blob: cb5dc30cfa0578160105202740a7e630813297cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/sem/builtin_type.h"
#include "src/sem/call_target.h"
#include "src/sem/pipeline_stage_set.h"
#include "src/utils/hash.h"
namespace tint {
namespace sem {
/// Determines if the given `i` is a coarse derivative
/// @param i the builtin type
/// @returns true if the given derivative is coarse.
bool IsCoarseDerivativeBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a fine derivative
/// @param i the builtin type
/// @returns true if the given derivative is fine.
bool IsFineDerivativeBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determine if the given `i` is a derivative builtin
/// @param i the builtin type
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a derivative builtin
bool IsDerivativeBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a float classification builtin
/// @param i the builtin type
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a float builtin
bool IsFloatClassificationBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a texture operation builtin
/// @param i the builtin type
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a texture operation builtin
bool IsTextureBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a image query builtin
/// @param i the builtin type
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a image query builtin
bool IsImageQueryBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a data packing builtin
/// @param i the builtin
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a data packing builtin
bool IsDataPackingBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a data unpacking builtin
/// @param i the builtin
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a data unpacking builtin
bool IsDataUnpackingBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a barrier builtin
/// @param i the builtin
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a barrier builtin
bool IsBarrierBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Determines if the given `i` is a atomic builtin
/// @param i the builtin
/// @returns true if the given `i` is a atomic builtin
bool IsAtomicBuiltin(BuiltinType i);
/// Builtin holds the semantic information for a builtin function.
class Builtin : public Castable<Builtin, CallTarget> {
/// Constructor
/// @param type the builtin type
/// @param return_type the return type for the builtin call
/// @param parameters the parameters for the builtin overload
/// @param supported_stages the pipeline stages that this builtin can be
/// used in
/// @param is_deprecated true if the particular overload is considered
/// deprecated
Builtin(BuiltinType type,
const sem::Type* return_type,
std::vector<Parameter*> parameters,
PipelineStageSet supported_stages,
bool is_deprecated);
/// Destructor
~Builtin() override;
/// @return the type of the builtin
BuiltinType Type() const { return type_; }
/// @return the pipeline stages that this builtin can be used in
PipelineStageSet SupportedStages() const { return supported_stages_; }
/// @return true if the builtin overload is considered deprecated
bool IsDeprecated() const { return is_deprecated_; }
/// @returns the name of the builtin function type. The spelling, including
/// case, matches the name in the WGSL spec.
const char* str() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a coarse derivative builtin
bool IsCoarseDerivative() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a fine a derivative builtin
bool IsFineDerivative() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a derivative builtin
bool IsDerivative() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a float builtin
bool IsFloatClassification() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a texture operation builtin
bool IsTexture() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a image query builtin
bool IsImageQuery() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a data packing builtin
bool IsDataPacking() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a data unpacking builtin
bool IsDataUnpacking() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a barrier builtin
bool IsBarrier() const;
/// @returns true if builtin is a atomic builtin
bool IsAtomic() const;
const BuiltinType type_;
const PipelineStageSet supported_stages_;
const bool is_deprecated_;
/// Constant value used by the degrees() builtin
static constexpr double kRadToDeg = 57.295779513082322865;
/// Constant value used by the radians() builtin
static constexpr double kDegToRad = 0.017453292519943295474;
} // namespace sem
} // namespace tint
namespace std {
/// Custom std::hash specialization for tint::sem::Builtin
template <>
class hash<tint::sem::Builtin> {
/// @param i the Builtin to create a hash for
/// @return the hash value
inline std::size_t operator()(const tint::sem::Builtin& i) const {
return tint::utils::Hash(i.Type(), i.SupportedStages(), i.ReturnType(),
i.Parameters(), i.IsDeprecated());
} // namespace std
#endif // SRC_SEM_BUILTIN_H_