blob: 9fc7e47d9e1aa74cd43331427109556a2618611f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "dawn/native/Buffer.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "dawn/common/Alloc.h"
#include "dawn/common/Assert.h"
#include "dawn/native/Adapter.h"
#include "dawn/native/CallbackTaskManager.h"
#include "dawn/native/ChainUtils.h"
#include "dawn/native/Commands.h"
#include "dawn/native/Device.h"
#include "dawn/native/DynamicUploader.h"
#include "dawn/native/ErrorData.h"
#include "dawn/native/ObjectType_autogen.h"
#include "dawn/native/PhysicalDevice.h"
#include "dawn/native/Queue.h"
#include "dawn/native/ValidationUtils_autogen.h"
#include "dawn/platform/DawnPlatform.h"
#include "dawn/platform/tracing/TraceEvent.h"
namespace dawn::native {
namespace {
struct MapRequestTask : TrackTaskCallback {
MapRequestTask(dawn::platform::Platform* platform, Ref<BufferBase> buffer, MapRequestID id)
: TrackTaskCallback(platform), buffer(std::move(buffer)), id(id) {}
~MapRequestTask() override = default;
void FinishImpl() override {
// This is called from a callback, and no lock will be held by default. Hence, we need
// to lock the mutex now because mSerial might be changed by another thread.
auto deviceLock(buffer->GetDevice()->GetScopedLock());
DAWN_ASSERT(mSerial != kMaxExecutionSerial);
TRACE_EVENT1(mPlatform, General, "Buffer::TaskInFlight::Finished", "serial",
buffer->CallbackOnMapRequestCompleted(id, WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_Success);
void HandleDeviceLossImpl() override {
buffer->CallbackOnMapRequestCompleted(id, WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_DeviceLost);
void HandleShutDownImpl() override {
buffer->CallbackOnMapRequestCompleted(id, WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_DestroyedBeforeCallback);
Ref<BufferBase> buffer;
MapRequestID id;
class ErrorBuffer final : public BufferBase {
ErrorBuffer(DeviceBase* device, const BufferDescriptor* descriptor)
: BufferBase(device, descriptor, ObjectBase::kError) {
if (descriptor->mappedAtCreation) {
// Check that the size can be used to allocate an mFakeMappedData. A malloc(0)
// is invalid, and on 32bit systems we should avoid a narrowing conversion that
// would make size = 1 << 32 + 1 allocate one byte.
bool isValidSize = descriptor->size != 0 &&
descriptor->size < uint64_t(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
if (isValidSize) {
mFakeMappedData =
// Since error buffers in this case may allocate memory, we need to track them
// for destruction on the device.
bool IsCPUWritableAtCreation() const override { DAWN_UNREACHABLE(); }
MaybeError MapAtCreationImpl() override { DAWN_UNREACHABLE(); }
MaybeError MapAsyncImpl(wgpu::MapMode mode, size_t offset, size_t size) override {
void* GetMappedPointer() override { return mFakeMappedData.get(); }
void UnmapImpl() override { mFakeMappedData.reset(); }
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> mFakeMappedData;
// GetMappedRange on a zero-sized buffer returns a pointer to this value.
static uint32_t sZeroSizedMappingData = 0xCAFED00D;
} // anonymous namespace
MaybeError ValidateBufferDescriptor(DeviceBase* device, const BufferDescriptor* descriptor) {
UnpackedBufferDescriptorChain unpacked;
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(unpacked, ValidateAndUnpackChain(descriptor));
if (const auto* hostMappedDesc = std::get<const BufferHostMappedPointer*>(unpacked)) {
// TODO( Properly expose this limit.
uint32_t requiredAlignment = 4096;
if (device->GetAdapter()->GetPhysicalDevice()->GetBackendType() ==
wgpu::BackendType::D3D12) {
requiredAlignment = 65536;
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!device->HasFeature(Feature::HostMappedPointer), "%s requires %s.",
hostMappedDesc->sType, ToAPI(Feature::HostMappedPointer));
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!IsAligned(descriptor->size, requiredAlignment),
"Buffer size (%u) wrapping host-mapped memory was not aligned to %u.",
descriptor->size, requiredAlignment);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!IsPtrAligned(hostMappedDesc->pointer, requiredAlignment),
"Host-mapped memory pointer (%p) was not aligned to %u.",
hostMappedDesc->pointer, requiredAlignment);
// TODO(dawn:2018) consider allowing the host-mapped buffers to be mapped through WebGPU.
"Buffer created from host-mapped pointer requires mappedAtCreation to be false.");
wgpu::BufferUsage usage = descriptor->usage;
DAWN_INVALID_IF(usage == wgpu::BufferUsage::None, "Buffer usages must not be 0.");
const wgpu::BufferUsage kMapWriteAllowedUsages =
wgpu::BufferUsage::MapWrite | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc;
usage & wgpu::BufferUsage::MapWrite && !IsSubset(usage, kMapWriteAllowedUsages),
"Buffer usages (%s) is invalid. If a buffer usage contains %s the only other allowed "
"usage is %s.",
usage, wgpu::BufferUsage::MapWrite, wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc);
const wgpu::BufferUsage kMapReadAllowedUsages =
wgpu::BufferUsage::MapRead | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst;
usage & wgpu::BufferUsage::MapRead && !IsSubset(usage, kMapReadAllowedUsages),
"Buffer usages (%s) is invalid. If a buffer usage contains %s the only other allowed "
"usage is %s.",
usage, wgpu::BufferUsage::MapRead, wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(descriptor->mappedAtCreation && descriptor->size % 4 != 0,
"Buffer is mapped at creation but its size (%u) is not a multiple of 4.",
DAWN_INVALID_IF(descriptor->size > device->GetLimits().v1.maxBufferSize,
"Buffer size (%u) exceeds the max buffer size limit (%u).", descriptor->size,
return {};
// Buffer
BufferBase::BufferBase(DeviceBase* device, const BufferDescriptor* descriptor)
: ApiObjectBase(device, descriptor->label),
mState(BufferState::Unmapped) {
// Add readonly storage usage if the buffer has a storage usage. The validation rules in
// ValidateSyncScopeResourceUsage will make sure we don't use both at the same time.
if (mUsage & wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage) {
mUsage |= kReadOnlyStorageBuffer;
// The query resolve buffer need to be used as a storage buffer in the internal compute
// pipeline which does timestamp uint conversion for timestamp query, it requires the buffer
// has Storage usage in the binding group. Implicitly add an InternalStorage usage which is
// only compatible with InternalStorageBuffer binding type in BGL. It shouldn't be
// compatible with StorageBuffer binding type and the query resolve buffer cannot be bound
// as storage buffer if it's created without Storage usage.
if (mUsage & wgpu::BufferUsage::QueryResolve) {
mUsage |= kInternalStorageBuffer;
// We also add internal storage usage for Indirect buffers for some transformations before
// DispatchIndirect calls on the backend (e.g. validations, support of [[num_workgroups]] on
// D3D12), since these transformations involve binding them as storage buffers for use in a
// compute pass.
if (mUsage & wgpu::BufferUsage::Indirect) {
mUsage |= kInternalStorageBuffer;
if (mUsage & wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst) {
if (device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForDepth16UnormTextureToBufferCopy) ||
device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForDepth32FloatTextureToBufferCopy) ||
device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForStencilTextureToBufferCopy) ||
device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForSnormTextureToBufferCopy) ||
device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForBGRA8UnormTextureToBufferCopy) ||
device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::UseBlitForRGB9E5UfloatTextureCopy)) {
mUsage |= kInternalStorageBuffer;
const BufferHostMappedPointer* hostMappedDesc = nullptr;
FindInChain(descriptor->nextInChain, &hostMappedDesc);
if (hostMappedDesc != nullptr) {
mState = BufferState::HostMappedPersistent;
BufferBase::BufferBase(DeviceBase* device,
const BufferDescriptor* descriptor,
ObjectBase::ErrorTag tag)
: ApiObjectBase(device, tag, descriptor->label),
mState(BufferState::Unmapped) {
if (descriptor->mappedAtCreation) {
mState = BufferState::MappedAtCreation;
mMapOffset = 0;
mMapSize = mSize;
BufferBase::~BufferBase() {
DAWN_ASSERT(mState == BufferState::Unmapped || mState == BufferState::Destroyed);
void BufferBase::DestroyImpl() {
// TODO( DestroyImpl is called from two places.
// - It may be called if the buffer is explicitly destroyed with APIDestroy.
// This case is NOT thread-safe and needs proper synchronization with other
// simultaneous uses of the buffer.
// - It may be called when the last ref to the buffer is dropped and the buffer
// is implicitly destroyed. This case is thread-safe because there are no
// other threads using the buffer since there are no other live refs.
if (mState == BufferState::Mapped || mState == BufferState::PendingMap) {
} else if (mState == BufferState::MappedAtCreation) {
if (mStagingBuffer != nullptr) {
mStagingBuffer = nullptr;
} else if (mSize != 0) {
mState = BufferState::Destroyed;
// static
BufferBase* BufferBase::MakeError(DeviceBase* device, const BufferDescriptor* descriptor) {
return new ErrorBuffer(device, descriptor);
ObjectType BufferBase::GetType() const {
return ObjectType::Buffer;
uint64_t BufferBase::GetSize() const {
return mSize;
uint64_t BufferBase::GetAllocatedSize() const {
// The backend must initialize this value.
DAWN_ASSERT(mAllocatedSize != 0);
return mAllocatedSize;
wgpu::BufferUsage BufferBase::GetUsage() const {
return mUsage;
wgpu::BufferUsage BufferBase::GetUsageExternalOnly() const {
return GetUsage() & ~kAllInternalBufferUsages;
wgpu::BufferUsage BufferBase::APIGetUsage() const {
return mUsage & ~kAllInternalBufferUsages;
wgpu::BufferMapState BufferBase::APIGetMapState() const {
switch (mState) {
case BufferState::Mapped:
case BufferState::MappedAtCreation:
return wgpu::BufferMapState::Mapped;
case BufferState::PendingMap:
return wgpu::BufferMapState::Pending;
case BufferState::Unmapped:
case BufferState::Destroyed:
return wgpu::BufferMapState::Unmapped;
return wgpu::BufferMapState::Unmapped;
MaybeError BufferBase::MapAtCreation() {
void* ptr;
size_t size;
if (mSize == 0) {
return {};
} else if (mStagingBuffer != nullptr) {
// If there is a staging buffer for initialization, clear its contents directly.
// It should be exactly as large as the buffer allocation.
ptr = mStagingBuffer->GetMappedPointer();
size = mStagingBuffer->GetSize();
DAWN_ASSERT(size == GetAllocatedSize());
} else {
// Otherwise, the buffer is directly mappable on the CPU.
ptr = GetMappedPointer();
size = GetAllocatedSize();
DeviceBase* device = GetDevice();
if (device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::LazyClearResourceOnFirstUse)) {
memset(ptr, uint8_t(0u), size);
} else if (device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::NonzeroClearResourcesOnCreationForTesting)) {
memset(ptr, uint8_t(1u), size);
return {};
MaybeError BufferBase::MapAtCreationInternal() {
mMapOffset = 0;
mMapSize = mSize;
// 0-sized buffers are not supposed to be written to. Return back any non-null pointer.
// Skip handling 0-sized buffers so we don't try to map them in the backend.
if (mSize != 0) {
// Mappable buffers don't use a staging buffer and are just as if mapped through
// MapAsync.
if (IsCPUWritableAtCreation()) {
} else {
// If any of these fail, the buffer will be deleted and replaced with an error
// buffer. The staging buffer is used to return mappable data to inititalize the
// buffer contents. Allocate one as large as the real buffer size so that every byte
// is initialized.
// TODO( Suballocate and reuse memory from a larger staging
// buffer so we don't create many small buffers.
BufferDescriptor stagingBufferDesc = {};
stagingBufferDesc.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::BufferUsage::MapWrite;
stagingBufferDesc.size = Align(GetAllocatedSize(), 4);
stagingBufferDesc.mappedAtCreation = true;
stagingBufferDesc.label = "Dawn_MappedAtCreationStaging";
IgnoreLazyClearCountScope scope(GetDevice());
DAWN_TRY_ASSIGN(mStagingBuffer, GetDevice()->CreateBuffer(&stagingBufferDesc));
// Only set the state to mapped at creation if we did no fail any point in this helper.
// Otherwise, if we override the default unmapped state before succeeding to create a
// staging buffer, we will have issues when we try to destroy the buffer.
mState = BufferState::MappedAtCreation;
return {};
MaybeError BufferBase::ValidateCanUseOnQueueNow() const {
switch (mState) {
case BufferState::Destroyed:
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("%s used in submit while destroyed.", this);
case BufferState::Mapped:
case BufferState::MappedAtCreation:
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("%s used in submit while mapped.", this);
case BufferState::PendingMap:
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("%s used in submit while pending map.", this);
case BufferState::HostMappedPersistent:
case BufferState::Unmapped:
return {};
std::function<void()> BufferBase::PrepareMappingCallback(MapRequestID mapID,
WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status) {
if (mMapCallback != nullptr && mapID == mLastMapID) {
auto callback = std::move(mMapCallback);
auto userdata = std::move(mMapUserdata);
WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus actualStatus;
if (GetDevice()->IsLost()) {
actualStatus = WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_DeviceLost;
} else {
actualStatus = status;
// Tag the callback as fired before firing it, otherwise it could fire a second time if
// for example buffer.Unmap() is called before the MapRequestTask completes.
mMapCallback = nullptr;
mMapUserdata = nullptr;
return std::bind(callback, actualStatus, userdata);
return [] {};
void BufferBase::APIMapAsync(wgpu::MapMode mode,
size_t offset,
size_t size,
WGPUBufferMapCallback callback,
void* userdata) {
// Check for an existing pending map first because it just
// rejects the callback and doesn't produce a validation error.
if (mState == BufferState::PendingMap) {
if (callback) {
callback, WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_MappingAlreadyPending, userdata);
// Handle the defaulting of size required by WebGPU, even if in webgpu_cpp.h it is not
// possible to default the function argument (because there is the callback later in the
// argument list)
if ((size == wgpu::kWholeMapSize) && (offset <= mSize)) {
size = mSize - offset;
WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status;
if (GetDevice()->ConsumedError(ValidateMapAsync(mode, offset, size, &status),
"calling %s.MapAsync(%s, %u, %u, ...).", this, mode, offset,
size)) {
if (callback) {
GetDevice()->GetCallbackTaskManager()->AddCallbackTask(callback, status, userdata);
mMapMode = mode;
mMapOffset = offset;
mMapSize = size;
mMapCallback = callback;
mMapUserdata = userdata;
mState = BufferState::PendingMap;
if (GetDevice()->ConsumedError(MapAsyncImpl(mode, offset, size))) {
PrepareMappingCallback(mLastMapID, WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_DeviceLost));
std::unique_ptr<MapRequestTask> request =
std::make_unique<MapRequestTask>(GetDevice()->GetPlatform(), this, mLastMapID);
TRACE_EVENT1(GetDevice()->GetPlatform(), General, "Buffer::APIMapAsync", "serial",
GetDevice()->GetQueue()->TrackTask(std::move(request), mLastUsageSerial);
void* BufferBase::APIGetMappedRange(size_t offset, size_t size) {
return GetMappedRange(offset, size, true);
const void* BufferBase::APIGetConstMappedRange(size_t offset, size_t size) {
return GetMappedRange(offset, size, false);
void* BufferBase::GetMappedRange(size_t offset, size_t size, bool writable) {
if (!CanGetMappedRange(writable, offset, size)) {
return nullptr;
if (mStagingBuffer != nullptr) {
return static_cast<uint8_t*>(mStagingBuffer->GetMappedPointer()) + offset;
if (mSize == 0) {
return &sZeroSizedMappingData;
uint8_t* start = static_cast<uint8_t*>(GetMappedPointer());
return start == nullptr ? nullptr : start + offset;
void BufferBase::APIDestroy() {
uint64_t BufferBase::APIGetSize() const {
return mSize;
MaybeError BufferBase::CopyFromStagingBuffer() {
DAWN_ASSERT(mStagingBuffer != nullptr && mSize != 0);
GetDevice()->CopyFromStagingToBuffer(mStagingBuffer.Get(), 0, this, 0, GetAllocatedSize()));
DynamicUploader* uploader = GetDevice()->GetDynamicUploader();
return {};
void BufferBase::APIUnmap() {
if (GetDevice()->ConsumedError(ValidateUnmap(), "calling %s.Unmap().", this)) {
DAWN_UNUSED(GetDevice()->ConsumedError(Unmap(), "calling %s.Unmap().", this));
MaybeError BufferBase::Unmap() {
if (mState == BufferState::Destroyed) {
return {};
// Make sure writes are now visibile to the GPU if we used a staging buffer.
if (mState == BufferState::MappedAtCreation && mStagingBuffer != nullptr) {
return {};
void BufferBase::UnmapInternal(WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus callbackStatus) {
// Unmaps resources on the backend.
if (mState == BufferState::PendingMap) {
PrepareMappingCallback(mLastMapID, callbackStatus));
} else if (mState == BufferState::Mapped) {
} else if (mState == BufferState::MappedAtCreation) {
if (!IsError() && mSize != 0 && IsCPUWritableAtCreation()) {
mState = BufferState::Unmapped;
MaybeError BufferBase::ValidateMapAsync(wgpu::MapMode mode,
size_t offset,
size_t size,
WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus* status) const {
*status = WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_DeviceLost;
*status = WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_ValidationError;
DAWN_INVALID_IF(uint64_t(offset) > mSize,
"Mapping offset (%u) is larger than the size (%u) of %s.", offset, mSize, this);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(offset % 8 != 0, "Offset (%u) must be a multiple of 8.", offset);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(size % 4 != 0, "Size (%u) must be a multiple of 4.", size);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(uint64_t(size) > mSize - uint64_t(offset),
"Mapping range (offset:%u, size: %u) doesn't fit in the size (%u) of %s.",
offset, size, mSize, this);
switch (mState) {
case BufferState::Mapped:
case BufferState::MappedAtCreation:
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("%s is already mapped.", this);
case BufferState::PendingMap:
case BufferState::Destroyed:
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("%s is destroyed.", this);
case BufferState::HostMappedPersistent:
return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Host-mapped %s cannot be mapped again.", this);
case BufferState::Unmapped:
bool isReadMode = mode & wgpu::MapMode::Read;
bool isWriteMode = mode & wgpu::MapMode::Write;
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!(isReadMode ^ isWriteMode), "Map mode (%s) is not one of %s or %s.", mode,
wgpu::MapMode::Write, wgpu::MapMode::Read);
if (mode & wgpu::MapMode::Read) {
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!(mUsage & wgpu::BufferUsage::MapRead),
"The buffer usages (%s) do not contain %s.", mUsage,
} else {
DAWN_ASSERT(mode & wgpu::MapMode::Write);
DAWN_INVALID_IF(!(mUsage & wgpu::BufferUsage::MapWrite),
"The buffer usages (%s) do not contain %s.", mUsage,
*status = WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_Success;
return {};
bool BufferBase::CanGetMappedRange(bool writable, size_t offset, size_t size) const {
if (offset % 8 != 0 || offset < mMapOffset || offset > mSize) {
return false;
size_t rangeSize = size == WGPU_WHOLE_MAP_SIZE ? mSize - offset : size;
if (rangeSize % 4 != 0 || rangeSize > mMapSize) {
return false;
size_t offsetInMappedRange = offset - mMapOffset;
if (offsetInMappedRange > mMapSize - rangeSize) {
return false;
// Note that:
// - We don't check that the device is alive because the application can ask for the
// mapped pointer before it knows, and even Dawn knows, that the device was lost, and
// still needs to work properly.
// - We don't check that the object is alive because we need to return mapped pointers
// for error buffers too.
switch (mState) {
// It is never valid to call GetMappedRange on a host-mapped buffer.
// TODO( consider returning the same pointer here.
case BufferState::HostMappedPersistent:
return false;
// Writeable Buffer::GetMappedRange is always allowed when mapped at creation.
case BufferState::MappedAtCreation:
return true;
case BufferState::Mapped:
DAWN_ASSERT(bool{mMapMode & wgpu::MapMode::Read} ^
bool{mMapMode & wgpu::MapMode::Write});
return !writable || (mMapMode & wgpu::MapMode::Write);
case BufferState::PendingMap:
case BufferState::Unmapped:
case BufferState::Destroyed:
return false;
MaybeError BufferBase::ValidateUnmap() const {
DAWN_INVALID_IF(mState == BufferState::HostMappedPersistent,
"Persistently mapped buffer cannot be unmapped.");
return {};
void BufferBase::CallbackOnMapRequestCompleted(MapRequestID mapID,
WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status) {
// This is called from a callback, and no lock will be held by default. Hence, we need to
// lock the mutex now because this will modify the buffer's states.
auto deviceLock(GetDevice()->GetScopedLock());
if (mapID == mLastMapID && status == WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus_Success &&
mState == BufferState::PendingMap) {
mState = BufferState::Mapped;
auto cb = PrepareMappingCallback(mapID, status);
bool BufferBase::NeedsInitialization() const {
return !mIsDataInitialized && GetDevice()->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::LazyClearResourceOnFirstUse);
bool BufferBase::IsDataInitialized() const {
return mIsDataInitialized;
void BufferBase::SetIsDataInitialized() {
mIsDataInitialized = true;
void BufferBase::MarkUsedInPendingCommands() {
ExecutionSerial serial = GetDevice()->GetPendingCommandSerial();
DAWN_ASSERT(serial >= mLastUsageSerial);
mLastUsageSerial = serial;
bool BufferBase::IsFullBufferRange(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) const {
return offset == 0 && size == GetSize();
} // namespace dawn::native