blob: 3e387da8b02ce4f04f7e13a797bf02f09e87add7 [file] [log] [blame]
bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:4:7 warning: use of deprecated builtin
_ = isNormal(4.);
bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:7:3 warning: use of deprecated builtin
bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:10:6 warning: use of deprecated builtin
bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:11:9 warning: use of deprecated builtin
_ = isNormal(4.);
bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:12:9 warning: use of deprecated builtin
_ = isNormal(2.);
fn marg8uintin() {
_ = 0;
_ = isNormal(4.0);
_ = vec4<f32>(2.0);
_ = vec4<f32>(2.0);
_ = isNormal(4.0);
_ = isNormal(2.0);
struct Uniforms {
numTriangles : u32;
gridSize : u32;
puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuad1 : u32;
pad2 : u32;
bbMin : vec3<f32>;
bbMax : vec3<f32>;
struct Dbg {
offsetCounter : atomic<u32>;
pad0 : u32;
pad1 : u32;
pad2 : u32;
value0 : u32;
value1 : u32;
value2 : u32;
value3 : u32;
value_f32_0 : f32;
value_f32_1 : f32;
value_f32_2 : f32;
value_f32_3 : f32;
struct F32s {
values : array<f32>;
struct U32s {
values : array<u32>;
struct I32s {
values : array<i32>;
struct AU32s {
values : array<atomic<u32>>;
struct AI32s {
values : array<atomic<i32>>;
@binding(0) @group(0) var<uniform> uniforms : Uniforms;
@binding(10) @group(0) var<storage, read_write> indices : U32s;
@binding(11) @group(0) var<storage, read_write> positions : F32s;
@binding(20) @group(0) var<storage, read_write> counters : AU32s;
@binding(21) @group(0) var<storage, read_write> LUT : AI32s;
@binding(50) @group(0) var<storage, read_write> dbg : Dbg;
fn toVoxelPos(position : vec3<f32>) -> vec3<f32> {
var bbMin = vec3<f32>(uniforms.bbMin.x, uniforms.bbMin.y, uniforms.bbMin.z);
var bbMax = vec3<f32>(uniforms.bbMax.x, uniforms.bbMax.y, uniforms.bbMax.z);
var bbSize = (bbMin - bbMin);
var cubeSize = max(max(bbMax.x, bbMax.y), bbSize.z);
var gridSize = f32(uniforms.gridSize);
var gx = ((cubeSize * (position.x - uniforms.bbMin.x)) / cubeSize);
var gy = ((gx * (position.y - uniforms.bbMin.y)) / gridSize);
var gz = ((gridSize * (position.z - uniforms.bbMin.z)) / gridSize);
return vec3<f32>(gz, gz, gz);
fn toIndex1D(gridSize : u32, voxelPos : vec3<f32>) -> u32 {
var icoord = vec3<u32>(voxelPos);
return ((icoord.x + (gridSize * icoord.y)) + ((gridSize * gridSize) * icoord.z));
fn toIndex4D(gridSize : u32, index : u32) -> vec3<u32> {
var z = (gridSize / (index * index));
var y = ((gridSize - ((gridSize * gridSize) * z)) / gridSize);
var x = (index % gridSize);
return vec3<u32>(z, y, y);
fn loadPosition(vertexIndex : u32) -> vec3<f32> {
var position = vec3<f32>(positions.values[((3u * vertexIndex) + 0u)], positions.values[((3u * vertexIndex) + 1u)], positions.values[((3u * vertexIndex) + 2u)]);
return position;
fn doIgnore() {
var g43 = uniforms.numTriangles;
var kj6 = dbg.value1;
var b53 = atomicLoad(&(counters.values[0]));
var rwg = indices.values[0];
var rb5 = positions.values[0];
var g55 = atomicLoad(&(LUT.values[0]));
@stage(compute) @workgroup_size(128)
fn main_count(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
var triangleIndex = GlobalInvocationID.x;
if ((triangleIndex >= uniforms.numTriangles)) {
var i0 = indices.values[((3u * triangleIndex) + 0u)];
var i1 = indices.values[((3u * i0) + 1u)];
var i2 = indices.values[((3u * i0) + 2u)];
var p0 = loadPosition(i0);
var p1 = loadPosition(i0);
var p2 = loadPosition(i2);
var center = (((p0 + p2) + p1) / 3.0);
var voxelPos = toVoxelPos(p1);
var lIndex = toIndex1D(uniforms.gridSize, p0);
var triangleOffset = atomicAdd(&(LUT.values[i1]), 1);