blob: 8a8446561c5c1a60e77321ebf08b4cca74de41d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <variant>
#include "dawn/native/dawn_platform.h"
#include "dawn/common/TypedInteger.h"
#include "dawn/common/ityp_array.h"
#include "dawn/common/ityp_bitset.h"
#include "dawn/native/EnumClassBitmasks.h"
#include "dawn/native/Error.h"
#include "dawn/native/Subresource.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
// About multi-planar formats.
// Dawn supports additional multi-planar formats when the multiplanar-formats extension is enabled.
// When enabled, Dawn treats planar data as sub-resources (ie. 1 sub-resource == 1 view == 1 plane).
// A multi-planar format name encodes the channel mapping and order of planes. For example,
// R8BG8Biplanar420Unorm is YUV 4:2:0 where Plane 0 = R8, and Plane 1 = BG8.
// Requirements:
// * Plane aspects cannot be combined with color, depth, or stencil aspects.
// * Only compatible multi-planar formats of planes can be used with multi-planar texture
// formats.
// * Can't access multiple planes without creating per plane views (no color conversion).
// * Multi-planar format cannot be written or read without a per plane view.
// TODO(dawn:551): Consider moving this comment.
namespace dawn::native {
enum class Aspect : uint8_t;
class DeviceBase;
// This mirrors wgpu::TextureSampleType as a bitmask instead.
enum class SampleTypeBit : uint8_t {
None = 0x0,
Float = 0x1,
UnfilterableFloat = 0x2,
Depth = 0x4,
Sint = 0x8,
Uint = 0x10,
// Converts a wgpu::TextureSampleType to its bitmask representation.
SampleTypeBit SampleTypeToSampleTypeBit(wgpu::TextureSampleType sampleType);
struct TexelBlockInfo {
uint32_t byteSize;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
enum class TextureComponentType {
struct RequiresFeature {
wgpu::FeatureName feature;
struct CompatibilityMode {};
using UnsupportedReason =
std::variant</* is supported */ std::monostate, RequiresFeature, CompatibilityMode>;
struct AspectInfo {
TexelBlockInfo block;
TextureComponentType baseType{};
SampleTypeBit supportedSampleTypes{};
wgpu::TextureFormat format = wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined;
// The number of formats Dawn knows about. Asserts in BuildFormatTable ensure that this is the
// exact number of known format.
static constexpr uint32_t kKnownFormatCount = 103;
using FormatIndex = TypedInteger<struct FormatIndexT, uint32_t>;
struct Format;
using FormatTable = ityp::array<FormatIndex, Format, kKnownFormatCount>;
// A wgpu::TextureFormat along with all the information about it necessary for validation.
struct Format {
wgpu::TextureFormat format = wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined;
static const UnsupportedReason supported;
// TODO( These members could be stored in a Format capability matrix.
bool isRenderable = false;
bool isCompressed = false;
// A format can be known but not supported because it is part of a disabled extension.
UnsupportedReason unsupportedReason;
bool supportsStorageUsage = false;
bool supportsReadWriteStorageUsage = false;
bool supportsMultisample = false;
bool supportsResolveTarget = false;
bool supportsStorageAttachment = false;
Aspect aspects{};
// Only used for renderable color formats:
uint8_t componentCount = 0; // number of color channels
uint8_t renderTargetPixelByteCost = 0; // byte cost of pixel in render targets
uint8_t renderTargetComponentAlignment = 0; // byte alignment for components in render targets
bool IsSupported() const;
bool IsColor() const;
bool HasDepth() const;
bool HasStencil() const;
bool HasDepthOrStencil() const;
bool HasAlphaChannel() const;
bool IsSnorm() const;
// IsMultiPlanar() returns true if the format allows selecting a plane index. This is only
// allowed by multi-planar formats (ex. NV12).
bool IsMultiPlanar() const;
const AspectInfo& GetAspectInfo(wgpu::TextureAspect aspect) const;
const AspectInfo& GetAspectInfo(Aspect aspect) const;
// The index of the format in the list of all known formats: a unique number for each format
// in [0, kKnownFormatCount)
FormatIndex GetIndex() const;
// baseFormat represents the memory layout of the format.
// If two formats has the same baseFormat, they could copy to and be viewed as the other
// format. Currently two formats have the same baseFormat if they differ only in sRGB-ness.
wgpu::TextureFormat baseFormat = wgpu::TextureFormat::Undefined;
// Returns true if the formats are copy compatible.
// Currently means they differ only in sRGB-ness.
bool CopyCompatibleWith(const Format& otherFormat) const;
// Returns true if the formats are texture view format compatible.
// Currently means they differ only in sRGB-ness.
bool ViewCompatibleWith(const Format& otherFormat) const;
// Used to store the aspectInfo for one or more planes. For single plane "color" formats,
// only the first aspect info or aspectInfo[0] is valid. For depth-stencil, the first aspect
// info is depth and the second aspect info is stencil. For multi-planar formats,
// aspectInfo[i] is the ith plane.
std::array<AspectInfo, kMaxPlanesPerFormat> aspectInfo{};
friend FormatTable BuildFormatTable(const DeviceBase* device);
class FormatSet : public ityp::bitset<FormatIndex, kKnownFormatCount> {
using Base = ityp::bitset<FormatIndex, kKnownFormatCount>;
using Base::Base;
using Base::operator[];
bool operator[](const Format& format) const;
typename Base::reference operator[](const Format& format);
// Implementation details of the format table in the device.
// Returns the index of a format in the FormatTable.
FormatIndex ComputeFormatIndex(wgpu::TextureFormat format);
// Builds the format table with the extensions enabled on the device.
FormatTable BuildFormatTable(const DeviceBase* device);
absl::FormatConvertResult<absl::FormatConversionCharSet::kString> AbslFormatConvert(
const UnsupportedReason& value,
const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec,
absl::FormatSink* s);
} // namespace dawn::native
namespace dawn {
template <>
struct IsDawnBitmask<dawn::native::SampleTypeBit> {
static constexpr bool enable = true;
} // namespace dawn