blob: 094add447fa0f30572d7ede5aadb964bb6e85364 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "spirv/unified1/spirv.h"
#include "src/ast/builtin.h"
#include "src/ast/else_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/literal.h"
#include "src/ast/module.h"
#include "src/ast/struct_member.h"
#include "src/ast/type_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/scope_stack.h"
#include "src/writer/spirv/function.h"
#include "src/writer/spirv/instruction.h"
namespace tint {
namespace writer {
namespace spirv {
/// Builder class to create SPIR-V instructions from a module.
class Builder {
/// Contains information for generating accessor chains
struct AccessorInfo {
/// The ID of the current chain source. The chain source may change as we
/// evaluate the access chain. The chain source always points to the ID
/// which we will use to evaluate the current set of accessors. This maybe
/// the original variable, or maybe an intermediary if we had to evaulate
/// the access chain early (in the case of a swizzle of an access chain).
uint32_t source_id;
/// The type of the current chain source. This type matches the deduced
/// result_type of the current source defined above.
ast::type::Type* source_type;
/// A list of access chain indices to emit. Note, we _only_ have access
/// chain indices if the source is pointer.
std::vector<uint32_t> access_chain_indices;
/// Constructor
/// @param mod the module to generate from
explicit Builder(ast::Module* mod);
/// Generates the SPIR-V instructions for the given module
/// @returns true if the SPIR-V was successfully built
bool Build();
/// @returns the error string or blank if no error was reported.
const std::string& error() const { return error_; }
/// @returns true if the builder encountered an error
bool has_error() const { return !error_.empty(); }
/// @returns the number of uint32_t's needed to make up the results
uint32_t total_size() const;
/// @returns the id bound for this module
uint32_t id_bound() const { return next_id_; }
/// @returns the next id to be used
uint32_t next_id() {
auto id = next_id_;
next_id_ += 1;
return id;
/// Sets the id for a given function name
/// @param name the name to set
/// @param id the id to set
void set_func_name_to_id(const std::string& name, uint32_t id) {
func_name_to_id_[name] = id;
/// Retrives the id for the given function name
/// @param name the function name to search for
/// @returns the id for the given name or 0 on failure
uint32_t id_for_func_name(const std::string& name) {
if (func_name_to_id_.count(name) == 0) {
return 0;
return func_name_to_id_[name];
/// Retrieves the id for an entry point function, or 0 if not found.
/// Emits an error if not found.
/// @param ep the entry point
/// @returns 0 on error
uint32_t id_for_entry_point(ast::EntryPoint* ep) {
auto id = id_for_func_name(ep->function_name());
if (id == 0) {
error_ = "unable to find ID for function: " + ep->function_name();
return 0;
return id;
/// Iterates over all the instructions in the correct order and calls the
/// given callback
/// @param cb the callback to execute
void iterate(std::function<void(const Instruction&)> cb) const;
/// Adds an instruction to the list of capabilities
/// @param cap the capability to set
void push_capability(uint32_t cap);
/// @returns the capabilities
const std::vector<Instruction>& capabilities() const { return capabilities_; }
/// Adds an instruction to the preamble
/// @param op the op to set
/// @param operands the operands for the instruction
void push_preamble(spv::Op op, const std::vector<Operand>& operands) {
preamble_.push_back(Instruction{op, operands});
/// @returns the preamble
const std::vector<Instruction>& preamble() const { return preamble_; }
/// Adds an instruction to the debug
/// @param op the op to set
/// @param operands the operands for the instruction
void push_debug(spv::Op op, const std::vector<Operand>& operands) {
debug_.push_back(Instruction{op, operands});
/// @returns the debug instructions
const std::vector<Instruction>& debug() const { return debug_; }
/// Adds an instruction to the types
/// @param op the op to set
/// @param operands the operands for the instruction
void push_type(spv::Op op, const std::vector<Operand>& operands) {
types_.push_back(Instruction{op, operands});
/// @returns the type instructions
const std::vector<Instruction>& types() const { return types_; }
/// Adds an instruction to the annotations
/// @param op the op to set
/// @param operands the operands for the instruction
void push_annot(spv::Op op, const std::vector<Operand>& operands) {
annotations_.push_back(Instruction{op, operands});
/// @returns the annotations
const std::vector<Instruction>& annots() const { return annotations_; }
/// Adds a function to the builder
/// @param func the function to add
void push_function(const Function& func) { functions_.push_back(func); }
/// @returns the functions
const std::vector<Function>& functions() const { return functions_; }
/// Pushes an instruction to the current function
/// @param op the operation
/// @param operands the operands
void push_function_inst(spv::Op op, const std::vector<Operand>& operands) {
functions_.back().push_inst(op, operands);
/// Pushes a variable to the current function
/// @param operands the variable operands
void push_function_var(const std::vector<Operand>& operands) {
/// Converts a storage class to a SPIR-V storage class.
/// @param klass the storage class to convert
/// @returns the SPIR-V storage class or SpvStorageClassMax on error.
SpvStorageClass ConvertStorageClass(ast::StorageClass klass) const;
/// Converts a builtin to a SPIR-V builtin
/// @param builtin the builtin to convert
/// @returns the SPIR-V builtin or SpvBuiltInMax on error.
SpvBuiltIn ConvertBuiltin(ast::Builtin builtin) const;
/// Generates a uint32_t literal.
/// @param val the value to generate
/// @returns the ID of the generated literal
uint32_t GenerateU32Literal(uint32_t val);
/// Generates an assignment statement
/// @param assign the statement to generate
/// @returns true if the statement was successfully generated
bool GenerateAssignStatement(ast::AssignmentStatement* assign);
/// Generates a break statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true if the statement was successfully generated
bool GenerateBreakStatement(ast::BreakStatement* stmt);
/// Generates a continue statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true if the statement was successfully generated
bool GenerateContinueStatement(ast::ContinueStatement* stmt);
/// Generates a kill statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true if the statement was successfully generated
bool GenerateKillStatement(ast::KillStatement* stmt);
/// Generates an entry point instruction
/// @param ep the entry point
/// @returns true if the instruction was generated, false otherwise
bool GenerateEntryPoint(ast::EntryPoint* ep);
/// Generates execution modes for an entry point
/// @param ep the entry point
/// @returns false on failure
bool GenerateExecutionModes(ast::EntryPoint* ep);
/// Generates an expression
/// @param expr the expression to generate
/// @returns the resulting ID of the exp = {};ression or 0 on error
uint32_t GenerateExpression(ast::Expression* expr);
/// Generates the instructions for a function
/// @param func the function to generate
/// @returns true if the instructions were generated
bool GenerateFunction(ast::Function* func);
/// Generates a function type if not already created
/// @param func the function to generate for
/// @returns the ID to use for the function type. Returns 0 on failure.
uint32_t GenerateFunctionTypeIfNeeded(ast::Function* func);
/// Generates a function variable
/// @param var the variable
/// @returns true if the variable was generated
bool GenerateFunctionVariable(ast::Variable* var);
/// Generates a global variable
/// @param var the variable to generate
/// @returns true if the variable is emited.
bool GenerateGlobalVariable(ast::Variable* var);
/// Generates an array accessor expression.
/// For more information on accessors see the "Pointer evaluation" section of
/// the WGSL specification.
/// @param expr the expresssion to generate
/// @returns the id of the expression or 0 on failure
uint32_t GenerateAccessorExpression(ast::Expression* expr);
/// Generates an array accessor
/// @param expr the accessor to generate
/// @param info the current accessor information
/// @returns true if the accessor was generated successfully
bool GenerateArrayAccessor(ast::ArrayAccessorExpression* expr,
AccessorInfo* info);
/// Generates a member accessor
/// @param expr the accessor to generate
/// @param info the current accessor information
/// @returns true if the accessor was generated successfully
bool GenerateMemberAccessor(ast::MemberAccessorExpression* expr,
AccessorInfo* info);
/// Generates an identifier expression
/// @param expr the expresssion to generate
/// @returns the id of the expression or 0 on failure
uint32_t GenerateIdentifierExpression(ast::IdentifierExpression* expr);
/// Generates a unary op expression
/// @param expr the expression to generate
/// @returns the id of the expression or 0 on failure
uint32_t GenerateUnaryOpExpression(ast::UnaryOpExpression* expr);
/// Generates an if statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true on success
bool GenerateIfStatement(ast::IfStatement* stmt);
/// Generates an import instruction
/// @param imp the import
void GenerateImport(ast::Import* imp);
/// Generates a constructor expression
/// @param expr the expression to generate
/// @param is_global_init set true if this is a global variable constructor
/// @returns the ID of the expression or 0 on failure.
uint32_t GenerateConstructorExpression(ast::ConstructorExpression* expr,
bool is_global_init);
/// Generates a type constructor expression
/// @param init the expression to generate
/// @param is_global_init set true if this is a global variable constructor
/// @returns the ID of the expression or 0 on failure.
uint32_t GenerateTypeConstructorExpression(
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* init,
bool is_global_init);
/// Generates a literal constant if needed
/// @param lit the literal to generate
/// @returns the ID on success or 0 on failure
uint32_t GenerateLiteralIfNeeded(ast::Literal* lit);
/// Generates an as expression
/// @param expr the expression to generate
/// @returns the expression ID on success or 0 otherwise
uint32_t GenerateAsExpression(ast::AsExpression* expr);
/// Generates a binary expression
/// @param expr the expression to generate
/// @returns the expression ID on success or 0 otherwise
uint32_t GenerateBinaryExpression(ast::BinaryExpression* expr);
/// Generates a call expression
/// @param expr the expression to generate
/// @returns the expression ID on success or 0 otherwise
uint32_t GenerateCallExpression(ast::CallExpression* expr);
/// Generates an intrinsic call
/// @param name the intrinsic name
/// @param call the call expression
/// @returns the expression ID on success or 0 otherwise
uint32_t GenerateIntrinsic(const std::string& name,
ast::CallExpression* call);
/// Generates a cast expression
/// @param expr the expression to generate
/// @returns the expression ID on success or 0 otherwise
uint32_t GenerateCastExpression(ast::CastExpression* expr);
/// Generates a loop statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true on successful generation
bool GenerateLoopStatement(ast::LoopStatement* stmt);
/// Generates a return statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true on success, false otherwise
bool GenerateReturnStatement(ast::ReturnStatement* stmt);
/// Generates a switch statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns ture on success, false otherwise
bool GenerateSwitchStatement(ast::SwitchStatement* stmt);
/// Generates a conditional section merge block
/// @param cond the condition
/// @param true_body the statements making up the true block
/// @param cur_else_idx the index of the current else statement to process
/// @param else_stmts the list of all else statements
/// @returns true on success, false on failure
bool GenerateConditionalBlock(ast::Expression* cond,
const ast::StatementList& true_body,
size_t cur_else_idx,
const ast::ElseStatementList& else_stmts);
/// Generates a statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true if the statement was generated
bool GenerateStatement(ast::Statement* stmt);
/// Generates a list of statements
/// @param list the statement list to generate
/// @returns true on successful generation
bool GenerateStatementList(const ast::StatementList& list);
/// Geneates an OpLoad
/// @param type the type to load
/// @param id the variable id to load
/// @returns the ID of the loaded value or |id| if type is not a pointer
uint32_t GenerateLoadIfNeeded(ast::type::Type* type, uint32_t id);
/// Geneates an OpStore
/// @param to the ID to store too
/// @param from the ID to store from
void GenerateStore(uint32_t to, uint32_t from);
/// Generates a type if not already created
/// @param type the type to create
/// @returns the ID to use for the given type. Returns 0 on unknown type.
uint32_t GenerateTypeIfNeeded(ast::type::Type* type);
/// Generates an array type declaration
/// @param ary the array to generate
/// @param result the result operand
/// @returns true if the array was successfully generated
bool GenerateArrayType(ast::type::ArrayType* ary, const Operand& result);
/// Generates a matrix type declaration
/// @param mat the matrix to generate
/// @param result the result operand
/// @returns true if the matrix was successfully generated
bool GenerateMatrixType(ast::type::MatrixType* mat, const Operand& result);
/// Generates a pointer type declaration
/// @param ptr the pointer type to generate
/// @param result the result operand
/// @returns true if the pointer was successfully generated
bool GeneratePointerType(ast::type::PointerType* ptr, const Operand& result);
/// Generates a vector type declaration
/// @param struct_type the vector to generate
/// @param result the result operand
/// @returns true if the vector was successfully generated
bool GenerateStructType(ast::type::StructType* struct_type,
const Operand& result);
/// Generates a struct member
/// @param struct_id the id of the parent structure
/// @param idx the index of the member
/// @param member the member to generate
/// @returns the id of the struct member or 0 on error.
uint32_t GenerateStructMember(uint32_t struct_id,
uint32_t idx,
ast::StructMember* member);
/// Generates a variable declaration statement
/// @param stmt the statement to generate
/// @returns true on successfull generation
bool GenerateVariableDeclStatement(ast::VariableDeclStatement* stmt);
/// Generates a vector type declaration
/// @param vec the vector to generate
/// @param result the result operand
/// @returns true if the vector was successfully generated
bool GenerateVectorType(ast::type::VectorType* vec, const Operand& result);
/// @returns an Operand with a new result ID in it. Increments the next_id_
/// automatically.
Operand result_op();
ast::Module* mod_;
std::string error_;
uint32_t next_id_ = 1;
std::vector<Instruction> capabilities_;
std::vector<Instruction> preamble_;
std::vector<Instruction> debug_;
std::vector<Instruction> types_;
std::vector<Instruction> annotations_;
std::vector<Function> functions_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> import_name_to_id_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> func_name_to_id_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> type_name_to_id_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> const_to_id_;
ScopeStack<uint32_t> scope_stack_;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ast::Variable*> spirv_id_to_variable_;
std::vector<uint32_t> merge_stack_;
std::vector<uint32_t> continue_stack_;
} // namespace spirv
} // namespace writer
} // namespace tint