| // Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| // GEN_BUILD:CONDITION(tint_build_ir) |
| |
| #include "src/tint/lang/spirv/writer/common/helper_test.h" |
| |
| #include "src/tint/lang/core/fluent_types.h" |
| #include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/binary.h" |
| |
| using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT |
| using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT |
| |
| namespace tint::spirv::writer { |
| namespace { |
| |
| /// A parameterized test case. |
| struct BinaryTestCase { |
| /// The element type to test. |
| TestElementType type; |
| /// The binary operation. |
| enum ir::Binary::Kind kind; |
| /// The expected SPIR-V instruction. |
| std::string spirv_inst; |
| /// The expected SPIR-V result type name. |
| std::string spirv_type_name; |
| }; |
| |
| using Arithmetic_Bitwise = SpirvWriterTestWithParam<BinaryTestCase>; |
| TEST_P(Arithmetic_Bitwise, Scalar) { |
| auto params = GetParam(); |
| |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* lhs = MakeScalarValue(params.type); |
| auto* rhs = MakeScalarValue(params.type); |
| auto* result = b.Binary(params.kind, MakeScalarType(params.type), lhs, rhs); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = " + params.spirv_inst + " %" + params.spirv_type_name); |
| } |
| TEST_P(Arithmetic_Bitwise, Vector) { |
| auto params = GetParam(); |
| |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* lhs = MakeVectorValue(params.type); |
| auto* rhs = MakeVectorValue(params.type); |
| auto* result = b.Binary(params.kind, MakeVectorType(params.type), lhs, rhs); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = " + params.spirv_inst + " %v2" + params.spirv_type_name); |
| } |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_I32, |
| Arithmetic_Bitwise, |
| testing::Values(BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kAdd, "OpIAdd", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kSubtract, "OpISub", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kMultiply, "OpIMul", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kDivide, "OpSDiv", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kModulo, "OpSRem", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kAnd, "OpBitwiseAnd", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kOr, "OpBitwiseOr", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kXor, "OpBitwiseXor", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kShiftLeft, "OpShiftLeftLogical", "int"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kShiftRight, "OpShiftRightArithmetic", |
| "int"})); |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_U32, |
| Arithmetic_Bitwise, |
| testing::Values( |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kAdd, "OpIAdd", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kSubtract, "OpISub", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kMultiply, "OpIMul", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kDivide, "OpUDiv", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kModulo, "OpUMod", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kAnd, "OpBitwiseAnd", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kOr, "OpBitwiseOr", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kXor, "OpBitwiseXor", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kShiftLeft, "OpShiftLeftLogical", "uint"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kShiftRight, "OpShiftRightLogical", "uint"})); |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_F32, |
| Arithmetic_Bitwise, |
| testing::Values(BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kAdd, "OpFAdd", "float"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kSubtract, "OpFSub", "float"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kMultiply, "OpFMul", "float"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kDivide, "OpFDiv", "float"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kModulo, "OpFRem", "float"})); |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_F16, |
| Arithmetic_Bitwise, |
| testing::Values(BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kAdd, "OpFAdd", "half"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kSubtract, "OpFSub", "half"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kMultiply, "OpFMul", "half"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kDivide, "OpFDiv", "half"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kModulo, "OpFRem", "half"})); |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_Bool, |
| Arithmetic_Bitwise, |
| testing::Values(BinaryTestCase{kBool, ir::Binary::Kind::kAnd, "OpLogicalAnd", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kBool, ir::Binary::Kind::kOr, "OpLogicalOr", "bool"})); |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_ScalarTimesVector_F32) { |
| auto* scalar = b.FunctionParam("scalar", ty.f32()); |
| auto* vector = b.FunctionParam("vector", ty.vec4<f32>()); |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| func->SetParams({scalar, vector}); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* result = b.Multiply(ty.vec4<f32>(), scalar, vector); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4float %vector %scalar"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_VectorTimesScalar_F32) { |
| auto* scalar = b.FunctionParam("scalar", ty.f32()); |
| auto* vector = b.FunctionParam("vector", ty.vec4<f32>()); |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| func->SetParams({scalar, vector}); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* result = b.Multiply(ty.vec4<f32>(), vector, scalar); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4float %vector %scalar"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_ScalarTimesMatrix_F32) { |
| auto* scalar = b.FunctionParam("scalar", ty.f32()); |
| auto* matrix = b.FunctionParam("matrix", ty.mat3x4<f32>()); |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| func->SetParams({scalar, matrix}); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* result = b.Multiply(ty.mat3x4<f32>(), scalar, matrix); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = OpMatrixTimesScalar %mat3v4float %matrix %scalar"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_MatrixTimesScalar_F32) { |
| auto* scalar = b.FunctionParam("scalar", ty.f32()); |
| auto* matrix = b.FunctionParam("matrix", ty.mat3x4<f32>()); |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| func->SetParams({scalar, matrix}); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* result = b.Multiply(ty.mat3x4<f32>(), matrix, scalar); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = OpMatrixTimesScalar %mat3v4float %matrix %scalar"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_VectorTimesMatrix_F32) { |
| auto* vector = b.FunctionParam("vector", ty.vec4<f32>()); |
| auto* matrix = b.FunctionParam("matrix", ty.mat3x4<f32>()); |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| func->SetParams({vector, matrix}); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* result = b.Multiply(ty.vec3<f32>(), vector, matrix); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = OpVectorTimesMatrix %v3float %vector %matrix"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_MatrixTimesVector_F32) { |
| auto* vector = b.FunctionParam("vector", ty.vec3<f32>()); |
| auto* matrix = b.FunctionParam("matrix", ty.mat3x4<f32>()); |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| func->SetParams({vector, matrix}); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* result = b.Multiply(ty.vec4<f32>(), matrix, vector); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = OpMatrixTimesVector %v4float %matrix %vector"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_MatrixTimesMatrix_F32) { |
| auto* mat1 = b.FunctionParam("mat1", ty.mat4x3<f32>()); |
| auto* mat2 = b.FunctionParam("mat2", ty.mat3x4<f32>()); |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| func->SetParams({mat1, mat2}); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* result = b.Multiply(ty.mat3x3<f32>(), mat1, mat2); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = OpMatrixTimesMatrix %mat3v3float %mat1 %mat2"); |
| } |
| |
| using Comparison = SpirvWriterTestWithParam<BinaryTestCase>; |
| TEST_P(Comparison, Scalar) { |
| auto params = GetParam(); |
| |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* lhs = MakeScalarValue(params.type); |
| auto* rhs = MakeScalarValue(params.type); |
| auto* result = b.Binary(params.kind, ty.bool_(), lhs, rhs); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = " + params.spirv_inst + " %bool"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(Comparison, Vector) { |
| auto params = GetParam(); |
| |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* lhs = MakeVectorValue(params.type); |
| auto* rhs = MakeVectorValue(params.type); |
| auto* result = b.Binary(params.kind, ty.vec2<bool>(), lhs, rhs); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(result, "result"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%result = " + params.spirv_inst + " %v2bool"); |
| } |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_I32, |
| Comparison, |
| testing::Values( |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kEqual, "OpIEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kNotEqual, "OpINotEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThan, "OpSGreaterThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThanEqual, "OpSGreaterThanEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThan, "OpSLessThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kI32, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThanEqual, "OpSLessThanEqual", "bool"})); |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_U32, |
| Comparison, |
| testing::Values( |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kEqual, "OpIEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kNotEqual, "OpINotEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThan, "OpUGreaterThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThanEqual, "OpUGreaterThanEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThan, "OpULessThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kU32, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThanEqual, "OpULessThanEqual", "bool"})); |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_F32, |
| Comparison, |
| testing::Values( |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kEqual, "OpFOrdEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kNotEqual, "OpFOrdNotEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThan, "OpFOrdGreaterThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThanEqual, "OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThan, "OpFOrdLessThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF32, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThanEqual, "OpFOrdLessThanEqual", "bool"})); |
| SpirvWriterTest_Binary_F16, |
| Comparison, |
| testing::Values( |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kEqual, "OpFOrdEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kNotEqual, "OpFOrdNotEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThan, "OpFOrdGreaterThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kGreaterThanEqual, "OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThan, "OpFOrdLessThan", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kF16, ir::Binary::Kind::kLessThanEqual, "OpFOrdLessThanEqual", "bool"})); |
| INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SpirvWriterTest_Binary_Bool, |
| Comparison, |
| testing::Values(BinaryTestCase{kBool, ir::Binary::Kind::kEqual, |
| "OpLogicalEqual", "bool"}, |
| BinaryTestCase{kBool, ir::Binary::Kind::kNotEqual, |
| "OpLogicalNotEqual", "bool"})); |
| |
| TEST_F(SpirvWriterTest, Binary_Chain) { |
| auto* func = b.Function("foo", ty.void_()); |
| |
| b.Append(func->Block(), [&] { |
| auto* sub = b.Subtract(ty.i32(), 1_i, 2_i); |
| auto* add = b.Add(ty.i32(), sub, sub); |
| b.Return(func); |
| mod.SetName(sub, "sub"); |
| mod.SetName(add, "add"); |
| }); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(Generate()) << Error() << output_; |
| EXPECT_INST("%sub = OpISub %int %int_1 %int_2"); |
| EXPECT_INST("%add = OpIAdd %int %sub %sub"); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace tint::spirv::writer |