Add native visualizers for MSVC

Currently contains a subset of ast nodes to make it easier to debug.

Bug: tint:1331
Change-Id: I27afe3c57aa752bdf823120e31585100c8adbe36
Auto-Submit: Antonio Maiorano <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 3523186..1ff38d7 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -537,6 +537,12 @@
+    tint.natvis
+  )
 ## Tint IO utilities. Used by tint_val.
diff --git a/src/tint.natvis b/src/tint.natvis
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4490ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tint.natvis
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


+/// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.


+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+// You may obtain a copy of the License at




+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+// limitations under the License.



+<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">

+	<Type Name="tint::Symbol">

+		<!-- Requires TINT_SYMBOL_STORE_DEBUG_NAME defined to 1 -->

+		<DisplayString Optional="true">{debug_name_,sb}</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::AssignmentStatement">

+		<DisplayString>{*lhs} = {*rhs};</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString>{AstNodeToString(this)}</DisplayString>

+		<Expand>

+			<Item Name="lhs">*lhs</Item>

+			<Item Name="rhs">*rhs</Item>

+		</Expand>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::IdentifierExpression">

+		 <!--the ",sb" specifier removes the double quotes on the displayed string --> 

+		<DisplayString>{symbol}</DisplayString>

+		<Expand>

+			<Item Name="symbol">symbol</Item>

+		</Expand>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::IndexAccessorExpression">

+		<DisplayString>{*object}[{*index}]</DisplayString>

+		<Expand>

+			<Item Name="object">*object</Item>

+			<Item Name="index">*index</Item>

+		</Expand>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::MemberAccessorExpression">

+		<DisplayString>{*structure}.{*member}</DisplayString>

+		<Expand>

+			<Item Name="structure">*structure</Item>

+			<Item Name="member">*member</Item>

+		</Expand>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::Variable">

+		<DisplayString Condition="is_const &amp; !!type">let {symbol} : {*type} = {*constructor}</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="is_const &amp; !type">let {symbol} = {*constructor}</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="!is_const &amp; !type">var {symbol} = {*constructor}</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="!is_const &amp; !!type &amp; !constructor">var {symbol} : {*type}</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="!is_const &amp; !!type &amp; !!constructor">var {symbol} : {*type} = {*constructor}</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::VariableDeclStatement">

+		<DisplayString>{*variable};</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::UintLiteralExpression">

+		<DisplayString>{value}</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::SintLiteralExpression">

+		<DisplayString>{value}</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::BinaryExpression">

+		<DisplayString>({*lhs} {op,en} {*rhs})</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::CallExpression">

+		<DisplayString Condition="args.size() == 0">{target}()</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="args.size() == 1">{target}({*args[0]})</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="args.size() == 2">{target}({*args[0]}, {*args[1]})</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="args.size() == 3">{target}({*args[0]}, {*args[1]}, {*args[2]})</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="args.size() > 3">{target}({*args[0]}, {*args[1]}, {*args[2]}, ...)</DisplayString>

+		<!-- TODO: add more overloads -->

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::CallExpression::Target">

+		<DisplayString Condition ="name != nullptr">{*name}</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition ="name == nullptr">{*type}</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::Array">

+		<DisplayString Condition="count != nullptr">array&lt;{*type},{*count}&gt;</DisplayString>

+		<DisplayString Condition="count == nullptr">array&lt;{*type}&gt;</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::TypeName">

+		<DisplayString>{name}</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::Bool">

+		<DisplayString>bool</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::I32">

+		<DisplayString>i32</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::U32">

+		<DisplayString>u32</DisplayString>

+	</Type>


+	<Type Name="tint::ast::F32">

+		<DisplayString>f32</DisplayString>

+	</Type>

