blob: 48367a3d53733cb234c8ec2ef7f601770da4cdf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "source/opt/basic_block.h"
#include "source/opt/constants.h"
#include "source/opt/function.h"
#include "source/opt/instruction.h"
#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
#include "source/opt/type_manager.h"
#include "src/ast/expression.h"
#include "src/ast/module.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/fail_stream.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/namer.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/parser_impl.h"
namespace tint {
namespace reader {
namespace spirv {
/// Bookkeeping info for a basic block.
struct BlockInfo {
/// Constructor
/// @param bb internal representation of the basic block
explicit BlockInfo(const spvtools::opt::BasicBlock& bb)
: basic_block(&bb), id( {}
/// The internal representation of the basic block.
const spvtools::opt::BasicBlock* basic_block;
/// The ID of the OpLabel instruction that starts this block.
uint32_t id = 0;
/// The position of this block in the reverse structured post-order.
uint32_t pos = 0;
/// A FunctionEmitter emits a SPIR-V function onto a Tint AST module.
class FunctionEmitter {
/// Creates a FunctionEmitter, and prepares to write to the AST module
/// in |pi|.
/// @param pi a ParserImpl which has already executed BuildInternalModule
/// @param function the function to emit
FunctionEmitter(ParserImpl* pi, const spvtools::opt::Function& function);
/// Destructor
/// Emits the function to AST module.
/// @return whether emission succeeded
bool Emit();
/// @returns true if emission has not yet failed.
bool success() const { return fail_stream_.status(); }
/// @returns true if emission has failed.
bool failed() const { return !success(); }
/// @returns the body of the function.
const ast::StatementList& ast_body() { return ast_body_; }
/// Records failure.
/// @returns a FailStream on which to emit diagnostics.
FailStream& Fail() { return fail_stream_.Fail(); }
/// Emits the declaration, which comprises the name, parameters, and
/// return type. The function AST node is appended to the module
/// AST node.
/// @returns true if emission has not yet failed.
bool EmitFunctionDeclaration();
/// Emits the function body, populating |ast_body_|
/// @returns false if emission failed.
bool EmitBody();
/// Determines the output order for the basic blocks in the function.
/// Populates |rspo_| and the |pos| block info member.
void ComputeBlockOrderAndPositions();
/// @returns the reverse structured post order of the basic blocks in
/// the function.
const std::vector<uint32_t>& rspo() const { return rspo_; }
/// Emits declarations of function variables.
/// @returns false if emission failed.
bool EmitFunctionVariables();
/// Emits statements in the body.
/// @returns false if emission failed.
bool EmitFunctionBodyStatements();
/// Emits a basic block
/// @param bb internal representation of the basic block
/// @returns false if emission failed.
bool EmitStatementsInBasicBlock(const spvtools::opt::BasicBlock& bb);
/// Emits a normal instruction: not a terminator, label, or variable
/// declaration.
/// @param inst the instruction
/// @returns false if emission failed.
bool EmitStatement(const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst);
/// Emits a const definition for a SPIR-V value.
/// @param inst the SPIR-V instruction defining the value
/// @param ast_expr the already-computed AST expression for the value
/// @returns false if emission failed.
bool EmitConstDefinition(const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst,
TypedExpression ast_expr);
/// Makes an expression
/// @param id the SPIR-V ID of the value
/// @returns true if emission has not yet failed.
TypedExpression MakeExpression(uint32_t id);
/// Creates an expression and supporting statements for a combinatorial
/// instruction, or returns null. A SPIR-V instruction is combinatorial
/// if it has no side effects and its result depends only on its operands,
/// and not on accessing external state like memory or the state of other
/// invocations. Statements are only created if required to provide values
/// to the expression. Supporting statements are not required to be
/// combinatorial.
/// @param inst a SPIR-V instruction representing an exrpression
/// @returns an AST expression for the instruction, or nullptr.
TypedExpression MaybeEmitCombinatorialValue(
const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst);
/// Gets the block info for a block ID, if any exists
/// @param id the SPIR-V ID of the OpLabel instruction starting the block
/// @returns the block info for the given ID, if it exists, or nullptr
BlockInfo* GetBlockInfo(uint32_t id) {
auto where = block_info_.find(id);
if (where == block_info_.end())
return nullptr;
return where->second.get();
/// @returns the store type for the OpVariable instruction, or
/// null on failure.
ast::type::Type* GetVariableStoreType(
const spvtools::opt::Instruction& var_decl_inst);
ParserImpl& parser_impl_;
ast::Module& ast_module_;
spvtools::opt::IRContext& ir_context_;
spvtools::opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr_;
spvtools::opt::analysis::ConstantManager* constant_mgr_;
spvtools::opt::analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr_;
FailStream& fail_stream_;
Namer& namer_;
const spvtools::opt::Function& function_;
ast::StatementList ast_body_;
// The set of IDs that have already had an identifier name generated for it.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> identifier_values_;
// Mapping from SPIR-V ID that is used at most once, to its AST expression.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, TypedExpression> singly_used_values_;
// The IDs of basic blocks, in reverse structured post-order (RSPO).
// This is the output order for the basic blocks.
std::vector<uint32_t> rspo_;
// Mapping from block ID to its bookkeeping info.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<BlockInfo>> block_info_;
} // namespace spirv
} // namespace reader
} // namespace tint