blob: 0e9b1045219fc0d727e36775c93f7429dd07ad72 [file] [log] [blame]
{{- /*
Template file for use with tools/src/cmd/gen to generate intrinsic_table.inl
Used by for builtin overload resolution.
To update the generated file, run:
./tools/run gen
* tools/src/cmd/gen for structures used by this template
* for documentation on the template syntax
*/ -}}
{{- $I := LoadIntrinsics "src/tint/lang/core/core.def" -}}
// clang-format off
{{ with $I.Sem -}}
{{ range .Types -}}
{{ template "Type" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{ range .TypeMatchers -}}
{{ template "TypeMatcher" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{ range .EnumMatchers -}}
{{ template "EnumMatcher" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $I.Table -}}
{{- template "Matchers" $I }}
constexpr MatcherIndex kMatcherIndices[] = {
{{- range $i, $idx := .MatcherIndices }}
/* [{{$i}}] */ {{$idx}},
{{- end }}
// Assert that the MatcherIndex is big enough to index all the matchers, plus
// kNoMatcher.
static_assert(static_cast<int>(sizeof(kMatcherIndices) / sizeof(kMatcherIndices[0])) <
static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<MatcherIndex>::max() - 1),
"MatcherIndex is not large enough to index kMatcherIndices");
constexpr ParameterInfo kParameters[] = {
{{- range $i, $p := .Parameters }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
/* usage */ ParameterUsage::
{{- if $p.Usage }}k{{PascalCase $p.Usage}}
{{- else }}kNone
{{- end }},
/* matcher indices */ &kMatcherIndices[{{$p.MatcherIndicesOffset}}],
{{- end }}
constexpr TemplateTypeInfo kTemplateTypes[] = {
{{- range $i, $o := .TemplateTypes }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
/* name */ "{{$o.Name}}",
/* matcher index */
{{- if ge $o.MatcherIndex 0 }} {{$o.MatcherIndex}}
{{- else }} kNoMatcher
{{- end }},
{{- end }}
constexpr TemplateNumberInfo kTemplateNumbers[] = {
{{- range $i, $o := .TemplateNumbers }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
/* name */ "{{$o.Name}}",
/* matcher index */
{{- if ge $o.MatcherIndex 0 }} {{$o.MatcherIndex}}
{{- else }} kNoMatcher
{{- end }},
{{- end }}
constexpr OverloadInfo kOverloads[] = {
{{- range $i, $o := .Overloads }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
/* num parameters */ {{$o.NumParameters}},
/* num template types */ {{$o.NumTemplateTypes}},
/* num template numbers */ {{$o.NumTemplateNumbers}},
/* template types */
{{- if $o.TemplateTypesOffset }} &kTemplateTypes[{{$o.TemplateTypesOffset}}],
{{- else }} nullptr,
{{- end }}
/* template numbers */
{{- if $o.TemplateNumbersOffset }} &kTemplateNumbers[{{$o.TemplateNumbersOffset}}]
{{- else }} nullptr
{{- end }},
/* parameters */ &kParameters[{{$o.ParametersOffset}}],
/* return matcher indices */
{{- if $o.ReturnMatcherIndicesOffset }} &kMatcherIndices[{{$o.ReturnMatcherIndicesOffset}}]
{{- else }} nullptr
{{- end }},
/* flags */ OverloadFlags(OverloadFlag::kIs{{Title $o.Kind}}
{{- range $i, $u := $o.CanBeUsedInStage.List -}}
, OverloadFlag::kSupports{{Title $u}}Pipeline
{{- end }}
{{- if $o.MustUse}}, OverloadFlag::kMustUse{{end}}
{{- if $o.IsDeprecated}}, OverloadFlag::kIsDeprecated{{end -}}
/* const eval */
{{- if $o.ConstEvalFunction }} {{template "ConstEvalFn" $o}},
{{- else }} nullptr,
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
constexpr IntrinsicInfo kBuiltins[] = {
{{- range $i, $b := .Builtins }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
{{- range $b.OverloadDescriptions }}
/* {{.}} */
{{- end }}
/* num overloads */ {{$b.NumOverloads}},
/* overloads */ &kOverloads[{{$b.OverloadsOffset}}],
{{- end }}
constexpr IntrinsicInfo kUnaryOperators[] = {
{{- range $i, $o := .UnaryOperators }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
{{- range $o.OverloadDescriptions }}
/* {{.}} */
{{- end }}
/* num overloads */ {{$o.NumOverloads}},
/* overloads */ &kOverloads[{{$o.OverloadsOffset}}],
{{- end }}
{{- range $i, $o := .UnaryOperators }}
constexpr uint8_t kUnaryOperator{{ template "ExpandName" $o.Name}} = {{$i}};
{{- end }}
constexpr IntrinsicInfo kBinaryOperators[] = {
{{- range $i, $o := .BinaryOperators }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
{{- range $o.OverloadDescriptions }}
/* {{.}} */
{{- end }}
/* num overloads */ {{$o.NumOverloads}},
/* overloads */ &kOverloads[{{$o.OverloadsOffset}}],
{{- end }}
{{- range $i, $o := .BinaryOperators }}
constexpr uint8_t kBinaryOperator{{ template "ExpandName" $o.Name}} = {{$i}};
{{- end }}
constexpr IntrinsicInfo kConstructorsAndConverters[] = {
{{- range $i, $o := .ConstructorsAndConverters }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
{{- range $o.OverloadDescriptions }}
/* {{.}} */
{{- end }}
/* num overloads */ {{$o.NumOverloads}},
/* overloads */ &kOverloads[{{$o.OverloadsOffset}}],
{{- end }}
// clang-format on
{{ end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "Type" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $class := PascalCase .Name -}}
/// TypeMatcher for 'type {{.Name}}'
{{- if .Decl.Source.S.Filepath }}
{{- end }}
class {{$class}} : public TypeMatcher {
/// Checks whether the given type matches the matcher rules.
/// Match may define and refine the template types and numbers in state.
/// @param state the MatchState
/// @param type the type to match
/// @returns the canonicalized type on match, otherwise nullptr
const type::Type* Match(MatchState& state,
const type::Type* type) const override;
/// @param state the MatchState
/// @return a string representation of the matcher.
std::string String(MatchState* state) const override;
const type::Type* {{$class}}::Match(MatchState& state, const type::Type* ty) const {
{{- range .TemplateParams }}
{{- template "DeclareLocalTemplateParam" . }}
{{- end }}
if (!match_{{TrimLeft .Name "_"}}(state, ty{{range .TemplateParams}}, {{.GetName}}{{end}})) {
return nullptr;
{{- range .TemplateParams }}
{{.Name}} = {{ template "MatchTemplateParam" .}}({{.Name}});
if ({{ template "IsTemplateParamInvalid" .}}) {
return nullptr;
{{- end }}
return build_{{TrimLeft .Name "_"}}(state{{range .TemplateParams}}, {{.GetName}}{{end}});
std::string {{$class}}::String(MatchState*{{if .TemplateParams}} state{{end}}) const {
{{- range .TemplateParams }}
{{- template "DeclareLocalTemplateParamName" . }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .DisplayName }}
StringStream ss;
ss{{range SplitDisplayName .DisplayName}} << {{.}}{{end}};
return ss.str();
{{- else if .TemplateParams }}
return "{{.Name}}<"{{template "AppendTemplateParamNames" .TemplateParams}} + ">";
{{- else }}
return "{{.Name}}";
{{- end }}
{{ end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "TypeMatcher" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $class := PascalCase .Name -}}
/// TypeMatcher for 'match {{.Name}}'
{{- if .Decl.Source.S.Filepath }}
{{- end }}
class {{$class}} : public TypeMatcher {
/// Checks whether the given type matches the matcher rules, and returns the
/// expected, canonicalized type on success.
/// Match may define and refine the template types and numbers in state.
/// @param state the MatchState
/// @param type the type to match
/// @returns the canonicalized type on match, otherwise nullptr
const type::Type* Match(MatchState& state,
const type::Type* type) const override;
/// @param state the MatchState
/// @return a string representation of the matcher.
std::string String(MatchState* state) const override;
const type::Type* {{$class}}::Match(MatchState& state, const type::Type* ty) const {
{{- range .PrecedenceSortedTypes }}
if (match_{{.Name}}(state, ty)) {
return build_{{.Name}}(state);
{{- end }}
return nullptr;
std::string {{$class}}::String(MatchState*) const {
StringStream ss;
// Note: We pass nullptr to the TypeMatcher::String() functions, as 'matcher's do not support
// template arguments, nor can they match sub-types. As such, they have no use for the MatchState.
{{- range .Types -}}
{{- if IsFirstIn . $.Types }} << {{PascalCase .Name}}().String(nullptr)
{{- else if IsLastIn . $.Types }} << " or " << {{PascalCase .Name}}().String(nullptr)
{{- else }} << ", " << {{PascalCase .Name}}().String(nullptr)
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}};
return ss.str();
{{ end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "EnumMatcher" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $class := PascalCase .Name -}}
{{- $enum := PascalCase .Enum.Name -}}
/// EnumMatcher for 'match {{.Name}}'
{{- if .Decl.Source.S.Filepath }}
{{- end }}
class {{$class}} : public NumberMatcher {
/// Checks whether the given number matches the enum matcher rules.
/// Match may define template numbers in state.
/// @param state the MatchState
/// @param number the enum value as a Number
/// @return true if the enum value matches the set
Number Match(MatchState& state, Number number) const override;
/// @param state the MatchState
/// @return a string representation of the matcher.
std::string String(MatchState* state) const override;
{{ if eq 1 (len .Options) -}}
{{- $option := index .Options 0 }}
{{- $entry := printf "k%v" (PascalCase $option.Name) -}}
Number {{$class}}::Match(MatchState&, Number number) const {
if (number.IsAny() || number.Value() == static_cast<uint32_t>({{$enum}}::{{$entry}})) {
return Number(static_cast<uint32_t>({{$enum}}::{{$entry}}));
return Number::invalid;
{{- else -}}
Number {{$class}}::Match(MatchState&, Number number) const {
switch (static_cast<{{$enum}}>(number.Value())) {
{{- range .Options }}
case {{$enum}}::k{{PascalCase .Name}}:
{{- end }}
return number;
return Number::invalid;
{{- end }}
std::string {{$class}}::String(MatchState*) const {
return "
{{- range .Options -}}
{{- if IsFirstIn . $.Options }}{{.Name}}
{{- else if IsLastIn . $.Options }} or {{.Name}}
{{- else }}, {{.Name}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "Matchers" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
/// Matchers holds type and number matchers
class Matchers {
{{- $t_names := Map -}}
{{- $n_names := Map -}}
{{- range Iterate $.Sem.MaxTemplateTypes -}}
{{- $name := printf "template_type_%v" . -}}
{{- $t_names.Put . $name }}
TemplateTypeMatcher {{$name}}_{ {{- . -}} };
{{- end }}
{{- range Iterate $.Sem.MaxTemplateNumbers -}}
{{- $name := printf "template_number_%v" . -}}
{{- $n_names.Put . $name }}
TemplateNumberMatcher {{$name}}_{ {{- . -}} };
{{- end }}
{{- range $.Sem.Types -}}
{{- $name := PascalCase .Name -}}
{{- $t_names.Put . $name }}
{{$name}} {{$name}}_;
{{- end }}
{{- range $.Sem.TypeMatchers -}}
{{- $name := PascalCase .Name -}}
{{- $t_names.Put . $name }}
{{$name}} {{$name}}_;
{{- end }}
{{- range $.Sem.EnumMatchers -}}
{{- $name := PascalCase .Name -}}
{{- $n_names.Put . $name }}
{{$name}} {{$name}}_;
{{- end }}
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
/// The template types, types, and type matchers
TypeMatcher const* const type[{{len $.Table.TMatchers}}] = {
{{- range $i, $m := $.Table.TMatchers }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
{{- if $m }} &{{$t_names.Get $m}}_,
{{- else }} &{{$t_names.Get $i}}_,
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
/// The template numbers, and number matchers
NumberMatcher const* const number[{{len $.Table.NMatchers}}] = {
{{- range $i, $m := $.Table.NMatchers }}
/* [{{$i}}] */
{{- if $m }} &{{$n_names.Get $m}}_,
{{- else }} &{{$n_names.Get $i}}_,
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Matchers::Matchers() = default;
Matchers::~Matchers() = default;
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "DeclareLocalTemplateParam" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if IsTemplateTypeParam . }}
const type::Type* {{.Name}} = nullptr;
{{- else if IsTemplateNumberParam . }}
Number {{.Name}} = Number::invalid;
{{- else if IsTemplateEnumParam . }}
Number {{.Name}} = Number::invalid;
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "DeclareLocalTemplateParamName" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if IsTemplateTypeParam . }}
const std::string {{.Name}} = state->TypeName();
{{- else if IsTemplateNumberParam . }}
const std::string {{.Name}} = state->NumName();
{{- else if IsTemplateEnumParam . }}
const std::string {{.Name}} = state->NumName();
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "MatchTemplateParam" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if IsTemplateTypeParam . -}}
{{- else if IsTemplateNumberParam . -}}
{{- else if IsTemplateEnumParam . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "IsTemplateParamInvalid" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if IsTemplateTypeParam . -}}
{{.Name}} == nullptr
{{- else if IsTemplateNumberParam . -}}
{{- else if IsTemplateEnumParam . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "AppendTemplateParamNames" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- range $i, $ := . -}}
{{- if $i }} + ", " + {{.Name}}
{{- else }} + {{.Name}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "ExpandName" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if eq . "<<" -}}ShiftLeft
{{- else if eq . "&" -}}And
{{- else if eq . "|" -}}Or
{{- else if eq . "^" -}}Xor
{{- else if eq . "&&" -}}LogicalAnd
{{- else if eq . "||" -}}LogicalOr
{{- else if eq . "==" -}}Equal
{{- else if eq . "!" -}}Not
{{- else if eq . "!=" -}}NotEqual
{{- else if eq . "~" -}}Complement
{{- else if eq . "<" -}}LessThan
{{- else if eq . ">" -}}GreaterThan
{{- else if eq . "<=" -}}LessThanEqual
{{- else if eq . ">=" -}}GreaterThanEqual
{{- else if eq . "<<" -}}ShiftLeft
{{- else if eq . ">>" -}}ShiftRight
{{- else if eq . "+" -}}Plus
{{- else if eq . "-" -}}Minus
{{- else if eq . "*" -}}Star
{{- else if eq . "/" -}}Divide
{{- else if eq . "%" -}}Modulo
{{- else -}}{{.}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "ConstEvalFn" -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if eq .Kind "operator" -}}Op{{end -}}
{{template "ExpandName" .ConstEvalFunction}}
{{- end -}}