Roll third_party/swiftshader/ e7ce4e539..8def9063c (283 commits)

$ git log e7ce4e539..8def9063c --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2020-02-18 cwallez Only call updateBorders on ranges that can be cubemaps.
2020-01-27 capn Fix sRGB conversion precision issues
2020-02-17 amaiorano Cache callstack results to avoid expensive lookup
2020-02-14 amaiorano Subzero: add REACTOR_EMIT_PRINT_LOCATION support
2020-02-13 bclayton third_party: Add shell script that updates marl.
2020-02-13 amaiorano Implement rr::Print support for Subzero
2020-02-14 amaiorano Subzero: fix another load from constant data
2020-02-15 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ 348f07b4
2020-02-14 amaiorano Fix unit test when ENABLE_RR_EMIT_PRINT_LOCATION is defined
2020-01-08 jonahr Implement HostMappedForeignMemory DeviceMemory
2020-02-13 bclayton Squashed 'third_party/marl/' changes from 246091e81..a047dd0bb
2020-02-10 bclayton third_party/marl: Add mips64 support to
2020-02-13 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ ac4e1d23
2020-02-12 amaiorano Kokoro: build and run rr::Print unit tests
2020-02-11 amaiorano Fix rr::Print and add unit tests
2020-02-11 gmouse Add missed symbol __aeabi_idivmod for Android.
2020-02-12 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ 6cbb02e0
2020-02-07 bclayton CMakeLists: Drop the explicit include path to marl
2020-02-11 bclayton Bulk clang format
2020-02-08 bclayton Change extension to .inl
2020-02-09 jiaxun.yang Fix MIPS build cflags
2020-02-10 bclayton Don't use std::initializer_list for array views.
2020-02-10 sugoi Support for VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts
2020-02-07 sugoi Support for VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
2020-02-11 bclayton Revert "Add missed symbol __aeabi_idivmod for Android."
2020-02-10 gmouse Add missed symbol __aeabi_idivmod for Android.
2020-02-10 bclayton Debug: Rename levels.
2020-02-09 bclayton Squashed 'third_party/marl/' changes from 14e4d862a..246091e81
2020-02-08 bclayton Fix Android build: Add missing .cpp to Android.bp
2020-02-07 amaiorano Subzero: fix cosh/sinh deqp failures
2020-02-07 amaiorano ReactorUnitTests: fix clang-format messing up test suites
2020-02-07 bclayton Reactor: Copy System/Debug code to Reactor copy
2020-02-03 bclayton SpirvShaderDebugger: Ignore non-statements
2020-02-07 bclayton Debug: Control logging level using a compile time knob
2020-02-07 bclayton Fix chromium build.
2020-02-07 bclayton Debugging: Merge VkDebug into System/Debug
2020-02-07 bclayton VkDebug: Android - log messages to logcat.
2020-02-06 bclayton ReactorBenchmarks: Sweep coroutine perf.
2020-02-05 bclayton vscode: Add third_party/benchmark to include dirs
2020-02-05 amaiorano Fix MSAN LLVM jit false positives
2020-02-04 bclayton Disable new gcc 9 warning [init-list-lifetime]
2020-02-03 bclayton Shader: Add missing switch cases to operationString
2020-02-03 bclayton OpenGL: Fix switch with only a default case.
2020-02-04 amaiorano Regres: fix no env-vars for deqp on Windows
2020-02-03 lfy android: avoid exporting normal Vulkan APIs
2020-01-30 capn Split JIT creation from LLVMReactor.cpp into LLVMJIT.cpp
2020-01-31 bclayton CMake: Add build rules for google benchmark.
2020-01-31 bclayton Add google benchmark submodule to third_party.
2020-01-30 capn Fix use after free
2020-01-30 capn Have Kokoro accept imports from Piper
2019-12-03 bclayton Vulkan: Tidy VkCommandBuffer.cpp
2019-12-06 bclayton Reactor: Rename Blend() to Shuffle()
2019-12-06 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ b9f03f47
2019-12-05 bclayton Reactor: Switch swizzles over to 16-bit hex codes
2019-12-04 digit [vulkan] Add VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_ARITHMETIC_BIT support
2019-08-12 bclayton Vulkan: Optimize shaderClipDistance and shaderCullDistance
2019-08-09 bclayton Vulkan: Implement shaderClipDistance and shaderCullDistance
2019-12-04 paulthomson Regres: support GCOV_PREFIX for collecting coverage
2019-12-04 chrisforbes Regres: update testlists for recent deqp roll
2019-12-04 chrisforbes Regres: Adjust exit code handling
2019-11-22 digit [vulkan] Clarify configuration macros for external memory and semaphores.
2019-12-03 amaiorano ReactorUnitTests: add unit tests for intrinsics
2019-11-29 amaiorano SubzeroReactor: implement most missing intrinsics
2019-11-29 amaiorano SubzeroReactor: add stubbed coroutine support
2019-11-28 amaiorano Subzero: fix assert for sqrt of vector float types
2019-11-28 amaiorano Subzero: hack fix for assert(Dest->hasReg())
2019-11-28 amaiorano SubzeroReactor: fix assertion !isVectorType(Ty)
2019-11-28 amaiorano Subzero: fix assert when dumping unnamed constant
2019-12-04 chrisforbes Regres: roll deqp forward to current tip of 1.1.6
2019-12-04 sugoi Enable the fullDrawIndexUint32 feature
2019-12-04 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ bbd0694f
2019-12-03 bclayton VulkanUnitTests: Fix bad comment on assembly.
2019-11-27 chrisforbes Remove Common/Types.hpp include from SpirvShader
2019-11-27 chrisforbes Regres: Add pending deqp change to fix bad graphicsfuzz tests
2019-12-02 srisser Make Vk::Stringify return std::string
2019-11-20 bclayton VkPipeline: Replace spirv-opt list with RegisterPerformancePasses()
2019-11-28 paulthomson Regres: refactor for use as a library
2019-11-29 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ fb7ca1d5
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShaderEnumNames: Use spirv-tools' spvOpcodeString()
2019-11-28 bclayton Rename SpirvShader_dbg.cpp -> SpirvShaderEnumNames.cpp
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Remove now unused includes
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Move arithmetic ops to new cpp file
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Move image handling to new cpp file
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Move spec ops to new cpp file
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Move group ops to new cpp file
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Move memory ops to new cpp file
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Move control flow handling to new cpp file
2019-11-28 bclayton SpirvShader: Move GLSLstd450 handling to new cpp file
2019-11-28 bclayton Pipeline: Move utility functions to ShaderCore
2019-11-28 jmadill Fix ICD generation (again).
2019-11-28 bclayton Regres: Use for dEQP
2019-11-27 sugoi Support multisampled Bresenham lines
2019-11-26 sugoi Support sample image instruction operand
2019-11-27 jmadill Fix ICD build when using multiple toolchains.
2019-11-26 chrisforbes gles: Only clamp default block uniform indexes
2019-11-26 bclayton Reactor: Work around new MSVC brokenness.
2019-11-26 swiftshader.regress Regres: Update test lists @ f2637d0d
2019-11-25 jonahr Present should return OUT_OF_DATE if the window size outdated
2019-11-18 bclayton Squashed 'third_party/SPIRV-Tools/' changes from 65e362b7a..c3f22f7cb
2019-11-18 bclayton Squashed 'third_party/SPIRV-Headers/' changes from e4322e3be..af64a9e82

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/swiftshader

Bug: dawn:283

Change-Id: Ieed0e7438e3edaf4766d413ce0719065f8a005d8
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
1 file changed
tree: d9116e31fa5d05d49232ae7b5b4d2686d513ef64
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. generator/
  5. infra/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .gitattributes
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gn
  15. CMakeLists.txt
  16. codereview.settings
  18. dawn.json
  19. dawn_wire.json
  20. DEPS
  22. OWNERS
  24. README.chromium

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. More precisely it implements webgpu.h that is a one-to-one mapping with the WebGPU IDL. Dawn is meant to be integrated as part of a larger system and is the underlying implementation of WebGPU in Chromium.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
    • The webgpu.h version that Dawn implements.
    • A C++ wrapper for the webgpu.h.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on macOS and iOS
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android and Fuchsia
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Helpful links:

Documentation table of content

Developer documentation:

User documentation: (TODO, figure out what overlaps with webgpu.h docs)




Apache 2.0 Public License, please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.