blob: 4e65452b47abd45fb23b4741ee5ad160da33c01a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/spirv/reader/ast_lower/fold_trivial_lets.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/traverse_expressions.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/clone_context.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/resolver/resolve.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/value_expression.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/hashmap.h"
namespace tint::spirv::reader {
/// PIMPL state for the transform.
struct FoldTrivialLets::State {
/// The source program
const Program* const src;
/// The target program builder
ProgramBuilder b;
/// The clone context
program::CloneContext ctx = {&b, src, /* auto_clone_symbols */ true};
/// The semantic info.
const sem::Info& sem = {ctx.src->Sem()};
/// Constructor
/// @param program the source program
explicit State(const Program* program) : src(program) {}
/// Process a block.
/// @param block the block
void ProcessBlock(const ast::BlockStatement* block) {
// PendingLet describes a let declaration that might be inlined.
struct PendingLet {
// The let declaration.
const ast::VariableDeclStatement* decl = nullptr;
// The number of uses that have not yet been inlined.
size_t remaining_uses = 0;
// A map from semantic variables to their PendingLet descriptors.
Hashmap<const sem::Variable*, PendingLet, 16> pending_lets;
// Helper that folds pending let declarations into `expr` if possible.
auto fold_lets = [&](const ast::Expression* expr) {
ast::TraverseExpressions(expr, [&](const ast::IdentifierExpression* ident) {
if (auto* user = sem.Get<sem::VariableUser>(ident)) {
auto itr = pending_lets.Find(user->Variable());
if (itr) {
TINT_ASSERT(itr->remaining_uses > 0);
// We found a reference to a pending let, so replace it with the inlined
// initializer expression.
ctx.Replace(ident, ctx.Clone(itr->decl->variable->initializer));
// Decrement the remaining uses count and remove the let declaration if this
// was the last remaining use.
if (--itr->remaining_uses == 0) {
ctx.Remove(block->statements, itr->decl);
return ast::TraverseAction::Descend;
// Loop over all statements in the block.
for (auto* stmt : block->statements) {
// Check for a let declarations.
if (auto* decl = stmt->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()) {
if (auto* let = decl->variable->As<ast::Let>()) {
// If the initializer doesn't have side effects, we might be able to inline it.
if (!sem.GetVal(let->initializer)->HasSideEffects()) { //
auto num_users = sem.Get(let)->Users().Length();
if (let->initializer->Is<ast::IdentifierExpression>()) {
// The initializer is a single identifier expression.
// We can fold it into multiple uses in the next non-let statement.
// We also fold previous pending lets into this one, but only if
// it's only used once (to avoid duplicating potentially complex
// expressions).
if (num_users == 1) {
pending_lets.Add(sem.Get(let), PendingLet{decl, num_users});
} else {
// The initializer is something more complex, so we only want to inline
// it if it's only used once.
// We also fold previous pending lets into this one.
if (num_users == 1) {
pending_lets.Add(sem.Get(let), PendingLet{decl, 1});
// Fold pending let declarations into a select few places that are frequently generated
// by the SPIR_V reader.
if (auto* assign = stmt->As<ast::AssignmentStatement>()) {
// We can fold into the RHS of an assignment statement if the RHS and LHS
// expressions have no side effects.
if (!sem.GetVal(assign->lhs)->HasSideEffects() &&
!sem.GetVal(assign->rhs)->HasSideEffects()) {
} else if (auto* ifelse = stmt->As<ast::IfStatement>()) {
// We can fold into the condition of an if statement if the condition expression has
// no side effects.
if (!sem.GetVal(ifelse->condition)->HasSideEffects()) {
// Clear any remaining pending lets.
// We do not try to fold lets beyond the first non-let statement.
/// Runs the transform.
/// @returns the new program
ApplyResult Run() {
// Process all blocks in the module.
for (auto* node : src->ASTNodes().Objects()) {
if (auto* block = node->As<ast::BlockStatement>()) {
return resolver::Resolve(b);
FoldTrivialLets::FoldTrivialLets() = default;
FoldTrivialLets::~FoldTrivialLets() = default;
ast::transform::Transform::ApplyResult FoldTrivialLets::Apply(const Program* src,
const ast::transform::DataMap&,
ast::transform::DataMap&) const {
return State(src).Run();
} // namespace tint::spirv::reader