blob: c10301d7fd4dc3592f436c891fd5adf10b18e5c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/ast/variable.h"
#include "src/sem/call.h"
#include "src/utils/unique_vector.h"
namespace tint {
// Forward declarations
namespace ast {
class BuiltinDecoration;
class Function;
class LocationDecoration;
class ReturnStatement;
} // namespace ast
namespace sem {
class Intrinsic;
class Variable;
/// WorkgroupDimension describes the size of a single dimension of an entry
/// point's workgroup size.
struct WorkgroupDimension {
/// The size of this dimension.
uint32_t value;
/// A pipeline-overridable constant that overrides the size, or nullptr if
/// this dimension is not overridable.
const ast::Variable* overridable_const = nullptr;
/// WorkgroupSize is a three-dimensional array of WorkgroupDimensions.
using WorkgroupSize = std::array<WorkgroupDimension, 3>;
/// Function holds the semantic information for function nodes.
class Function : public Castable<Function, CallTarget> {
/// A vector of [Variable*, ast::VariableBindingPoint] pairs
using VariableBindings =
std::vector<std::pair<const Variable*, ast::VariableBindingPoint>>;
/// Constructor
/// @param declaration the ast::Function
/// @param return_type the return type of the function
/// @param parameters the parameters to the function
/// @param transitively_referenced_globals the referenced module variables
/// @param directly_referenced_globals the locally referenced module
/// @param callsites the callsites of the function
/// @param ancestor_entry_points the ancestor entry points
/// @param workgroup_size the workgroup size
Function(const ast::Function* declaration,
Type* return_type,
std::vector<Parameter*> parameters,
std::vector<const GlobalVariable*> transitively_referenced_globals,
std::vector<const GlobalVariable*> directly_referenced_globals,
std::vector<const ast::CallExpression*> callsites,
std::vector<Symbol> ancestor_entry_points,
sem::WorkgroupSize workgroup_size);
/// Destructor
~Function() override;
/// @returns the ast::Function declaration
const ast::Function* Declaration() const { return declaration_; }
/// @returns the workgroup size {x, y, z} for the function.
const sem::WorkgroupSize& WorkgroupSize() const { return workgroup_size_; }
/// @returns all transitively referenced global variables
const utils::UniqueVector<const GlobalVariable*>&
TransitivelyReferencedGlobals() const {
return transitively_referenced_globals_;
/// @returns the list of callsites of this function
std::vector<const ast::CallExpression*> CallSites() const {
return callsites_;
/// @returns the names of the ancestor entry points
const std::vector<Symbol>& AncestorEntryPoints() const {
return ancestor_entry_points_;
/// Retrieves any referenced location variables
/// @returns the <variable, decoration> pair.
std::vector<std::pair<const Variable*, const ast::LocationDecoration*>>
TransitivelyReferencedLocationVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced builtin variables
/// @returns the <variable, decoration> pair.
std::vector<std::pair<const Variable*, const ast::BuiltinDecoration*>>
TransitivelyReferencedBuiltinVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced uniform variables. Note, the variables must be
/// decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @returns the referenced uniforms
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedUniformVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced storagebuffer variables. Note, the variables
/// must be decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @returns the referenced storagebuffers
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedStorageBufferVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced regular Sampler variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @returns the referenced storagebuffers
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSamplerVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced comparison Sampler variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @returns the referenced storagebuffers
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedComparisonSamplerVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced sampled textures variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @returns the referenced sampled textures
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSampledTextureVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced multisampled textures variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @returns the referenced sampled textures
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedMultisampledTextureVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced variables of the given type. Note, the variables
/// must be decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @param type_info the type of the variables to find
/// @returns the referenced variables
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedVariablesOfType(
const tint::TypeInfo& type_info) const;
/// Retrieves any referenced variables of the given type. Note, the variables
/// must be decorated with both binding and group decorations.
/// @returns the referenced variables
template <typename T>
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedVariablesOfType() const {
return TransitivelyReferencedVariablesOfType(TypeInfo::Of<T>());
/// Checks if the given entry point is an ancestor
/// @param sym the entry point symbol
/// @returns true if `sym` is an ancestor entry point of this function
bool HasAncestorEntryPoint(Symbol sym) const;
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSamplerVariablesImpl(
ast::SamplerKind kind) const;
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSampledTextureVariablesImpl(
bool multisampled) const;
const ast::Function* const declaration_;
const sem::WorkgroupSize workgroup_size_;
utils::UniqueVector<const GlobalVariable*> directly_referenced_globals_;
utils::UniqueVector<const GlobalVariable*> transitively_referenced_globals_;
utils::UniqueVector<const Function*> transitively_called_functions_;
utils::UniqueVector<const Intrinsic*> directly_called_intrinsics_;
std::vector<const ast::CallExpression*> callsites_;
std::vector<Symbol> ancestor_entry_points_;
} // namespace sem
} // namespace tint