| |
| void set_float4(inout float4 vec, int idx, float val) { |
| vec = (idx.xxxx == int4(0, 1, 2, 3)) ? val.xxxx : vec; |
| } |
| |
| cbuffer cbuffer_x_6 : register(b1, space0) { |
| uint4 x_6[4]; |
| }; |
| cbuffer cbuffer_x_10 : register(b0, space0) { |
| uint4 x_10[1]; |
| }; |
| static float4 x_GLF_color = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); |
| |
| void main_1() { |
| float4x4 m0 = float4x4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); |
| int c = 0; |
| float4x4 m1 = float4x4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); |
| const int x_40 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const float x_41 = float(x_40); |
| m0 = float4x4(float4(x_41, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float4(0.0f, x_41, 0.0f, 0.0f), float4(0.0f, 0.0f, x_41, 0.0f), float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, x_41)); |
| const int x_48 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| c = x_48; |
| [loop] while (true) { |
| const int x_53 = c; |
| const uint scalar_offset = ((16u * uint(0))) / 4; |
| const int x_55 = asint(x_6[scalar_offset / 4][scalar_offset % 4]); |
| if ((x_53 < x_55)) { |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| m1 = m0; |
| const int x_59 = c; |
| const int x_61 = asint(x_6[3].x); |
| const int x_64 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| const uint scalar_offset_1 = ((16u * uint(0))) / 4; |
| const float x_66 = asfloat(x_10[scalar_offset_1 / 4][scalar_offset_1 % 4]); |
| set_float4(m1[(x_59 % x_61)], x_64, x_66); |
| const int x_68 = c; |
| const int x_70 = asint(x_6[3].x); |
| const int x_73 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| const uint scalar_offset_2 = ((16u * uint(0))) / 4; |
| const float x_75 = asfloat(x_10[scalar_offset_2 / 4][scalar_offset_2 % 4]); |
| set_float4(m0[(x_68 % x_70)], x_73, x_75); |
| { |
| c = (c + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| const float4x4 x_79 = m0; |
| const int x_81 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_84 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| const int x_87 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_90 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_93 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_96 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| const int x_99 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_102 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_105 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_108 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| const int x_111 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_114 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_117 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_120 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| const int x_123 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_126 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const float4x4 x_132 = float4x4(float4(float(x_81), float(x_84), float(x_87), float(x_90)), float4(float(x_93), float(x_96), float(x_99), float(x_102)), float4(float(x_105), float(x_108), float(x_111), float(x_114)), float4(float(x_117), float(x_120), float(x_123), float(x_126))); |
| if ((((all((x_79[0u] == x_132[0u])) & all((x_79[1u] == x_132[1u]))) & all((x_79[2u] == x_132[2u]))) & all((x_79[3u] == x_132[3u])))) { |
| const int x_156 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| const int x_159 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_162 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const int x_165 = asint(x_6[2].x); |
| x_GLF_color = float4(float(x_156), float(x_159), float(x_162), float(x_165)); |
| } else { |
| const int x_169 = asint(x_6[1].x); |
| const float x_170 = float(x_169); |
| x_GLF_color = float4(x_170, x_170, x_170, x_170); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| struct main_out { |
| float4 x_GLF_color_1; |
| }; |
| struct tint_symbol { |
| float4 x_GLF_color_1 : SV_Target0; |
| }; |
| |
| main_out main_inner() { |
| main_1(); |
| const main_out tint_symbol_3 = {x_GLF_color}; |
| return tint_symbol_3; |
| } |
| |
| tint_symbol main() { |
| const main_out inner_result = main_inner(); |
| tint_symbol wrapper_result = (tint_symbol)0; |
| wrapper_result.x_GLF_color_1 = inner_result.x_GLF_color_1; |
| return wrapper_result; |
| } |
| C:\src\tint\test\Shader@0x0000013C243CAFF0(36,20-30): warning X3556: integer modulus may be much slower, try using uints if possible. |
| C:\src\tint\test\Shader@0x0000013C243CAFF0(22,10-21): error X3531: can't unroll loops marked with loop attribute |
| |