| // Copyright 2019 The Dawn Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include <array> |
| |
| #include "dawn/common/Assert.h" |
| #include "dawn/common/Log.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/Toggles.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/dawn_platform.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/stream/Stream.h" |
| |
| namespace dawn::native { |
| namespace { |
| |
| struct ToggleEnumAndInfo { |
| Toggle toggle; |
| ToggleInfo info; |
| }; |
| |
| using ToggleEnumAndInfoList = std::array<ToggleEnumAndInfo, static_cast<size_t>(Toggle::EnumCount)>; |
| |
| static constexpr ToggleEnumAndInfoList kToggleNameAndInfoList = {{ |
| {Toggle::EmulateStoreAndMSAAResolve, |
| {"emulate_store_and_msaa_resolve", |
| "Emulate storing into multisampled color attachments and doing MSAA resolve simultaneously. " |
| "This workaround is enabled by default on the Metal drivers that do not support " |
| "MTLStoreActionStoreAndMultisampleResolve. To support StoreOp::Store on those platforms, we " |
| "should do MSAA resolve in another render pass after ending the previous one.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/56", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::NonzeroClearResourcesOnCreationForTesting, |
| {"nonzero_clear_resources_on_creation_for_testing", |
| "Clears texture to full 1 bits as soon as they are created, but doesn't update the tracking " |
| "state of the texture. This way we can test the logic of clearing textures that use recycled " |
| "memory.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/145", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::AlwaysResolveIntoZeroLevelAndLayer, |
| {"always_resolve_into_zero_level_and_layer", |
| "When the resolve target is a texture view that is created on the non-zero level or layer of " |
| "a texture, we first resolve into a temporarily 2D texture with only one mipmap level and " |
| "one array layer, and copy the result of MSAA resolve into the true resolve target. This " |
| "workaround is enabled by default on the Metal drivers that have bugs when setting non-zero " |
| "resolveLevel or resolveSlice. It is also enabled by default on Qualcomm Vulkan drivers, " |
| "which have similar bugs.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/56", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::LazyClearResourceOnFirstUse, |
| {"lazy_clear_resource_on_first_use", |
| "Clears resource to zero on first usage. This initializes the resource so that no dirty bits " |
| "from recycled memory is present in the new resource.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/145", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::TurnOffVsync, |
| {"turn_off_vsync", |
| "Turn off vsync when rendering. In order to do performance test or run perf tests, turn off " |
| "vsync so that the fps can exeed 60.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/237", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseTemporaryBufferInCompressedTextureToTextureCopy, |
| {"use_temporary_buffer_in_texture_to_texture_copy", |
| "Split texture-to-texture copy into two copies: copy from source texture into a temporary " |
| "buffer, and copy from the temporary buffer into the destination texture when copying " |
| "between compressed textures that don't have block-aligned sizes. This workaround is enabled " |
| "by default on all Vulkan drivers to solve an issue in the Vulkan SPEC about the " |
| "texture-to-texture copies with compressed formats. See #1005 " |
| "(https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/issues/1005) for more details.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/42", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseD3D12ResourceHeapTier2, |
| {"use_d3d12_resource_heap_tier2", |
| "Enable support for resource heap tier 2. Resource heap tier 2 allows mixing of texture and " |
| "buffers in the same heap. This allows better heap re-use and reduces fragmentation.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/27", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseD3D12RenderPass, |
| {"use_d3d12_render_pass", |
| "Use the D3D12 render pass API introduced in Windows build 1809 by default. On versions of " |
| "Windows prior to build 1809, or when this toggle is turned off, Dawn will emulate a render " |
| "pass.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/36", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseD3D12ResidencyManagement, |
| {"use_d3d12_residency_management", |
| "Enable residency management. This allows page-in and page-out of resource heaps in GPU " |
| "memory. This component improves overcommitted performance by keeping the most recently used " |
| "resources local to the GPU. Turning this component off can cause allocation failures when " |
| "application memory exceeds physical device memory.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/193", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableResourceSuballocation, |
| {"disable_resource_suballocation", |
| "Force the backends to not perform resource suballocation. This may expose allocation " |
| "patterns which would otherwise only occur with large or specific types of resources.", |
| "https://crbug.com/1313172", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::SkipValidation, |
| {"skip_validation", "Skip expensive validation of Dawn commands.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/271", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::VulkanUseD32S8, |
| {"vulkan_use_d32s8", |
| "Vulkan mandates support of either D32_FLOAT_S8 or D24_UNORM_S8. When available the backend " |
| "will use D32S8 (toggle to on) but setting the toggle to off will make it use the D24S8 " |
| "format when possible.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/286", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::VulkanUseS8, |
| {"vulkan_use_s8", |
| "Vulkan has a pure stencil8 format but it is not universally available. When this toggle is " |
| "on, the backend will use S8 for the stencil8 format, otherwise it will fallback to D32S8 or " |
| "D24S8.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/666", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalDisableSamplerCompare, |
| {"metal_disable_sampler_compare", |
| "Disables the use of sampler compare on Metal. This is unsupported before A9 processors.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/342", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalUseSharedModeForCounterSampleBuffer, |
| {"metal_use_shared_mode_for_counter_sample_buffer", |
| "The query set on Metal need to create MTLCounterSampleBuffer which storage mode must be " |
| "either MTLStorageModeShared or MTLStorageModePrivate. But the private mode does not work " |
| "properly on Intel platforms. The workaround is use shared mode instead.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/434", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableBaseVertex, |
| {"disable_base_vertex", |
| "Disables the use of non-zero base vertex which is unsupported on some platforms.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/343", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableBaseInstance, |
| {"disable_base_instance", |
| "Disables the use of non-zero base instance which is unsupported on some platforms.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/343", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableIndexedDrawBuffers, |
| {"disable_indexed_draw_buffers", |
| "Disables the use of indexed draw buffer state which is unsupported on some platforms.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/582", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableDepthRead, |
| {"disable_depth_read", |
| "Disables reading from depth textures which is unsupported on some platforms.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/667", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableStencilRead, |
| {"disable_stencil_read", |
| "Disables reading from stencil textures which is unsupported on some platforms.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/667", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableDepthStencilRead, |
| {"disable_depth_stencil_read", |
| "Disables reading from depth/stencil textures which is unsupported on some platforms.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/667", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableSampleVariables, |
| {"disable_sample_variables", |
| "Disables gl_SampleMask and related functionality which is unsupported on some platforms.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/673", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseD3D12SmallShaderVisibleHeapForTesting, |
| {"use_d3d12_small_shader_visible_heap", |
| "Enable use of a small D3D12 shader visible heap, instead of using a large one by default. " |
| "This setting is used to test bindgroup encoding.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/155", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseDXC, |
| {"use_dxc", |
| "Use DXC instead of FXC for compiling HLSL when both dxcompiler.dll and dxil.dll is " |
| "available.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/402", ToggleStage::Adapter}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableRobustness, |
| {"disable_robustness", "Disable robust buffer access", "https://crbug.com/dawn/480", |
| ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalEnableVertexPulling, |
| {"metal_enable_vertex_pulling", "Uses vertex pulling to protect out-of-bounds reads on Metal", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/480", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::AllowUnsafeAPIs, |
| {"allow_unsafe_apis", |
| "Suppresses validation errors on API entry points or parameter combinations that aren't " |
| "considered secure yet.", |
| "http://crbug.com/1138528", ToggleStage::Instance}}, |
| {Toggle::FlushBeforeClientWaitSync, |
| {"flush_before_client_wait_sync", |
| "Call glFlush before glClientWaitSync to work around bugs in the latter", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/633", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseTempBufferInSmallFormatTextureToTextureCopyFromGreaterToLessMipLevel, |
| {"use_temp_buffer_in_small_format_texture_to_texture_copy_from_greater_to_less_mip_level", |
| "Split texture-to-texture copy into two copies: copy from source texture into a temporary " |
| "buffer, and copy from the temporary buffer into the destination texture under specific " |
| "situations. This workaround is by default enabled on some Intel GPUs which have a driver " |
| "bug in the execution of CopyTextureRegion() when we copy with the formats whose texel " |
| "block sizes are less than 4 bytes from a greater mip level to a smaller mip level on D3D12 " |
| "backends.", |
| "https://crbug.com/1161355", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::EmitHLSLDebugSymbols, |
| {"emit_hlsl_debug_symbols", |
| "Sets the D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION and D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG compilation flags when compiling " |
| "HLSL code. Enables better shader debugging with external graphics debugging tools.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/776", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisallowSpirv, |
| {"disallow_spirv", |
| "Disallow usage of SPIR-V completely so that only WGSL is used for shader modules. This is " |
| "useful to prevent a Chromium renderer process from successfully sending SPIR-V code to be " |
| "compiled in the GPU process.", |
| "https://crbug.com/1214923", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DumpShaders, |
| {"dump_shaders", |
| "Dump shaders for debugging purposes. Dumped shaders will be log via EmitLog, thus printed " |
| "in Chrome console or consumed by user-defined callback function.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/792", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableWorkgroupInit, |
| {"disable_workgroup_init", |
| "Disables the workgroup memory zero-initialization for compute shaders.", |
| "https://crbug.com/tint/1003", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableSymbolRenaming, |
| {"disable_symbol_renaming", "Disables the WGSL symbol renaming so that names are preserved.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1016", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseUserDefinedLabelsInBackend, |
| {"use_user_defined_labels_in_backend", |
| "Enables calls to SetLabel to be forwarded to backend-specific APIs that label objects.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/840", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UsePlaceholderFragmentInVertexOnlyPipeline, |
| {"use_placeholder_fragment_in_vertex_only_pipeline", |
| "Use a placeholder empty fragment shader in vertex only render pipeline. This toggle must be " |
| "enabled for OpenGL ES backend, the Vulkan Backend, and serves as a workaround by default " |
| "enabled on some Metal " |
| "devices with Intel GPU to ensure the depth result is correct.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/136", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::FxcOptimizations, |
| {"fxc_optimizations", |
| "Enable optimizations when compiling with FXC. Disabled by default because FXC miscompiles " |
| "in many cases when optimizations are enabled.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1203", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::RecordDetailedTimingInTraceEvents, |
| {"record_detailed_timing_in_trace_events", |
| "Record detailed timing information in trace events at certain point. Currently the timing " |
| "information is recorded right before calling ExecuteCommandLists on a D3D12 command queue, " |
| "and the information includes system time, CPU timestamp, GPU timestamp, and their " |
| "frequency.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1264", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableTimestampQueryConversion, |
| {"disable_timestamp_query_conversion", |
| "Resolve timestamp queries into ticks instead of nanoseconds.", "https://crbug.com/dawn/1305", |
| ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::TimestampQuantization, |
| {"timestamp_quantization", |
| "Enable timestamp queries quantization to reduce the precision of timers that can be created " |
| "with timestamp queries.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1800", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::ClearBufferBeforeResolveQueries, |
| {"clear_buffer_before_resolve_queries", |
| "clear destination buffer to zero before resolving queries. This toggle is enabled on Intel " |
| "Gen12 GPUs due to driver issue.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1823", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::VulkanUseZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemoryExtension, |
| {"use_vulkan_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory_extension", |
| "Initialize workgroup memory with OpConstantNull on Vulkan when the Vulkan extension " |
| "VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory is supported.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1302", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12SplitBufferTextureCopyForRowsPerImagePaddings, |
| {"d3d12_split_buffer_texture_copy_for_rows_per_image_paddings", |
| "D3D12 requires more buffer storage than it should when rowsPerImage is greater than " |
| "copyHeight, which means there are pure padding row(s) on each image. In this situation, " |
| "the buffer used for B2T/T2B copy might be big enough according to WebGPU's spec but it " |
| "doesn't meet D3D12's requirement, then we need to workaround it via split the copy " |
| "operation into two copies, in order to make B2T/T2B copy being done correctly on D3D12.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1289", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalRenderR8RG8UnormSmallMipToTempTexture, |
| {"metal_render_r8_rg8_unorm_small_mip_to_temp_texture", |
| "Metal Intel devices have issues with r8unorm and rg8unorm textures where rendering to small " |
| "mips (level >= 2) doesn't work correctly. Workaround this issue by detecting this case and " |
| "rendering to a temporary texture instead (with copies before and after if needed).", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1071", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableBlobCache, |
| {"disable_blob_cache", |
| "Disables usage of the blob cache (backed by the platform cache if set/passed). Prevents any " |
| "persistent caching capabilities, i.e. pipeline caching.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/549", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12ForceClearCopyableDepthStencilTextureOnCreation, |
| {"d3d12_force_clear_copyable_depth_stencil_texture_on_creation", |
| "Always clearing copyable depth stencil textures when creating them instead of skipping the " |
| "initialization when the entire subresource is the copy destination as a workaround on Intel " |
| "D3D12 drivers.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1487", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12DontSetClearValueOnDepthTextureCreation, |
| {"d3d12_dont_set_clear_value_on_depth_texture_creation", |
| "Don't set D3D12_CLEAR_VALUE when creating depth textures with CreatePlacedResource() or " |
| "CreateCommittedResource() as a workaround on Intel Gen12 D3D12 drivers.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1487", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12AlwaysUseTypelessFormatsForCastableTexture, |
| {"d3d12_always_use_typeless_formats_for_castable_texture", |
| "Always use the typeless DXGI format when we create a texture with valid viewFormat. This " |
| "Toggle is enabled by default on the D3D12 platforms where CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported " |
| "is false.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1276", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12AllocateExtraMemoryFor2DArrayColorTexture, |
| {"d3d12_allocate_extra_memory_for_2d_array_color_texture", |
| "Memory allocation for 2D array color texture may be smaller than it should be on D3D12 on " |
| "some Intel devices. So texture access can be out-of-bound, which may cause critical " |
| "security issue. We can workaround this security issue via allocating extra memory and " |
| "limiting its access in itself.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/949", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12UseTempBufferInDepthStencilTextureAndBufferCopyWithNonZeroBufferOffset, |
| {"d3d12_use_temp_buffer_in_depth_stencil_texture_and_buffer_copy_with_non_zero_buffer_offset", |
| "Split buffer-texture copy into two copies: do first copy with a temporary buffer at offset " |
| "0, then copy from the temporary buffer to the destination. Now this toggle must be enabled " |
| "on the D3D12 platforms where programmable MSAA is not supported.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/727", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12UseTempBufferInTextureToTextureCopyBetweenDifferentDimensions, |
| {"d3d12_use_temp_buffer_in_texture_to_texture_copy_between_different_dimensions", |
| "Use an intermediate temporary buffer when copying between textures of different dimensions. " |
| "Force-enabled on D3D12 when the driver does not have the " |
| "TextureCopyBetweenDimensionsSupported feature.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1216", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::ApplyClearBigIntegerColorValueWithDraw, |
| {"apply_clear_big_integer_color_value_with_draw", |
| "Apply the clear value of the color attachment with a draw call when load op is 'clear'. " |
| "This toggle is enabled by default on D3D12 backends when we set large integer values " |
| "(> 2^24 or < -2^24 for signed integer formats) as the clear value of a color attachment " |
| "with 32-bit integer or unsigned integer formats because D3D12 APIs only support using " |
| "float numbers as clear values, while a float number cannot always precisely represent an " |
| "integer that is greater than 2^24 or smaller than -2^24). This toggle is also enabled on " |
| "Intel GPUs on Metal backend due to a driver issue on Intel Metal driver.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/537", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalUseMockBlitEncoderForWriteTimestamp, |
| {"metal_use_mock_blit_encoder_for_write_timestamp", |
| "Add mock blit command to blit encoder when encoding writeTimestamp as workaround on Metal." |
| "This toggle is enabled by default on Metal backend where GPU counters cannot be stored to" |
| "sampleBufferAttachments on empty blit encoder.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1473", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::VulkanSplitCommandBufferOnComputePassAfterRenderPass, |
| {"vulkan_split_command_buffer_on_compute_pass_after_render_pass", |
| "Splits any command buffer where a compute pass is recorded after a render pass. This " |
| "toggle is enabled by default on Qualcomm GPUs, which have been observed experiencing a " |
| "driver crash in this situation.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1564", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::DisableSubAllocationFor2DTextureWithCopyDstOrRenderAttachment, |
| {"disable_sub_allocation_for_2d_texture_with_copy_dst_or_render_attachment", |
| "Disable resource sub-allocation for the 2D texture with CopyDst or RenderAttachment usage. " |
| "Due to driver issues, this toggle is enabled by default on D3D12 backends using Intel " |
| "Gen9.5 or Gen11 GPUs, on Vulkan backends using Intel Gen12 GPUs, and D3D12 backends using " |
| "AMD GPUs.", |
| "https://crbug.com/1237175", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalUseCombinedDepthStencilFormatForStencil8, |
| {"metal_use_combined_depth_stencil_format_for_stencil8", |
| "Use a combined depth stencil format instead of stencil8. Works around an issue where the " |
| "stencil8 format alone does not work correctly. This toggle also causes depth stencil " |
| "attachments using a stencil8 format to also set the depth attachment in the Metal render " |
| "pass. This works around another issue where Metal fails to set the stencil attachment " |
| "correctly for a combined depth stencil format if the depth attachment is not also set.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1389", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalUseBothDepthAndStencilAttachmentsForCombinedDepthStencilFormats, |
| {"metal_use_both_depth_and_stencil_attachments_for_combined_depth_stencil_formats", |
| "In Metal, depth and stencil attachments are set separately. Setting just one without the " |
| "other does not work correctly for combined depth stencil formats on some Metal drivers. " |
| "This workarounds ensures that both are set. This situation arises during lazy clears, or " |
| "for stencil8 formats if metal_use_combined_depth_stencil_format_for_stencil8 is also " |
| "enabled.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1389", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalKeepMultisubresourceDepthStencilTexturesInitialized, |
| {"metal_keep_multisubresource_depth_stencil_textures_initialized", |
| "Some platforms have bugs where the wrong depth stencil subresource is read/written. To " |
| "avoid reads of uninitialized data, ensure that depth stencil textures with more than one " |
| "subresource are completely initialized, and StoreOp::Discard is always translated as a " |
| "Store.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/838", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::MetalFillEmptyOcclusionQueriesWithZero, |
| {"metal_fill_empty_occlusion_queries_with_zero", |
| "Apple GPUs leave stale results in the visibility result buffer instead of writing zero if " |
| "an occlusion query is empty. Workaround this by explicitly filling it with zero if there " |
| "are no draw calls.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1707", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForBufferToDepthTextureCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_buffer_to_depth_texture_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy buffer data to the depth aspect of a " |
| "texture. Works around an issue where depth writes by copy commands are not visible " |
| "to a render or compute pass.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1389", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForBufferToStencilTextureCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_buffer_to_stencil_texture_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy buffer data to the stencil aspect of a " |
| "texture. Works around an issue where stencil writes by copy commands are not visible " |
| "to a render or compute pass.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1389", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForDepthTextureToTextureCopyToNonzeroSubresource, |
| {"use_blit_for_depth_texture_to_texture_copy_to_nonzero_subresource", |
| "Use a blit to copy from a depth texture to the nonzero subresource of a depth texture. " |
| "Works around an issue where nonzero layers are not written.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1083", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForDepth16UnormTextureToBufferCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_depth16unorm_texture_to_buffer_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy depth aspect of a texture to a buffer." |
| "Workaround for OpenGL and OpenGLES.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1782", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForDepth32FloatTextureToBufferCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_depth32float_texture_to_buffer_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy depth aspect of a texture to a buffer." |
| "Workaround for OpenGLES.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1782", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForStencilTextureToBufferCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_stencil_texture_to_buffer_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy stencil aspect of a texture to a buffer." |
| "Workaround for OpenGLES.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1782", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForSnormTextureToBufferCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_snorm_texture_to_buffer_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy snorm texture to a buffer." |
| "Workaround for OpenGLES.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1781", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForBGRA8UnormTextureToBufferCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_bgra8unorm_texture_to_buffer_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy bgra8unorm texture to a buffer." |
| "Workaround for OpenGLES.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1393", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseBlitForRGB9E5UfloatTextureCopy, |
| {"use_blit_for_rgb9e5ufloat_texture_copy", |
| "Use a blit instead of a copy command to copy rgb9e5ufloat texture to a texture or a buffer." |
| "Workaround for OpenGLES.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/2079", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12ReplaceAddWithMinusWhenDstFactorIsZeroAndSrcFactorIsDstAlpha, |
| {"d3d12_replace_add_with_minus_when_dst_factor_is_zero_and_src_factor_is_dst_alpha", |
| "Replace the blending operation 'Add' with 'Minus' when dstBlendFactor is 'Zero' and " |
| "srcBlendFactor is 'DstAlpha'. Works around an Intel D3D12 driver issue about alpha " |
| "blending.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1579", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12PolyfillReflectVec2F32, |
| {"d3d12_polyfill_reflect_vec2_f32", |
| "Polyfill the reflect builtin for vec2<f32> for D3D12. This toggle is enabled by default on " |
| "D3D12 backends using FXC on Intel GPUs due to a driver issue on Intel D3D12 driver.", |
| "https://crbug.com/tint/1798", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::VulkanClearGen12TextureWithCCSAmbiguateOnCreation, |
| {"vulkan_clear_gen12_texture_with_ccs_ambiguate_on_creation", |
| "Clears some R8-like textures to full 0 bits as soon as they are created. This Toggle is " |
| "enabled on Intel Gen12 GPUs due to a mesa driver issue.", |
| "https://crbug.com/chromium/1361662", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12UseRootSignatureVersion1_1, |
| {"d3d12_use_root_signature_version_1_1", |
| "Use D3D12 Root Signature Version 1.1 to make additional guarantees about the descriptors in " |
| "a descriptor heap and the data pointed to by the descriptors so that the drivers can make " |
| "better optimizations on them.", |
| "https://crbug.com/tint/1890", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::VulkanUseImageRobustAccess2, |
| {"vulkan_use_image_robust_access_2", |
| "Disable Tint robustness transform on textures when VK_EXT_robustness2 is supported and " |
| "robustImageAccess2 == VK_TRUE.", |
| "https://crbug.com/tint/1890", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::VulkanUseBufferRobustAccess2, |
| {"vulkan_use_buffer_robust_access_2", |
| "Disable index clamping on the runtime-sized arrays on buffers in Tint robustness transform " |
| "when VK_EXT_robustness2 is supported and robustBufferAccess2 == VK_TRUE.", |
| "https://crbug.com/tint/1890", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12Use64KBAlignedMSAATexture, |
| {"d3d12_use_64kb_alignment_msaa_texture", |
| "Create MSAA textures with 64KB (D3D12_SMALL_MSAA_RESOURCE_PLACEMENT_ALIGNMENT) alignment.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/282", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::ResolveMultipleAttachmentInSeparatePasses, |
| {"resolve_multiple_attachments_in_separate_passes", |
| "When multiple MSAA attachments are used in a render pass, splits any resolve steps into a " |
| "separate render pass per resolve target. " |
| "This workaround is enabled by default on ARM Mali drivers.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1550", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12CreateNotZeroedHeap, |
| {"d3d12_create_not_zeroed_heap", |
| "Create D3D12 heap with D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED when it is supported. It is safe " |
| "because in Dawn we always clear the resources manually when needed.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/484", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3D12DontUseNotZeroedHeapFlagOnTexturesAsCommitedResources, |
| {"d3d12_dont_use_not_zeroed_heap_flag_on_textures_as_commited_resources", |
| "Don't set the heap flag D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_CREATE_NOT_ZEROED on the D3D12 textures created " |
| "with CreateCommittedResource() as a workaround of some driver issues on Intel Gen9 and " |
| "Gen11 GPUs.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/484", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::UseTintIR, |
| {"use_tint_ir", "Enable the use of the Tint IR for backend codegen.", |
| "https://crbug.com/tint/1718", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::D3DDisableIEEEStrictness, |
| {"d3d_disable_ieee_strictness", |
| "Disable IEEE strictness when compiling shaders. It is otherwise enabled by default to " |
| "workaround issues where FXC can miscompile code that depends on special float values (NaN, " |
| "INF, etc).", |
| "https://crbug.com/tint/976", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::NoWorkaroundSampleMaskBecomesZeroForAllButLastColorTarget, |
| {"no_workaround_sample_mask_becomes_zero_for_all_but_last_color_target", |
| "MacOS 12.0+ Intel has a bug where the sample mask is only applied for the last color " |
| "target. If there are multiple color targets, all but the last one will use a sample mask " |
| "of zero.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1462", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::NoWorkaroundIndirectBaseVertexNotApplied, |
| {"no_workaround_indirect_base_vertex_not_applied", |
| "MacOS Intel < Gen9 has a bug where indirect base vertex is not applied for " |
| "drawIndexedIndirect. Draws are done as if it is always zero.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/966", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| {Toggle::NoWorkaroundDstAlphaAsSrcBlendFactorForBothColorAndAlphaDoesNotWork, |
| {"no_workaround_dst_alpha_as_src_blend_factor_for_both_color_and_alpha_does_not_work", |
| "Using D3D12_BLEND_DEST_ALPHA as source blend factor for both color and alpha blending " |
| "doesn't work correctly on the D3D12 backend using Intel Gen9 or Gen9.5 GPUs.", |
| "https://crbug.com/dawn/1579", ToggleStage::Device}}, |
| // Comment to separate the }} so it is clearer what to copy-paste to add a toggle. |
| }}; |
| } // anonymous namespace |
| |
| void TogglesSet::Set(Toggle toggle, bool enabled) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum); |
| const size_t toggleIndex = static_cast<size_t>(toggle); |
| bitset.set(toggleIndex, enabled); |
| } |
| |
| bool TogglesSet::Has(Toggle toggle) const { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum); |
| const size_t toggleIndex = static_cast<size_t>(toggle); |
| return bitset.test(toggleIndex); |
| } |
| |
| size_t TogglesSet::Count() const { |
| return bitset.count(); |
| } |
| |
| TogglesSet::Iterator TogglesSet::Iterate() const { |
| return IterateBitSet(bitset); |
| } |
| |
| TogglesState::TogglesState(ToggleStage stage) : mStage(stage) {} |
| |
| TogglesState TogglesState::CreateFromTogglesDescriptor(const DawnTogglesDescriptor* togglesDesc, |
| ToggleStage requiredStage) { |
| TogglesState togglesState(requiredStage); |
| |
| if (togglesDesc == nullptr) { |
| return togglesState; |
| } |
| |
| TogglesInfo togglesInfo; |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < togglesDesc->enabledToggleCount; ++i) { |
| Toggle toggle = togglesInfo.ToggleNameToEnum(togglesDesc->enabledToggles[i]); |
| if (toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum) { |
| const ToggleInfo* toggleInfo = togglesInfo.GetToggleInfo(toggle); |
| // Accept the required toggles of current and earlier stage to allow override |
| // inheritance. |
| if (toggleInfo->stage <= requiredStage) { |
| togglesState.mTogglesSet.Set(toggle, true); |
| togglesState.mEnabledToggles.Set(toggle, true); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < togglesDesc->disabledToggleCount; ++i) { |
| Toggle toggle = togglesInfo.ToggleNameToEnum(togglesDesc->disabledToggles[i]); |
| if (toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum) { |
| const ToggleInfo* toggleInfo = togglesInfo.GetToggleInfo(toggle); |
| // Accept the required toggles of current and earlier stage to allow override |
| // inheritance. |
| if (toggleInfo->stage <= requiredStage) { |
| togglesState.mTogglesSet.Set(toggle, true); |
| togglesState.mEnabledToggles.Set(toggle, false); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return togglesState; |
| } |
| |
| TogglesState& TogglesState::InheritFrom(const TogglesState& inheritedToggles) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(inheritedToggles.GetStage() < mStage); |
| |
| // Do inheritance. All toggles that are force-set in the inherited toggles states would |
| // be force-set in the result toggles state, and all toggles that are set in the inherited |
| // toggles states and not required in current toggles state would be set in the result toggles |
| // state. |
| for (uint32_t i : inheritedToggles.mTogglesSet.Iterate()) { |
| const Toggle& toggle = static_cast<Toggle>(i); |
| DAWN_ASSERT(TogglesInfo::GetToggleInfo(toggle)->stage < mStage); |
| bool isEnabled = inheritedToggles.mEnabledToggles.Has(toggle); |
| bool isForced = inheritedToggles.mForcedToggles.Has(toggle); |
| // Only inherit a toggle if it is not set by user requirement or is forced in earlier stage. |
| // In this way we allow user requirement override the inheritance if not forced. |
| if (!mTogglesSet.Has(toggle) || isForced) { |
| mTogglesSet.Set(toggle, true); |
| mEnabledToggles.Set(toggle, isEnabled); |
| mForcedToggles.Set(toggle, isForced); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| // Set a toggle to given state, if the toggle has not been already set. Do nothing otherwise. |
| void TogglesState::Default(Toggle toggle, bool enabled) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum); |
| DAWN_ASSERT(TogglesInfo::GetToggleInfo(toggle)->stage == mStage); |
| if (IsSet(toggle)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| mTogglesSet.Set(toggle, true); |
| mEnabledToggles.Set(toggle, enabled); |
| } |
| |
| void TogglesState::ForceSet(Toggle toggle, bool enabled) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum); |
| DAWN_ASSERT(TogglesInfo::GetToggleInfo(toggle)->stage == mStage); |
| // Make sure that each toggle is force-set at most once. |
| DAWN_ASSERT(!mForcedToggles.Has(toggle)); |
| if (mTogglesSet.Has(toggle) && mEnabledToggles.Has(toggle) != enabled) { |
| dawn::WarningLog() << "Forcing toggle \"" << ToggleEnumToName(toggle) << "\" to " << enabled |
| << " when it was " << !enabled; |
| } |
| mTogglesSet.Set(toggle, true); |
| mEnabledToggles.Set(toggle, enabled); |
| mForcedToggles.Set(toggle, true); |
| } |
| |
| TogglesState& TogglesState::SetForTesting(Toggle toggle, bool enabled, bool forced) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum); |
| mTogglesSet.Set(toggle, true); |
| mEnabledToggles.Set(toggle, enabled); |
| mForcedToggles.Set(toggle, forced); |
| |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| bool TogglesState::IsSet(Toggle toggle) const { |
| // Ensure that the toggle never used earlier than its stage. |
| DAWN_ASSERT(TogglesInfo::GetToggleInfo(toggle)->stage <= mStage); |
| return mTogglesSet.Has(toggle); |
| } |
| |
| // Return true if the toggle is provided in enable list, and false otherwise. |
| bool TogglesState::IsEnabled(Toggle toggle) const { |
| // Ensure that the toggle never used earlier than its stage. |
| DAWN_ASSERT(TogglesInfo::GetToggleInfo(toggle)->stage <= mStage); |
| return mEnabledToggles.Has(toggle); |
| } |
| |
| ToggleStage TogglesState::GetStage() const { |
| return mStage; |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<const char*> TogglesState::GetEnabledToggleNames() const { |
| std::vector<const char*> enabledTogglesName(mEnabledToggles.Count()); |
| |
| uint32_t index = 0; |
| for (uint32_t i : mEnabledToggles.Iterate()) { |
| const Toggle& toggle = static_cast<Toggle>(i); |
| // All enabled toggles must be provided. |
| DAWN_ASSERT(mTogglesSet.Has(toggle)); |
| const char* toggleName = ToggleEnumToName(toggle); |
| enabledTogglesName[index] = toggleName; |
| ++index; |
| } |
| |
| return enabledTogglesName; |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<const char*> TogglesState::GetDisabledToggleNames() const { |
| std::vector<const char*> enabledTogglesName(mTogglesSet.Count() - mEnabledToggles.Count()); |
| |
| uint32_t index = 0; |
| for (uint32_t i : mTogglesSet.Iterate()) { |
| const Toggle& toggle = static_cast<Toggle>(i); |
| // Disabled toggles are those provided but not enabled. |
| if (!mEnabledToggles.Has(toggle)) { |
| const char* toggleName = ToggleEnumToName(toggle); |
| enabledTogglesName[index] = toggleName; |
| ++index; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return enabledTogglesName; |
| } |
| |
| // Allowing TogglesState to be used in cache key. |
| void StreamIn(stream::Sink* s, const TogglesState& togglesState) { |
| StreamIn(s, togglesState.mEnabledToggles.bitset); |
| } |
| |
| const char* ToggleEnumToName(Toggle toggle) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum); |
| |
| const ToggleEnumAndInfo& toggleNameAndInfo = |
| kToggleNameAndInfoList[static_cast<size_t>(toggle)]; |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggleNameAndInfo.toggle == toggle); |
| return toggleNameAndInfo.info.name; |
| } |
| |
| // static |
| std::vector<const ToggleInfo*> TogglesInfo::AllToggleInfos() { |
| std::vector<const ToggleInfo*> infos; |
| infos.reserve(kToggleNameAndInfoList.size()); |
| |
| for (const auto& entry : kToggleNameAndInfoList) { |
| infos.push_back(&(entry.info)); |
| } |
| return infos; |
| } |
| |
| TogglesInfo::TogglesInfo() = default; |
| |
| TogglesInfo::~TogglesInfo() = default; |
| |
| const ToggleInfo* TogglesInfo::GetToggleInfo(const char* toggleName) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggleName); |
| |
| EnsureToggleNameToEnumMapInitialized(); |
| |
| const auto& iter = mToggleNameToEnumMap.find(toggleName); |
| if (iter != mToggleNameToEnumMap.cend()) { |
| return &kToggleNameAndInfoList[static_cast<size_t>(iter->second)].info; |
| } |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| const ToggleInfo* TogglesInfo::GetToggleInfo(Toggle toggle) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggle != Toggle::InvalidEnum); |
| |
| return &kToggleNameAndInfoList[static_cast<size_t>(toggle)].info; |
| } |
| |
| Toggle TogglesInfo::ToggleNameToEnum(const char* toggleName) { |
| DAWN_ASSERT(toggleName); |
| |
| EnsureToggleNameToEnumMapInitialized(); |
| |
| const auto& iter = mToggleNameToEnumMap.find(toggleName); |
| if (iter != mToggleNameToEnumMap.cend()) { |
| return kToggleNameAndInfoList[static_cast<size_t>(iter->second)].toggle; |
| } |
| return Toggle::InvalidEnum; |
| } |
| |
| void TogglesInfo::EnsureToggleNameToEnumMapInitialized() { |
| if (mToggleNameToEnumMapInitialized) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| for (size_t index = 0; index < kToggleNameAndInfoList.size(); ++index) { |
| const ToggleEnumAndInfo& toggleNameAndInfo = kToggleNameAndInfoList[index]; |
| DAWN_ASSERT(index == static_cast<size_t>(toggleNameAndInfo.toggle)); |
| mToggleNameToEnumMap[toggleNameAndInfo.info.name] = toggleNameAndInfo.toggle; |
| } |
| |
| mToggleNameToEnumMapInitialized = true; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace dawn::native |