blob: bf129ca672791672a120a69bb3333791098364f0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/transform/multiplanar_external_texture.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/module.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/validator.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/external_texture.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/sampled_texture.h"
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::ir::transform {
namespace {
/// PIMPL state for the transform.
struct State {
/// The external texture options.
const ExternalTextureOptions& options;
/// The IR module.
Module* ir = nullptr;
/// The IR builder.
Builder b{*ir};
/// The type manager.
core::type::Manager& ty{ir->Types()};
/// The symbol table.
SymbolTable& sym{ir->symbols};
/// The gamma transfer parameters structure.
const core::type::Struct* gamma_transfer_params_struct = nullptr;
/// The external texture parameters structure.
const core::type::Struct* external_texture_params_struct = nullptr;
/// The helper function that implements `textureLoad()`.
Function* texture_load_external = nullptr;
/// The helper function that implements `textureSampleBaseClampToEdge()`.
Function* texture_sample_external = nullptr;
/// The gamma correction helper function.
Function* gamma_correction = nullptr;
/// Process the module.
void Process() {
// Find module-scope variables that need to be replaced.
if (ir->root_block) {
Vector<Instruction*, 4> to_remove;
for (auto inst : *ir->root_block) {
auto* var = inst->As<Var>();
if (!var) {
auto* ptr = var->Result()->Type()->As<core::type::Pointer>();
if (ptr->StoreType()->Is<core::type::ExternalTexture>()) {
for (auto* remove : to_remove) {
// Find function parameters that need to be replaced.
for (auto* func : ir->functions) {
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < func->Params().Length(); index++) {
auto* param = func->Params()[index];
if (param->Type()->Is<core::type::ExternalTexture>()) {
ReplaceParameter(func, param, index);
/// @returns a 2D sampled texture type with a f32 sampled type
const core::type::SampledTexture* SampledTexture() {
return ty.Get<core::type::SampledTexture>(core::type::TextureDimension::k2d, ty.f32());
/// Replace an external texture variable declaration.
/// @param old_var the variable declaration to replace
void ReplaceVar(Var* old_var) {
auto name = ir->NameOf(old_var);
auto bp = old_var->BindingPoint();
auto itr = options.bindings_map.find(bp.value());
TINT_ASSERT_OR_RETURN(itr != options.bindings_map.end());
const auto& new_binding_points = itr->second;
// Create a sampled texture for the first plane.
auto* plane_0 = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, SampledTexture()));
plane_0->SetBindingPoint(bp->group, bp->binding);
if (name) {
ir->SetName(plane_0, name.Name() + "_plane0");
// Create a sampled texture for the second plane.
auto* plane_1 = b.Var(ty.ptr(handle, SampledTexture()));
if (name) {
ir->SetName(plane_1, name.Name() + "_plane1");
// Create a uniform buffer for the external texture parameters.
auto* external_texture_params = b.Var(ty.ptr(uniform, ExternalTextureParams()));
if (name) {
ir->SetName(external_texture_params, name.Name() + "_params");
// Replace all uses of the old variable with the new ones.
ReplaceUses(old_var->Result(), plane_0->Result(), plane_1->Result(),
/// Replace an external texture function parameter.
/// @param func the function
/// @param old_param the function parameter to replace
/// @param index the index of the function parameter
void ReplaceParameter(Function* func, FunctionParam* old_param, uint32_t index) {
auto name = ir->NameOf(old_param);
// Create a sampled texture for the first plane.
auto* plane_0 = b.FunctionParam(SampledTexture());
if (name) {
ir->SetName(plane_0, name.Name() + "_plane0");
// Create a sampled texture for the second plane.
auto* plane_1 = b.FunctionParam(SampledTexture());
if (name) {
ir->SetName(plane_1, name.Name() + "_plane1");
// Create the external texture parameters struct.
auto* external_texture_params = b.FunctionParam(ExternalTextureParams());
if (name) {
ir->SetName(external_texture_params, name.Name() + "_params");
Vector<FunctionParam*, 4> new_params;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < func->Params().Length(); i++) {
if (i == index) {
} else {
// Replace all uses of the old parameter with the new ones.
ReplaceUses(old_param, plane_0, plane_1, external_texture_params);
/// Recursively replace the uses of @p value with @p new_value.
/// @param old_value the external texture value whose usages should be replaced
/// @param plane_0 the first plane of the replacement texture
/// @param plane_1 the second plane of the replacement texture
/// @param params the parameters of the replacement texture
void ReplaceUses(Value* old_value, Value* plane_0, Value* plane_1, Value* params) {
old_value->ForEachUse([&](Usage use) {
[&](Load* load) {
// Load both of the planes and the parameters struct.
Value* plane_0_load = nullptr;
Value* plane_1_load = nullptr;
Value* params_load = nullptr;
b.InsertBefore(load, [&] {
plane_0_load = b.Load(plane_0)->Result();
plane_1_load = b.Load(plane_1)->Result();
params_load = b.Load(params)->Result();
ReplaceUses(load->Result(), plane_0_load, plane_1_load, params_load);
[&](CoreBuiltinCall* call) {
if (call->Func() == core::Function::kTextureDimensions) {
// Use the first plane for the `textureDimensions()` call.
call->SetOperand(use.operand_index, plane_0);
} else if (call->Func() == core::Function::kTextureLoad) {
// Convert the coordinates to unsigned integers if necessary.
auto* coords = call->Args()[1];
if (coords->Type()->is_signed_integer_vector()) {
auto* convert = b.Convert(ty.vec2<u32>(), coords);
coords = convert->Result();
// Call the `TextureLoadExternal()` helper function.
auto* helper = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), TextureLoadExternal(), plane_0,
plane_1, params, coords);
} else if (call->Func() == core::Function::kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge) {
// Call the `TextureSampleExternal()` helper function.
auto* sampler = call->Args()[1];
auto* coords = call->Args()[2];
auto* helper = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), TextureSampleExternal(), plane_0,
plane_1, params, sampler, coords);
} else {
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled texture_external builtin call: " << call->Func();
[&](UserCall* call) {
// Decompose the external texture operand into both planes and the parameters.
Vector<Value*, 4> operands;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < call->Operands().Length(); i++) {
if (i == use.operand_index) {
} else {
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled instruction " << use.instruction->FriendlyName();
/// @returns the gamma transfer parameters struct
const core::type::Struct* GammaTransferParams() {
if (!gamma_transfer_params_struct) {
gamma_transfer_params_struct = ty.Struct(sym.Register("tint_GammaTransferParams"),
{sym.Register("G"), ty.f32()},
{sym.Register("A"), ty.f32()},
{sym.Register("B"), ty.f32()},
{sym.Register("C"), ty.f32()},
{sym.Register("D"), ty.f32()},
{sym.Register("E"), ty.f32()},
{sym.Register("F"), ty.f32()},
{sym.Register("padding"), ty.u32()},
return gamma_transfer_params_struct;
/// @returns the external textures parameters struct
const core::type::Struct* ExternalTextureParams() {
if (!external_texture_params_struct) {
external_texture_params_struct =
{sym.Register("numPlanes"), ty.u32()},
{sym.Register("doYuvToRgbConversionOnly"), ty.u32()},
{sym.Register("yuvToRgbConversionMatrix"), ty.mat3x4<f32>()},
{sym.Register("gammaDecodeParams"), GammaTransferParams()},
{sym.Register("gammaEncodeParams"), GammaTransferParams()},
{sym.Register("gamutConversionMatrix"), ty.mat3x3<f32>()},
{sym.Register("coordTransformationMatrix"), ty.mat3x2<f32>()},
return external_texture_params_struct;
/// Gets or creates the gamma correction helper function.
/// @returns the function
Function* GammaCorrection() {
if (gamma_correction) {
return gamma_correction;
// The helper function implements the following:
// fn tint_GammaCorrection(v : vec3f, params : GammaTransferParams) -> vec3f {
// let abs_v = abs(v);
// let sign_v = sign(v);
// let cond = abs_v < vec3f(params.D);
// let t = sign_v * ((params.C * abs_v) + params.F);
// let f = sign_v * (pow((params.A * abs_v) + params.B, vec3f(params.G)) + params.E);
// return select(f, t, cond);
// }
gamma_correction = b.Function("tint_GammaCorrection", ty.vec3<f32>());
auto* v = b.FunctionParam("v", ty.vec3<f32>());
auto* params = b.FunctionParam("params", GammaTransferParams());
gamma_correction->SetParams({v, params});
b.Append(gamma_correction->Block(), [&] {
auto* vec3f = ty.vec3<f32>();
auto* G = b.Access(ty.f32(), params, 0_u);
auto* A = b.Access(ty.f32(), params, 1_u);
auto* B = b.Access(ty.f32(), params, 2_u);
auto* C = b.Access(ty.f32(), params, 3_u);
auto* D = b.Access(ty.f32(), params, 4_u);
auto* E = b.Access(ty.f32(), params, 5_u);
auto* F = b.Access(ty.f32(), params, 6_u);
auto* G_splat = b.Construct(vec3f, G);
auto* D_splat = b.Construct(vec3f, D);
auto* abs_v = b.Call(vec3f, core::Function::kAbs, v);
auto* sign_v = b.Call(vec3f, core::Function::kSign, v);
auto* cond = b.LessThan(ty.vec3<bool>(), abs_v, D_splat);
auto* t = b.Multiply(vec3f, sign_v, b.Add(vec3f, b.Multiply(vec3f, C, abs_v), F));
auto* f =
b.Multiply(vec3f, sign_v,
b.Call(vec3f, core::Function::kPow,
b.Add(vec3f, b.Multiply(vec3f, A, abs_v), B), G_splat),
b.Return(gamma_correction, b.Call(vec3f, core::Function::kSelect, f, t, cond));
return gamma_correction;
/// Gets or creates the texture load helper function.
/// @returns the function
Function* TextureLoadExternal() {
if (texture_load_external) {
return texture_load_external;
// The helper function implements the following:
// fn tint_TextureLoadExternal(plane0 : texture_2d<f32>,
// plane1 : texture_2d<f32>,
// coords : vec2i,
// params : ExternalTextureParams) -> vec4f {
// var rgb : vec3f;
// var alpha : f32;
// if ((params.numPlanes == 1)) {
// let texel = textureLoad(plane0, coord, 0);
// rgb = texel.rgb;
// alpha = texel.a;
// } else {
// let y = textureLoad(plane0, coord, 0).r;
// let coord_uv = (coord >> vec2u(1));
// let uv = textureLoad(plane1, coord_uv, 0).rg;
// rgb = vec4f(y, uv, 1) * params.yuvToRgbConversionMatrix;
// alpha = 1.0;
// }
// if (params.doYuvToRgbConversionOnly == 0) {
// rgb = gammaCorrection(rgb, params.gammaDecodeParams);
// rgb = params.gamutConversionMatrix * rgb;
// rgb = gammaCorrection(rgb, params.gammaEncodeParams);
// }
// return vec4f(rgb, alpha);
// }
texture_load_external = b.Function("tint_TextureLoadExternal", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* plane_0 = b.FunctionParam("plane_0", SampledTexture());
auto* plane_1 = b.FunctionParam("plane_1", SampledTexture());
auto* params = b.FunctionParam("params", ExternalTextureParams());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<u32>());
texture_load_external->SetParams({plane_0, plane_1, params, coords});
b.Append(texture_load_external->Block(), [&] {
auto* vec2f = ty.vec2<f32>();
auto* vec3f = ty.vec3<f32>();
auto* vec4f = ty.vec4<f32>();
auto* yuv_to_rgb_conversion_only = b.Access(ty.u32(), params, 1_u);
auto* yuv_to_rgb_conversion = b.Access(ty.mat3x4<f32>(), params, 2_u);
auto* rgb_result = b.InstructionResult(vec3f);
auto* alpha_result = b.InstructionResult(ty.f32());
auto* num_planes = b.Access(ty.u32(), params, 0_u);
auto* if_planes_eq_1 = b.If(b.Equal(ty.bool_(), num_planes, 1_u));
if_planes_eq_1->SetResults(rgb_result, alpha_result);
b.Append(if_planes_eq_1->True(), [&] {
// Load the texel from the first plane and split into separate rgb and a values.
auto* texel = b.Call(vec4f, core::Function::kTextureLoad, plane_0, coords, 0_u);
auto* rgb = b.Swizzle(vec3f, texel, {0u, 1u, 2u});
auto* a = b.Access(ty.f32(), texel, 3_u);
b.ExitIf(if_planes_eq_1, rgb, a);
b.Append(if_planes_eq_1->False(), [&] {
// Load the y value from the first plane.
auto* y = b.Access(
ty.f32(), b.Call(vec4f, core::Function::kTextureLoad, plane_0, coords, 0_u),
// Load the uv value from the second plane.
auto* coord_uv =
b.ShiftRight(ty.vec2<u32>(), coords, b.Splat(ty.vec2<u32>(), 1_u, 2u));
auto* uv = b.Swizzle(
vec2f, b.Call(vec4f, core::Function::kTextureLoad, plane_1, coord_uv, 0_u),
{0u, 1u});
// Convert the combined yuv value into rgb and set the alpha to 1.0.
b.Multiply(vec3f, b.Construct(vec4f, y, uv, 1_f), yuv_to_rgb_conversion),
// Apply gamma correction if needed.
auto* final_result = b.InstructionResult(vec3f);
auto* if_gamma_correct = b.If(b.Equal(ty.bool_(), yuv_to_rgb_conversion_only, 0_u));
b.Append(if_gamma_correct->True(), [&] {
auto* gamma_decode_params = b.Access(GammaTransferParams(), params, 3_u);
auto* gamma_encode_params = b.Access(GammaTransferParams(), params, 4_u);
auto* gamut_conversion_matrix = b.Access(ty.mat3x3<f32>(), params, 5_u);
auto* decoded = b.Call(vec3f, GammaCorrection(), rgb_result, gamma_decode_params);
auto* converted = b.Multiply(vec3f, gamut_conversion_matrix, decoded);
auto* encoded = b.Call(vec3f, GammaCorrection(), converted, gamma_encode_params);
b.ExitIf(if_gamma_correct, encoded);
b.Append(if_gamma_correct->False(), [&] { //
b.ExitIf(if_gamma_correct, rgb_result);
b.Return(texture_load_external, b.Construct(vec4f, final_result, alpha_result));
return texture_load_external;
/// Gets or creates the texture sample helper function.
/// @returns the function
Function* TextureSampleExternal() {
if (texture_sample_external) {
return texture_sample_external;
// The helper function implements the following:
// fn textureSampleExternal(plane0 : texture_2d<f32>,
// plane1 : texture_2d<f32>,
// smp : sampler,
// coord : vec2f,
// params : ExternalTextureParams) -> vec4f {
// let modified_coords = params.coordTransformationMatrix * vec3f(coord, 1);
// let plane0_dims = vec2f(textureDimensions(plane0));
// let plane0_half_texel = vec2f(0.5) / plane0_dims;
// let plane0_clamped = clamp(modified_coords, plane0_half_texel,
// (1 - plane0_half_texel));
// let plane1_dims = vec2f(textureDimensions(plane1));
// let plane1_half_texel = vec2f(0.5) / plane1_dims;
// let plane1_clamped = clamp(modified_coords, plane1_half_texel,
// (1 - plane1_half_texel));
// var rgb : vec3f;
// var alpha : f32;
// if ((params.numPlanes == 1)) {
// let texel = textureSampleLevel(plane0, smp, plane0_clamped, 0);
// rgb = texel.rgb;
// alpha = texel.a;
// } else {
// let y = textureSampleLevel(plane0, smp, plane0_clamped, 0).r;
// let uv = textureSampleLevel(plane1, smp, plane1_clamped, 0).rg;
// rgb = vec4f(y, uv, 1.0) * params.yuvToRgbConversionMatrix;
// alpha = 1.0;
// }
// if (params.doYuvToRgbConversionOnly == 0) {
// rgb = gammaCorrection(rgb, params.gammaDecodeParams);
// rgb = params.gamutConversionMatrix * rgb;
// rgb = gammaCorrection(rgb, params.gammaEncodeParams);
// }
// return vec4f(rgb, alpha);
// }
texture_sample_external = b.Function("tint_TextureSampleExternal", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* plane_0 = b.FunctionParam("plane_0", SampledTexture());
auto* plane_1 = b.FunctionParam("plane_1", SampledTexture());
auto* params = b.FunctionParam("params", ExternalTextureParams());
auto* sampler = b.FunctionParam("sampler", ty.sampler());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<f32>());
texture_sample_external->SetParams({plane_0, plane_1, params, sampler, coords});
b.Append(texture_sample_external->Block(), [&] {
auto* vec2f = ty.vec2<f32>();
auto* vec3f = ty.vec3<f32>();
auto* vec4f = ty.vec4<f32>();
auto* yuv_to_rgb_conversion_only = b.Access(ty.u32(), params, 1_u);
auto* yuv_to_rgb_conversion = b.Access(ty.mat3x4<f32>(), params, 2_u);
auto* transformation_matrix = b.Access(ty.mat3x2<f32>(), params, 6_u);
auto* modified_coords =
b.Multiply(vec2f, transformation_matrix, b.Construct(vec3f, coords, 1_f));
auto* plane0_dims = b.Convert(
vec2f, b.Call(ty.vec2<u32>(), core::Function::kTextureDimensions, plane_0));
auto* plane0_half_texel = b.Divide(vec2f, b.Splat(vec2f, 0.5_f, 2u), plane0_dims);
auto* plane0_clamped =
b.Call(vec2f, core::Function::kClamp, modified_coords, plane0_half_texel,
b.Subtract(vec2f, 1_f, plane0_half_texel));
auto* plane1_dims = b.Convert(
vec2f, b.Call(ty.vec2<u32>(), core::Function::kTextureDimensions, plane_1));
auto* plane1_half_texel = b.Divide(vec2f, b.Splat(vec2f, 0.5_f, 2u), plane1_dims);
auto* plane1_clamped =
b.Call(vec2f, core::Function::kClamp, modified_coords, plane1_half_texel,
b.Subtract(vec2f, 1_f, plane1_half_texel));
auto* rgb_result = b.InstructionResult(vec3f);
auto* alpha_result = b.InstructionResult(ty.f32());
auto* num_planes = b.Access(ty.u32(), params, 0_u);
auto* if_planes_eq_1 = b.If(b.Equal(ty.bool_(), num_planes, 1_u));
if_planes_eq_1->SetResults(rgb_result, alpha_result);
b.Append(if_planes_eq_1->True(), [&] {
// Sample the texel from the first plane and split into separate rgb and a values.
auto* texel = b.Call(vec4f, core::Function::kTextureSampleLevel, plane_0, sampler,
plane0_clamped, 0_f);
auto* rgb = b.Swizzle(vec3f, texel, {0u, 1u, 2u});
auto* a = b.Access(ty.f32(), texel, 3_u);
b.ExitIf(if_planes_eq_1, rgb, a);
b.Append(if_planes_eq_1->False(), [&] {
// Sample the y value from the first plane.
auto* y = b.Access(ty.f32(),
b.Call(vec4f, core::Function::kTextureSampleLevel, plane_0,
sampler, plane0_clamped, 0_f),
// Sample the uv value from the second plane.
auto* uv = b.Swizzle(vec2f,
b.Call(vec4f, core::Function::kTextureSampleLevel, plane_1,
sampler, plane1_clamped, 0_f),
{0u, 1u});
// Convert the combined yuv value into rgb and set the alpha to 1.0.
b.Multiply(vec3f, b.Construct(vec4f, y, uv, 1_f), yuv_to_rgb_conversion),
// Apply gamma correction if needed.
auto* final_result = b.InstructionResult(vec3f);
auto* if_gamma_correct = b.If(b.Equal(ty.bool_(), yuv_to_rgb_conversion_only, 0_u));
b.Append(if_gamma_correct->True(), [&] {
auto* gamma_decode_params = b.Access(GammaTransferParams(), params, 3_u);
auto* gamma_encode_params = b.Access(GammaTransferParams(), params, 4_u);
auto* gamut_conversion_matrix = b.Access(ty.mat3x3<f32>(), params, 5_u);
auto* decoded = b.Call(vec3f, GammaCorrection(), rgb_result, gamma_decode_params);
auto* converted = b.Multiply(vec3f, gamut_conversion_matrix, decoded);
auto* encoded = b.Call(vec3f, GammaCorrection(), converted, gamma_encode_params);
b.ExitIf(if_gamma_correct, encoded);
b.Append(if_gamma_correct->False(), [&] { //
b.ExitIf(if_gamma_correct, rgb_result);
b.Return(texture_sample_external, b.Construct(vec4f, final_result, alpha_result));
return texture_sample_external;
} // namespace
Result<SuccessType, std::string> MultiplanarExternalTexture(Module* ir,
const ExternalTextureOptions& options) {
auto result = ValidateAndDumpIfNeeded(*ir, "MultiplanarExternalTexture transform");
if (!result) {
return result;
State{options, ir}.Process();
return Success;
} // namespace tint::ir::transform