[tint][docs] Move .def documentation to a markdown file

Instead of inlining the documentation.

Flesh out the docs to include implicit templates and previously undocumented attributes.

Change-Id: I01d103639278f7a0ef5a757de8ab79aa8af1470e
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/175540
Reviewed-by: dan sinclair <dsinclair@chromium.org>
Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
diff --git a/docs/tint/intrinsic_definition_files.md b/docs/tint/intrinsic_definition_files.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a450ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tint/intrinsic_definition_files.md
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Intrinsic definition files
+Tint uses intrinsic definition to generate intrinsic tables, end-to-end tests and C++ enums.
+These definition files have a `.def` extension and exist under the language subdirectories of `src/tint/lang/`. \
+For example, the WGSL definition file can be found at `src/tint/lang/wgsl/wgsl.def`.
+A definition file can contain the following declarations:
+* [Imports](#imports)
+* [Enumerators](#enumerators)
+* [Types](#types)
+* [Type matchers](#type-matchers)
+* [Overload declarations](#overload-declarations)
+  * [Builtin Functions](#builtin-functions)
+  * [Value constructors](#value-constructors)
+  * [Value conversions](#value-conversions)
+  * [Operators](#operators)
+## Imports
+Syntax: `import "` _**project-relative-path**_ `"`
+An import is similar to a C++ `#include` statement. It imports the content of the project-relative
+file into this definition file so that declarations can be shared between languages.
+Example: `import "src/tint/lang/core/access.def"`
+## Enumerators
+An named enumerator of symbols can be declared with `enum`.
+enum diagnostic_severity {
+  error
+  warning
+  info
+  off
+These enum declarations can be used by templates to generate an equivalent C++ enum, along with a parser and printer helper method, using the helper template [`src/tint/utils/templates/enums.tmpl.inc`](../../src/tint/utils/templates/enums.tmpl.inc). \
+See [`src/tint/lang/wgsl/extension.h.tmpl`](../../src/tint/lang/wgsl/extension.h.tmpl) as an example.
+Enum declarations can also be used as constraints on type template parameters and overload template parameters.
+## Types
+Syntax: `type` _**name**_ _**[**_ `<` _**type-or-number-templates**_ `>` _**]**_
+Type declarations form the basic primitives are used to match intrinsic overloads. A type can be referenced by type matchers and by builtin overloads.
+The simplest type declaration has the form: `type name`
+A type can be templated with any number of sub-types and numbers, using a `<`...`>` suffix.
+| Example               | Description                      |
+| `type my_type`        | Declares a type called `my_type` |
+| `type vec3<T>`        | Declares a type called `vec3` which accepts a templated sub-type |
+| `type vec<N: num, T>` | Declares a type called `vec` which accepts a templated number `N` and sub-type `T` |
+### Annotations
+Types may be annotated with `@precedence(N)` to prioritize which type will be picked when multiple types of a matcher match. This is typically used to ensure that abstract numerical types materialize to the concrete type with the lowest conversion rank. Types with higher precedence values will be matched first.
+@precedence(5) type ia // This is preferred over all others
+@precedence(4) type fa
+@precedence(3) type i32
+@precedence(2) type u32
+@precedence(1) type f32
+@precedence(0) type f16
+Types may also be annotated with `@display("`_string_`")` to customize how the type is printed in diagnostic message. The string may contain curly-brace references to the templated types.
+@display("vec{N}<{T}>") type vec<N: num, T>
+Would display as `vec2<i32>` if `N=2` and `T=i32`.
+## Type Matchers
+Syntax: `matcher` _**name**_ `:` _**type_1 [**_ `|`  _**type_2 [ ...**_ `|` _**type_n ] ]**_
+A type matcher can be used by overloads to match one or more types.
+## Overload declarations
+The overload declarations declare all the built-in functions, Value constructors, type
+conversions and unary and binary operators supported by the target language.
+An overload declaration can declare a simple static-type declarations, as well as overload
+declarations that can match a number of different argument types via the use of template types,
+template numbers and type matchers.
+All overload declarations share the same declaration patterns, but the kind of declaration has a different prefix.
+* [Builtin Functions](#builtin-functions) have a `fn` prefix
+* [Value constructors](#value-constructors) have a `ctor` prefix
+* [Value conversions](#value-conversions) have a `conv` prefix
+* [Operators](#operators) have a `op` prefix
+For example: `fn isInf(f32) -> bool` declares an overload of the function `isInf` that accepts a single parameter of type `f32` and returns a `bool`.
+### Parameters
+All overload declarations use the same syntax for a parameter.
+A parameter can be named or unnamed.
+Unnamed parameters just use the name of constraint (type, type-matcher or template parameter).
+Named parameters have a name and constraint, separated with a colon. Example `fn F(count : i32)`
+| Code               | Description                                                                 |
+| `fn F(i32)`        | function `F` has a single unnamed parameter, of type or matcher `i32`       |
+| `fn F(count: i32)` | function `F` has a single parameter named `count`, of type or matcher `i32` |
+Note: Parameters may use a type-matcher directly, but for `wgsl.def` it is encouraged to use an implicit template parameter. This helps the readability of the diagnostics produced. For example, instead of `fn F(scalar)`, prefer: `fn F[S: scalar](S)`.
+### Templates
+Builtin function overload declarations can support **explicit** and **implicit** template parameters.
+Each template parameter has the syntax: _**name**_ _**[**_ `:` _**constraint ]**_
+Where the optional _**constrant**_ can be a [type](#types), [type matcher](#type-matchers), or `: num` for a number template.
+**Explicit template parameters:**
+* Are optional in the overload declaration.
+* Have the syntax: `<` _**template_parameter_list**_ `>`
+* Must be declared before implicit template parameters (if declared) and parameter list.
+* Must be provided by the call of the function, with exactly one template argument provided for each template parameter.
+* May reference implicit template parameters.
+* Can only be declared on [Builtin Functions](#builtin-functions).
+* Do not support number templates.
+**Implicit template parameters:**
+* Are optional in the overload declaration.
+* Are inferred from the arguments passed to the intrinsic.
+* Have the syntax: `[` _**template_parameter_list**_ `]`
+* Must be declared after explicit template parameters (if declared), and before the parameter list.
+* Cannot reference explicit template parameters.
+* Support number templates.
+// A function overload that has no explicit or implicit template parameters
+fn F(i32) -> i32
+// A function overload that accepts an explicit template parameter 'T', which matches any type.
+// The overload takes a single parameter of type 'T' and returns a value of type 'T'
+fn F<T>(T) -> T
+// A function overload that accepts an implicit (inferred) template parameter 'T', which must be of
+// the type or type-matcher 'scalar'.
+// The overload takes a single parameter of type 'T' and returns a value of type 'T'
+fn F[T: scalar](T) -> T
+// A function overload that accepts an explicit template parameter 'T', which must be of a 'vec'
+// type of the inferred element type 'E' and number 'N'.
+// 'E' is an implicit template type parameter, and must match the type or type-matcher 'scalar'
+// 'N' is an implicit template number parameter.
+// The overload takes a single parameter of type 'T' and returns a value of type 'T'
+fn F< T: vec<N, E> >[E: scalar, N: num](T) -> T
+### Matching algorithm for a single overload
+The goal of overload matching is to compare a function call's arguments and any
+explicitly provided template types in the program source against an overload
+declaration, to determine if the call satisfies the form and type constraints
+of the overload. If the call matches an overload, then the overload is added
+to the list of 'overload candidates' used for overload resolution (described below).
+Prior to matching an overload, all template types are undefined.
+Implicit template types are first defined with the type of the leftmost argument
+that matches against that template type name. Subsequent arguments that attempt
+to match against the template type name will either reject the overload or
+refine the template, in one of 3 ways:
+* (a) Fail to match, causing the overload to be immediately rejected.
+* (b) Match the existing implicit template type, either exactly or via implicit
+      conversion, and overload resolution continues.
+* (c) Match via implicit conversion of the currently defined template type
+      to the argument type. In this situation, the template type is refined
+      with the more constrained argument type, and overload resolution
+      continues.
+To better understand, let's consider the following hypothetical overload declaration:
+matcher scalar: f32 | i32 | u32 | bool
+fn foo[T: scalar](T, T)
+| Symbol        | Description                                                                      |
+|  `T`          | is the template type name                                                        |
+| `scalar`      | is a matcher for the types `f32`, `i32`, `u32` or `bool`                         |
+| `[T: scalar]` | declares the implicit template parameter `T`, with the constraint that `T` must match one of `f32`, `i32`, `u32` or `bool`. |
+The process for resolving this overload is as follows:
+1. The overload resolver begins by attempting to match the parameter types from left to right.
+   The first argument type is compared against the parameter type `T`.
+   As the implicit template type `T` has not been defined yet, `T` is defined as the type of the first argument.
+   There's no verification that the `T` type is a scalar at this stage.
+2. The second argument is then compared against the second parameter.
+   As the template type `T` is now defined as the first argument type, the second argument type is
+   compared against the type of `T`. Depending on the comparison of the argument type to the
+   template type, either the actions of (a), (b) or (c) from above will occur.
+3. If all the parameters matched, constraints on the template types need to be checked next.
+   If the defined type does not match the constraint, then the overload is no longer considered.
+This algorithm for matching a single overload is less general than the algorithm described in the
+WGSL spec, but it makes the same decisions because the overloads defined by WGSL are monotonic
+in the sense that once a template parameter has been refined, there is never a need to backtrack
+and un-refine it to match a later argument.
+The algorithm for matching template numbers is similar to matching template types, except numbers
+need to exactly match across all uses - there is no implicit conversion. Template numbers may
+match integer numbers or enumerators.
+### Overload resolution for candidate overloads
+If multiple candidate overloads match a given set of arguments, then a final overload resolution
+pass needs to be performed. The arguments and overload parameter types for each candidate overload
+are compared, following the algorithm described at: https:www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#overload-resolution-section
+If the candidate list contains a single entry, then that single candidate is picked, and no
+overload resolution needs to be performed.
+If the candidate list is empty, then the call fails to resolve and an error diagnostic is raised.
+### Common attributes
+Intrinsics that can be used in constant evaluation expressions are annotated with `@const` or `@const(` _**name**_ `)`.
+The templates use this attribute to associate the overload with a function in [`src/tint/lang/core/constant/eval.h`](../../src/tint/lang/core/constant/eval.h).
+## Builtin functions
+Syntax: `fn` _**name [**_ `<` _**explicit-template-parameters**_ `>` _**] [**_ `[` _**implicit-template-parameters**_ `]` _**]**_`(` _**parameters**_ `) ->` _**return_type**_
+Builtin function overloads support both implicit and explicit template parameters.
+Builtin functions may be annotated with `@must_use` to prevent the function being used as a call-statement in WGSL.
+### Examples
+| Code                         | Description                                                                        |
+| `fn F()`                     | Function called `F`. No template types or numbers, no parameters, no return value` |
+| `fn F() -> R`                | Function with `R` as the return type                                               |
+| `fn F(f32, i32)`             | Two fixed-type, anonymous parameters                                               |
+| `fn F(U : f32)`              | Single parameter with name `U`                                                     |
+| `fn F[T](T)`                 | Single parameter of unconstrained implicit template type `T` (any type)            |
+| `fn F[T: scalar](T)`         | Single parameter of constrained implict template type `T` (must match `scalar`)    |
+| `fn F[T: fiu32](T) -> T`     | Single parameter of constrained implicit template type T (must match `fiu32`)<br>Return type is of the parameter type |
+| `fn F[T, N: num](vec<N, T>)` | Single parameter of `vec` type with template number `N` and element template type `T` |
+| `fn F[A: access](texture_storage_1d<f32_texel_format, A>)` | Single parameter of type `texture_storage_1d` type with implicit template number  `A` constrained to the enum `access`, and a texel format that that must match `f32_texel_format` |
+## Value constructors
+Syntax: `ctor` _**type-name [**_ `[` _**implicit-template-parameters**_ `]` _**]**_`(` _**parameters**_ `) ->` _**return_type**_
+Value constructors construct a value of the given type.
+## Value conversions
+Syntax: `conv` _**type-name [**_ `[` _**implicit-template-parameters**_ `]` _**]**_`(` _**parameters**_ `) ->` _**return_type**_
+Value conversions convert from one type to another.
+## Operators
+Unary operator syntax: `op` _**operator [**_ `[` _**implicit-template-parameters**_ `]` _**]**_`(` _**parameter**_ `) ->` _**return_type**_
+Binary operator syntax: `op` _**operator [**_ `[` _**implicit-template-parameters**_ `]` _**]**_`(` _**lhs-parameter**_ `,` _**rhs-parameter**_ `) ->` _**return_type**_
diff --git a/src/tint/lang/core/core.def b/src/tint/lang/core/core.def
index c7625ea..1622378 100644
--- a/src/tint/lang/core/core.def
+++ b/src/tint/lang/core/core.def
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@
 // core builtin definition file                                               //
 //                                                                            //
 // This file is used to generate parts of the Tint BuiltinTable, various      //
-// enum definition files, as well as test .wgsl files.                        //
+// enum definition files.                                                     //
 //                                                                            //
 // After modifying this file, run:                                            //
 //    tools/run gen                                                           //
 // from the Dawn source directory.                                            //
+//                                                                            //
+// See docs/tint/intrinsic_definition_files.md for syntax                     //
 import "src/tint/lang/core/address_space.def"
@@ -218,12 +220,7 @@
-// WGSL primitive types                                                       //
-// Types may be decorated with @precedence(N) to prioritize which type        //
-// will be picked when multiple types of a matcher match.                     //
-// This is used to ensure that abstract numerical types materialize to the    //
-// concrete type with the lowest conversion rank.                             //
-// Types with higher the precedence values will be matched first.             //
+// Primitive types                                                            //
 // https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/wgsl/#plain-types-section
@@ -348,168 +345,6 @@
 // Builtin Functions                                                          //
-//                                                                            //
-// The builtin function declarations below declare all the built-in           //
-// functions supported by the WGSL language. This builtin definition          //
-// language supports simple static-type function declarations, as well as     //
-// single overload declarations that can match a number of different          //
-// argument types via the use of template types and template numbers          //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Basic example:                                                           //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn isInf(f32) -> bool                                                   //
-//                                                                            //
-//   Declares an overload of the function 'isInf' that accepts a single       //
-//   parameter of type 'f32' and returns a 'bool'.                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// A template type is a type determined by the arguments to the builtin.      //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Template type example without constraint:                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn arrayLength[T](array<T>) -> u32                                      //
-//                                                                            //
-//    Declares an overload of the function 'arrayLength' that accepts a       //
-//    single argument of an array type with no constraints on the array       //
-//    element type. This overload will always return a value of the same type //
-//    as its single argument.                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Template type example with constraint:                                   //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn abs[T: fiu32](T) -> T                                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//    Declares an overload of the function 'abs' that accepts a single        //
-//    argument of type 'f32', 'i32' or 'u32', which returns a value of the    //
-//    same argument type.                                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-// Similarly a template number is a number or enumerator that is determined   //
-// by the arguments to the builtin.                                           //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Template number example:                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn dpdx[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>                             //
-//                                                                            //
-//    Declares an overload of the function 'dpdx' that accepts a single       //
-//    argument of a variable-sized vector of 'f32', which returns a value of  //
-//    the same argument type.                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// Matching algorithm for a single overload:                                  //
-// -----------------------------------------                                  //
-//                                                                            //
-// The goal of matching is to compare a function call's arguments and any     //
-// explicitly provided template types in the program source against an        //
-// overload declaration in this file, and determine if the call satisfies     //
-// the form and type constraints of the overload. If the call matches an      //
-// overload, then the overload is added to the list of 'overload candidates'  //
-// used for overload resolution (described below).                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// Prior to matching an overload, all template types are undefined.           //
-//                                                                            //
-// Template types are first defined with the type of the leftmost argument    //
-// that matches against that template type name. Subsequent arguments that    //
-// attempt to match against the template type name will either reject the     //
-// overload or refine the template, in one of 3 ways:                         //
-// (a) Fail to match, causing the overload to be immediately rejected.        //
-// (b) Match the existing template type, either exactly or via implicit       //
-//     conversion, and overload resolution continues.                         //
-// (c) Match via implicit conversion of the currently defined template type   //
-//     to the argument type. In this situation, the template type is refined  //
-//     with the more constrained argument type, and overload resolution       //
-//     continues.                                                             //
-//                                                                            //
-// To better understand, let's consider the following hypothetical overload   //
-// declaration:                                                               //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn foo[T: scalar](T, T);                                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//    T           - is the template type name                                 //
-//    scalar      - is a matcher for the types 'f32', 'i32', 'u32' or 'bool'  //
-//                  (declared above)                                          //
-//    <T: scalar> - declares the template type T, with the constraint that T  //
-//                  must match one of 'f32', 'i32', 'u32' or 'bool'.          //
-//                                                                            //
-// The process for resolving this overload is as follows:                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//   (1) The overload resolver begins by attempting to match the argument     //
-//       types from left to right.                                            //
-//       The first parameter type is compared against the argument type T.    //
-//       As the template type T has not been defined yet, T is defined as the //
-//       type of the first argument.                                          //
-//       There's no verification that the T type is a scalar at this stage.   //
-//   (2) The second parameter is then compared against the second argument.   //
-//       As the template type T is now defined the argument type is compared  //
-//       against the value of the defined type of T. Depending on the         //
-//       comparison of the argument type to the template type, either the     //
-//       actions of (a), (b) or (c) from above will occur.                    //
-//   (3) If all the parameters matched, constraints on the template types     //
-//       need to be checked next. If the defined type does not match the      //
-//       'match' constraint, then the overload is no longer considered.       //
-//                                                                            //
-// This algorithm for matching a single overload is less general than the     //
-// algorithm described in the WGSL spec.  But it makes the same decisions     //
-// because the overloads defined by WGSL are monotonic in the sense that once //
-// a template parameter has been refined, there is never a need to backtrack  //
-// and un-refine it to match a later argument.                                //
-//                                                                            //
-// The algorithm for matching template numbers is similar to matching         //
-// template types, except numbers need to exactly match across all uses -     //
-// there is no implicit conversion. Template numbers may match integer        //
-// numbers or enumerators.                                                    //
-//                                                                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// Overload resolution for candidate overloads                                //
-// -------------------------------------------                                //
-//                                                                            //
-// If multiple candidate overloads match a given set of arguments, then a     //
-// final overload resolution pass needs to be performed. The arguments and    //
-// overload parameter types for each candidate overload are compared,         //
-// following the algorithm described at:                                      //
-//   https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#overload-resolution-section                  //
-//                                                                            //
-// If the candidate list contains a single entry, then that single candidate  //
-// is picked, and no overload resolution needs to be performed.               //
-//                                                                            //
-// If the candidate list is empty, then the call fails to resolve and an      //
-// error diagnostic is raised.                                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// More examples                                                              //
-// -------------                                                              //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F()                                                                   //
-//     - Function called F.                                                   //
-//       No template types or numbers, no parameters, no return value         //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F() -> RETURN_TYPE                                                    //
-//     - Function with RETURN_TYPE as the return type value                   //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F(f32, i32)                                                           //
-//     - Two fixed-type, anonymous parameters                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F(USAGE : f32)                                                        //
-//     - Single parameter with name USAGE.                                    //
-//       Note: Parameter names are used by Tint to infer parameter order for  //
-//       some builtin functions                                               //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T](T)                                                               //
-//     - Single parameter of unconstrained template type T (any type)         //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T: scalar](T)                                                       //
-//     - Single parameter of constrained template type T (must be a scalar)   //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T: fiu32](T) -> T                                                   //
-//     - Single parameter of constrained template type T (must be a one of    //
-//       fiu32) Return type matches parameter type                            //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T, N: num](vec<N, T>)                                               //
-//     - Single parameter of vector type with template number size N and      //
-//       element template type T                                              //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[A: access](texture_storage_1d<f32_texel_format, A>)                 //
-//     - Single parameter of texture_storage_1d type with template number     //
-//       access-control C, and of a texel format that is listed in            //
-//       f32_texel_format                                                     //
-//                                                                            //
 // https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/wgsl/#builtin-functions
@@ -1081,19 +916,6 @@
 @must_use @const conv mat4x4<T: f32>(mat4x4<f16>) -> mat4x4<T>
-// Operators                                                                  //
-//                                                                            //
-// The operator declarations below declare all the unary and binary operators //
-// supported by the WGSL language (with exception for address-of and          //
-// dereference unary operators).                                              //
-//                                                                            //
-// The syntax is almost identical to builtin functions, except we use 'op'    //
-// instead of 'fn'. The resolving rules are identical to builtins, which is   //
-// described in detail above.                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
 // Unary Operators                                                            //
 @must_use @const op ! (bool) -> bool
diff --git a/src/tint/lang/msl/msl.def b/src/tint/lang/msl/msl.def
index 7709699..92e7aa6 100644
--- a/src/tint/lang/msl/msl.def
+++ b/src/tint/lang/msl/msl.def
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
 // MSL builtin definition file                                                //
+// After modifying this file, run:                                            //
+//    tools/run gen                                                           //
+// from the Dawn source directory.                                            //
+//                                                                            //
+// See docs/tint/intrinsic_definition_files.md for syntax                     //
 type u32
diff --git a/src/tint/lang/spirv/spirv.def b/src/tint/lang/spirv/spirv.def
index 29d7e21..96fb6c4 100644
--- a/src/tint/lang/spirv/spirv.def
+++ b/src/tint/lang/spirv/spirv.def
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
 // Spirv builtin definition file                                              //
+//                                                                            //
+// After modifying this file, run:                                            //
+//    tools/run gen                                                           //
+// from the Dawn source directory.                                            //
+//                                                                            //
+// See docs/tint/intrinsic_definition_files.md for syntax                     //
 import "src/tint/lang/core/address_space.def"
diff --git a/src/tint/lang/wgsl/wgsl.def b/src/tint/lang/wgsl/wgsl.def
index 5914d78..c99f413 100644
--- a/src/tint/lang/wgsl/wgsl.def
+++ b/src/tint/lang/wgsl/wgsl.def
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 // After modifying this file, run:                                            //
 //    tools/run gen                                                           //
 // from the Dawn source directory.                                            //
+//                                                                            //
+// See docs/tint/intrinsic_definition_files.md for syntax                     //
 import "src/tint/lang/core/access.def"
@@ -103,11 +105,6 @@
 // WGSL primitive types                                                       //
-// Types may be decorated with @precedence(N) to prioritize which type        //
-// will be picked when multiple types of a matcher match.                     //
-// This is used to ensure that abstract numerical types materialize to the    //
-// concrete type with the lowest conversion rank.                             //
-// Types with higher the precedence values will be matched first.             //
 // https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/wgsl/#plain-types-section
@@ -165,8 +162,6 @@
 // Type matchers                                                              //
-//                                                                            //
-// A type matcher that can match one or more types.                           //
 match scalar: ia | fa | f32 | f16 | i32 | u32 | bool
@@ -244,167 +239,12 @@
 // Builtin Functions                                                          //
 //                                                                            //
-// The builtin function declarations below declare all the built-in           //
-// functions supported by the WGSL language. This builtin definition          //
-// language supports simple static-type function declarations, as well as     //
-// single overload declarations that can match a number of different          //
-// argument types via the use of template types and template numbers          //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Basic example:                                                           //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn isInf(f32) -> bool                                                   //
-//                                                                            //
-//   Declares an overload of the function 'isInf' that accepts a single       //
-//   parameter of type 'f32' and returns a 'bool'.                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// A template type is a type determined by the arguments to the builtin.      //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Template type example without constraint:                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn arrayLength[T](array<T>) -> u32                                      //
-//                                                                            //
-//    Declares an overload of the function 'arrayLength' that accepts a       //
-//    single argument of an array type with no constraints on the array       //
-//    element type. This overload will always return a value of the same type //
-//    as its single argument.                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Template type example with constraint:                                   //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn abs[T: fiu32](T) -> T                                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//    Declares an overload of the function 'abs' that accepts a single        //
-//    argument of type 'f32', 'i32' or 'u32', which returns a value of the    //
-//    same argument type.                                                     //
-//                                                                            //
-// Similarly a template number is a number or enumerator that is determined   //
-// by the arguments to the builtin.                                           //
-//                                                                            //
-// * Template number example:                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn dpdx[N: num](vec<N, f32>) -> vec<N, f32>                             //
-//                                                                            //
-//    Declares an overload of the function 'dpdx' that accepts a single       //
-//    argument of a variable-sized vector of 'f32', which returns a value of  //
-//    the same argument type.                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// Matching algorithm for a single overload:                                  //
-// -----------------------------------------                                  //
-//                                                                            //
-// The goal of matching is to compare a function call's arguments and any     //
-// explicitly provided template types in the program source against an        //
-// overload declaration in this file, and determine if the call satisfies     //
-// the form and type constraints of the overload. If the call matches an      //
-// overload, then the overload is added to the list of 'overload candidates'  //
-// used for overload resolution (described below).                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// Prior to matching an overload, all template types are undefined.           //
-//                                                                            //
-// Template types are first defined with the type of the leftmost argument    //
-// that matches against that template type name. Subsequent arguments that    //
-// attempt to match against the template type name will either reject the     //
-// overload or refine the template, in one of 3 ways:                         //
-// (a) Fail to match, causing the overload to be immediately rejected.        //
-// (b) Match the existing template type, either exactly or via implicit       //
-//     conversion, and overload resolution continues.                         //
-// (c) Match via implicit conversion of the currently defined template type   //
-//     to the argument type. In this situation, the template type is refined  //
-//     with the more constrained argument type, and overload resolution       //
-//     continues.                                                             //
-//                                                                            //
-// To better understand, let's consider the following hypothetical overload   //
-// declaration:                                                               //
-//                                                                            //
-//    fn foo[T: scalar](T, T);                                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//    T           - is the template type name                                 //
-//    scalar      - is a matcher for the types 'f32', 'i32', 'u32' or 'bool'  //
-//                  (declared above)                                          //
-//    <T: scalar> - declares the template type T, with the constraint that T  //
-//                  must match one of 'f32', 'i32', 'u32' or 'bool'.          //
-//                                                                            //
-// The process for resolving this overload is as follows:                     //
-//                                                                            //
-//   (1) The overload resolver begins by attempting to match the argument     //
-//       types from left to right.                                            //
-//       The first parameter type is compared against the argument type T.    //
-//       As the template type T has not been defined yet, T is defined as the //
-//       type of the first argument.                                          //
-//       There's no verification that the T type is a scalar at this stage.   //
-//   (2) The second parameter is then compared against the second argument.   //
-//       As the template type T is now defined the argument type is compared  //
-//       against the value of the defined type of T. Depending on the         //
-//       comparison of the argument type to the template type, either the     //
-//       actions of (a), (b) or (c) from above will occur.                    //
-//   (3) If all the parameters matched, constraints on the template types     //
-//       need to be checked next. If the defined type does not match the      //
-//       'match' constraint, then the overload is no longer considered.       //
-//                                                                            //
-// This algorithm for matching a single overload is less general than the     //
-// algorithm described in the WGSL spec.  But it makes the same decisions     //
-// because the overloads defined by WGSL are monotonic in the sense that once //
-// a template parameter has been refined, there is never a need to backtrack  //
-// and un-refine it to match a later argument.                                //
-//                                                                            //
-// The algorithm for matching template numbers is similar to matching         //
-// template types, except numbers need to exactly match across all uses -     //
-// there is no implicit conversion. Template numbers may match integer        //
-// numbers or enumerators.                                                    //
-//                                                                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// Overload resolution for candidate overloads                                //
-// -------------------------------------------                                //
-//                                                                            //
-// If multiple candidate overloads match a given set of arguments, then a     //
-// final overload resolution pass needs to be performed. The arguments and    //
-// overload parameter types for each candidate overload are compared,         //
-// following the algorithm described at:                                      //
-//   https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#overload-resolution-section                  //
-//                                                                            //
-// If the candidate list contains a single entry, then that single candidate  //
-// is picked, and no overload resolution needs to be performed.               //
-//                                                                            //
-// If the candidate list is empty, then the call fails to resolve and an      //
-// error diagnostic is raised.                                                //
-//                                                                            //
-//                                                                            //
-// More examples                                                              //
-// -------------                                                              //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F()                                                                   //
-//     - Function called F.                                                   //
-//       No template types or numbers, no parameters, no return value         //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F() -> RETURN_TYPE                                                    //
-//     - Function with RETURN_TYPE as the return type value                   //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F(f32, i32)                                                           //
-//     - Two fixed-type, anonymous parameters                                 //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F(USAGE : f32)                                                        //
-//     - Single parameter with name USAGE.                                    //
-//       Note: Parameter names are used by Tint to infer parameter order for  //
-//       some builtin functions                                               //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T](T)                                                               //
-//     - Single parameter of unconstrained template type T (any type)         //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T: scalar](T)                                                       //
-//     - Single parameter of constrained template type T (must be a scalar)   //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T: fiu32](T) -> T                                                   //
-//     - Single parameter of constrained template type T (must be a one of    //
-//       fiu32) Return type matches parameter type                            //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[T, N: num](vec<N, T>)                                               //
-//     - Single parameter of vector type with template number size N and      //
-//       element template type T                                              //
-//                                                                            //
-//   fn F[A: access](texture_storage_1d<f32_texel_format, A>)                 //
-//     - Single parameter of texture_storage_1d type with template number     //
-//       access-control C, and of a texel format that is listed in            //
-//       f32_texel_format                                                     //
-//                                                                            //
+// Note: To help improve diagnostic messages, do not use type-matchers        //
+// directly as parameter constraints. Instead use the constraint on an        //
+// implicit template parameter. For example, instead of:                      //
+//   fn F(scalar)                                                             //
+// use:                                                                       //
+//   fn F[S: scalar](S)                                                       //
 // https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/wgsl/#builtin-functions
@@ -993,19 +833,6 @@
 @must_use @const conv packedVec3[T: concrete_scalar](vec3<T>) -> packedVec3<T>
-// Operators                                                                  //
-//                                                                            //
-// The operator declarations below declare all the unary and binary operators //
-// supported by the WGSL language (with exception for address-of and          //
-// dereference unary operators).                                              //
-//                                                                            //
-// The syntax is almost identical to builtin functions, except we use 'op'    //
-// instead of 'fn'. The resolving rules are identical to builtins, which is   //
-// described in detail above.                                                 //
-//                                                                            //
 // Unary Operators                                                            //
 @must_use @const op ! (bool) -> bool