| # Dawn repository overview |
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| This repository contains the implementation of Dawn, which is itself composed of two main libraries (dawn_native and dawn_wire), along with support libraries, tests, and samples. Dawn makes heavy use of code-generation based on the `dawn.json` file that describes the native WebGPU API. It is used to generate the API headers, C++ wrapper, parts of the client-server implementation, and more! |
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| ## Directory structure |
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| - [`dawn.json`](../../src/dawn/dawn.json): contains a description of the native WebGPU in JSON form. It is the data model that's used by the code generators. |
| - [`dawn_wire.json`](../../src/dawn/dawn_wire.json): contains additional information used to generate `dawn_wire` files, such as commands in addition to regular WebGPU commands. |
| - [`generator`](../../generator): directory containg the code generators and their templates. Generators are based on Jinja2 and parse data-models from JSON files. |
| - [`dawn_json_generator.py`](../../generator/dawn_json_generator.py): the main code generator that outputs the WebGPU headers, C++ wrapper, client-server implementation, etc. |
| - [`templates`](../../generator/templates): Jinja2 templates for the generator, with subdirectories for groups of templates that are all used in the same library. |
| - [`include`](../../include): |
| - [`dawn`](../../include/dawn): public headers with subdirectories for each library. Note that some headers are auto-generated and not present directly in the directory. |
| - [`infra`](../../infra): configuration file for the commit-queue infrastructure. |
| - [`scripts`](../../scripts): contains a grab-bag of files that are used for building Dawn, in testing, etc. |
| - [`src`](../../src): |
| - [`dawn`](../../src/dawn): root directory for Dawn code |
| - [`common`](../../src/dawn/common): helper code that is allowed to be used by Dawn's core libraries, `dawn_native` and `dawn_wire`. Also allowed for use in all other Dawn targets. |
| - [`fuzzers`](../../src/dawn/fuzzers): various fuzzers for Dawn that are running in [Clusterfuzz](https://google.github.io/clusterfuzz/). |
| - [`native`](../../src/dawn/native): code for the implementation of WebGPU on top of graphics APIs. Files in this folder are the "frontend" while subdirectories are "backends". |
| - `<backend>`: code for the implementation of the backend on a specific graphics API, for example `d3d12`, `metal` or `vulkan`. |
| - [`samples`](../../src/dawn/samples): a small collection of samples using the native WebGPU API. They were mostly used when bringing up Dawn for the first time, and to test the `WGPUSurface` object. |
| - [`tests`](../../src/dawn/tests): |
| - [`end2end`](../../src/dawn/tests/end2end): tests for the execution of the WebGPU API and require a GPU to run. |
| - [`perf_tests`](../../src/dawn/tests/perf_tests): benchmarks for various aspects of Dawn. |
| - [`unittests`](../../src/dawn/tests/unittests): code unittests of internal classes, but also by extension WebGPU API tests that don't require a GPU to run. |
| - [`validation`](../../src/dawn/tests/unittests/validation): WebGPU validation tests not using the GPU (frontend tests) |
| - [`white_box`](../../src/dawn/tests/white_box): tests using the GPU that need to access the internals of `dawn_native` or `dawn_wire`. |
| - [`wire`](../../src/dawn/wire): code for an implementation of WebGPU as a client-server architecture. |
| - [`utils`](../../src/dawn/utils): helper code to use Dawn used by tests and samples but disallowed for `dawn_native` and `dawn_wire`. |
| - [`platform`](../../src/dawn/platform): definition of interfaces for dependency injection in `dawn_native` or `dawn_wire`. |
| - [`third_party`](../../third_party): directory where dependencies live as well as their buildfiles. |
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| ## Dawn Native (`dawn_native`) |
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| The largest library in Dawn is `dawn_native` which implements the WebGPU API by translating to native graphics APIs such as D3D12, Metal or Vulkan. It is composed of a frontend that does all the state-tracking and validation, and backends that do the actual translation to the native graphics APIs. |
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| `dawn_native` hosts the [spirv-val](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools) for validation of SPIR-V shaders and uses [Tint](https://dawn.googlesource.com/tint/) shader translator to convert WGSL shaders to an equivalent shader for use in the native graphics API (HLSL for D3D12, MSL for Metal or Vulkan SPIR-V for Vulkan). |
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| ## Dawn Wire (`dawn_wire`) |
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| A second library that implements both a client that takes WebGPU commands and serializes them into a buffer, and a server that deserializes commands from a buffer, validates they are well-formed and calls the relevant WebGPU commands. Some server to client communication also happens so the API's callbacks work properly. |
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| Note that `dawn_wire` is meant to do as little state-tracking as possible so that the client can be lean and defer most of the heavy processing to the server side where the server calls into `dawn_native`. |
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| ## Dawn Proc (`dawn_proc`) |
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| Normally libraries implementing `webgpu.h` should implement function like `wgpuDeviceCreateBuffer` but instead `dawn_native` and `dawn_wire` implement the `dawnProcTable` which is a structure containing all the WebGPU functions Dawn implements. Then a `dawn_proc` library contains a static version of this `dawnProcTable` and for example forwards `wgpuDeviceCreateBuffer` to the `procTable.deviceCreateBuffer` function pointer. This is useful in two ways: |
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| - It allows deciding at runtime whether to use `dawn_native` and `dawn_wire`, which is useful to test boths paths with the same binary in our infrastructure. |
| - It avoids applications that know they will only use Dawn to query all entrypoints at once instead of using `wgpuGetProcAddress` repeatedly. |
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| ## Code generation |
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| When the WebGPU API evolves, a lot of places in Dawn have to be updated, so to reduce efforts, Dawn relies heavily on code generation for things like headers, proc tables and de/serialization. For more information, see [codegen.md](codegen.md). |