blob: 9a0cd55306d9765a4fc1d17efe35146e5512ac53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "src/castable.h"
#include "src/source.h"
#include "src/symbol.h"
#include "src/traits.h"
namespace tint {
// Forward declarations
namespace ast {
class Module;
} // namespace ast
/// CloneContext holds the state used while cloning AST nodes and types.
class CloneContext {
/// Constructor
/// @param to the target module to clone into
/// @param from the source module to clone from
CloneContext(ast::Module* to, ast::Module const* from);
/// Destructor
/// Clones the Node or type::Type `a` into the module #dst if `a` is not
/// null. If `a` is null, then Clone() returns null. If `a` has been cloned
/// already by this CloneContext then the same cloned pointer is returned.
/// Clone() may use a function registered with ReplaceAll() to create a
/// transformed version of the object. See ReplaceAll() for more information.
/// The Node or type::Type `a` must be owned by the module #src.
/// @note Semantic information such as resolved expression type and intrinsic
/// information is not cloned.
/// @param a the `Node` or `type::Type` to clone
/// @return the cloned node
template <typename T>
T* Clone(T* a) {
// If the input is nullptr, there's nothing to clone - just return nullptr.
if (a == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// See if we've already cloned this object - if we have return the
// previously cloned pointer.
// If we haven't cloned this before, try cloning using a replacer transform.
if (auto* c = LookupOrTransform(a)) {
return static_cast<T*>(c);
// First time clone and no replacer transforms matched.
// Clone with T::Clone().
auto* c = a->Clone(this);
cloned_.emplace(a, c);
return static_cast<T*>(c);
/// Clones the Source `s` into `dst`
/// TODO(bclayton) - Currently this 'clone' is a shallow copy. If/when
/// `Source.File`s are owned by the `Module` this should make a copy of the
/// file.
/// @param s the `Source` to clone
/// @return the cloned source
Source Clone(const Source& s) const { return s; }
/// Clones the Symbol `s` into `dst`
/// The Symbol `s` must be owned by the module #src.
/// @param s the Symbol to clone
/// @return the cloned source
Symbol Clone(const Symbol& s) const;
/// Clones each of the elements of the vector `v` into the module #dst->
/// All the elements of the vector `v` must be owned by the module #src.
/// @param v the vector to clone
/// @return the cloned vector
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> Clone(const std::vector<T>& v) {
std::vector<T> out;
for (auto& el : v) {
return out;
/// ReplaceAll() registers `replacer` to be called whenever the Clone() method
/// is called with a type that matches (or derives from) the type of the
/// second parameter of `replacer`.
/// `replacer` must be function-like with the signature:
/// `T* (CloneContext*, T*)`
/// where `T` is a type deriving from CastableBase.
/// If `replacer` returns a nullptr then Clone() will attempt the next
/// registered replacer function that matches the object type. If no replacers
/// match the object type, or all returned nullptr then Clone() will call
/// `T::Clone()` to clone the object.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// // Replace all ast::UintLiterals with the number 42
/// CloneCtx ctx(&out, in)
/// .ReplaceAll([&] (CloneContext* ctx, ast::UintLiteral* l) {
/// return ctx->dst->create<ast::UintLiteral>(ctx->Clone(l->source()),
/// ctx->Clone(l->type()),
/// 42);
/// }).Clone();
/// ```
/// @param replacer a function or function-like object with the signature
/// `T* (CloneContext*, T*)`, where `T` derives from CastableBase
/// @returns this CloneContext so calls can be chained
template <typename F>
CloneContext& ReplaceAll(F replacer) {
using TPtr = traits::ParamTypeT<F, 1>;
using T = typename std::remove_pointer<TPtr>::type;
transforms_.emplace_back([=](CastableBase* in) {
auto* in_as_t = in->As<T>();
return in_as_t != nullptr ? replacer(this, in_as_t) : nullptr;
return *this;
/// Clone performs the clone of the entire module #src to #dst.
void Clone();
/// The target module to clone into.
ast::Module* const dst;
/// The source module to clone from.
ast::Module const* const src;
using Transform = std::function<CastableBase*(CastableBase*)>;
CloneContext(const CloneContext&) = delete;
CloneContext& operator=(const CloneContext&) = delete;
/// LookupOrTransform is the template-independent logic of Clone().
/// This is outside of Clone() to reduce the amount of template-instantiated
/// code.
CastableBase* LookupOrTransform(CastableBase* a) {
// Have we seen this object before? If so, return the previously cloned
// version instead of making yet another copy.
auto it = cloned_.find(a);
if (it != cloned_.end()) {
return it->second;
// Attempt to clone using the registered replacer functions.
for (auto& f : transforms_) {
if (CastableBase* c = f(a)) {
cloned_.emplace(a, c);
return c;
// No luck, Clone() will have to call T::Clone().
return nullptr;
std::unordered_map<CastableBase*, CastableBase*> cloned_;
std::vector<Transform> transforms_;
} // namespace tint