blob: 8e00197f050f5dfa0f40c16fa4ed642f821c3342 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/call_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/mutations/change_unary_operator.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/mutator.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/node_id_map.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/probability_context.h"
#include "src/tint/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/reader/wgsl/parser.h"
#include "src/tint/writer/wgsl/generator.h"
namespace tint::fuzzers::ast_fuzzer {
namespace {
TEST(ChangeUnaryOperatorTest, Operator_Not_Applicable) {
std::string content = R"(
fn main() {
let a : f32 = 1.1;
let b = vec2<i32>(1, -1);
let c : u32 = 0u;
let d : vec3<bool> = vec3<bool> (false, false, true);
var neg_a = -a;
var not_b = ~b;
var not_c = ~c;
var neg_d = !d;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", content);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
const auto& main_fn_statements = program.AST().Functions()[0]->body->statements;
// Get variable from statements.
const auto* neg_a_var = main_fn_statements[4]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(neg_a_var, nullptr);
const auto* not_b_var = main_fn_statements[5]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(not_b_var, nullptr);
const auto* not_c_var = main_fn_statements[6]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(not_c_var, nullptr);
const auto* neg_d_var = main_fn_statements[7]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(neg_d_var, nullptr);
// Get the expression from variable declaration.
const auto* neg_a_expr = neg_a_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(neg_a_expr, nullptr);
const auto* not_b_expr = not_b_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(not_b_expr, nullptr);
const auto* not_c_expr = not_c_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(not_c_expr, nullptr);
const auto* neg_d_expr = neg_d_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(neg_d_expr, nullptr);
// The following mutations are not applicable.
auto neg_a_id = node_id_map.GetId(neg_a_expr);
// Only negation is allowed for float type. Cannot change
// the operator of float types to any other.
program, MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_a_id, ast::UnaryOp::kComplement), node_id_map,
&program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_a_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNot),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_a_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNegation),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
auto not_b_id = node_id_map.GetId(not_b_expr);
// Only complement and negation is allowed for signed integer type.
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(not_b_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNot),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
// Cannot change to the same unary operator.
program, MutationChangeUnaryOperator(not_b_id, ast::UnaryOp::kComplement), node_id_map,
&program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
auto not_c_id = node_id_map.GetId(not_c_expr);
// Only complement is allowed for unsigned integer.Cannot change
// // the operator of float types to any other.
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(not_c_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNot),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(not_c_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNegation),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
program, MutationChangeUnaryOperator(not_c_id, ast::UnaryOp::kComplement), node_id_map,
&program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
auto neg_d_id = node_id_map.GetId(neg_d_expr);
// Only logical negation (not) is allowed for bool type. Cannot change
// the operator of float types to any other.
program, MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_d_id, ast::UnaryOp::kComplement), node_id_map,
&program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_d_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNegation),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_d_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNot),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
TEST(ChangeUnaryOperatorTest, Signed_Integer_Types_Applicable1) {
std::string content = R"(
fn main() {
let a : i32 = 5;
let comp_a = ~a;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", content);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
const auto& main_fn_statements = program.AST().Functions()[0]->body->statements;
// Get variable from statements.
const auto* comp_a_var = main_fn_statements[1]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(comp_a_var, nullptr);
// Get the expression from variable declaration.
const auto* comp_a_expr = comp_a_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(comp_a_expr, nullptr);
// Assert mutation to be applicable and apply mutation.
auto comp_a_id = node_id_map.GetId(comp_a_expr);
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(comp_a_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNegation),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
writer::wgsl::Options options;
auto result = writer::wgsl::Generate(&program, options);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.success) << result.error;
std::string expected_shader = R"(fn main() {
let a : i32 = 5;
let comp_a = -(a);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_shader, result.wgsl);
TEST(ChangeUnaryOperatorTest, Signed_Integer_Types_Applicable2) {
std::string content = R"(
fn main() {
let b : vec3<i32> = vec3<i32>(1, 3, -1);
var comp_b : vec3<i32> = ~b;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", content);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
const auto& main_fn_statements = program.AST().Functions()[0]->body->statements;
// Get variable from statements.
const auto* comp_b_var = main_fn_statements[1]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(comp_b_var, nullptr);
// Get the expression from variable declaration.
const auto* comp_b_expr = comp_b_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(comp_b_expr, nullptr);
// Assert mutation to be applicable and apply mutation.
auto comp_b_id = node_id_map.GetId(comp_b_expr);
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(comp_b_id, ast::UnaryOp::kNegation),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
writer::wgsl::Options options;
auto result = writer::wgsl::Generate(&program, options);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.success) << result.error;
std::string expected_shader = R"(fn main() {
let b : vec3<i32> = vec3<i32>(1, 3, -(1));
var comp_b : vec3<i32> = -(b);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_shader, result.wgsl);
TEST(ChangeUnaryOperatorTest, Signed_Integer_Types_Applicable3) {
std::string content = R"(
fn main() {
var a = -5;
var neg_a = -(a);
Source::File file("test.wgsl", content);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
const auto& main_fn_statements = program.AST().Functions()[0]->body->statements;
// Get variable from statements.
const auto* neg_a_var = main_fn_statements[1]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(neg_a_var, nullptr);
// Get the expression from variable declaration.
const auto* neg_a_expr = neg_a_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(neg_a_expr, nullptr);
// Assert mutation to be applicable and apply mutation.
auto neg_a_id = node_id_map.GetId(neg_a_expr);
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_a_id, ast::UnaryOp::kComplement),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
writer::wgsl::Options options;
auto result = writer::wgsl::Generate(&program, options);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.success) << result.error;
std::string expected_shader = R"(fn main() {
var a = -(5);
var neg_a = ~(a);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_shader, result.wgsl);
TEST(ChangeUnaryOperatorTest, Signed_Integer_Types_Applicable4) {
std::string content = R"(
fn main() {
var b : vec3<i32> = vec3<i32>(1, 3, -1);
let neg_b : vec3<i32> = -b;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", content);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
const auto& main_fn_statements = program.AST().Functions()[0]->body->statements;
// Get variable from statements.
const auto* neg_b_var = main_fn_statements[1]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(neg_b_var, nullptr);
// Get the expression from variable declaration.
const auto* neg_b_expr = neg_b_var->initializer->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(neg_b_expr, nullptr);
// Assert mutation to be applicable and apply mutation.
auto neg_b_id = node_id_map.GetId(neg_b_expr);
MutationChangeUnaryOperator(neg_b_id, ast::UnaryOp::kComplement),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
writer::wgsl::Options options;
auto result = writer::wgsl::Generate(&program, options);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.success) << result.error;
std::string expected_shader = R"(fn main() {
var b : vec3<i32> = vec3<i32>(1, 3, -(1));
let neg_b : vec3<i32> = ~(b);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_shader, result.wgsl);
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::fuzzers::ast_fuzzer