| // Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // File generated by tools/src/cmd/gen |
| // using the template: |
| // src/tint/builtin/extension_bench.cc.tmpl |
| // |
| // Do not modify this file directly |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| #include "src/tint/builtin/extension.h" |
| |
| #include <array> |
| |
| #include "benchmark/benchmark.h" |
| |
| namespace tint::builtin { |
| namespace { |
| |
| void ExtensionParser(::benchmark::State& state) { |
| const char* kStrings[] = { |
| "chromium_disableuniformiccy_analysis", |
| "chromil3_disable_unifority_analss", |
| "chromium_disable_Vniformity_analysis", |
| "chromium_disable_uniformity_analysis", |
| "chromium_dis1ble_uniformity_analysis", |
| "chromium_qqisable_unifomity_anaJysis", |
| "chrollium_disable_uniformity_analysi77", |
| "chromippHm_experqqmetal_dp4a", |
| "chrmium_expecimntal_dp4", |
| "chrmiumGexpebimental_dp4a", |
| "chromium_experimental_dp4a", |
| "chromium_exverimentiil_dp4a", |
| "chro8ium_experimenWWal_dp4a", |
| "chromiMm_eperimxxntal_dp4a", |
| "chromium_expeggimeXtal_full_ptr_paraeters", |
| "chromium_expVrimental_full_ptr_puraXeer", |
| "chromium_experimental_full_ptr3parameters", |
| "chromium_experimental_full_ptr_parameters", |
| "chromium_experimentalEfull_ptr_parameters", |
| "chromium_experimentalfull_ptr_PPaTTameters", |
| "chromium_ddxperimental_fullptrxxparameters", |
| "c44romium_experimental_push_constant", |
| "chromium_experimental_pSSsVV_constant", |
| "chrom22Rm_experimental_pushRonstant", |
| "chromium_experimental_push_constant", |
| "chromium_exp9rimFntal_ush_constant", |
| "chrmium_experimental_push_constant", |
| "cOOromium_experiVeHtal_puh_conRRtant", |
| "chromium_internay_dual_sorce_blending", |
| "chrnnmium_internal_duGrr_source_bllend77ng", |
| "chromiu4_inter00al_dual_source_blending", |
| "chromium_internal_dual_source_blending", |
| "chromium_intoornal_dua_sorce_bleding", |
| "cromium_nternal_dual_sourcezzblending", |
| "chiiomiu_internal_dppal_source11blendig", |
| "XXhromium_internal_relaxed_uniform_layout", |
| "chromium_99nternal_reIInaxed_un55form_layout", |
| "chromYuaaSSinternrrl_rHHlaxed_uniform_layout", |
| "chromium_internal_relaxed_uniform_layout", |
| "chroiHm_internal_rkklaxd_uniform_layou", |
| "chromium_internl_relaxedguniRRorm_lajou", |
| "chromium_inernal_relaxedbuniorm_layout", |
| "fj6", |
| "f6", |
| "q", |
| "f16", |
| "fNN", |
| "fv", |
| "Q16", |
| }; |
| for (auto _ : state) { |
| for (auto* str : kStrings) { |
| auto result = ParseExtension(str); |
| benchmark::DoNotOptimize(result); |
| } |
| } |
| } // NOLINT(readability/fn_size) |
| |
| BENCHMARK(ExtensionParser); |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace tint::builtin |