blob: 628c569d768c5db97cd31d214f768df47acdfbd0 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2021 The Dawn Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
{{- /*
Template file for use with src/dawn/node/tools/cmd/idlgen/main.go to generate
the WebGPU.h header file.
* for the AST
types used by this template
* src/dawn/node/tools/cmd/idlgen/main.go for additional structures and functions
used by this template
* for documentation on the template syntax
*/ -}}
{{- Include "WebGPUCommon.tmpl" -}}
#include "src/dawn/node/interop/Core.h"
namespace wgpu {
namespace interop {
// Initialize() registers the WebGPU types with the Napi environment.
void Initialize(Napi::Env env);
{{ range $ := .Declarations}}
{{- if IsDictionary $}}{{template "Dictionary" $}}
{{- else if IsNamespace $}}{{template "Namespace" $}}
{{- else if IsInterface $}}{{template "Interface" $}}
{{- else if IsEnum $}}{{template "Enum" $}}
{{- else if IsTypedef $}}{{template "Typedef" $}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
} // namespace interop
} // namespace wgpu
{{- /*
-- Dictionary emits the C++ header declaration that defines the interop type for
-- the given ast.Dictionary
*/ -}}
{{- define "Dictionary"}}
// dictionary {{$.Name}}
class {{$.Name}} {{- if $.Inherits }} : public {{$.Inherits}}{{end}} {
{{ range $m := $.Members}}
{{- if IsConstructor $m}} {{$.Name}}();
{{ else if IsMember $m}} {{template "DictionaryMember" $m}}
{{ end}}
{{- end -}}
class Converter<{{$.Name}}> {
static Result FromJS(Napi::Env, Napi::Value, {{$.Name}}&);
static Napi::Value ToJS(Napi::Env, {{$.Name}});
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const {{$.Name}}& desc);
{{- /*
-- Namespace emits the C++ header declaration that defines the interop type for
-- the given ast.Namespace
*/ -}}
{{- define "Namespace"}}
// namespace {{$.Name}}
class {{$.Name}} {
virtual ~{{$.Name}}();
{{- range $c := ConstantsOf $}}
{{- template "Constant" $c}}
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Interface emits the C++ header declaration that defines the interop type for
-- the given ast.Interface
*/ -}}
{{- define "Interface"}}
// interface {{$.Name}}
class {{$.Name}} {{- if $.Inherits }} : public {{$.Inherits}}{{end}} {
static Interface<{{$.Name}}> Bind(Napi::Env, std::unique_ptr<{{$.Name}}>&&);
static {{$.Name}}* Unwrap(Napi::Object);
template<typename T, typename ... ARGS>
static inline Interface<{{$.Name}}> Create(Napi::Env env, ARGS&& ... args) {
return Bind(env, std::make_unique<T>(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
virtual ~{{$.Name}}();
{{- if $s := SetlikeOf $}}
{{- template "InterfaceSetlike" $s}}
{{- end}}
{{- range $m := MethodsOf $}}
{{- template "InterfaceMethod" $m}}
{{- end}}
{{- range $a := AttributesOf $}}
{{- template "InterfaceAttribute" $a}}
{{- end}}
{{- range $c := ConstantsOf $}}
{{- template "Constant" $c}}
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Typedef emits the C++ header declaration that defines the interop type for
-- the given ast.Interface
*/ -}}
{{- define "Typedef"}}
{{- if HasAnnotation $ "EnforceRange"}}
using {{$.Name}} = EnforceRangeInteger<{{template "Type" $.Type}}>;
{{- else}}
using {{$.Name}} = {{template "Type" $.Type}};
{{- end}}
{{- /*
-- Enum emits the C++ header declaration that defines the interop type for
-- the given ast.Enum
*/ -}}
{{- define "Enum"}}
enum class {{$.Name}} {
{{- range $ := $.Values}}
{{EnumEntryName $.Value}},
{{- end}}
class Converter<{{$.Name}}> {
static Result FromJS(Napi::Env, Napi::Value, {{$.Name}}&);
static Napi::Value ToJS(Napi::Env, {{$.Name}});
static bool FromString(std::string, {{$.Name}}&);
static const char* ToString({{$.Name}});
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, {{$.Name}});
{{- /*
-- DictionaryMember emits the C++ declaration for a single dictionary ast.Member
*/ -}}
{{- define "DictionaryMember"}}
{{- if $.Attribute}}{{template "AttributeType" $}} {{$.Name}}
{{- if $.Init}} = {{Eval "Literal" "Value" $.Init "Type" $.Type}}{{end}};
{{- else }}{{template "Type" $.Type}} {{$.Name}}({{template "Parameters" $.Parameters}});
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
-- InterfaceSetlike emits the C++ methods for a setlike interface
*/ -}}
{{- define "InterfaceSetlike"}}
virtual bool has(Napi::Env, {{template "Type" $.Elem}}) = 0;
virtual std::vector<{{template "Type" $.Elem}}> keys(Napi::Env) = 0;
{{- /* TODO(
entries, forEach, size, values
read-write: add, clear, or delete
{{- end }}
{{- /*
-- InterfaceMethod emits the C++ declaration for a single interface ast.Member
-- method
*/ -}}
{{- define "InterfaceMethod"}}
{{- range $o := $.Overloads}}
virtual {{template "Type" $o.Type}} {{$.Name}}(Napi::Env{{template "ParametersWithLeadingComma" $o.Parameters}}) = 0;
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
-- InterfaceAttribute emits the C++ declaration for a single interface
-- ast.Member attribute
*/ -}}
{{- define "InterfaceAttribute"}}
virtual {{template "Type" $.Type}} get{{Title $.Name}}(Napi::Env) = 0;
{{- if not $.Readonly}}
virtual void set{{Title $.Name}}(Napi::Env, {{template "Type" $.Type}} value) = 0;
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
-- Constant emits the C++ declaration for a single ast.Member constant
*/ -}}
{{- define "Constant"}}
static constexpr {{template "Type" $.Type}} {{$.Name}} = {{Eval "Literal" "Value" $.Init "Type" $.Type}};
{{- end }}
{{- /*
-- Parameters emits the C++ comma separated list of parameter declarations for
-- the given []ast.Parameter
*/ -}}
{{- define "Parameters"}}
{{- range $i, $param := $ }}
{{- if $i }}, {{end}}
{{- template "Parameter" $param}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
-- ParametersWithLeadingComma emits the C++ comma separated list of parameter
-- declarations for the given []ast.Parameter, starting with a leading comma
-- for the first parameter
*/ -}}
{{- define "ParametersWithLeadingComma"}}
{{- range $i, $param := $ }}, {{/* */}}
{{- template "Parameter" $param}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
-- Parameter emits the C++ parameter type and name for the given ast.Parameter
*/ -}}
{{- define "Parameter" -}}
{{- if $.Init }}{{template "Type" $.Type}} {{$.Name}}
{{- else if $.Optional}}std::optional<{{template "Type" $.Type}}> {{$.Name}}
{{- else }}{{template "Type" $.Type}} {{$.Name}}
{{- end }}
{{- end}}