| // Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // File generated by 'tools/src/cmd/gen' using the template: |
| // src/tint/lang/core/function.h.tmpl |
| // |
| // To regenerate run: './tools/run gen' |
| // |
| // Do not modify this file directly |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| |
| #include <cstdint> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "src/tint/utils/traits/traits.h" |
| |
| // \cond DO_NOT_DOCUMENT |
| namespace tint::core { |
| |
| /// Enumerator of all builtin functions |
| enum class Function : uint8_t { |
| kAbs, |
| kAcos, |
| kAcosh, |
| kAll, |
| kAny, |
| kArrayLength, |
| kAsin, |
| kAsinh, |
| kAtan, |
| kAtan2, |
| kAtanh, |
| kCeil, |
| kClamp, |
| kCos, |
| kCosh, |
| kCountLeadingZeros, |
| kCountOneBits, |
| kCountTrailingZeros, |
| kCross, |
| kDegrees, |
| kDeterminant, |
| kDistance, |
| kDot, |
| kDot4I8Packed, |
| kDot4U8Packed, |
| kDpdx, |
| kDpdxCoarse, |
| kDpdxFine, |
| kDpdy, |
| kDpdyCoarse, |
| kDpdyFine, |
| kExp, |
| kExp2, |
| kExtractBits, |
| kFaceForward, |
| kFirstLeadingBit, |
| kFirstTrailingBit, |
| kFloor, |
| kFma, |
| kFract, |
| kFrexp, |
| kFwidth, |
| kFwidthCoarse, |
| kFwidthFine, |
| kInsertBits, |
| kInverseSqrt, |
| kLdexp, |
| kLength, |
| kLog, |
| kLog2, |
| kMax, |
| kMin, |
| kMix, |
| kModf, |
| kNormalize, |
| kPack2X16Float, |
| kPack2X16Snorm, |
| kPack2X16Unorm, |
| kPack4X8Snorm, |
| kPack4X8Unorm, |
| kPow, |
| kQuantizeToF16, |
| kRadians, |
| kReflect, |
| kRefract, |
| kReverseBits, |
| kRound, |
| kSaturate, |
| kSelect, |
| kSign, |
| kSin, |
| kSinh, |
| kSmoothstep, |
| kSqrt, |
| kStep, |
| kStorageBarrier, |
| kTan, |
| kTanh, |
| kTranspose, |
| kTrunc, |
| kUnpack2X16Float, |
| kUnpack2X16Snorm, |
| kUnpack2X16Unorm, |
| kUnpack4X8Snorm, |
| kUnpack4X8Unorm, |
| kWorkgroupBarrier, |
| kWorkgroupUniformLoad, |
| kTextureBarrier, |
| kTextureDimensions, |
| kTextureGather, |
| kTextureGatherCompare, |
| kTextureNumLayers, |
| kTextureNumLevels, |
| kTextureNumSamples, |
| kTextureSample, |
| kTextureSampleBias, |
| kTextureSampleCompare, |
| kTextureSampleCompareLevel, |
| kTextureSampleGrad, |
| kTextureSampleLevel, |
| kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge, |
| kTextureStore, |
| kTextureLoad, |
| kAtomicLoad, |
| kAtomicStore, |
| kAtomicAdd, |
| kAtomicSub, |
| kAtomicMax, |
| kAtomicMin, |
| kAtomicAnd, |
| kAtomicOr, |
| kAtomicXor, |
| kAtomicExchange, |
| kAtomicCompareExchangeWeak, |
| kSubgroupBallot, |
| kSubgroupBroadcast, |
| kTintMaterialize, |
| kNone, |
| }; |
| |
| /// Matches the Function by name |
| /// @param name the builtin name to parse |
| /// @returns the parsed Function, or Function::kNone if `name` did not |
| /// match any builtin function. |
| Function ParseFunction(std::string_view name); |
| |
| /// @returns the name of the builtin function type. The spelling, including |
| /// case, matches the name in the WGSL spec. |
| const char* str(Function i); |
| |
| /// Emits the name of the builtin function type. The spelling, including case, |
| /// matches the name in the WGSL spec. |
| template <typename STREAM, typename = traits::EnableIfIsOStream<STREAM>> |
| auto& operator<<(STREAM& o, Function i) { |
| return o << str(i); |
| } |
| |
| /// All builtin functions |
| constexpr Function kFunctions[] = { |
| Function::kAbs, |
| Function::kAcos, |
| Function::kAcosh, |
| Function::kAll, |
| Function::kAny, |
| Function::kArrayLength, |
| Function::kAsin, |
| Function::kAsinh, |
| Function::kAtan, |
| Function::kAtan2, |
| Function::kAtanh, |
| Function::kCeil, |
| Function::kClamp, |
| Function::kCos, |
| Function::kCosh, |
| Function::kCountLeadingZeros, |
| Function::kCountOneBits, |
| Function::kCountTrailingZeros, |
| Function::kCross, |
| Function::kDegrees, |
| Function::kDeterminant, |
| Function::kDistance, |
| Function::kDot, |
| Function::kDot4I8Packed, |
| Function::kDot4U8Packed, |
| Function::kDpdx, |
| Function::kDpdxCoarse, |
| Function::kDpdxFine, |
| Function::kDpdy, |
| Function::kDpdyCoarse, |
| Function::kDpdyFine, |
| Function::kExp, |
| Function::kExp2, |
| Function::kExtractBits, |
| Function::kFaceForward, |
| Function::kFirstLeadingBit, |
| Function::kFirstTrailingBit, |
| Function::kFloor, |
| Function::kFma, |
| Function::kFract, |
| Function::kFrexp, |
| Function::kFwidth, |
| Function::kFwidthCoarse, |
| Function::kFwidthFine, |
| Function::kInsertBits, |
| Function::kInverseSqrt, |
| Function::kLdexp, |
| Function::kLength, |
| Function::kLog, |
| Function::kLog2, |
| Function::kMax, |
| Function::kMin, |
| Function::kMix, |
| Function::kModf, |
| Function::kNormalize, |
| Function::kPack2X16Float, |
| Function::kPack2X16Snorm, |
| Function::kPack2X16Unorm, |
| Function::kPack4X8Snorm, |
| Function::kPack4X8Unorm, |
| Function::kPow, |
| Function::kQuantizeToF16, |
| Function::kRadians, |
| Function::kReflect, |
| Function::kRefract, |
| Function::kReverseBits, |
| Function::kRound, |
| Function::kSaturate, |
| Function::kSelect, |
| Function::kSign, |
| Function::kSin, |
| Function::kSinh, |
| Function::kSmoothstep, |
| Function::kSqrt, |
| Function::kStep, |
| Function::kStorageBarrier, |
| Function::kTan, |
| Function::kTanh, |
| Function::kTranspose, |
| Function::kTrunc, |
| Function::kUnpack2X16Float, |
| Function::kUnpack2X16Snorm, |
| Function::kUnpack2X16Unorm, |
| Function::kUnpack4X8Snorm, |
| Function::kUnpack4X8Unorm, |
| Function::kWorkgroupBarrier, |
| Function::kWorkgroupUniformLoad, |
| Function::kTextureBarrier, |
| Function::kTextureDimensions, |
| Function::kTextureGather, |
| Function::kTextureGatherCompare, |
| Function::kTextureNumLayers, |
| Function::kTextureNumLevels, |
| Function::kTextureNumSamples, |
| Function::kTextureSample, |
| Function::kTextureSampleBias, |
| Function::kTextureSampleCompare, |
| Function::kTextureSampleCompareLevel, |
| Function::kTextureSampleGrad, |
| Function::kTextureSampleLevel, |
| Function::kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge, |
| Function::kTextureStore, |
| Function::kTextureLoad, |
| Function::kAtomicLoad, |
| Function::kAtomicStore, |
| Function::kAtomicAdd, |
| Function::kAtomicSub, |
| Function::kAtomicMax, |
| Function::kAtomicMin, |
| Function::kAtomicAnd, |
| Function::kAtomicOr, |
| Function::kAtomicXor, |
| Function::kAtomicExchange, |
| Function::kAtomicCompareExchangeWeak, |
| Function::kSubgroupBallot, |
| Function::kSubgroupBroadcast, |
| Function::kTintMaterialize, |
| }; |
| |
| /// All builtin function names |
| constexpr const char* kFunctionStrings[] = { |
| "abs", |
| "acos", |
| "acosh", |
| "all", |
| "any", |
| "arrayLength", |
| "asin", |
| "asinh", |
| "atan", |
| "atan2", |
| "atanh", |
| "ceil", |
| "clamp", |
| "cos", |
| "cosh", |
| "countLeadingZeros", |
| "countOneBits", |
| "countTrailingZeros", |
| "cross", |
| "degrees", |
| "determinant", |
| "distance", |
| "dot", |
| "dot4I8Packed", |
| "dot4U8Packed", |
| "dpdx", |
| "dpdxCoarse", |
| "dpdxFine", |
| "dpdy", |
| "dpdyCoarse", |
| "dpdyFine", |
| "exp", |
| "exp2", |
| "extractBits", |
| "faceForward", |
| "firstLeadingBit", |
| "firstTrailingBit", |
| "floor", |
| "fma", |
| "fract", |
| "frexp", |
| "fwidth", |
| "fwidthCoarse", |
| "fwidthFine", |
| "insertBits", |
| "inverseSqrt", |
| "ldexp", |
| "length", |
| "log", |
| "log2", |
| "max", |
| "min", |
| "mix", |
| "modf", |
| "normalize", |
| "pack2x16float", |
| "pack2x16snorm", |
| "pack2x16unorm", |
| "pack4x8snorm", |
| "pack4x8unorm", |
| "pow", |
| "quantizeToF16", |
| "radians", |
| "reflect", |
| "refract", |
| "reverseBits", |
| "round", |
| "saturate", |
| "select", |
| "sign", |
| "sin", |
| "sinh", |
| "smoothstep", |
| "sqrt", |
| "step", |
| "storageBarrier", |
| "tan", |
| "tanh", |
| "transpose", |
| "trunc", |
| "unpack2x16float", |
| "unpack2x16snorm", |
| "unpack2x16unorm", |
| "unpack4x8snorm", |
| "unpack4x8unorm", |
| "workgroupBarrier", |
| "workgroupUniformLoad", |
| "textureBarrier", |
| "textureDimensions", |
| "textureGather", |
| "textureGatherCompare", |
| "textureNumLayers", |
| "textureNumLevels", |
| "textureNumSamples", |
| "textureSample", |
| "textureSampleBias", |
| "textureSampleCompare", |
| "textureSampleCompareLevel", |
| "textureSampleGrad", |
| "textureSampleLevel", |
| "textureSampleBaseClampToEdge", |
| "textureStore", |
| "textureLoad", |
| "atomicLoad", |
| "atomicStore", |
| "atomicAdd", |
| "atomicSub", |
| "atomicMax", |
| "atomicMin", |
| "atomicAnd", |
| "atomicOr", |
| "atomicXor", |
| "atomicExchange", |
| "atomicCompareExchangeWeak", |
| "subgroupBallot", |
| "subgroupBroadcast", |
| "_tint_materialize", |
| }; |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a coarse derivative. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given derivative is coarse. |
| bool IsCoarseDerivativeBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a fine derivative. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given derivative is fine. |
| bool IsFineDerivativeBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determine if the given `f` is a derivative builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is a derivative builtin |
| bool IsDerivativeBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a texture operation builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is a texture operation builtin |
| bool IsTextureBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is an image query builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is an image query builtin |
| bool IsImageQueryBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a data packing builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is a data packing builtin |
| bool IsDataPackingBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a data unpacking builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is a data unpacking builtin |
| bool IsDataUnpackingBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a barrier builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is a barrier builtin |
| bool IsBarrierBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is an atomic builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is an atomic builtin |
| bool IsAtomicBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a DP4a builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is a DP4a builtin |
| bool IsDP4aBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` is a subgroup builtin. |
| /// @param f the builtin type |
| /// @returns true if the given `f` is a subgroup builtin |
| bool IsSubgroupBuiltin(Function f); |
| |
| /// Determines if the given `f` may have side-effects (i.e. writes to at least one of its inputs) |
| /// @returns true if intrinsic may have side-effects |
| bool HasSideEffects(Function f); |
| |
| } // namespace tint::core |
| // \endcond |
| |