blob: 19f4b2927379ed6a6e61b8a821b28002747ca975 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "dawn/common/Constants.h"
#include "dawn/common/ContentLessObjectCacheable.h"
#include "dawn/common/ityp_array.h"
#include "dawn/native/BindingInfo.h"
#include "dawn/native/CachedObject.h"
#include "dawn/native/CompilationMessages.h"
#include "dawn/native/Error.h"
#include "dawn/native/Format.h"
#include "dawn/native/Forward.h"
#include "dawn/native/IntegerTypes.h"
#include "dawn/native/Limits.h"
#include "dawn/native/ObjectBase.h"
#include "dawn/native/PerStage.h"
#include "dawn/native/dawn_platform.h"
#include "tint/tint.h"
namespace tint {
class Program;
namespace ast::transform {
class DataMap;
class Manager;
class Transform;
class VertexPulling;
} // namespace ast::transform
} // namespace tint
namespace dawn::native {
using WGSLExtensionSet = std::unordered_set<std::string>;
struct EntryPointMetadata;
// Base component type of an inter-stage variable
enum class InterStageComponentType {
enum class InterpolationType {
enum class InterpolationSampling {
enum class PixelLocalMemberType {
// Use map to make sure constant keys are sorted for creating shader cache keys
using PipelineConstantEntries = std::map<std::string, double>;
// A map from name to EntryPointMetadata.
using EntryPointMetadataTable =
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<EntryPointMetadata>>;
// Source for a tint program
class TintSource;
struct ShaderModuleParseResult {
ShaderModuleParseResult(ShaderModuleParseResult&& rhs);
ShaderModuleParseResult& operator=(ShaderModuleParseResult&& rhs);
bool HasParsedShader() const;
std::unique_ptr<tint::Program> tintProgram;
std::unique_ptr<TintSource> tintSource;
MaybeError ValidateAndParseShaderModule(DeviceBase* device,
const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor,
ShaderModuleParseResult* parseResult,
OwnedCompilationMessages* outMessages);
MaybeError ValidateCompatibilityWithPipelineLayout(DeviceBase* device,
const EntryPointMetadata& entryPoint,
const PipelineLayoutBase* layout);
// Return extent3D with workgroup size dimension info if it is valid
// width = x, height = y, depthOrArrayLength = z
ResultOrError<Extent3D> ValidateComputeStageWorkgroupSize(
const tint::Program& program,
const char* entryPointName,
const LimitsForCompilationRequest& limits);
RequiredBufferSizes ComputeRequiredBufferSizesForLayout(const EntryPointMetadata& entryPoint,
const PipelineLayoutBase* layout);
ResultOrError<tint::Program> RunTransforms(tint::ast::transform::Manager* transformManager,
const tint::Program* program,
const tint::ast::transform::DataMap& inputs,
tint::ast::transform::DataMap* outputs,
OwnedCompilationMessages* messages);
// Mirrors wgpu::SamplerBindingLayout but instead stores a single boolean
// for isComparison instead of a wgpu::SamplerBindingType enum.
struct ShaderSamplerBindingInfo {
bool isComparison;
// Mirrors wgpu::TextureBindingLayout but instead has a set of compatible sampleTypes
// instead of a single enum.
struct ShaderTextureBindingInfo {
SampleTypeBit compatibleSampleTypes;
wgpu::TextureViewDimension viewDimension;
bool multisampled;
// Per-binding shader metadata contains some SPIRV specific information in addition to
// most of the frontend per-binding information.
struct ShaderBindingInfo {
// The SPIRV ID of the resource.
uint32_t id;
uint32_t base_type_id;
BindingNumber binding;
BindingInfoType bindingType;
BufferBindingLayout buffer;
ShaderSamplerBindingInfo sampler;
ShaderTextureBindingInfo texture;
StorageTextureBindingLayout storageTexture;
using BindingGroupInfoMap = std::map<BindingNumber, ShaderBindingInfo>;
using BindingInfoArray = ityp::array<BindGroupIndex, BindingGroupInfoMap, kMaxBindGroups>;
// The WebGPU override variables only support these scalar types
union OverrideScalar {
// Use int32_t for boolean to initialize the full 32bit
int32_t b;
float f32;
int32_t i32;
uint32_t u32;
// Contains all the reflection data for a valid (ShaderModule, entryPoint, stage). They are
// stored in the ShaderModuleBase and destroyed only when the shader program is destroyed so
// pointers to EntryPointMetadata are safe to store as long as you also keep a Ref to the
// ShaderModuleBase.
struct EntryPointMetadata {
// It is valid for a shader to contain entry points that go over limits. To keep this
// structure with packed arrays and bitsets, we still validate against limits when
// doing reflection, but store the errors in this vector, for later use if the application
// tries to use the entry point.
std::vector<std::string> infringedLimitErrors;
// bindings[G][B] is the reflection data for the binding defined with
// @group(G) @binding(B) in WGSL / SPIRV.
BindingInfoArray bindings;
struct SamplerTexturePair {
BindingSlot sampler;
BindingSlot texture;
std::vector<SamplerTexturePair> samplerTexturePairs;
// The set of vertex attributes this entryPoint uses.
ityp::array<VertexAttributeLocation, VertexFormatBaseType, kMaxVertexAttributes>
ityp::bitset<VertexAttributeLocation, kMaxVertexAttributes> usedVertexInputs;
// An array to record the basic types (float, int and uint) of the fragment shader outputs.
struct FragmentOutputVariableInfo {
TextureComponentType baseType;
uint8_t componentCount;
ityp::array<ColorAttachmentIndex, FragmentOutputVariableInfo, kMaxColorAttachments>
ityp::bitset<ColorAttachmentIndex, kMaxColorAttachments> fragmentOutputsWritten;
struct InterStageVariableInfo {
InterStageComponentType baseType;
uint32_t componentCount;
InterpolationType interpolationType;
InterpolationSampling interpolationSampling;
// Now that we only support vertex and fragment stages, there can't be both inter-stage
// inputs and outputs in one shader stage.
std::vector<bool> usedInterStageVariables;
std::vector<InterStageVariableInfo> interStageVariables;
uint32_t totalInterStageShaderComponents;
// The shader stage for this entry point.
SingleShaderStage stage;
struct Override {
tint::OverrideId id;
// Match tint::inspector::Override::Type
// Bool is defined as a macro on linux X11 and cannot compile
enum class Type { Boolean, Float32, Uint32, Int32, Float16 } type;
// If the constant doesn't not have an initializer in the shader
// Then it is required for the pipeline stage to have a constant record to initialize a
// value
bool isInitialized;
using OverridesMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, Override>;
// Map identifier to override variable
// Identifier is unique: either the variable name or the numeric ID if specified
OverridesMap overrides;
// Override variables that are not initialized in shaders
// They need value initialization from pipeline stage or it is a validation error
std::unordered_set<std::string> uninitializedOverrides;
// Store constants with shader initialized values as well
// This is used by metal backend to set values with default initializers that are not
// overridden
std::unordered_set<std::string> initializedOverrides;
// Reflection information about potential `pixel_local` variable use.
bool usesPixelLocal = false;
size_t pixelLocalBlockSize = 0;
std::vector<PixelLocalMemberType> pixelLocalMembers;
bool usesFragDepth = false;
bool usesInstanceIndex = false;
bool usesNumWorkgroups = false;
bool usesSampleMaskOutput = false;
bool usesVertexIndex = false;
class ShaderModuleBase : public ApiObjectBase,
public CachedObject,
public ContentLessObjectCacheable<ShaderModuleBase> {
ShaderModuleBase(DeviceBase* device,
const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor,
ApiObjectBase::UntrackedByDeviceTag tag);
ShaderModuleBase(DeviceBase* device, const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor);
~ShaderModuleBase() override;
static Ref<ShaderModuleBase> MakeError(DeviceBase* device, const char* label);
ObjectType GetType() const override;
// Return true iff the program has an entrypoint called `entryPoint`.
bool HasEntryPoint(const std::string& entryPoint) const;
// Return the metadata for the given `entryPoint`. HasEntryPoint with the same argument
// must be true.
const EntryPointMetadata& GetEntryPoint(const std::string& entryPoint) const;
// Functions necessary for the unordered_set<ShaderModuleBase*>-based cache.
size_t ComputeContentHash() override;
struct EqualityFunc {
bool operator()(const ShaderModuleBase* a, const ShaderModuleBase* b) const;
// This returns tint program before running transforms.
const tint::Program* GetTintProgram() const;
void APIGetCompilationInfo(wgpu::CompilationInfoCallback callback, void* userdata);
void InjectCompilationMessages(std::unique_ptr<OwnedCompilationMessages> compilationMessages);
OwnedCompilationMessages* GetCompilationMessages() const;
void DestroyImpl() override;
MaybeError InitializeBase(ShaderModuleParseResult* parseResult,
OwnedCompilationMessages* compilationMessages);
ShaderModuleBase(DeviceBase* device, ObjectBase::ErrorTag tag, const char* label);
// The original data in the descriptor for caching.
enum class Type { Undefined, Spirv, Wgsl };
Type mType;
std::vector<uint32_t> mOriginalSpirv;
std::string mWgsl;
EntryPointMetadataTable mEntryPoints;
WGSLExtensionSet mEnabledWGSLExtensions;
std::unique_ptr<tint::Program> mTintProgram;
std::unique_ptr<TintSource> mTintSource; // Keep the tint::Source::File alive
std::unique_ptr<OwnedCompilationMessages> mCompilationMessages;
} // namespace dawn::native