| // Copyright 2023 The Dawn Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/ShaderModuleD3D11.h" |
| |
| #include <string> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "dawn/common/Assert.h" |
| #include "dawn/common/BitSetIterator.h" |
| #include "dawn/common/Log.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/Pipeline.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/TintUtils.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d/D3DCompilationRequest.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d/D3DError.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/BackendD3D11.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/BindGroupLayoutD3D11.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/DeviceD3D11.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/PhysicalDeviceD3D11.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/PipelineLayoutD3D11.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/PlatformFunctionsD3D11.h" |
| #include "dawn/native/d3d11/UtilsD3D11.h" |
| #include "dawn/platform/DawnPlatform.h" |
| #include "dawn/platform/metrics/HistogramMacros.h" |
| #include "dawn/platform/tracing/TraceEvent.h" |
| |
| #include "tint/tint.h" |
| |
| namespace dawn::native::d3d11 { |
| |
| // static |
| ResultOrError<Ref<ShaderModule>> ShaderModule::Create( |
| Device* device, |
| const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor, |
| ShaderModuleParseResult* parseResult, |
| OwnedCompilationMessages* compilationMessages) { |
| Ref<ShaderModule> module = AcquireRef(new ShaderModule(device, descriptor)); |
| DAWN_TRY(module->Initialize(parseResult, compilationMessages)); |
| return module; |
| } |
| |
| ShaderModule::ShaderModule(Device* device, const ShaderModuleDescriptor* descriptor) |
| : ShaderModuleBase(device, descriptor) {} |
| |
| MaybeError ShaderModule::Initialize(ShaderModuleParseResult* parseResult, |
| OwnedCompilationMessages* compilationMessages) { |
| ScopedTintICEHandler scopedICEHandler(GetDevice()); |
| return InitializeBase(parseResult, compilationMessages); |
| } |
| |
| ResultOrError<d3d::CompiledShader> ShaderModule::Compile( |
| const ProgrammableStage& programmableStage, |
| SingleShaderStage stage, |
| const PipelineLayout* layout, |
| uint32_t compileFlags, |
| const std::bitset<kMaxInterStageShaderVariables>* usedInterstageVariables) { |
| Device* device = ToBackend(GetDevice()); |
| TRACE_EVENT0(device->GetPlatform(), General, "ShaderModuleD3D11::Compile"); |
| DAWN_ASSERT(!IsError()); |
| |
| ScopedTintICEHandler scopedICEHandler(device); |
| const EntryPointMetadata& entryPoint = GetEntryPoint(programmableStage.entryPoint); |
| |
| d3d::D3DCompilationRequest req = {}; |
| req.tracePlatform = UnsafeUnkeyedValue(device->GetPlatform()); |
| req.hlsl.shaderModel = 50; |
| req.hlsl.disableSymbolRenaming = device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::DisableSymbolRenaming); |
| req.hlsl.isRobustnessEnabled = device->IsRobustnessEnabled(); |
| req.hlsl.disableWorkgroupInit = device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::DisableWorkgroupInit); |
| req.hlsl.dumpShaders = device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::DumpShaders); |
| |
| if (usedInterstageVariables) { |
| req.hlsl.interstageLocations = *usedInterstageVariables; |
| } |
| |
| req.bytecode.hasShaderF16Feature = false; |
| req.bytecode.compileFlags = compileFlags; |
| |
| // D3D11 only supports FXC. |
| req.bytecode.compiler = d3d::Compiler::FXC; |
| req.bytecode.d3dCompile = device->GetFunctions()->d3dCompile; |
| req.bytecode.compilerVersion = D3D_COMPILER_VERSION; |
| DAWN_ASSERT(device->GetDeviceInfo().shaderModel == 50); |
| switch (stage) { |
| case SingleShaderStage::Vertex: |
| req.bytecode.fxcShaderProfile = "vs_5_0"; |
| break; |
| case SingleShaderStage::Fragment: |
| req.bytecode.fxcShaderProfile = "ps_5_0"; |
| break; |
| case SingleShaderStage::Compute: |
| req.bytecode.fxcShaderProfile = "cs_5_0"; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| tint::BindingRemapperOptions bindingRemapper; |
| |
| const BindingInfoArray& moduleBindingInfo = entryPoint.bindings; |
| |
| for (BindGroupIndex group : IterateBitSet(layout->GetBindGroupLayoutsMask())) { |
| const BindGroupLayout* groupLayout = ToBackend(layout->GetBindGroupLayout(group)); |
| const auto& indices = layout->GetBindingIndexInfo()[group]; |
| const auto& groupBindingInfo = moduleBindingInfo[group]; |
| |
| for (const auto& [binding, bindingInfo] : groupBindingInfo) { |
| BindingIndex bindingIndex = groupLayout->GetBindingIndex(binding); |
| tint::BindingPoint srcBindingPoint{static_cast<uint32_t>(group), |
| static_cast<uint32_t>(binding)}; |
| tint::BindingPoint dstBindingPoint{0u, indices[bindingIndex]}; |
| if (srcBindingPoint != dstBindingPoint) { |
| bindingRemapper.binding_points.emplace(srcBindingPoint, dstBindingPoint); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Tint will add two bindings (plane1, params) for one external texture binding. |
| // We need to remap the binding points for the two bindings. |
| // we cannot specified the final slot of those two bindings in |
| // req.hlsl.externalTextureOptions because the final slots may be conflict with |
| // existing other bindings, and then they will be remapped again with bindingRemapper |
| // incorrectly. So we have to use intermediate binding slots in |
| // req.hlsl.externalTextureOptions, and then map them to the final slots with |
| // bindingRemapper. |
| for (const auto& [_, expansion] : groupLayout->GetExternalTextureBindingExpansionMap()) { |
| uint32_t plane1Slot = indices[groupLayout->GetBindingIndex(expansion.plane1)]; |
| uint32_t paramsSlot = indices[groupLayout->GetBindingIndex(expansion.params)]; |
| bindingRemapper.binding_points.emplace( |
| tint::BindingPoint{static_cast<uint32_t>(group), |
| static_cast<uint32_t>(expansion.plane1)}, |
| tint::BindingPoint{0u, plane1Slot}); |
| bindingRemapper.binding_points.emplace( |
| tint::BindingPoint{static_cast<uint32_t>(group), |
| static_cast<uint32_t>(expansion.params)}, |
| tint::BindingPoint{0u, paramsSlot}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| std::optional<tint::ast::transform::SubstituteOverride::Config> substituteOverrideConfig; |
| if (!programmableStage.metadata->overrides.empty()) { |
| substituteOverrideConfig = BuildSubstituteOverridesTransformConfig(programmableStage); |
| } |
| |
| req.hlsl.inputProgram = GetTintProgram(); |
| req.hlsl.entryPointName = programmableStage.entryPoint.c_str(); |
| req.hlsl.stage = stage; |
| // Put the firstIndex into the internally reserved group and binding to avoid conflicting with |
| // any existing bindings. |
| req.hlsl.firstIndexOffsetRegisterSpace = PipelineLayout::kReservedConstantsBindGroupIndex; |
| req.hlsl.firstIndexOffsetShaderRegister = PipelineLayout::kFirstIndexOffsetBindingNumber; |
| // Remap to the desired space and binding, [0, kFirstIndexOffsetConstantBufferSlot]. |
| { |
| tint::BindingPoint srcBindingPoint{req.hlsl.firstIndexOffsetRegisterSpace, |
| req.hlsl.firstIndexOffsetShaderRegister}; |
| // D3D11 (HLSL SM5.0) doesn't support spaces, so we have to put the firstIndex in the |
| // default space(0) |
| tint::BindingPoint dstBindingPoint{0u, PipelineLayout::kFirstIndexOffsetConstantBufferSlot}; |
| bindingRemapper.binding_points.emplace(srcBindingPoint, dstBindingPoint); |
| } |
| |
| req.hlsl.usesNumWorkgroups = entryPoint.usesNumWorkgroups; |
| // D3D11 (HLSL SM5.0) doesn't support spaces, so we have to put the numWorkgroups in the default |
| // space(0) |
| req.hlsl.numWorkgroupsRegisterSpace = 0; |
| req.hlsl.numWorkgroupsShaderRegister = PipelineLayout::kNumWorkgroupsConstantBufferSlot; |
| |
| req.hlsl.bindingRemapper = std::move(bindingRemapper); |
| |
| req.hlsl.externalTextureOptions = BuildExternalTextureTransformBindings(layout); |
| req.hlsl.substituteOverrideConfig = std::move(substituteOverrideConfig); |
| |
| // TODO(dawn:1705): do we need to support it? |
| req.hlsl.polyfillReflectVec2F32 = false; |
| |
| const CombinedLimits& limits = device->GetLimits(); |
| req.hlsl.limits = LimitsForCompilationRequest::Create(limits.v1); |
| |
| CacheResult<d3d::CompiledShader> compiledShader; |
| MaybeError compileError = [&]() -> MaybeError { |
| DAWN_TRY_LOAD_OR_RUN(compiledShader, device, std::move(req), d3d::CompiledShader::FromBlob, |
| d3d::CompileShader, "D3D11.CompileShader"); |
| return {}; |
| }(); |
| |
| if (device->IsToggleEnabled(Toggle::DumpShaders)) { |
| d3d::DumpFXCCompiledShader(device, *compiledShader, compileFlags); |
| } |
| |
| if (compileError.IsError()) { |
| return {compileError.AcquireError()}; |
| } |
| |
| device->GetBlobCache()->EnsureStored(compiledShader); |
| |
| // Clear the hlslSource. It is only used for logging and should not be used |
| // outside of the compilation. |
| d3d::CompiledShader result = compiledShader.Acquire(); |
| result.hlslSource = std::string(); |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace dawn::native::d3d11 |