blob: 267cd21e2a2bb1a8a3f8216aade18b6470b1b077 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/transform/multiplanar_external_texture.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/transform/helper_test.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/external_texture.h"
namespace tint::ir::transform {
namespace {
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
using IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest = TransformTest;
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, NoRootBlock) {
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_());
auto* expect = R"(
%foo = func():void -> %b1 {
%b1 = block {
ExternalTextureOptions options;
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, DeclWithNoUses) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { //
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func():void -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func():void -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, LoadWithNoUses) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func():void -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%3:texture_external = load %texture
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func():void -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%6:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%7:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, TextureDimensions) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.vec2<u32>());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* load = b.Load(var->Result());
auto* result = b.Call(ty.vec2<u32>(), core::Function::kTextureDimensions, load);
b.Return(func, result);
mod.SetName(result, "result");
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func():vec2<u32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%3:texture_external = load %texture
%result:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %3
ret %result
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func():vec2<u32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%5:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%6:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%7:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%result:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %5
ret %result
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, TextureLoad) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<u32>());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* load = b.Load(var->Result());
auto* result = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureLoad, load, coords);
b.Return(func, result);
mod.SetName(result, "result");
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func(%coords:vec2<u32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%4:texture_external = load %texture
%result:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %4, %coords
ret %result
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func(%coords:vec2<u32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%6:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%7:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%8:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%9:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureLoadExternal, %6, %7, %8, %coords
ret %9
%tint_TextureLoadExternal = func(%plane_0:texture_2d<f32>, %plane_1:texture_2d<f32>, %params:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %coords_1:vec2<u32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%15:u32 = access %params, 1u
%16:mat3x4<f32> = access %params, 2u
%17:u32 = access %params, 0u
%18:bool = eq %17, 1u
%19:vec3<f32>, %20:f32 = if %18 [t: %b4, f: %b5] { # if_1
%b4 = block { # true
%21:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_0, %coords_1, 0u
%22:vec3<f32> = swizzle %21, xyz
%23:f32 = access %21, 3u
exit_if %22, %23 # if_1
%b5 = block { # false
%24:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_0, %coords_1, 0u
%25:f32 = access %24, 0u
%26:vec2<u32> = shiftr %coords_1, vec2<u32>(1u)
%27:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_1, %26, 0u
%28:vec2<f32> = swizzle %27, xy
%29:vec4<f32> = construct %25, %28, 1.0f
%30:vec3<f32> = mul %29, %16
exit_if %30, 1.0f # if_1
%31:bool = eq %15, 0u
%32:vec3<f32> = if %31 [t: %b6, f: %b7] { # if_2
%b6 = block { # true
%33:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 3u
%34:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 4u
%35:mat3x3<f32> = access %params, 5u
%36:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %19, %33
%38:vec3<f32> = mul %35, %36
%39:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %38, %34
exit_if %39 # if_2
%b7 = block { # false
exit_if %19 # if_2
%40:vec4<f32> = construct %32, %20
ret %40
%tint_GammaCorrection = func(%v:vec3<f32>, %params_1:tint_GammaTransferParams):vec3<f32> -> %b8 { # %params_1: 'params'
%b8 = block {
%43:f32 = access %params_1, 0u
%44:f32 = access %params_1, 1u
%45:f32 = access %params_1, 2u
%46:f32 = access %params_1, 3u
%47:f32 = access %params_1, 4u
%48:f32 = access %params_1, 5u
%49:f32 = access %params_1, 6u
%50:vec3<f32> = construct %43
%51:vec3<f32> = construct %47
%52:vec3<f32> = abs %v
%53:vec3<f32> = sign %v
%54:vec3<bool> = lt %52, %51
%55:vec3<f32> = mul %46, %52
%56:vec3<f32> = add %55, %49
%57:vec3<f32> = mul %53, %56
%58:vec3<f32> = mul %44, %52
%59:vec3<f32> = add %58, %45
%60:vec3<f32> = pow %59, %50
%61:vec3<f32> = add %60, %48
%62:vec3<f32> = mul %53, %61
%63:vec3<f32> = select %62, %57, %54
ret %63
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, TextureLoad_SignedCoords) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<i32>());
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* load = b.Load(var->Result());
auto* result = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureLoad, load, coords);
b.Return(func, result);
mod.SetName(result, "result");
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func(%coords:vec2<i32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%4:texture_external = load %texture
%result:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %4, %coords
ret %result
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func(%coords:vec2<i32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%6:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%7:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%8:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%9:vec2<u32> = convert %coords
%10:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureLoadExternal, %6, %7, %8, %9
ret %10
%tint_TextureLoadExternal = func(%plane_0:texture_2d<f32>, %plane_1:texture_2d<f32>, %params:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %coords_1:vec2<u32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%16:u32 = access %params, 1u
%17:mat3x4<f32> = access %params, 2u
%18:u32 = access %params, 0u
%19:bool = eq %18, 1u
%20:vec3<f32>, %21:f32 = if %19 [t: %b4, f: %b5] { # if_1
%b4 = block { # true
%22:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_0, %coords_1, 0u
%23:vec3<f32> = swizzle %22, xyz
%24:f32 = access %22, 3u
exit_if %23, %24 # if_1
%b5 = block { # false
%25:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_0, %coords_1, 0u
%26:f32 = access %25, 0u
%27:vec2<u32> = shiftr %coords_1, vec2<u32>(1u)
%28:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_1, %27, 0u
%29:vec2<f32> = swizzle %28, xy
%30:vec4<f32> = construct %26, %29, 1.0f
%31:vec3<f32> = mul %30, %17
exit_if %31, 1.0f # if_1
%32:bool = eq %16, 0u
%33:vec3<f32> = if %32 [t: %b6, f: %b7] { # if_2
%b6 = block { # true
%34:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 3u
%35:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 4u
%36:mat3x3<f32> = access %params, 5u
%37:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %20, %34
%39:vec3<f32> = mul %36, %37
%40:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %39, %35
exit_if %40 # if_2
%b7 = block { # false
exit_if %20 # if_2
%41:vec4<f32> = construct %33, %21
ret %41
%tint_GammaCorrection = func(%v:vec3<f32>, %params_1:tint_GammaTransferParams):vec3<f32> -> %b8 { # %params_1: 'params'
%b8 = block {
%44:f32 = access %params_1, 0u
%45:f32 = access %params_1, 1u
%46:f32 = access %params_1, 2u
%47:f32 = access %params_1, 3u
%48:f32 = access %params_1, 4u
%49:f32 = access %params_1, 5u
%50:f32 = access %params_1, 6u
%51:vec3<f32> = construct %44
%52:vec3<f32> = construct %48
%53:vec3<f32> = abs %v
%54:vec3<f32> = sign %v
%55:vec3<bool> = lt %53, %52
%56:vec3<f32> = mul %47, %53
%57:vec3<f32> = add %56, %50
%58:vec3<f32> = mul %54, %57
%59:vec3<f32> = mul %45, %53
%60:vec3<f32> = add %59, %46
%61:vec3<f32> = pow %60, %51
%62:vec3<f32> = add %61, %49
%63:vec3<f32> = mul %54, %62
%64:vec3<f32> = select %63, %58, %55
ret %64
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, TextureSampleBaseClampToEdge) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* sampler = b.FunctionParam("sampler", ty.sampler());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<f32>());
func->SetParams({sampler, coords});
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
auto* load = b.Load(var->Result());
auto* result = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge, load,
sampler, coords);
b.Return(func, result);
mod.SetName(result, "result");
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func(%sampler:sampler, %coords:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%5:texture_external = load %texture
%result:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBaseClampToEdge %5, %sampler, %coords
ret %result
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func(%sampler:sampler, %coords:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%7:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%8:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%9:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%10:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureSampleExternal, %7, %8, %9, %sampler, %coords
ret %10
%tint_TextureSampleExternal = func(%plane_0:texture_2d<f32>, %plane_1:texture_2d<f32>, %params:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %sampler_1:sampler, %coords_1:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %sampler_1: 'sampler', %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%17:u32 = access %params, 1u
%18:mat3x4<f32> = access %params, 2u
%19:mat3x2<f32> = access %params, 6u
%20:vec3<f32> = construct %coords_1, 1.0f
%21:vec2<f32> = mul %19, %20
%22:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %plane_0
%23:vec2<f32> = convert %22
%24:vec2<f32> = div vec2<f32>(0.5f), %23
%25:vec2<f32> = sub 1.0f, %24
%26:vec2<f32> = clamp %21, %24, %25
%27:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %plane_1
%28:vec2<f32> = convert %27
%29:vec2<f32> = div vec2<f32>(0.5f), %28
%30:vec2<f32> = sub 1.0f, %29
%31:vec2<f32> = clamp %21, %29, %30
%32:u32 = access %params, 0u
%33:bool = eq %32, 1u
%34:vec3<f32>, %35:f32 = if %33 [t: %b4, f: %b5] { # if_1
%b4 = block { # true
%36:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_0, %sampler_1, %26, 0.0f
%37:vec3<f32> = swizzle %36, xyz
%38:f32 = access %36, 3u
exit_if %37, %38 # if_1
%b5 = block { # false
%39:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_0, %sampler_1, %26, 0.0f
%40:f32 = access %39, 0u
%41:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_1, %sampler_1, %31, 0.0f
%42:vec2<f32> = swizzle %41, xy
%43:vec4<f32> = construct %40, %42, 1.0f
%44:vec3<f32> = mul %43, %18
exit_if %44, 1.0f # if_1
%45:bool = eq %17, 0u
%46:vec3<f32> = if %45 [t: %b6, f: %b7] { # if_2
%b6 = block { # true
%47:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 3u
%48:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 4u
%49:mat3x3<f32> = access %params, 5u
%50:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %34, %47
%52:vec3<f32> = mul %49, %50
%53:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %52, %48
exit_if %53 # if_2
%b7 = block { # false
exit_if %34 # if_2
%54:vec4<f32> = construct %46, %35
ret %54
%tint_GammaCorrection = func(%v:vec3<f32>, %params_1:tint_GammaTransferParams):vec3<f32> -> %b8 { # %params_1: 'params'
%b8 = block {
%57:f32 = access %params_1, 0u
%58:f32 = access %params_1, 1u
%59:f32 = access %params_1, 2u
%60:f32 = access %params_1, 3u
%61:f32 = access %params_1, 4u
%62:f32 = access %params_1, 5u
%63:f32 = access %params_1, 6u
%64:vec3<f32> = construct %57
%65:vec3<f32> = construct %61
%66:vec3<f32> = abs %v
%67:vec3<f32> = sign %v
%68:vec3<bool> = lt %66, %65
%69:vec3<f32> = mul %60, %66
%70:vec3<f32> = add %69, %63
%71:vec3<f32> = mul %67, %70
%72:vec3<f32> = mul %58, %66
%73:vec3<f32> = add %72, %59
%74:vec3<f32> = pow %73, %64
%75:vec3<f32> = add %74, %62
%76:vec3<f32> = mul %67, %75
%77:vec3<f32> = select %76, %71, %68
ret %77
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, ViaUserFunctionParameter) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* foo = b.Function("foo", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* texture = b.FunctionParam("texture", ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>());
auto* sampler = b.FunctionParam("sampler", ty.sampler());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<f32>());
foo->SetParams({texture, sampler, coords});
b.Append(foo->Block(), [&] {
auto* result = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge,
texture, sampler, coords);
b.Return(foo, result);
mod.SetName(result, "result");
auto* bar = b.Function("bar", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* sampler = b.FunctionParam("sampler", ty.sampler());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<f32>());
bar->SetParams({sampler, coords});
b.Append(bar->Block(), [&] {
auto* load = b.Load(var->Result());
auto* result = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), foo, load, sampler, coords);
b.Return(bar, result);
mod.SetName(result, "result");
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func(%texture_1:texture_external, %sampler:sampler, %coords:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 { # %texture_1: 'texture'
%b2 = block {
%result:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBaseClampToEdge %texture_1, %sampler, %coords
ret %result
%bar = func(%sampler_1:sampler, %coords_1:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %sampler_1: 'sampler', %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%10:texture_external = load %texture
%result_1:vec4<f32> = call %foo, %10, %sampler_1, %coords_1 # %result_1: 'result'
ret %result_1
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func(%texture_plane0_1:texture_2d<f32>, %texture_plane1_1:texture_2d<f32>, %texture_params_1:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %sampler:sampler, %coords:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 { # %texture_plane0_1: 'texture_plane0', %texture_plane1_1: 'texture_plane1', %texture_params_1: 'texture_params'
%b2 = block {
%10:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureSampleExternal, %texture_plane0_1, %texture_plane1_1, %texture_params_1, %sampler, %coords
ret %10
%bar = func(%sampler_1:sampler, %coords_1:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %sampler_1: 'sampler', %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%15:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%16:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%17:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%result:vec4<f32> = call %foo, %15, %16, %17, %sampler_1, %coords_1
ret %result
%tint_TextureSampleExternal = func(%plane_0:texture_2d<f32>, %plane_1:texture_2d<f32>, %params:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %sampler_2:sampler, %coords_2:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b4 { # %sampler_2: 'sampler', %coords_2: 'coords'
%b4 = block {
%24:u32 = access %params, 1u
%25:mat3x4<f32> = access %params, 2u
%26:mat3x2<f32> = access %params, 6u
%27:vec3<f32> = construct %coords_2, 1.0f
%28:vec2<f32> = mul %26, %27
%29:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %plane_0
%30:vec2<f32> = convert %29
%31:vec2<f32> = div vec2<f32>(0.5f), %30
%32:vec2<f32> = sub 1.0f, %31
%33:vec2<f32> = clamp %28, %31, %32
%34:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %plane_1
%35:vec2<f32> = convert %34
%36:vec2<f32> = div vec2<f32>(0.5f), %35
%37:vec2<f32> = sub 1.0f, %36
%38:vec2<f32> = clamp %28, %36, %37
%39:u32 = access %params, 0u
%40:bool = eq %39, 1u
%41:vec3<f32>, %42:f32 = if %40 [t: %b5, f: %b6] { # if_1
%b5 = block { # true
%43:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_0, %sampler_2, %33, 0.0f
%44:vec3<f32> = swizzle %43, xyz
%45:f32 = access %43, 3u
exit_if %44, %45 # if_1
%b6 = block { # false
%46:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_0, %sampler_2, %33, 0.0f
%47:f32 = access %46, 0u
%48:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_1, %sampler_2, %38, 0.0f
%49:vec2<f32> = swizzle %48, xy
%50:vec4<f32> = construct %47, %49, 1.0f
%51:vec3<f32> = mul %50, %25
exit_if %51, 1.0f # if_1
%52:bool = eq %24, 0u
%53:vec3<f32> = if %52 [t: %b7, f: %b8] { # if_2
%b7 = block { # true
%54:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 3u
%55:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 4u
%56:mat3x3<f32> = access %params, 5u
%57:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %41, %54
%59:vec3<f32> = mul %56, %57
%60:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %59, %55
exit_if %60 # if_2
%b8 = block { # false
exit_if %41 # if_2
%61:vec4<f32> = construct %53, %42
ret %61
%tint_GammaCorrection = func(%v:vec3<f32>, %params_1:tint_GammaTransferParams):vec3<f32> -> %b9 { # %params_1: 'params'
%b9 = block {
%64:f32 = access %params_1, 0u
%65:f32 = access %params_1, 1u
%66:f32 = access %params_1, 2u
%67:f32 = access %params_1, 3u
%68:f32 = access %params_1, 4u
%69:f32 = access %params_1, 5u
%70:f32 = access %params_1, 6u
%71:vec3<f32> = construct %64
%72:vec3<f32> = construct %68
%73:vec3<f32> = abs %v
%74:vec3<f32> = sign %v
%75:vec3<bool> = lt %73, %72
%76:vec3<f32> = mul %67, %73
%77:vec3<f32> = add %76, %70
%78:vec3<f32> = mul %74, %77
%79:vec3<f32> = mul %65, %73
%80:vec3<f32> = add %79, %66
%81:vec3<f32> = pow %80, %71
%82:vec3<f32> = add %81, %69
%83:vec3<f32> = mul %74, %82
%84:vec3<f32> = select %83, %78, %75
ret %84
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, MultipleUses) {
auto* var = b.Var("texture", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* foo = b.Function("foo", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* texture = b.FunctionParam("texture", ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>());
auto* sampler = b.FunctionParam("sampler", ty.sampler());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<f32>());
foo->SetParams({texture, sampler, coords});
b.Append(foo->Block(), [&] {
auto* result = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge,
texture, sampler, coords);
b.Return(foo, result);
mod.SetName(result, "result");
auto* bar = b.Function("bar", ty.vec4<f32>());
auto* sampler = b.FunctionParam("sampler", ty.sampler());
auto* coords_f = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<f32>());
bar->SetParams({sampler, coords_f});
b.Append(bar->Block(), [&] {
auto* load_a = b.Load(var->Result());
b.Call(ty.vec2<u32>(), core::Function::kTextureDimensions, load_a);
auto* load_b = b.Load(var->Result());
b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge, load_b, sampler,
auto* load_c = b.Load(var->Result());
b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureSampleBaseClampToEdge, load_c, sampler,
auto* load_d = b.Load(var->Result());
auto* result_a = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), foo, load_d, sampler, coords_f);
auto* result_b = b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), foo, load_d, sampler, coords_f);
b.Return(bar, b.Add(ty.vec4<f32>(), result_a, result_b));
mod.SetName(result_a, "result_a");
mod.SetName(result_b, "result_b");
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%foo = func(%texture_1:texture_external, %sampler:sampler, %coords:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 { # %texture_1: 'texture'
%b2 = block {
%result:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBaseClampToEdge %texture_1, %sampler, %coords
ret %result
%bar = func(%sampler_1:sampler, %coords_1:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %sampler_1: 'sampler', %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%10:texture_external = load %texture
%11:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %10
%12:texture_external = load %texture
%13:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBaseClampToEdge %12, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%14:texture_external = load %texture
%15:vec4<f32> = textureSampleBaseClampToEdge %14, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%16:texture_external = load %texture
%result_a:vec4<f32> = call %foo, %16, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%result_b:vec4<f32> = call %foo, %16, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%19:vec4<f32> = add %result_a, %result_b
ret %19
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%foo = func(%texture_plane0_1:texture_2d<f32>, %texture_plane1_1:texture_2d<f32>, %texture_params_1:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %sampler:sampler, %coords:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b2 { # %texture_plane0_1: 'texture_plane0', %texture_plane1_1: 'texture_plane1', %texture_params_1: 'texture_params'
%b2 = block {
%10:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureSampleExternal, %texture_plane0_1, %texture_plane1_1, %texture_params_1, %sampler, %coords
ret %10
%bar = func(%sampler_1:sampler, %coords_1:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %sampler_1: 'sampler', %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%15:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%16:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%17:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%18:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %15
%19:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%20:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%21:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%22:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureSampleExternal, %19, %20, %21, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%23:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%24:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%25:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%26:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureSampleExternal, %23, %24, %25, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%27:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane0
%28:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_plane1
%29:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_params
%result_a:vec4<f32> = call %foo, %27, %28, %29, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%result_b:vec4<f32> = call %foo, %27, %28, %29, %sampler_1, %coords_1
%32:vec4<f32> = add %result_a, %result_b
ret %32
%tint_TextureSampleExternal = func(%plane_0:texture_2d<f32>, %plane_1:texture_2d<f32>, %params:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %sampler_2:sampler, %coords_2:vec2<f32>):vec4<f32> -> %b4 { # %sampler_2: 'sampler', %coords_2: 'coords'
%b4 = block {
%38:u32 = access %params, 1u
%39:mat3x4<f32> = access %params, 2u
%40:mat3x2<f32> = access %params, 6u
%41:vec3<f32> = construct %coords_2, 1.0f
%42:vec2<f32> = mul %40, %41
%43:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %plane_0
%44:vec2<f32> = convert %43
%45:vec2<f32> = div vec2<f32>(0.5f), %44
%46:vec2<f32> = sub 1.0f, %45
%47:vec2<f32> = clamp %42, %45, %46
%48:vec2<u32> = textureDimensions %plane_1
%49:vec2<f32> = convert %48
%50:vec2<f32> = div vec2<f32>(0.5f), %49
%51:vec2<f32> = sub 1.0f, %50
%52:vec2<f32> = clamp %42, %50, %51
%53:u32 = access %params, 0u
%54:bool = eq %53, 1u
%55:vec3<f32>, %56:f32 = if %54 [t: %b5, f: %b6] { # if_1
%b5 = block { # true
%57:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_0, %sampler_2, %47, 0.0f
%58:vec3<f32> = swizzle %57, xyz
%59:f32 = access %57, 3u
exit_if %58, %59 # if_1
%b6 = block { # false
%60:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_0, %sampler_2, %47, 0.0f
%61:f32 = access %60, 0u
%62:vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel %plane_1, %sampler_2, %52, 0.0f
%63:vec2<f32> = swizzle %62, xy
%64:vec4<f32> = construct %61, %63, 1.0f
%65:vec3<f32> = mul %64, %39
exit_if %65, 1.0f # if_1
%66:bool = eq %38, 0u
%67:vec3<f32> = if %66 [t: %b7, f: %b8] { # if_2
%b7 = block { # true
%68:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 3u
%69:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 4u
%70:mat3x3<f32> = access %params, 5u
%71:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %55, %68
%73:vec3<f32> = mul %70, %71
%74:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %73, %69
exit_if %74 # if_2
%b8 = block { # false
exit_if %55 # if_2
%75:vec4<f32> = construct %67, %56
ret %75
%tint_GammaCorrection = func(%v:vec3<f32>, %params_1:tint_GammaTransferParams):vec3<f32> -> %b9 { # %params_1: 'params'
%b9 = block {
%78:f32 = access %params_1, 0u
%79:f32 = access %params_1, 1u
%80:f32 = access %params_1, 2u
%81:f32 = access %params_1, 3u
%82:f32 = access %params_1, 4u
%83:f32 = access %params_1, 5u
%84:f32 = access %params_1, 6u
%85:vec3<f32> = construct %78
%86:vec3<f32> = construct %82
%87:vec3<f32> = abs %v
%88:vec3<f32> = sign %v
%89:vec3<bool> = lt %87, %86
%90:vec3<f32> = mul %81, %87
%91:vec3<f32> = add %90, %84
%92:vec3<f32> = mul %88, %91
%93:vec3<f32> = mul %79, %87
%94:vec3<f32> = add %93, %80
%95:vec3<f32> = pow %94, %85
%96:vec3<f32> = add %95, %83
%97:vec3<f32> = mul %88, %96
%98:vec3<f32> = select %97, %92, %89
ret %98
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
TEST_F(IR_MultiplanarExternalTextureTest, MultipleTextures) {
auto* var_a = b.Var("texture_a", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var_a->SetBindingPoint(1, 2);
auto* var_b = b.Var("texture_b", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var_b->SetBindingPoint(2, 2);
auto* var_c = b.Var("texture_c", ty.ptr(handle, ty.Get<core::type::ExternalTexture>()));
var_c->SetBindingPoint(3, 2);
auto* foo = b.Function("foo", ty.void_());
auto* coords = b.FunctionParam("coords", ty.vec2<u32>());
b.Append(foo->Block(), [&] {
auto* load_a = b.Load(var_a->Result());
b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureLoad, load_a, coords);
auto* load_b = b.Load(var_b->Result());
b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureLoad, load_b, coords);
auto* load_c = b.Load(var_c->Result());
b.Call(ty.vec4<f32>(), core::Function::kTextureLoad, load_c, coords);
auto* src = R"(
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_a:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_b:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(2, 2)
%texture_c:ptr<handle, texture_external, read_write> = var @binding_point(3, 2)
%foo = func(%coords:vec2<u32>):void -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%6:texture_external = load %texture_a
%7:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %6, %coords
%8:texture_external = load %texture_b
%9:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %8, %coords
%10:texture_external = load %texture_c
%11:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %10, %coords
auto* expect = R"(
tint_GammaTransferParams = struct @align(4) {
G:f32 @offset(0)
A:f32 @offset(4)
B:f32 @offset(8)
C:f32 @offset(12)
D:f32 @offset(16)
E:f32 @offset(20)
F:f32 @offset(24)
padding:u32 @offset(28)
tint_ExternalTextureParams = struct @align(16) {
numPlanes:u32 @offset(0)
doYuvToRgbConversionOnly:u32 @offset(4)
yuvToRgbConversionMatrix:mat3x4<f32> @offset(16)
gammaDecodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(64)
gammaEncodeParams:tint_GammaTransferParams @offset(96)
gamutConversionMatrix:mat3x3<f32> @offset(128)
coordTransformationMatrix:mat3x2<f32> @offset(176)
%b1 = block { # root
%texture_a_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 2)
%texture_a_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 3)
%texture_a_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(1, 4)
%texture_b_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(2, 2)
%texture_b_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(2, 3)
%texture_b_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(2, 4)
%texture_c_plane0:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(3, 2)
%texture_c_plane1:ptr<handle, texture_2d<f32>, read_write> = var @binding_point(3, 3)
%texture_c_params:ptr<uniform, tint_ExternalTextureParams, read_write> = var @binding_point(3, 4)
%foo = func(%coords:vec2<u32>):void -> %b2 {
%b2 = block {
%12:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_a_plane0
%13:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_a_plane1
%14:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_a_params
%15:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureLoadExternal, %12, %13, %14, %coords
%17:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_b_plane0
%18:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_b_plane1
%19:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_b_params
%20:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureLoadExternal, %17, %18, %19, %coords
%21:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_c_plane0
%22:texture_2d<f32> = load %texture_c_plane1
%23:tint_ExternalTextureParams = load %texture_c_params
%24:vec4<f32> = call %tint_TextureLoadExternal, %21, %22, %23, %coords
%tint_TextureLoadExternal = func(%plane_0:texture_2d<f32>, %plane_1:texture_2d<f32>, %params:tint_ExternalTextureParams, %coords_1:vec2<u32>):vec4<f32> -> %b3 { # %coords_1: 'coords'
%b3 = block {
%29:u32 = access %params, 1u
%30:mat3x4<f32> = access %params, 2u
%31:u32 = access %params, 0u
%32:bool = eq %31, 1u
%33:vec3<f32>, %34:f32 = if %32 [t: %b4, f: %b5] { # if_1
%b4 = block { # true
%35:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_0, %coords_1, 0u
%36:vec3<f32> = swizzle %35, xyz
%37:f32 = access %35, 3u
exit_if %36, %37 # if_1
%b5 = block { # false
%38:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_0, %coords_1, 0u
%39:f32 = access %38, 0u
%40:vec2<u32> = shiftr %coords_1, vec2<u32>(1u)
%41:vec4<f32> = textureLoad %plane_1, %40, 0u
%42:vec2<f32> = swizzle %41, xy
%43:vec4<f32> = construct %39, %42, 1.0f
%44:vec3<f32> = mul %43, %30
exit_if %44, 1.0f # if_1
%45:bool = eq %29, 0u
%46:vec3<f32> = if %45 [t: %b6, f: %b7] { # if_2
%b6 = block { # true
%47:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 3u
%48:tint_GammaTransferParams = access %params, 4u
%49:mat3x3<f32> = access %params, 5u
%50:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %33, %47
%52:vec3<f32> = mul %49, %50
%53:vec3<f32> = call %tint_GammaCorrection, %52, %48
exit_if %53 # if_2
%b7 = block { # false
exit_if %33 # if_2
%54:vec4<f32> = construct %46, %34
ret %54
%tint_GammaCorrection = func(%v:vec3<f32>, %params_1:tint_GammaTransferParams):vec3<f32> -> %b8 { # %params_1: 'params'
%b8 = block {
%57:f32 = access %params_1, 0u
%58:f32 = access %params_1, 1u
%59:f32 = access %params_1, 2u
%60:f32 = access %params_1, 3u
%61:f32 = access %params_1, 4u
%62:f32 = access %params_1, 5u
%63:f32 = access %params_1, 6u
%64:vec3<f32> = construct %57
%65:vec3<f32> = construct %61
%66:vec3<f32> = abs %v
%67:vec3<f32> = sign %v
%68:vec3<bool> = lt %66, %65
%69:vec3<f32> = mul %60, %66
%70:vec3<f32> = add %69, %63
%71:vec3<f32> = mul %67, %70
%72:vec3<f32> = mul %58, %66
%73:vec3<f32> = add %72, %59
%74:vec3<f32> = pow %73, %64
%75:vec3<f32> = add %74, %62
%76:vec3<f32> = mul %67, %75
%77:vec3<f32> = select %76, %71, %68
ret %77
EXPECT_EQ(src, str());
ExternalTextureOptions options;
options.bindings_map[{1u, 2u}] = {{1u, 3u}, {1u, 4u}};
options.bindings_map[{2u, 2u}] = {{2u, 3u}, {2u, 4u}};
options.bindings_map[{3u, 2u}] = {{3u, 3u}, {3u, 4u}};
Run(MultiplanarExternalTexture, options);
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str());
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::ir::transform