Dawn Load Resolve Texture

The dawn-load-resolve-texture feature allows a render pass to expand a resolve attachment‘s pixels into the MSAA attachment’s as part of the loading operation.

Additional functionalities:

  • Adds wgpu::LoadOp::ExpandResolveTexture enum value to specify that the MSAA attachment will load the pixels from its corresponding resolve texture. This is cheaper than wgpu::LoadOp::Load which will load the existing pixels of the MSAA attachment itself.
  • Adds wgpu::ColorTargetStateExpandResolveTextureDawn as chained struct for wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor::FragmentState::ColorTargetState. It has enabled flag to indicate that the render pipeline is going to be used in a render pass with ExpandResolveTexture load op in the respective color attachment.

Example Usage:

// Create MSAA texture
wgpu::TextureDescriptor desc = ...;
desc.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::RenderAttachment;
desc.sampleCount = 4;

auto msaaTexture = device.CreateTexture(&desc);

// Create resolve texture with TextureBinding usage.
wgpu::TextureDescriptor desc = ...;
desc.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::RenderAttachment | wgpu::TextureUsage::TextureBinding;

auto resolveTexture = device.CreateTexture(&desc);

// Create a render pass which will discard the MSAA texture.
wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor renderPassDesc = ...;
renderPassDesc.colorAttachments[0].view = msaaTexture.CreateView();
 = resolveTexture.CreateView();
 = wgpu::StoreOp::Discard;

auto renderPassEncoder = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPassDesc);

// Create a render pipeline with wgpu::ColorTargetStateExpandResolveTextureDawn.
wgpu::ColorTargetStateExpandResolveTextureDawn pipelineExpandResolveTextureState;
pipelineExpandResolveTextureState.enabled = true;

wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor pipelineDesc = ...;
pipelineDesc.multisample.count = 4;

pipelineDesc->fragment->targets[0].nextInChain = &pipelineExpandResolveTextureState;

auto pipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&pipelineDesc);

// Create another render pass with "ExpandResolveTexture" LoadOp.
// Even though we discard the previous content of the MSAA texture,
// the old pixels of the resolve texture will be reserved across
// render passes.
wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor renderPassDesc2 = ...;
renderPassDesc2.colorAttachments[0].view = msaaTexture.CreateView();
 = resolveTexture.CreateView();
 = wgpu::LoadOp::ExpandResolveTexture;

auto renderPassEncoder2 = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPassDesc2);


  • If a resolve texture is used in a wgpu::LoadOp::ExpandResolveTexture operation, it must have wgpu::TextureUsage::TextureBinding usage.
  • The wgpu::ColorTargetStateExpandResolveTextureDawn chained struct controls the compatibility between a render pipeline and a render pass:
  • If the chained struct is not included in any wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor::FragmentState::ColorTargetState then the render pipeline can only be used on any render pass not using any ExpandResolveTexture load op. Whether the render pass has any resolve target doesn't matter.
  • If the chained struct is included in some color targets but none of their enabled boolean flags are true, then it's the same as above case.
  • If at least one included chained struct has enabled = true, then the compatibility's requirements are stricter:
    • If render pipeline's color target i has wgpu::ColorTargetStateExpandResolveTextureDawn.enabled = true, then the compatible render pass must have ExpandResolveTexture load op on attachment i.
    • If render pipeline‘s color target i has wgpu::ColorTargetStateExpandResolveTextureDawn.enabled = false, then the compatible render pass’s attachment i must have a resolve target and its load op must not be ExpandResolveTexture.
    • If render pipeline‘s color target i has no wgpu::ColorTargetStateExpandResolveTextureDawn included, then the compatible render pass’s attachment i must not have any resolve target.
  • Currently the ExpandResolveTexture LoadOp only works on color attachment, this could be changed in future.
  • The texture is not supported if it is not resolvable by WebGPU standard. This means this feature currently doesn't work with integer textures.
  • Using ExpandResolveTexture load op on a multiplanar texture's view is not supported currently.