blob: 89ab66bbf4e8295092b27b5c92f1123886ab03d4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/mutations/delete_statement.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/ast/block_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/for_loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/ast/variable_decl_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/jump_tracker.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/util.h"
#include "src/tint/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/for_loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/statement.h"
namespace tint::fuzzers::ast_fuzzer {
MutationDeleteStatement::MutationDeleteStatement(protobufs::MutationDeleteStatement message)
: message_(std::move(message)) {}
MutationDeleteStatement::MutationDeleteStatement(uint32_t statement_id) {
bool MutationDeleteStatement::IsApplicable(const tint::Program& program,
const NodeIdMap& node_id_map) const {
auto* statement_node = tint::As<ast::Statement>(node_id_map.GetNode(message_.statement_id()));
if (!statement_node) {
// The statement id is invalid or does not refer to a statement.
return false;
const auto* statement_sem_node = tint::As<sem::Statement>(program.Sem().Get(statement_node));
if (!statement_sem_node) {
// Semantic information for the statement is not available. This
// information is required in order to perform the deletion.
return false;
// Check whether it is OK to delete this statement.
if (!CanBeDeleted(*statement_node, program, JumpTracker(program))) {
return false;
return true;
void MutationDeleteStatement::Apply(const NodeIdMap& node_id_map,
tint::CloneContext* clone_context,
NodeIdMap* /* unused */) const {
const auto* statement_node =
const auto* statement_sem_node =
const auto* sem_parent = statement_sem_node->Parent();
if (tint::Is<sem::IfStatement>(sem_parent) &&
tint::As<ast::IfStatement>(sem_parent->Declaration())->else_statement == statement_node) {
// Remove the "else" part of an if statement.
clone_context->Replace(statement_node, static_cast<const ast::Statement*>(nullptr));
} else if (tint::Is<sem::ForLoopStatement>(sem_parent) &&
tint::As<ast::ForLoopStatement>(sem_parent->Declaration())->initializer ==
statement_node) {
// Remove the initializer of a for loop.
clone_context->Replace(statement_node, static_cast<const ast::Statement*>(nullptr));
} else if (tint::Is<sem::ForLoopStatement>(sem_parent) &&
tint::As<ast::ForLoopStatement>(sem_parent->Declaration())->continuing ==
statement_node) {
// Remove the "continuing" statement of a for loop.
clone_context->Replace(statement_node, static_cast<const ast::Statement*>(nullptr));
} else if (tint::Is<sem::LoopContinuingBlockStatement>(statement_sem_node)) {
// Remove the "continuing" block of a loop.
clone_context->Replace(statement_node, static_cast<const ast::Statement*>(nullptr));
} else if (tint::Is<ast::CaseStatement>(statement_node)) {
// Remove a case statement from its enclosing switch statement.
const auto& case_statement_list =
assert(std::find(case_statement_list->begin(), case_statement_list->end(),
statement_node) != case_statement_list->end() &&
"Statement not found.");
clone_context->Remove(*case_statement_list, statement_node);
} else if (tint::Is<ast::BlockStatement>(statement_node)) {
// Remove a block statement from the block that encloses it. A special case is required for
// this, since a sem::Block has itself as its associated sem::Block, so it is necessary to
// look at the parent to get the enclosing block.
const auto& statement_list =
assert(std::find(statement_list.begin(), statement_list.end(), statement_node) !=
statement_list.end() &&
"Statement not found.");
clone_context->Remove(statement_list, statement_node);
} else {
// Remove a non-block statement from the block that encloses it.
const auto& statement_list =
assert(std::find(statement_list.begin(), statement_list.end(), statement_node) !=
statement_list.end() &&
"Statement not found.");
clone_context->Remove(statement_list, statement_node);
protobufs::Mutation MutationDeleteStatement::ToMessage() const {
protobufs::Mutation mutation;
*mutation.mutable_delete_statement() = message_;
return mutation;
bool MutationDeleteStatement::CanBeDeleted(const ast::Statement& statement_node,
const Program& program,
const JumpTracker& jump_tracker) {
if (statement_node.Is<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()) {
// This is conservative. It would be possible to delete variable declarations if they are
// not used. Further analysis could allow that.
return false;
if (jump_tracker.ContainsReturn(statement_node)) {
// This is conservative. It would be possible to delete a return statement as long as there
// is still a return on every control flow path.
return false;
if (jump_tracker.ContainsBreakForInnermostLoop(statement_node)) {
// This is conservative. Disallowing the removal of breaks ensures that loops cannot become
// statically infinite. However, a loop might in practice have multiple breaks, some of
// which can be removed.
return false;
if (auto* case_statement = statement_node.As<ast::CaseStatement>()) {
// It is not OK to delete the case statement which contains the default selector.
if (case_statement->ContainsDefault()) {
return false;
auto* parent_sem = program.Sem().Get(&statement_node)->Parent();
if (parent_sem == nullptr) {
// Semantic information for the parent node is required.
return false;
auto* parent_stmt = parent_sem->Declaration();
// It does not make sense to delete the entire body of a loop or if statement.
if (auto* for_loop = parent_stmt->As<ast::ForLoopStatement>()) {
if (for_loop->body == &statement_node) {
return false;
if (auto* loop = parent_stmt->As<ast::LoopStatement>()) {
if (loop->body == &statement_node) {
return false;
if (auto* while_loop = parent_stmt->As<ast::WhileStatement>()) {
if (while_loop->body == &statement_node) {
return false;
if (auto* if_statement = parent_stmt->As<ast::IfStatement>()) {
if (if_statement->body == &statement_node) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace tint::fuzzers::ast_fuzzer