blob: fb2e0f72a67b3ed7c2e359169bb6ddcde5fb64dd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/transform/std140.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/module.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/validator.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/array.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/matrix.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/struct.h"
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::ir::transform {
namespace {
/// PIMPL state for the transform.
struct State {
/// The IR module.
Module* ir = nullptr;
/// The IR builder.
Builder b{*ir};
/// The type manager.
core::type::Manager& ty{ir->Types()};
/// The symbol table.
SymbolTable& sym{ir->symbols};
/// Map from original type to a new type with decomposed matrices.
Hashmap<const core::type::Type*, const core::type::Type*, 4> rewritten_types{};
/// Map from struct member to its new index.
Hashmap<const core::type::StructMember*, uint32_t, 4> member_index_map{};
/// Map from a type to a helper function that will convert its rewritten form back to it.
Hashmap<const core::type::Struct*, Function*, 4> convert_helpers{};
/// Process the module.
void Process() {
if (!ir->root_block) {
// Find uniform buffers that contain matrices that need to be decomposed.
Vector<Var*, 8> buffer_variables;
for (auto inst : *ir->root_block) {
auto* var = inst->As<Var>();
if (!var || !var->Alive()) {
auto* ptr = var->Result()->Type()->As<core::type::Pointer>();
if (!ptr || ptr->AddressSpace() != core::AddressSpace::kUniform) {
if (RewriteType(ptr->StoreType()) != ptr->StoreType()) {
// Now process the buffer variables, replacing them with new variables that have decomposed
// matrices and updating all usages of the variables.
for (auto* var : buffer_variables) {
// Create a new variable with the modified store type.
const auto& bp = var->BindingPoint();
auto* store_type = var->Result()->Type()->As<core::type::Pointer>()->StoreType();
auto* new_var = b.Var(ty.ptr(uniform, RewriteType(store_type)));
new_var->SetBindingPoint(bp->group, bp->binding);
if (auto name = ir->NameOf(var)) {
ir->SetName(new_var->Result(), name);
// Replace every instruction that uses the original variable.
[&](Usage use) { Replace(use.instruction, new_var->Result()); });
// Replace the original variable with the new variable.
/// @param mat the matrix type to check
/// @returns true if @p mat needs to be decomposed
static bool NeedsDecomposing(const core::type::Matrix* mat) { return mat->ColumnStride() & 15; }
/// Rewrite a type if necessary, decomposing contained matrices.
/// @param type the type to rewrite
/// @returns the new type
const core::type::Type* RewriteType(const core::type::Type* type) {
return rewritten_types.GetOrCreate(type, [&]() -> const core::type::Type* {
return tint::Switch(
[&](const core::type::Array* arr) -> const core::type::Type* {
// Create a new array with element type potentially rewritten.
return ty.array(RewriteType(arr->ElemType()), arr->ConstantCount().value());
[&](const core::type::Struct* str) -> const core::type::Type* {
bool needs_rewrite = false;
uint32_t member_index = 0;
Vector<const core::type::StructMember*, 4> new_members;
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
auto* mat = member->Type()->As<core::type::Matrix>();
if (mat && NeedsDecomposing(mat)) {
// Decompose these matrices into a separate member for each column.
member_index_map.Add(member, member_index);
auto* col = mat->ColumnType();
uint32_t offset = member->Offset();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mat->columns(); i++) {
StringStream ss;
ss << member->Name().Name() << "_col" << std::to_string(i);
sym.New(ss.str()), col, member_index, offset, col->Align(),
col->Size(), core::type::StructMemberAttributes{}));
offset += col->Align();
needs_rewrite = true;
} else {
// For all other types, recursively rewrite them as necessary.
auto* new_member_ty = RewriteType(member->Type());
member->Name(), new_member_ty, member_index, member->Offset(),
member->Align(), member->Size(),
member_index_map.Add(member, member_index);
if (new_member_ty != member->Type()) {
needs_rewrite = true;
// If no members needed to be rewritten, just return the original struct.
if (!needs_rewrite) {
return str;
// Create a new struct with the rewritten members.
auto* new_str = ty.Get<core::type::Struct>(
sym.New(str->Name().Name() + "_std140"), std::move(new_members),
str->Align(), str->Size(), str->SizeNoPadding());
for (auto flag : str->StructFlags()) {
return new_str;
[&](Default) {
// This type cannot contain a matrix, so no changes needed.
return type;
/// Load a decomposed matrix from a structure.
/// @param mat the matrix type
/// @param root the root value being accessed into
/// @param indices the access indices that get to the first column of the decomposed matrix
/// @returns the loaded matrix
Value* LoadMatrix(const core::type::Matrix* mat, Value* root, Vector<Value*, 4> indices) {
// Load each column vector from the struct and reconstruct the original matrix type.
Vector<Value*, 4> args;
auto first_column = indices.Back()->As<Constant>()->Value()->ValueAs<uint32_t>();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mat->columns(); i++) {
indices.Back() = b.Constant(u32(first_column + i));
auto* access = b.Access(ty.ptr(uniform, mat->ColumnType()), root, indices);
return b.Construct(mat, std::move(args))->Result();
/// Convert a value that may contain decomposed matrices to a value with the original type.
/// @param source the value to convert
/// @param orig_ty the original type to convert type
/// @returns the converted value
Value* Convert(Value* source, const core::type::Type* orig_ty) {
if (source->Type() == orig_ty) {
// The type was not rewritten, so just return the source value.
return source;
return tint::Switch(
orig_ty, //
[&](const core::type::Struct* str) -> Value* {
// Create a helper function that converts the struct to the original type.
auto* helper = convert_helpers.GetOrCreate(str, [&] {
auto* input_str = source->Type()->As<core::type::Struct>();
auto* func = b.Function("convert_" + str->FriendlyName(), str);
auto* input = b.FunctionParam("input", input_str);
b.Append(func->Block(), [&] {
uint32_t index = 0;
Vector<Value*, 4> args;
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
if (auto* mat = member->Type()->As<core::type::Matrix>();
mat && NeedsDecomposing(mat)) {
// Extract each decomposed column and reconstruct the matrix.
Vector<Value*, 4> columns;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mat->columns(); i++) {
auto* extract = b.Access(mat->ColumnType(), input, u32(index));
args.Push(b.Construct(mat, std::move(columns))->Result());
} else {
// Extract and convert the member.
auto* type = input_str->Element(index);
auto* extract = b.Access(type, input, u32(index));
args.Push(Convert(extract->Result(), member->Type()));
// Construct and return the original struct.
b.Return(func, b.Construct(str, std::move(args)));
return func;
// Call the helper function to convert the struct.
return b.Call(str, helper, source)->Result();
[&](const core::type::Array* arr) -> Value* {
// Create a loop that copies and converts each element of the array.
auto* el_ty = source->Type()->Elements().type;
auto* new_arr = b.Var(ty.ptr(function, arr));
b.LoopRange(ty, 0_u, u32(arr->ConstantCount().value()), 1_u, [&](Value* idx) {
// Convert arr[idx] and store to new_arr[idx];
auto* to = b.Access(ty.ptr(function, arr->ElemType()), new_arr, idx);
auto* from = b.Access(el_ty, source, idx)->Result();
b.Store(to, Convert(from, arr->ElemType()));
return b.Load(new_arr)->Result();
[&](Default) { return source; });
/// Replace a use of a value that contains or was derived from a decomposed matrix.
/// @param inst the instruction to replace
/// @param replacement the replacement value
void Replace(Instruction* inst, Value* replacement) {
b.InsertBefore(inst, [&] {
inst, //
[&](Access* access) {
// Modify the access indices to take decomposed matrices into account.
auto* current_type = access->Object()->Type()->UnwrapPtr();
Vector<Value*, 4> indices;
for (auto idx : access->Indices()) {
if (auto* str = current_type->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
uint32_t old_index = idx->As<Constant>()->Value()->ValueAs<uint32_t>();
uint32_t new_index = *member_index_map.Get(str->Members()[old_index]);
current_type = str->Element(old_index);
} else {
current_type = current_type->Elements().type;
// If we've hit a matrix that was decomposed, load the whole matrix.
// Any additional accesses will extract columns instead of producing
// pointers.
if (auto* mat = current_type->As<core::type::Matrix>();
mat && NeedsDecomposing(mat)) {
replacement = LoadMatrix(mat, replacement, std::move(indices));
if (!indices.IsEmpty()) {
// Emit the access with the modified indices.
if (replacement->Type()->Is<core::type::Pointer>()) {
current_type = ty.ptr(uniform, RewriteType(current_type));
auto* new_access = b.Access(current_type, replacement, std::move(indices));
replacement = new_access->Result();
// Replace every instruction that uses the original access instruction.
[&](Usage use) { Replace(use.instruction, replacement); });
[&](Load* load) {
if (!replacement->Type()->Is<core::type::Pointer>()) {
// We have already loaded to a value type, so this load just folds away.
} else {
// Load the decomposed value and then convert it to the original type.
auto* decomposed = b.Load(replacement);
auto* converted = Convert(decomposed->Result(), load->Result()->Type());
[&](LoadVectorElement* load) {
// We should have loaded the decomposed matrix, reconstructed it, so this is now
// extracting from a value type.
auto* access = b.Access(load->Result()->Type(), replacement, load->Index());
[&](Let* let) {
// Let instructions just fold away.
[&](Usage use) { Replace(use.instruction, replacement); });
} // namespace
Result<SuccessType, std::string> Std140(Module* ir) {
auto result = ValidateAndDumpIfNeeded(*ir, "Std140 transform");
if (!result) {
return result;
return Success;
} // namespace tint::ir::transform