blob: b60adb180441b7442e3bfea62a45f7ca3a75d2fc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/transform/decompose_memory_access.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/fluent_types.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/array.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/atomic.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/reference.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/unary_op.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/assignment_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/call_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/disable_validation_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/clone_context.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/resolver/resolve.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/member_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/struct.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/variable.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/map.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/math/hash.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/memory/block_allocator.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/rtti/switch.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/text/string_stream.h"
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
namespace tint::ast::transform {
namespace {
bool ShouldRun(const Program* program) {
for (auto* decl : program->AST().GlobalDeclarations()) {
if (auto* var = program->Sem().Get<sem::Variable>(decl)) {
if (var->AddressSpace() == core::AddressSpace::kStorage ||
var->AddressSpace() == core::AddressSpace::kUniform) {
return true;
return false;
/// Offset is a simple Expression builder interface, used to build byte
/// offsets for storage and uniform buffer accesses.
struct Offset : Castable<Offset> {
/// @returns builds and returns the Expression in `ctx.dst`
virtual const Expression* Build(program::CloneContext& ctx) const = 0;
/// OffsetExpr is an implementation of Offset that clones and casts the given
/// expression to `u32`.
struct OffsetExpr : Offset {
const Expression* const expr = nullptr;
explicit OffsetExpr(const Expression* e) : expr(e) {}
const Expression* Build(program::CloneContext& ctx) const override {
auto* type = ctx.src->Sem().GetVal(expr)->Type()->UnwrapRef();
auto* res = ctx.Clone(expr);
if (!type->Is<core::type::U32>()) {
res = ctx.dst->Call<u32>(res);
return res;
/// OffsetLiteral is an implementation of Offset that constructs a u32 literal
/// value.
struct OffsetLiteral final : Castable<OffsetLiteral, Offset> {
uint32_t const literal = 0;
explicit OffsetLiteral(uint32_t lit) : literal(lit) {}
const Expression* Build(program::CloneContext& ctx) const override {
return ctx.dst->Expr(u32(literal));
/// OffsetBinOp is an implementation of Offset that constructs a binary-op of
/// two Offsets.
struct OffsetBinOp : Offset {
core::BinaryOp op;
Offset const* lhs = nullptr;
Offset const* rhs = nullptr;
const Expression* Build(program::CloneContext& ctx) const override {
return ctx.dst->create<BinaryExpression>(op, lhs->Build(ctx), rhs->Build(ctx));
/// LoadStoreKey is the unordered map key to a load or store intrinsic.
struct LoadStoreKey {
core::type::Type const* el_ty = nullptr; // element type
Symbol const buffer; // buffer name
bool operator==(const LoadStoreKey& rhs) const {
return el_ty == rhs.el_ty && buffer == rhs.buffer;
struct Hasher {
inline std::size_t operator()(const LoadStoreKey& u) const {
return Hash(u.el_ty, u.buffer);
/// AtomicKey is the unordered map key to an atomic intrinsic.
struct AtomicKey {
core::type::Type const* el_ty = nullptr; // element type
core::Function const op; // atomic op
Symbol const buffer; // buffer name
bool operator==(const AtomicKey& rhs) const {
return el_ty == rhs.el_ty && op == rhs.op && buffer == rhs.buffer;
struct Hasher {
inline std::size_t operator()(const AtomicKey& u) const {
return Hash(u.el_ty, u.op, u.buffer);
bool IntrinsicDataTypeFor(const core::type::Type* ty,
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType& out) {
if (ty->Is<core::type::I32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kI32;
return true;
if (ty->Is<core::type::U32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kU32;
return true;
if (ty->Is<core::type::F32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kF32;
return true;
if (ty->Is<core::type::F16>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kF16;
return true;
if (auto* vec = ty->As<core::type::Vector>()) {
switch (vec->Width()) {
case 2:
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::I32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec2I32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::U32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec2U32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::F32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec2F32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::F16>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec2F16;
return true;
case 3:
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::I32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec3I32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::U32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec3U32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::F32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec3F32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::F16>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec3F16;
return true;
case 4:
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::I32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec4I32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::U32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec4U32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::F32>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec4F32;
return true;
if (vec->type()->Is<core::type::F16>()) {
out = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType::kVec4F16;
return true;
return false;
return false;
/// @returns a DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic attribute that can be applied to a stub function to
/// load the type @p ty from the uniform or storage buffer with name @p buffer.
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic* IntrinsicLoadFor(ast::Builder* builder,
const core::type::Type* ty,
core::AddressSpace address_space,
const Symbol& buffer) {
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType type;
if (!IntrinsicDataTypeFor(ty, type)) {
return nullptr;
return builder->ASTNodes().Create<DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic>(
builder->ID(), builder->AllocateNodeID(), DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kLoad, type,
address_space, builder->Expr(buffer));
/// @returns a DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic attribute that can be applied to a stub function to
/// store the type @p ty to the storage buffer with name @p buffer.
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic* IntrinsicStoreFor(ast::Builder* builder,
const core::type::Type* ty,
const Symbol& buffer) {
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType type;
if (!IntrinsicDataTypeFor(ty, type)) {
return nullptr;
return builder->ASTNodes().Create<DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic>(
builder->ID(), builder->AllocateNodeID(), DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kStore,
type, core::AddressSpace::kStorage, builder->Expr(buffer));
/// @returns a DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic attribute that can be applied to a stub function for
/// the atomic op and the type @p ty.
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic* IntrinsicAtomicFor(ast::Builder* builder,
core::Function ity,
const core::type::Type* ty,
const Symbol& buffer) {
auto op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicLoad;
switch (ity) {
case core::Function::kAtomicLoad:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicLoad;
case core::Function::kAtomicStore:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicStore;
case core::Function::kAtomicAdd:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicAdd;
case core::Function::kAtomicSub:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicSub;
case core::Function::kAtomicMax:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicMax;
case core::Function::kAtomicMin:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicMin;
case core::Function::kAtomicAnd:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicAnd;
case core::Function::kAtomicOr:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicOr;
case core::Function::kAtomicXor:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicXor;
case core::Function::kAtomicExchange:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicExchange;
case core::Function::kAtomicCompareExchangeWeak:
op = DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Op::kAtomicCompareExchangeWeak;
TINT_ICE() << "invalid IntrinsicType for DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic: "
<< ty->TypeInfo().name;
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::DataType type;
if (!IntrinsicDataTypeFor(ty, type)) {
return nullptr;
return builder->ASTNodes().Create<DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic>(
builder->ID(), builder->AllocateNodeID(), op, type, core::AddressSpace::kStorage,
/// BufferAccess describes a single storage or uniform buffer access
struct BufferAccess {
sem::GlobalVariable const* var = nullptr; // Storage or uniform buffer variable
Offset const* offset = nullptr; // The byte offset on var
core::type::Type const* type = nullptr; // The type of the access
operator bool() const { return var; } // Returns true if valid
/// Store describes a single storage or uniform buffer write
struct Store {
const AssignmentStatement* assignment; // The AST assignment statement
BufferAccess target; // The target for the write
} // namespace
/// PIMPL state for the transform
struct DecomposeMemoryAccess::State {
/// The clone context
program::CloneContext& ctx;
/// Alias to `*ctx.dst`
ast::Builder& b;
/// Map of AST expression to storage or uniform buffer access
/// This map has entries added when encountered, and removed when outer
/// expressions chain the access.
/// Subset of #expression_order, as expressions are not removed from
/// #expression_order.
std::unordered_map<const Expression*, BufferAccess> accesses;
/// The visited order of AST expressions (superset of #accesses)
std::vector<const Expression*> expression_order;
/// [buffer-type, element-type] -> load function name
std::unordered_map<LoadStoreKey, Symbol, LoadStoreKey::Hasher> load_funcs;
/// [buffer-type, element-type] -> store function name
std::unordered_map<LoadStoreKey, Symbol, LoadStoreKey::Hasher> store_funcs;
/// [buffer-type, element-type, atomic-op] -> load function name
std::unordered_map<AtomicKey, Symbol, AtomicKey::Hasher> atomic_funcs;
/// List of storage or uniform buffer writes
std::vector<Store> stores;
/// Allocations for offsets
BlockAllocator<Offset> offsets_;
/// Constructor
/// @param context the program::CloneContext
explicit State(program::CloneContext& context) : ctx(context), b(*ctx.dst) {}
/// @param offset the offset value to wrap in an Offset
/// @returns an Offset for the given literal value
const Offset* ToOffset(uint32_t offset) { return offsets_.Create<OffsetLiteral>(offset); }
/// @param expr the expression to convert to an Offset
/// @returns an Offset for the given Expression
const Offset* ToOffset(const Expression* expr) {
if (auto* lit = expr->As<IntLiteralExpression>()) {
if (lit->value >= 0) {
return offsets_.Create<OffsetLiteral>(static_cast<uint32_t>(lit->value));
return offsets_.Create<OffsetExpr>(expr);
/// @param offset the Offset that is returned
/// @returns the given offset (pass-through)
const Offset* ToOffset(const Offset* offset) { return offset; }
/// @param lhs_ the left-hand side of the add expression
/// @param rhs_ the right-hand side of the add expression
/// @return an Offset that is a sum of lhs and rhs, performing basic constant
/// folding if possible
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
const Offset* Add(LHS&& lhs_, RHS&& rhs_) {
auto* lhs = ToOffset(std::forward<LHS>(lhs_));
auto* rhs = ToOffset(std::forward<RHS>(rhs_));
auto* lhs_lit = tint::As<OffsetLiteral>(lhs);
auto* rhs_lit = tint::As<OffsetLiteral>(rhs);
if (lhs_lit && lhs_lit->literal == 0) {
return rhs;
if (rhs_lit && rhs_lit->literal == 0) {
return lhs;
if (lhs_lit && rhs_lit) {
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(lhs_lit->literal) + static_cast<uint64_t>(rhs_lit->literal) <=
0xffffffff) {
return offsets_.Create<OffsetLiteral>(lhs_lit->literal + rhs_lit->literal);
auto* out = offsets_.Create<OffsetBinOp>();
out->op = core::BinaryOp::kAdd;
out->lhs = lhs;
out->rhs = rhs;
return out;
/// @param lhs_ the left-hand side of the multiply expression
/// @param rhs_ the right-hand side of the multiply expression
/// @return an Offset that is the multiplication of lhs and rhs, performing
/// basic constant folding if possible
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
const Offset* Mul(LHS&& lhs_, RHS&& rhs_) {
auto* lhs = ToOffset(std::forward<LHS>(lhs_));
auto* rhs = ToOffset(std::forward<RHS>(rhs_));
auto* lhs_lit = tint::As<OffsetLiteral>(lhs);
auto* rhs_lit = tint::As<OffsetLiteral>(rhs);
if (lhs_lit && lhs_lit->literal == 0) {
return offsets_.Create<OffsetLiteral>(0u);
if (rhs_lit && rhs_lit->literal == 0) {
return offsets_.Create<OffsetLiteral>(0u);
if (lhs_lit && lhs_lit->literal == 1) {
return rhs;
if (rhs_lit && rhs_lit->literal == 1) {
return lhs;
if (lhs_lit && rhs_lit) {
return offsets_.Create<OffsetLiteral>(lhs_lit->literal * rhs_lit->literal);
auto* out = offsets_.Create<OffsetBinOp>();
out->op = core::BinaryOp::kMultiply;
out->lhs = lhs;
out->rhs = rhs;
return out;
/// AddAccess() adds the `expr -> access` map item to #accesses, and `expr`
/// to #expression_order.
/// @param expr the expression that performs the access
/// @param access the access
void AddAccess(const Expression* expr, const BufferAccess& access) {
accesses.emplace(expr, access);
/// TakeAccess() removes the `node` item from #accesses (if it exists),
/// returning the BufferAccess. If #accesses does not hold an item for
/// `node`, an invalid BufferAccess is returned.
/// @param node the expression that performed an access
/// @return the BufferAccess for the given expression
BufferAccess TakeAccess(const Expression* node) {
auto lhs_it = accesses.find(node);
if (lhs_it == accesses.end()) {
return {};
auto access = lhs_it->second;
return access;
/// LoadFunc() returns a symbol to an intrinsic function that loads an element of type @p el_ty
/// from a storage or uniform buffer with name @p buffer.
/// The emitted function has the signature:
/// `fn load(offset : u32) -> el_ty`
/// @param el_ty the storage or uniform buffer element type
/// @param address_space either kUniform or kStorage
/// @param buffer the symbol of the storage or uniform buffer variable, owned by the target
/// ProgramBuilder.
/// @return the name of the function that performs the load
Symbol LoadFunc(const core::type::Type* el_ty,
core::AddressSpace address_space,
const Symbol& buffer) {
return tint::GetOrCreate(load_funcs, LoadStoreKey{el_ty, buffer}, [&] {
tint::Vector params{b.Param("offset", b.ty.u32())};
auto name = b.Symbols().New(buffer.Name() + "_load");
if (auto* intrinsic = IntrinsicLoadFor(ctx.dst, el_ty, address_space, buffer)) {
auto el_ast_ty = CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, el_ty);
b.Func(name, params, el_ast_ty, nullptr,
} else if (auto* arr_ty = el_ty->As<core::type::Array>()) {
// fn load_func(buffer : buf_ty, offset : u32) -> array<T, N> {
// var arr : array<T, N>;
// for (var i = 0u; i < array_count; i = i + 1) {
// arr[i] = el_load_func(buffer, offset + i * array_stride)
// }
// return arr;
// }
auto load = LoadFunc(arr_ty->ElemType()->UnwrapRef(), address_space, buffer);
auto* arr = b.Var(b.Symbols().New("arr"), CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, arr_ty));
auto* i = b.Var(b.Symbols().New("i"), b.Expr(0_u));
auto* for_init = b.Decl(i);
auto arr_cnt = arr_ty->ConstantCount();
if (TINT_UNLIKELY(!arr_cnt)) {
// Non-constant counts should not be possible:
// * Override-expression counts can only be applied to workgroup arrays, and
// this method only handles storage and uniform.
// * Runtime-sized arrays are not loadable.
TINT_ICE() << "unexpected non-constant array count";
arr_cnt = 1;
auto* for_cond = b.create<BinaryExpression>(core::BinaryOp::kLessThan, b.Expr(i),
auto* for_cont = b.Assign(i, b.Add(i, 1_u));
auto* arr_el = b.IndexAccessor(arr, i);
auto* el_offset = b.Add(b.Expr("offset"), b.Mul(i, u32(arr_ty->Stride())));
auto* el_val = b.Call(load, el_offset);
auto* for_loop =
b.For(for_init, for_cond, for_cont, b.Block(b.Assign(arr_el, el_val)));
b.Func(name, params, CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, arr_ty),
} else {
tint::Vector<const Expression*, 8> values;
if (auto* mat_ty = el_ty->As<core::type::Matrix>()) {
auto* vec_ty = mat_ty->ColumnType();
Symbol load = LoadFunc(vec_ty, address_space, buffer);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mat_ty->columns(); i++) {
auto* offset = b.Add("offset", u32(i * mat_ty->ColumnStride()));
values.Push(b.Call(load, offset));
} else if (auto* str = el_ty->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
auto* offset = b.Add("offset", u32(member->Offset()));
Symbol load = LoadFunc(member->Type()->UnwrapRef(), address_space, buffer);
values.Push(b.Call(load, offset));
b.Func(name, params, CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, el_ty),
b.Return(b.Call(CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, el_ty), values)),
return name;
/// StoreFunc() returns a symbol to an intrinsic function that stores an element of type @p
/// el_ty to the storage buffer @p buffer. The function has the signature:
/// `fn store(offset : u32, value : el_ty)`
/// @param el_ty the storage buffer element type
/// @param buffer the symbol of the storage buffer variable, owned by the target ProgramBuilder.
/// @return the name of the function that performs the store
Symbol StoreFunc(const core::type::Type* el_ty, const Symbol& buffer) {
return tint::GetOrCreate(store_funcs, LoadStoreKey{el_ty, buffer}, [&] {
tint::Vector params{
b.Param("offset", b.ty.u32()),
b.Param("value", CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, el_ty)),
auto name = b.Symbols().New(buffer.Name() + "_store");
if (auto* intrinsic = IntrinsicStoreFor(ctx.dst, el_ty, buffer)) {
b.Func(name, params, b.ty.void_(), nullptr,
} else {
auto body = Switch<tint::Vector<const Statement*, 8>>(
el_ty, //
[&](const core::type::Array* arr_ty) {
// fn store_func(buffer : buf_ty, offset : u32, value : el_ty) {
// var array = value; // No dynamic indexing on constant arrays
// for (var i = 0u; i < array_count; i = i + 1) {
// arr[i] = el_store_func(buffer, offset + i * array_stride,
// value[i])
// }
// return arr;
// }
auto* array = b.Var(b.Symbols().New("array"), b.Expr("value"));
auto store = StoreFunc(arr_ty->ElemType()->UnwrapRef(), buffer);
auto* i = b.Var(b.Symbols().New("i"), b.Expr(0_u));
auto* for_init = b.Decl(i);
auto arr_cnt = arr_ty->ConstantCount();
if (TINT_UNLIKELY(!arr_cnt)) {
// Non-constant counts should not be possible:
// * Override-expression counts can only be applied to workgroup
// arrays, and this method only handles storage and uniform.
// * Runtime-sized arrays are not storable.
TINT_ICE() << "unexpected non-constant array count";
arr_cnt = 1;
auto* for_cond = b.create<BinaryExpression>(
core::BinaryOp::kLessThan, b.Expr(i), b.Expr(u32(arr_cnt.value())));
auto* for_cont = b.Assign(i, b.Add(i, 1_u));
auto* arr_el = b.IndexAccessor(array, i);
auto* el_offset = b.Add(b.Expr("offset"), b.Mul(i, u32(arr_ty->Stride())));
auto* store_stmt = b.CallStmt(b.Call(store, el_offset, arr_el));
auto* for_loop = b.For(for_init, for_cond, for_cont, b.Block(store_stmt));
return tint::Vector{b.Decl(array), for_loop};
[&](const core::type::Matrix* mat_ty) {
auto* vec_ty = mat_ty->ColumnType();
Symbol store = StoreFunc(vec_ty, buffer);
tint::Vector<const Statement*, 4> stmts;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mat_ty->columns(); i++) {
auto* offset = b.Add("offset", u32(i * mat_ty->ColumnStride()));
auto* element = b.IndexAccessor("value", u32(i));
auto* call = b.Call(store, offset, element);
return stmts;
[&](const core::type::Struct* str) {
tint::Vector<const Statement*, 8> stmts;
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
auto* offset = b.Add("offset", u32(member->Offset()));
auto* element = b.MemberAccessor("value", ctx.Clone(member->Name()));
Symbol store = StoreFunc(member->Type()->UnwrapRef(), buffer);
auto* call = b.Call(store, offset, element);
return stmts;
b.Func(name, params, b.ty.void_(), body);
return name;
/// AtomicFunc() returns a symbol to an intrinsic function that performs an atomic operation on
/// the storage buffer @p buffer. The function has the signature:
// `fn atomic_op(offset : u32, ...) -> T`
/// @param el_ty the storage buffer element type
/// @param intrinsic the atomic intrinsic
/// @param buffer the symbol of the storage buffer variable, owned by the target ProgramBuilder.
/// @return the name of the function that performs the load
Symbol AtomicFunc(const core::type::Type* el_ty,
const sem::Builtin* intrinsic,
const Symbol& buffer) {
auto op = intrinsic->Type();
return tint::GetOrCreate(atomic_funcs, AtomicKey{el_ty, op, buffer}, [&] {
// The first parameter to all WGSL atomics is the expression to the
// atomic. This is replaced with two parameters: the buffer and offset.
tint::Vector params{b.Param("offset", b.ty.u32())};
// Other parameters are copied as-is:
for (size_t i = 1; i < intrinsic->Parameters().Length(); i++) {
auto* param = intrinsic->Parameters()[i];
auto ty = CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, param->Type());
params.Push(b.Param("param_" + std::to_string(i), ty));
auto* atomic = IntrinsicAtomicFor(ctx.dst, op, el_ty, buffer);
if (TINT_UNLIKELY(!atomic)) {
TINT_ICE() << "IntrinsicAtomicFor() returned nullptr for op " << op << " and type "
<< el_ty->TypeInfo().name;
Type ret_ty = CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, intrinsic->ReturnType());
auto name = b.Symbols().New(buffer.Name() + intrinsic->str());
b.Func(name, std::move(params), ret_ty, nullptr,
return name;
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Intrinsic(GenerationID pid,
NodeID nid,
Op o,
DataType ty,
core::AddressSpace as,
const IdentifierExpression* buf)
: Base(pid, nid, tint::Vector{buf}), op(o), type(ty), address_space(as) {}
DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::~Intrinsic() = default;
std::string DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::InternalName() const {
StringStream ss;
switch (op) {
case Op::kLoad:
ss << "intrinsic_load_";
case Op::kStore:
ss << "intrinsic_store_";
case Op::kAtomicLoad:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_load_";
case Op::kAtomicStore:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_store_";
case Op::kAtomicAdd:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_add_";
case Op::kAtomicSub:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_sub_";
case Op::kAtomicMax:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_max_";
case Op::kAtomicMin:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_min_";
case Op::kAtomicAnd:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_and_";
case Op::kAtomicOr:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_or_";
case Op::kAtomicXor:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_xor_";
case Op::kAtomicExchange:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_exchange_";
case Op::kAtomicCompareExchangeWeak:
ss << "intrinsic_atomic_compare_exchange_weak_";
ss << address_space << "_";
switch (type) {
case DataType::kU32:
ss << "u32";
case DataType::kF32:
ss << "f32";
case DataType::kI32:
ss << "i32";
case DataType::kF16:
ss << "f16";
case DataType::kVec2U32:
ss << "vec2_u32";
case DataType::kVec2F32:
ss << "vec2_f32";
case DataType::kVec2I32:
ss << "vec2_i32";
case DataType::kVec2F16:
ss << "vec2_f16";
case DataType::kVec3U32:
ss << "vec3_u32";
case DataType::kVec3F32:
ss << "vec3_f32";
case DataType::kVec3I32:
ss << "vec3_i32";
case DataType::kVec3F16:
ss << "vec3_f16";
case DataType::kVec4U32:
ss << "vec4_u32";
case DataType::kVec4F32:
ss << "vec4_f32";
case DataType::kVec4I32:
ss << "vec4_i32";
case DataType::kVec4F16:
ss << "vec4_f16";
return ss.str();
const DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic* DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Clone(
ast::CloneContext& ctx) const {
auto buf = ctx.Clone(Buffer());
return ctx.dst->ASTNodes().Create<DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic>(
ctx.dst->ID(), ctx.dst->AllocateNodeID(), op, type, address_space, buf);
bool DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::IsAtomic() const {
return op != Op::kLoad && op != Op::kStore;
const IdentifierExpression* DecomposeMemoryAccess::Intrinsic::Buffer() const {
return dependencies[0];
DecomposeMemoryAccess::DecomposeMemoryAccess() = default;
DecomposeMemoryAccess::~DecomposeMemoryAccess() = default;
Transform::ApplyResult DecomposeMemoryAccess::Apply(const Program* src,
const DataMap&,
DataMap&) const {
if (!ShouldRun(src)) {
return SkipTransform;
auto& sem = src->Sem();
ProgramBuilder b;
program::CloneContext ctx{&b, src, /* auto_clone_symbols */ true};
State state(ctx);
// Scan the AST nodes for storage and uniform buffer accesses. Complex
// expression chains (e.g. `[20].x`) are handled by
// maintaining an offset chain via the `state.TakeAccess()`,
// `state.AddAccess()` methods.
// Inner-most expression nodes are guaranteed to be visited first because AST
// nodes are fully immutable and require their children to be constructed
// first so their pointer can be passed to the parent's initializer.
for (auto* node : src->ASTNodes().Objects()) {
if (auto* ident = node->As<IdentifierExpression>()) {
// X
if (auto* sem_ident = sem.GetVal(ident)) {
if (auto* user = sem_ident->UnwrapLoad()->As<sem::VariableUser>()) {
if (auto* global = user->Variable()->As<sem::GlobalVariable>()) {
if (global->AddressSpace() == core::AddressSpace::kStorage ||
global->AddressSpace() == core::AddressSpace::kUniform) {
// Variable to a storage or uniform buffer
state.AddAccess(ident, {
if (auto* accessor = node->As<MemberAccessorExpression>()) {
// X.Y
auto* accessor_sem = sem.Get(accessor)->UnwrapLoad();
if (auto* swizzle = accessor_sem->As<sem::Swizzle>()) {
if (swizzle->Indices().Length() == 1) {
if (auto access = state.TakeAccess(accessor->object)) {
auto* vec_ty = access.type->As<core::type::Vector>();
auto* offset = state.Mul(vec_ty->type()->Size(), swizzle->Indices()[0u]);
state.AddAccess(accessor, {
state.Add(access.offset, offset),
} else {
if (auto access = state.TakeAccess(accessor->object)) {
auto* str_ty = access.type->As<core::type::Struct>();
auto* member = str_ty->FindMember(accessor->member->symbol);
auto offset = member->Offset();
state.AddAccess(accessor, {
state.Add(access.offset, offset),
if (auto* accessor = node->As<IndexAccessorExpression>()) {
if (auto access = state.TakeAccess(accessor->object)) {
// X[Y]
if (auto* arr = access.type->As<core::type::Array>()) {
auto* offset = state.Mul(arr->Stride(), accessor->index);
state.AddAccess(accessor, {
state.Add(access.offset, offset),
if (auto* vec_ty = access.type->As<core::type::Vector>()) {
auto* offset = state.Mul(vec_ty->type()->Size(), accessor->index);
state.AddAccess(accessor, {
state.Add(access.offset, offset),
if (auto* mat_ty = access.type->As<core::type::Matrix>()) {
auto* offset = state.Mul(mat_ty->ColumnStride(), accessor->index);
state.AddAccess(accessor, {
state.Add(access.offset, offset),
if (auto* op = node->As<UnaryOpExpression>()) {
if (op->op == core::UnaryOp::kAddressOf) {
// &X
if (auto access = state.TakeAccess(op->expr)) {
// HLSL does not support pointers, so just take the access from the
// reference and place it on the pointer.
state.AddAccess(op, access);
if (auto* assign = node->As<AssignmentStatement>()) {
// X = Y
// Move the LHS access to a store.
if (auto lhs = state.TakeAccess(assign->lhs)) {
state.stores.emplace_back(Store{assign, lhs});
if (auto* call_expr = node->As<CallExpression>()) {
auto* call = sem.Get(call_expr)->UnwrapMaterialize()->As<sem::Call>();
if (auto* builtin = call->Target()->As<sem::Builtin>()) {
if (builtin->Type() == core::Function::kArrayLength) {
// arrayLength(X)
// Don't convert X into a load, this builtin actually requires the real pointer.
if (builtin->IsAtomic()) {
if (auto access = state.TakeAccess(call_expr->args[0])) {
// atomic___(X)
ctx.Replace(call_expr, [=, &ctx, &state] {
auto* offset = access.offset->Build(ctx);
auto* el_ty =
auto buffer = ctx.Clone(access.var->Declaration()->name->symbol);
Symbol func = state.AtomicFunc(el_ty, builtin, buffer);
tint::Vector<const Expression*, 8> args{offset};
for (size_t i = 1; i < call_expr->args.Length(); i++) {
auto* arg = call_expr->args[i];
return ctx.dst->Call(func, args);
// All remaining accesses are loads, transform these into calls to the
// corresponding load function
// TODO( Use `sem::Load`s instead of maintaining `state.expression_order`.
for (auto* expr : state.expression_order) {
auto access_it = state.accesses.find(expr);
if (access_it == state.accesses.end()) {
BufferAccess access = access_it->second;
ctx.Replace(expr, [=, &ctx, &state] {
auto* offset = access.offset->Build(ctx);
auto* el_ty = access.type->UnwrapRef();
auto buffer = ctx.Clone(access.var->Declaration()->name->symbol);
Symbol func = state.LoadFunc(el_ty, access.var->AddressSpace(), buffer);
return ctx.dst->Call(func, offset);
// And replace all storage and uniform buffer assignments with stores
for (auto store : state.stores) {
ctx.Replace(store.assignment, [=, &ctx, &state] {
auto* offset =>Build(ctx);
auto* el_ty =>UnwrapRef();
auto* value = store.assignment->rhs;
auto buffer = ctx.Clone(>Declaration()->name->symbol);
Symbol func = state.StoreFunc(el_ty, buffer);
auto* call = ctx.dst->Call(func, offset, ctx.Clone(value));
return ctx.dst->CallStmt(call);
return resolver::Resolve(b);
} // namespace tint::ast::transform