'bool'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_ArrayInit) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && array(4) == 0;
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Call("array", Expr(4_a)), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs));
R"(error: no matching overload for operator == (array<abstract-int, 1>, abstract-int)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_ArrayInit) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || array(4) == 0;
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Call("array", Expr(4_a)), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalOr(lhs, rhs));
R"(error: no matching overload for operator == (array<abstract-int, 1>, abstract-int)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
// Short-Circuit Builtin Call
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Invalid_BuiltinCall) {
// const one = 1;
// return (one == 0) && (extractBits(1, 0, 99) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Call("extractBits", 1_a, 0_a, 99_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_And_Invalid_BuiltinCall) {
// const one = 1;
// return (one == 1) && (extractBits(1, 0, 99) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Call(Source{{12, 34}}, "extractBits", 1_a, 0_a, 99_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
"12:34 error: 'offset + 'count' must be less than or equal to the bit width of 'e'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_BuiltinCall) {
// const one = 1;
// return (one == 0) && (extractBits(1, 0, 99) == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, Call("extractBits", 1_a, 0_a, 99_a), 0.0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (i32, abstract-float)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_BuiltinCall) {
// const one = 1;
// return (one == 1) || (extractBits(1, 0, 99) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Call("extractBits", 1_a, 0_a, 99_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, NonShortCircuit_Or_Invalid_BuiltinCall) {
// const one = 1;
// return (one == 0) || (extractBits(1, 0, 99) == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Call(Source{{12, 34}}, "extractBits", 1_a, 0_a, 99_a), 0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
"12:34 error: 'offset + 'count' must be less than or equal to the bit width of 'e'");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_BuiltinCall) {
// const one = 1;
// return (one == 1) || (extractBits(1, 0, 99) == 0.0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(Source{{12, 34}}, Call("extractBits", 1_a, 0_a, 99_a), 0.0_a);
auto* binary = LogicalOr(lhs, rhs);
GlobalConst("result", binary);
R"(12:34 error: no matching overload for operator == (i32, abstract-float)
2 candidate operators:
operator == (T, T) -> bool where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
operator == (vecN<T>, vecN<T>) -> vecN<bool> where: T is abstract-int, abstract-float, f32, f16, i32, u32 or bool
// Short-Circuit Literal
// NOTE: Cannot demonstrate short-circuiting an invalid literal as const eval of a literal does not
// fail.
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Literal) {
// NOTE: This fails parsing rather than resolving, which is why we can't use the ProgramBuilder
// for this test.
auto src = R"(
const one = 1;
const result = (one == 0) && (1111111111111111111111111111111i == 0);
auto file = std::make_unique<Source::File>("test", src);
auto program = wgsl::reader::Parse(file.get());
diag::Formatter::Style style;
style.print_newline_at_end = false;
auto error = diag::Formatter(style).format(program.Diagnostics());
EXPECT_EQ(error, R"(test:3:31 error: value cannot be represented as 'i32'
const result = (one == 0) && (1111111111111111111111111111111i == 0);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Literal) {
// NOTE: This fails parsing rather than resolving, which is why we can't use the ProgramBuilder
// for this test.
auto src = R"(
const one = 1;
const result = (one == 1) || (1111111111111111111111111111111i == 0);
auto file = std::make_unique<Source::File>("test", src);
auto program = wgsl::reader::Parse(file.get());
diag::Formatter::Style style;
style.print_newline_at_end = false;
auto error = diag::Formatter(style).format(program.Diagnostics());
EXPECT_EQ(error, R"(test:3:31 error: value cannot be represented as 'i32'
const result = (one == 1) || (1111111111111111111111111111111i == 0);
// Short-Circuit Member Access
// NOTE: Cannot demonstrate short-circuiting an invalid member access as const eval of member access
// always succeeds.
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_MemberAccess) {
// struct S {
// a : i32,
// b : f32,
// }
// const s = S(1, 2.0);
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && (s.c == 0);
Structure("S", utils::Vector{Member("a", ty.i32()), Member("b", ty.f32())});
GlobalConst("s", Call("S", Expr(1_a), Expr(2.0_a)));
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(MemberAccessor(Source{{12, 34}}, "s", "c"), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: struct member c not found");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_MemberAccess) {
// struct S {
// a : i32,
// b : f32,
// }
// const s = S(1, 2.0);
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || (s.c == 0);
Structure("S", utils::Vector{Member("a", ty.i32()), Member("b", ty.f32())});
GlobalConst("s", Call("S", Expr(1_a), Expr(2.0_a)));
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs = Equal(MemberAccessor(Source{{12, 34}}, "s", "c"), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalOr(lhs, rhs));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: struct member c not found");
// Short-Circuit with RHS Variable Access
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_RHSConstDecl) {
// const FALSE = false;
// const result = FALSE && FALSE;
GlobalConst("FALSE", Expr(false));
auto* binary = LogicalAnd("FALSE", "FALSE");
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_RHSConstDecl) {
// const TRUE = true;
// const result = TRUE || TRUE;
GlobalConst("TRUE", Expr(true));
auto* binary = LogicalOr("TRUE", "TRUE");
GlobalConst("result", binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_RHSLetDecl) {
// fn f() {
// let b = false;
// let result = false && b;
// }
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(false, "b");
WrapInFunction(Decl(Let("b", Expr(false))), binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_RHSLetDecl) {
// fn f() {
// let b = false;
// let result = true || b;
// }
auto* binary = LogicalOr(true, "b");
WrapInFunction(Decl(Let("b", Expr(false))), binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_RHSVarDecl) {
// fn f() {
// var b = false;
// let result = false && b;
// }
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(false, "b");
WrapInFunction(Decl(Var("b", Expr(false))), binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(Sem().Get(binary)->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kRuntime);
EXPECT_EQ(Sem().GetVal(binary->lhs)->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kConstant);
EXPECT_EQ(Sem().GetVal(binary->rhs)->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kRuntime);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_RHSVarDecl) {
// fn f() {
// var b = false;
// let result = true || b;
// }
auto* binary = LogicalOr(true, "b");
WrapInFunction(Decl(Var("b", Expr(false))), binary);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
EXPECT_EQ(Sem().Get(binary)->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kRuntime);
EXPECT_EQ(Sem().GetVal(binary->lhs)->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kConstant);
EXPECT_EQ(Sem().GetVal(binary->rhs)->Stage(), sem::EvaluationStage::kRuntime);
// Short-Circuit Swizzle
// NOTE: Cannot demonstrate short-circuiting an invalid swizzle as const eval of swizzle always
// succeeds.
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_Error_Swizzle) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 0) && (vec2(1, 2).z == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 0_a);
auto* rhs =
Equal(MemberAccessor(Call<vec2<Infer>>(1_a, 2_a), Ident(Source{{12, 34}}, "z")), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalAnd(lhs, rhs));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: invalid vector swizzle member");
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_Error_Swizzle) {
// const one = 1;
// const result = (one == 1) || (vec2(1, 2).z == 0);
GlobalConst("one", Expr(1_a));
auto* lhs = Equal("one", 1_a);
auto* rhs =
Equal(MemberAccessor(Call<vec2<Infer>>(1_a, 2_a), Ident(Source{{12, 34}}, "z")), 0_a);
GlobalConst("result", LogicalOr(lhs, rhs));
EXPECT_EQ(r()->error(), "12:34 error: invalid vector swizzle member");
// Short-Circuit Mixed Constant and Runtime
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_And_MixedConstantAndRuntime) {
// var j : i32;
// let result = false && j < (0 - 8);
auto* j = Decl(Var("j", ty.i32()));
auto* binary = LogicalAnd(Expr(false), LessThan("j", Sub(0_a, 8_a)));
auto* result = Let("result", binary);
WrapInFunction(j, result);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateAnd(Sem(), binary);
TEST_F(ResolverConstEvalTest, ShortCircuit_Or_MixedConstantAndRuntime) {
// var j : i32;
// let result = true || j < (0 - 8);
auto* j = Decl(Var("j", ty.i32()));
auto* binary = LogicalOr(Expr(true), LessThan("j", Sub(0_a, 8_a)));
auto* result = Let("result", binary);
WrapInFunction(j, result);
EXPECT_TRUE(r()->Resolve()) << r()->error();
ValidateOr(Sem(), binary);
// Short-Circuit Nested
using ResolverConstEvalTestShortCircuit = ResolverTestWithParam<std::tuple<const char*, bool>>;
TEST_P(ResolverConstEvalTestShortCircuit, Test) {
const char* expr = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool should_pass = std::get<1>(GetParam());
auto src = std::string(R"(
const one = 1;
const result = )");
src = src + expr + ";";
auto file = std::make_unique<Source::File>("test", src);
auto program = wgsl::reader::Parse(file.get());
if (should_pass) {
diag::Formatter::Style style;
style.print_newline_at_end = false;
auto error = diag::Formatter(style).format(program.Diagnostics());
EXPECT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << error;
} else {
testing::ValuesIn(std::vector<std::tuple<const char*, bool>>{
// AND nested rhs
{"(one == 0) && ((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"(one == 1) && ((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"(one == 0) && ((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"(one == 1) && ((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0))", false},
// AND nested lhs
{"((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0)) && (one == 0)", true},
{"((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0)) && (one == 1)", true},
{"((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0)) && (one == 0)", false},
{"((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0)) && (one == 1)", false},
// OR nested rhs
{"(one == 1) || ((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"(one == 0) || ((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"(one == 1) || ((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"(one == 0) || ((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0))", false},
// OR nested lhs
{"((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0)) || (one == 1)", true},
{"((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0)) || (one == 0)", true},
{"((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0)) || (one == 1)", false},
{"((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0)) || (one == 0)", false},
// AND nested both sides
{"((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 0) && ((2/0)==0))", false},
{"((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 1) && ((2/0)==0))", false},
// OR nested both sides
{"((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0))", true},
{"((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0))", false},
{"((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 1) || ((2/0)==0))", false},
{"((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0)) && ((one == 0) || ((2/0)==0))", false},
// AND chained
{"(one == 0) && (one == 0) && ((2 / 0) == 0)", true},
{"(one == 1) && (one == 0) && ((2 / 0) == 0)", true},
{"(one == 0) && (one == 1) && ((2 / 0) == 0)", true},
{"(one == 1) && (one == 1) && ((2 / 0) == 0)", false},
// OR chained
{"(one == 1) || (one == 1) || ((2 / 0) == 0)", true},
{"(one == 0) || (one == 1) || ((2 / 0) == 0)", true},
{"(one == 1) || (one == 0) || ((2 / 0) == 0)", true},
{"(one == 0) || (one == 0) || ((2 / 0) == 0)", false},
} // namespace LogicalShortCircuit
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::resolver