blob: e817e9373b9ab1a2ef6af58712ff27a4f2413688 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package query_test
import (
var Q = query.Parse
func TestTargetFormat(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
target query.Target
expect string
for _, test := range []Test{
{query.Suite, "suite"},
{query.Files, "files"},
{query.Tests, "tests"},
{query.Cases, "cases"},
{query.Target(-1), "<invalid>"},
} {
s := strings.Builder{}
_, err := fmt.Fprint(&s,
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Fprint() returned %v", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(s.String(), test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Fprint('%v')\n%v",, diff)
func TestAppendFiles(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
base query.Query
files []string
expect query.Query
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), []string{}, Q("suite")},
{Q("suite"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:x")},
{Q("suite"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:x,y")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{}, Q("suite:a")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,x")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,x,y")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b,x")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b,x,y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b,x:c")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b,x:c,d")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c,d")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b,x:c,d:e")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c,d:e")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b,x:c,d:e;f")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c,d:e;f")},
} {
got := test.base.AppendFiles(test.files...)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.AppendFiles(%v)\n%v", test.base, test.files, diff)
func TestSplitFiles(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
query query.Query
expect []string
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), nil},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{"a"}},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"a", "b"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"a", "b"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"a", "b"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"a", "b"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"a", "b"}},
} {
got := test.query.SplitFiles()
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.SplitFiles()\n%v", test.query, diff)
func TestAppendTests(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
base query.Query
files []string
expect query.Query
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), []string{}, Q("suite")},
{Q("suite"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite::x")},
{Q("suite"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite::x,y")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{}, Q("suite:a")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a:x")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a:x,y")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:x")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:x,y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,x")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,x,y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x,y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x:e")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x,y:e")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x:e;f")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x,y:e;f")},
} {
got := test.base.AppendTests(test.files...)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.AppendTests(%v)\n%v", test.base, test.files, diff)
func TestSplitTests(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
query query.Query
tests []string
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), nil},
{Q("suite:a"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"c"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"c", "d"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"c", "d"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"c", "d"}},
} {
got := test.query.SplitTests()
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.tests); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.SplitTests()\n%v", test.query, diff)
func TestAppendCases(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
base query.Query
cases []string
expect query.Query
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), []string{}, Q("suite")},
{Q("suite"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:::x")},
{Q("suite"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:::x;y")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{}, Q("suite:a")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a::x")},
{Q("suite:a"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a::x;y")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b::x")},
{Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b::x;y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c:x")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c:x;y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:x")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:x;y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;x")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;x;y")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;x")},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x", "y"}, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;x;y")},
} {
got := test.base.AppendCases(test.cases...)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.AppendCases(%v)\n%v", test.base, test.cases, diff)
func TestAppend(t *testing.T) {
type Subtest struct {
target query.Target
expect query.Query
type Test struct {
base query.Query
strings []string
subtest []Subtest
for _, test := range []Test{
Q("suite"), []string{}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite")},
}, {
Q("suite"), []string{"x"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:x")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite::x")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:::x")},
}, {
Q("suite"), []string{"x", "y"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:x,y")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite::x,y")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:::x;y")},
}, {
Q("suite:a"), []string{}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a")},
}, {
Q("suite:a"), []string{"x"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,x")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a:x")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a::x")},
}, {
Q("suite:a"), []string{"x", "y"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,x,y")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a:x,y")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a::x;y")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b"), []string{}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:x")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b::x")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b"), []string{"x", "y"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x,y")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:x,y")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b::x;y")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b:c")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x:c")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,x")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c:x")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c"), []string{"x", "y"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,x,y")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c:x;y")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b:c,d")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x:c,d")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:x")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []string{"x", "y"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c,d")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x,y")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:x;y")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x:c,d:e")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x:e")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;x")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"x", "y"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c,d:e")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x,y:e")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;x;y")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x:c,d:e;f")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x:e;f")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;x")},
}, {
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"x", "y"}, []Subtest{
{query.Files, Q("suite:a,b,x,y:c,d:e;f")},
{query.Tests, Q("suite:a,b:c,d,x,y:e;f")},
{query.Cases, Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;x;y")},
} {
for _, subtest := range test.subtest {
got := test.base.Append(, test.strings...)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, subtest.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.Append(%v, %v)\n%v", test.base,, test.base.Files, diff)
func TestSplitCases(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
query query.Query
expect []string
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), nil},
{Q("suite:a"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []string{"e"}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []string{"e", "f"}},
} {
got := test.query.SplitCases()
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.SplitCases()\n%v", test.query, diff)
func TestCaseParameters(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
query query.Query
expect query.CaseParameters
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), nil},
{Q("suite:a"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), nil},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), query.CaseParameters{"e": ""}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), query.CaseParameters{"e": "", "f": ""}},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e=f;g=h"), query.CaseParameters{"e": "f", "g": "h"}},
} {
got := test.query.CaseParameters()
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.CaseParameters()\n%v", test.query, diff)
func TestTarget(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
query query.Query
expect query.Target
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite},
{Q("suite:*"), query.Files},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files},
{Q("suite:a,*"), query.Files},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files},
{Q("suite:a,b:*"), query.Tests},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,*"), query.Tests},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), query.Tests},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:*"), query.Cases},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), query.Cases},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;*"), query.Cases},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), query.Cases},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;*"), query.Cases},
} {
got := test.query.Target()
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.Target()\n%v", test.query, diff)
func TestIsWildcard(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
query query.Query
expect bool
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("suite"), false},
{Q("suite:*"), true},
{Q("suite:a"), false},
{Q("suite:a,*"), true},
{Q("suite:a,b"), false},
{Q("suite:a,b:*"), true},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), false},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,*"), true},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), false},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:*"), true},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), false},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;*"), true},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), false},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;*"), true},
} {
got := test.query.IsWildcard()
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.IsWildcard()\n%v", test.query, diff)
func TestParsePrint(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
in string
expect query.Query
for _, test := range []Test{
Suite: "a",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b",
Tests: "*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e,*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e",
Cases: "*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e",
Cases: "f=g",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e",
Cases: "f=g;*",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e",
Cases: "f=g;h=i",
}, {
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e",
Cases: "f=g;h=i;*",
}, {
`a:b,c:d,e:f={"x": 1, "y": 2}`,
Suite: "a",
Files: "b,c",
Tests: "d,e",
Cases: `f={"x": 1, "y": 2}`,
} {
parsed := query.Parse(
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.expect, parsed); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("query.Parse('%v')\n%v",, diff)
str := test.expect.String()
if diff := cmp.Diff(, str); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("query.String('%v')\n%v",, diff)
func TestCompare(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
a, b query.Query
expect int
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("a"), Q("a"), 0},
{Q("a:*"), Q("a"), 1},
{Q("a:*"), Q("a:*"), 0},
{Q("a:*"), Q("b:*"), -1},
{Q("a:*"), Q("a:b,*"), -1},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:b"), 1},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:b,*"), 0},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:c,*"), -1},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,*"), 1},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,c,*"), 0},
{Q("a:b,c,d,*"), Q("a:b,c,*"), 1},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,*"), 1},
{Q("a:b,c:*"), Q("a:b,c,d,*"), -1},
{Q("a:b,c:d,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,*"), 0},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,*"), 1},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), 0},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:e,f,*"), -1},
{Q("a:b:c:d;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;*"), 0},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;*"), 1},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e=2;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), 1},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;f=2;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;*"), 1},
} {
if got, expect := test.a.Compare(test.b), test.expect; got != expect {
t.Errorf("('%v').Compare('%v')\nexpect: %+v\ngot: %+v", test.a, test.b, expect, got)
// Check opposite order
if got, expect := test.b.Compare(test.a), -test.expect; got != expect {
t.Errorf("('%v').Compare('%v')\nexpect: %+v\ngot: %+v", test.b, test.a, expect, got)
func TestContains(t *testing.T) {
type Test struct {
a, b query.Query
expect bool
for _, test := range []Test{
{Q("a"), Q("a"), true},
{Q("a"), Q("b"), false},
{Q("a:*"), Q("a:*"), true},
{Q("a:*"), Q("a:b"), true},
{Q("a:*"), Q("b"), false},
{Q("a:*"), Q("b:c"), false},
{Q("a:*"), Q("b:*"), false},
{Q("a:*"), Q("a:b,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:*"), false},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:b"), true},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:c"), false},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:b,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,*"), Q("a:c,*"), false},
{Q("a:b,c"), Q("a:b,c,d"), false},
{Q("a:b,c"), Q("a:b,c:d"), false},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,*"), false},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,c"), true},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,d"), false},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,c,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,c,d,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,c,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,c:*"), Q("a:b,c,d,*"), false},
{Q("a:b,c:d"), Q("a:b,c:d,e"), false},
{Q("a:b,c:d,*"), Q("a:b,c:d"), true},
{Q("a:b,c:d,*"), Q("a:b,c:e"), false},
{Q("a:b,c:d,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,c:d,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,e"), true},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:e,e"), false},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,f"), false},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), true},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:e,f,*"), false},
{Q("a:b,c:d,e,*"), Q("a:b,c:d,*"), false},
{Q("a:b:c:d;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;*"), true},
{Q("a:b:c:d;*"), Q("a:b:c:d,e;*"), true},
{Q("a:b:c:d;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), true},
{Q("a:b:c:d;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), true},
{Q("a:b:c:d;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;f=2;*"), true},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;*"), true},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;f=2;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;*"), true},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;e=2;*"), false},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e=2;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), false},
{Q("a:b:c:d;e;*"), Q("a:b:c:d;e=1;*"), false},
} {
if got := test.a.Contains(test.b); got != test.expect {
t.Errorf("('%v').Contains('%v')\nexpect: %+v\ngot: %+v", test.a, test.b, test.expect, got)
func TestWalk(t *testing.T) {
type Segment struct {
Query query.Query
Target query.Target
Name string
type Test struct {
query query.Query
expect []Segment
for _, test := range []Test{
Q("suite"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
Q("suite:*"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:*"), query.Files, "*"},
Q("suite:a"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
Q("suite:a,*"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,*"), query.Files, "*"},
Q("suite:a,b"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
Q("suite:a,b:*"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:*"), query.Tests, "*"},
Q("suite:a,b:c"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
Q("suite:a,b:c,*"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,*"), query.Tests, "*"},
Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), query.Tests, "d"},
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:*"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), query.Tests, "d"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:*"), query.Cases, "*"},
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), query.Tests, "d"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e"), query.Cases, "e"},
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;*"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), query.Tests, "d"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;*"), query.Cases, "e;*"},
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), query.Tests, "d"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f"), query.Cases, "e;f"},
Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;*"), []Segment{
{Q("suite"), query.Suite, "suite"},
{Q("suite:a"), query.Files, "a"},
{Q("suite:a,b"), query.Files, "b"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c"), query.Tests, "c"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d"), query.Tests, "d"},
{Q("suite:a,b:c,d:e;f;*"), query.Cases, "e;f;*"},
} {
got := []Segment{}
err := test.query.Walk(func(q query.Query, t query.Target, n string) error {
got = append(got, Segment{q, t, n})
return nil
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("'%v'.Walk() returned %v", test.query, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, test.expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.Walk()\n%v", test.query, diff)
type TestError struct{}
func (TestError) Error() string { return "test error" }
func TestWalkErrors(t *testing.T) {
for _, fq := range []query.Query{
} {
expect := TestError{}
got := fq.Walk(func(q query.Query, t query.Target, n string) error {
if q == fq {
return expect
return nil
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, expect); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("'%v'.Walk()\n%v", fq, diff)