blob: eee92bdd3bde500a2143154adc1a10b231c66171 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <utility>
#include "dawn/tests/end2end/VideoViewsTests.h"
#include "dawn/utils/ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor.h"
#include "dawn/utils/WGPUHelpers.h"
VideoViewsTestBackend::PlatformTexture::PlatformTexture(wgpu::Texture&& texture)
: wgpuTexture(texture) {}
VideoViewsTestBackend::PlatformTexture::~PlatformTexture() = default;
VideoViewsTestBackend::~VideoViewsTestBackend() = default;
constexpr std::array<utils::RGBA8, 2> VideoViewsTests::kYellowYUVColor;
constexpr std::array<utils::RGBA8, 2> VideoViewsTests::kWhiteYUVColor;
constexpr std::array<utils::RGBA8, 2> VideoViewsTests::kBlueYUVColor;
constexpr std::array<utils::RGBA8, 2> VideoViewsTests::kRedYUVColor;
void VideoViewsTests::SetUp() {
mBackend = VideoViewsTestBackend::Create();
void VideoViewsTests::TearDown() {
if (!UsesWire() && IsMultiPlanarFormatsSupported()) {
std::vector<wgpu::FeatureName> VideoViewsTests::GetRequiredFeatures() {
std::vector<wgpu::FeatureName> requiredFeatures = {};
mIsMultiPlanarFormatsSupported = SupportsFeatures({wgpu::FeatureName::DawnMultiPlanarFormats});
if (mIsMultiPlanarFormatsSupported) {
return requiredFeatures;
bool VideoViewsTests::IsMultiPlanarFormatsSupported() const {
return mIsMultiPlanarFormatsSupported;
// Returns a pre-prepared multi-planar formatted texture
// The encoded texture data represents a 4x4 converted image. When |isCheckerboard| is true,
// the top left is a 2x2 yellow block, bottom right is a 2x2 red block, top right is a 2x2
// blue block, and bottom left is a 2x2 white block. When |isCheckerboard| is false, the
// image is converted from a solid yellow 4x4 block.
// static
std::vector<uint8_t> VideoViewsTests::GetTestTextureData(wgpu::TextureFormat format,
bool isCheckerboard) {
constexpr uint8_t Yy = kYellowYUVColor[kYUVLumaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Yu = kYellowYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Yv = kYellowYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].g;
constexpr uint8_t Wy = kWhiteYUVColor[kYUVLumaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Wu = kWhiteYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Wv = kWhiteYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].g;
constexpr uint8_t Ry = kRedYUVColor[kYUVLumaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Ru = kRedYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Rv = kRedYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].g;
constexpr uint8_t By = kBlueYUVColor[kYUVLumaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Bu = kBlueYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].r;
constexpr uint8_t Bv = kBlueYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex].g;
switch (format) {
// The first 16 bytes is the luma plane (Y), followed by the chroma plane (UV) which
// is half the number of bytes (subsampled by 2) but same bytes per line as luma
// plane.
case wgpu::TextureFormat::R8BG8Biplanar420Unorm:
if (isCheckerboard) {
return {
Wy, Wy, Ry, Ry, // plane 0, start + 0
Wy, Wy, Ry, Ry, //
Yy, Yy, By, By, //
Yy, Yy, By, By, //
Wu, Wv, Ru, Rv, // plane 1, start + 16
Yu, Yv, Bu, Bv, //
} else {
return {
Yy, Yy, Yy, Yy, // plane 0, start + 0
Yy, Yy, Yy, Yy, //
Yy, Yy, Yy, Yy, //
Yy, Yy, Yy, Yy, //
Yu, Yv, Yu, Yv, // plane 1, start + 16
Yu, Yv, Yu, Yv, //
case wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm:
// Combines both NV12 planes by directly mapping back to RGB: R=Y, G=U, B=V.
if (isCheckerboard) {
return {
Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, By, Bu, Bv, By, Bu, Bv, //
Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, By, Bu, Bv, By, Bu, Bv, //
Wy, Wu, Wv, Wy, Wu, Wv, Ry, Ru, Rv, Ry, Ru, Rv, //
Wy, Wu, Wv, Wy, Wu, Wv, Ry, Ru, Rv, Ry, Ru, Rv, //
} else {
return {
Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, //
Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, //
Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, //
Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, Yy, Yu, Yv, //
return {};
uint32_t VideoViewsTests::NumPlanes(wgpu::TextureFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case wgpu::TextureFormat::R8BG8Biplanar420Unorm:
return 2;
return 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> VideoViewsTests::GetTestTextureDataWithPlaneIndex(size_t planeIndex,
size_t bytesPerRow,
size_t height,
bool isCheckerboard) {
std::vector<uint8_t> texelData = VideoViewsTests::GetTestTextureData(
wgpu::TextureFormat::R8BG8Biplanar420Unorm, isCheckerboard);
const uint32_t texelDataRowBytes = kYUVImageDataWidthInTexels;
const uint32_t texelDataHeight =
planeIndex == 0 ? kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels : kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels / 2;
std::vector<uint8_t> texels(bytesPerRow * height, 0);
uint32_t plane_first_texel_offset = 0;
// The size of the test video frame is 4 x 4
switch (planeIndex) {
case VideoViewsTests::kYUVLumaPlaneIndex:
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < texelDataHeight; ++i) {
if (i < texelDataHeight) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < texelDataRowBytes; ++j) {
texels[bytesPerRow * i + j] =
texelData[texelDataRowBytes * i + j + plane_first_texel_offset];
return texels;
case VideoViewsTests::kYUVChromaPlaneIndex:
// TexelData is 4 * 6 size, first 4 * 4 is Y plane, UV plane started
// at index 16.
plane_first_texel_offset = 16;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < texelDataHeight; ++i) {
if (i < texelDataHeight) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < texelDataRowBytes; ++j) {
texels[bytesPerRow * i + j] =
texelData[texelDataRowBytes * i + j + plane_first_texel_offset];
return texels;
return {};
// Vertex shader used to render a sampled texture into a quad.
wgpu::ShaderModule VideoViewsTests::GetTestVertexShaderModule() const {
return utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
struct VertexOut {
@location(0) texCoord : vec2 <f32>,
@builtin(position) position : vec4f,
fn main(@builtin(vertex_index) VertexIndex : u32) -> VertexOut {
var pos = array(
vec2f(-1.0, 1.0),
vec2f(-1.0, -1.0),
vec2f(1.0, -1.0),
vec2f(-1.0, 1.0),
vec2f(1.0, -1.0),
vec2f(1.0, 1.0)
var output : VertexOut;
output.position = vec4f(pos[VertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0);
output.texCoord = vec2f(output.position.xy * 0.5) + vec2f(0.5, 0.5);
return output;
// Create video texture uninitialized.
TEST_P(VideoViewsTests, CreateVideoTextureWithoutInitializedData) {
std::unique_ptr<VideoViewsTestBackend::PlatformTexture> platformTexture =
/*isCheckerboard*/ false,
/*initialized*/ false);
ASSERT_NE(platformTexture.get(), nullptr);
// Samples the luminance (Y) plane from an imported NV12 texture into a single channel of an RGBA
// output attachment and checks for the expected pixel value in the rendered quad.
TEST_P(VideoViewsTests, NV12SampleYtoR) {
std::unique_ptr<VideoViewsTestBackend::PlatformTexture> platformTexture =
/*isCheckerboard*/ false,
/*initialized*/ true);
ASSERT_NE(platformTexture.get(), nullptr);
if (!platformTexture->CanWrapAsWGPUTexture()) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipped because not supported.";
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor viewDesc;
viewDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Unorm;
viewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::Plane0Only;
wgpu::TextureView textureView = platformTexture->wgpuTexture.CreateView(&viewDesc);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor renderPipelineDescriptor;
renderPipelineDescriptor.vertex.module = GetTestVertexShaderModule();
renderPipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
@group(0) @binding(0) var sampler0 : sampler;
@group(0) @binding(1) var texture : texture_2d<f32>;
fn main(@location(0) texCoord : vec2f) -> @location(0) vec4f {
let y : f32 = textureSample(texture, sampler0, texCoord).r;
return vec4f(y, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(
device, kYUVImageDataWidthInTexels, kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels);
renderPipelineDescriptor.cTargets[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
renderPipelineDescriptor.primitive.topology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList;
wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&renderPipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler();
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, utils::MakeBindGroup(device, renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, sampler}, {1, textureView}}));
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// Test the luma plane in the top left corner of RGB image.
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(kYellowYUVColor[kYUVLumaPlaneIndex], renderPass.color, 0, 0);
// Samples the chrominance (UV) plane from an imported texture into two channels of an RGBA output
// attachment and checks for the expected pixel value in the rendered quad.
TEST_P(VideoViewsTests, NV12SampleUVtoRG) {
std::unique_ptr<VideoViewsTestBackend::PlatformTexture> platformTexture =
/*isCheckerboard*/ false,
/*initialized*/ true);
ASSERT_NE(platformTexture.get(), nullptr);
if (!platformTexture->CanWrapAsWGPUTexture()) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipped because not supported.";
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor viewDesc;
viewDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Unorm;
viewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::Plane1Only;
wgpu::TextureView textureView = platformTexture->wgpuTexture.CreateView(&viewDesc);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor renderPipelineDescriptor;
renderPipelineDescriptor.vertex.module = GetTestVertexShaderModule();
renderPipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
@group(0) @binding(0) var sampler0 : sampler;
@group(0) @binding(1) var texture : texture_2d<f32>;
fn main(@location(0) texCoord : vec2f) -> @location(0) vec4f {
let u : f32 = textureSample(texture, sampler0, texCoord).r;
let v : f32 = textureSample(texture, sampler0, texCoord).g;
return vec4f(u, v, 0.0, 1.0);
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(
device, kYUVImageDataWidthInTexels, kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels);
renderPipelineDescriptor.cTargets[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
renderPipelineDescriptor.primitive.topology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList;
wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&renderPipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler();
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
pass.SetBindGroup(0, utils::MakeBindGroup(device, renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, sampler}, {1, textureView}}));
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
// Test the chroma plane in the top left corner of RGB image.
EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(kYellowYUVColor[kYUVChromaPlaneIndex], renderPass.color, 0, 0);
// Renders a NV12 "checkerboard" texture into a RGB quad, then checks the the entire
// contents to ensure the image has not been flipped.
TEST_P(VideoViewsTests, NV12SampleYUVtoRGB) {
std::unique_ptr<VideoViewsTestBackend::PlatformTexture> platformTexture =
/*isCheckerboard*/ true,
/*initialized*/ true);
ASSERT_NE(platformTexture.get(), nullptr);
if (!platformTexture->CanWrapAsWGPUTexture()) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipped because not supported.";
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor lumaViewDesc;
lumaViewDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Unorm;
lumaViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::Plane0Only;
wgpu::TextureView lumaTextureView = platformTexture->wgpuTexture.CreateView(&lumaViewDesc);
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor chromaViewDesc;
chromaViewDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Unorm;
chromaViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::Plane1Only;
wgpu::TextureView chromaTextureView = platformTexture->wgpuTexture.CreateView(&chromaViewDesc);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor renderPipelineDescriptor;
renderPipelineDescriptor.vertex.module = GetTestVertexShaderModule();
renderPipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
@group(0) @binding(0) var sampler0 : sampler;
@group(0) @binding(1) var lumaTexture : texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(2) var chromaTexture : texture_2d<f32>;
fn main(@location(0) texCoord : vec2f) -> @location(0) vec4f {
let y : f32 = textureSample(lumaTexture, sampler0, texCoord).r;
let u : f32 = textureSample(chromaTexture, sampler0, texCoord).r;
let v : f32 = textureSample(chromaTexture, sampler0, texCoord).g;
return vec4f(y, u, v, 1.0);
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(
device, kYUVImageDataWidthInTexels, kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels);
renderPipelineDescriptor.cTargets[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&renderPipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler();
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
0, utils::MakeBindGroup(device, renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, sampler}, {1, lumaTextureView}, {2, chromaTextureView}}));
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
std::vector<uint8_t> expectedData = GetTestTextureData(wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm, true);
std::vector<utils::RGBA8> expectedRGBA;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < expectedData.size(); i += 3) {
expectedRGBA.push_back({expectedData[i], expectedData[i + 1], expectedData[i + 2], 0xFF});
EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(, renderPass.color, {0, 0},
{kYUVImageDataWidthInTexels, kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels});
// Renders a NV12 "checkerboard" texture into a RGB quad with two samplers, then checks the the
// entire contents to ensure the image has not been flipped.
TEST_P(VideoViewsTests, NV12SampleYUVtoRGBMultipleSamplers) {
std::unique_ptr<VideoViewsTestBackend::PlatformTexture> platformTexture =
/*isCheckerboard*/ true,
/*initialized*/ true);
ASSERT_NE(platformTexture.get(), nullptr);
if (!platformTexture->CanWrapAsWGPUTexture()) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipped because not supported.";
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor lumaViewDesc;
lumaViewDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Unorm;
lumaViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::Plane0Only;
wgpu::TextureView lumaTextureView = platformTexture->wgpuTexture.CreateView(&lumaViewDesc);
wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor chromaViewDesc;
chromaViewDesc.format = wgpu::TextureFormat::RG8Unorm;
chromaViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::Plane1Only;
wgpu::TextureView chromaTextureView = platformTexture->wgpuTexture.CreateView(&chromaViewDesc);
utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor renderPipelineDescriptor;
renderPipelineDescriptor.vertex.module = GetTestVertexShaderModule();
renderPipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"(
@group(0) @binding(0) var sampler0 : sampler;
@group(0) @binding(1) var sampler1 : sampler;
@group(0) @binding(2) var lumaTexture : texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(3) var chromaTexture : texture_2d<f32>;
fn main(@location(0) texCoord : vec2f) -> @location(0) vec4f {
let y : f32 = textureSample(lumaTexture, sampler0, texCoord).r;
let u : f32 = textureSample(chromaTexture, sampler1, texCoord).r;
let v : f32 = textureSample(chromaTexture, sampler1, texCoord).g;
return vec4f(y, u, v, 1.0);
utils::BasicRenderPass renderPass = utils::CreateBasicRenderPass(
device, kYUVImageDataWidthInTexels, kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels);
renderPipelineDescriptor.cTargets[0].format = renderPass.colorFormat;
wgpu::RenderPipeline renderPipeline = device.CreateRenderPipeline(&renderPipelineDescriptor);
wgpu::Sampler sampler0 = device.CreateSampler();
wgpu::Sampler sampler1 = device.CreateSampler();
wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginRenderPass(&renderPass.renderPassInfo);
0, utils::MakeBindGroup(
device, renderPipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0),
{{0, sampler0}, {1, sampler1}, {2, lumaTextureView}, {3, chromaTextureView}}));
wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = encoder.Finish();
queue.Submit(1, &commands);
std::vector<uint8_t> expectedData = GetTestTextureData(wgpu::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm, true);
std::vector<utils::RGBA8> expectedRGBA;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < expectedData.size(); i += 3) {
expectedRGBA.push_back({expectedData[i], expectedData[i + 1], expectedData[i + 2], 0xFF});
EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(, renderPass.color, {0, 0},
{kYUVImageDataWidthInTexels, kYUVImageDataHeightInTexels});
DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(VideoViewsTests, VideoViewsTestBackend::Backend());