blob: 26524d1a76d6e42293021cd2d43a62b11af41894 [file] [log] [blame]
vk-gl-cts/graphicsfuzz/cov-derivative-uniform-vector-global-loop-count/0-opt.wgsl:1:13 warning: use of deprecated language feature: the @stride attribute is deprecated; use a larger type if necessary
type Arr = @stride(16) array<f32, 2>;
vk-gl-cts/graphicsfuzz/cov-derivative-uniform-vector-global-loop-count/0-opt.wgsl:7:15 warning: use of deprecated language feature: the @stride attribute is deprecated; use a larger type if necessary
type Arr_1 = @stride(16) array<i32, 3>;
#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 x_GLF_color_1_1;
struct tint_padded_array_element {
float el;
struct buf1 {
tint_padded_array_element x_GLF_uniform_float_values[2];
struct tint_padded_array_element_1 {
int el;
struct buf0 {
tint_padded_array_element_1 x_GLF_uniform_int_values[3];
struct buf2 {
vec2 injectionSwitch;
int x_GLF_global_loop_count = 0;
layout(binding = 1) uniform buf1_1 {
tint_padded_array_element x_GLF_uniform_float_values[2];
} x_7;
layout(binding = 0) uniform buf0_1 {
tint_padded_array_element_1 x_GLF_uniform_int_values[3];
} x_10;
layout(binding = 2) uniform buf2_1 {
vec2 injectionSwitch;
} x_12;
vec4 x_GLF_color = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
void main_1() {
float f = 0.0f;
int r = 0;
x_GLF_global_loop_count = 0;
float x_42 = x_7.x_GLF_uniform_float_values[0].el;
f = x_42;
int x_44 = x_10.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[1].el;
r = x_44;
while (true) {
int x_49 = r;
int x_51 = x_10.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[2].el;
if ((x_49 < x_51)) {
} else {
x_GLF_global_loop_count = (x_GLF_global_loop_count + 1);
vec2 x_57 = x_12.injectionSwitch;
f = (f + dFdx(x_57).y);
r = (r + 1);
while (true) {
if ((x_GLF_global_loop_count < 100)) {
} else {
x_GLF_global_loop_count = (x_GLF_global_loop_count + 1);
float x_74 = x_7.x_GLF_uniform_float_values[0].el;
f = (f + x_74);
float x_77 = f;
float x_79 = x_7.x_GLF_uniform_float_values[1].el;
if ((x_77 == x_79)) {
int x_85 = x_10.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el;
int x_88 = x_10.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[1].el;
int x_91 = x_10.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[1].el;
int x_94 = x_10.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el;
x_GLF_color = vec4(float(x_85), float(x_88), float(x_91), float(x_94));
} else {
int x_98 = x_10.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[1].el;
float x_99 = float(x_98);
x_GLF_color = vec4(x_99, x_99, x_99, x_99);
struct main_out {
vec4 x_GLF_color_1;
main_out tint_symbol() {
main_out tint_symbol_1 = main_out(x_GLF_color);
return tint_symbol_1;
void main() {
main_out inner_result = tint_symbol();
x_GLF_color_1_1 = inner_result.x_GLF_color_1;