blob: 1bec1e948548a184562f8a942706924a5f3262d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/spirv/writer/common/option_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/hashset.h"
namespace tint::spirv::writer {
bool ValidateBindingOptions(const Options& options, diag::List& diagnostics) {
tint::Hashset<tint::BindingPoint, 8> seen_wgsl_bindings{};
tint::Hashset<binding::BindingInfo, 8> seen_spirv_bindings{};
auto wgsl_seen = [&diagnostics, &seen_wgsl_bindings](const tint::BindingPoint& info) -> bool {
if (seen_wgsl_bindings.Contains(info)) {
std::stringstream str;
str << "Found duplicate WGSL binding point: " << info;
diagnostics.add_error(diag::System::Writer, str.str());
return true;
return false;
auto spirv_seen = [&diagnostics,
&seen_spirv_bindings](const binding::BindingInfo& info) -> bool {
if (seen_spirv_bindings.Contains(info)) {
std::stringstream str;
str << "Found duplicate SPIR-V binding point: [group: " <<
<< ", binding: " << info.binding << "]";
diagnostics.add_error(diag::System::Writer, str.str());
return true;
return false;
auto valid = [&wgsl_seen, &spirv_seen](const auto& hsh) -> bool {
for (const auto it : hsh) {
const auto& src_binding = it.first;
const auto& dst_binding = it.second;
if (wgsl_seen(src_binding)) {
return false;
if (spirv_seen(dst_binding)) {
return false;
return true;
if (!valid(options.bindings.uniform)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing uniform", {});
return false;
if (!valid( {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing storage", {});
return false;
if (!valid(options.bindings.texture)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing texture", {});
return false;
if (!valid(options.bindings.storage_texture)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing storage_texture", {});
return false;
if (!valid(options.bindings.sampler)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing sampler", {});
return false;
for (const auto it : options.bindings.external_texture) {
const auto& src_binding = it.first;
const auto& plane0 = it.second.plane0;
const auto& plane1 = it.second.plane1;
const auto& metadata = it.second.metadata;
// Validate with the actual source regardless of what the remapper will do
if (wgsl_seen(src_binding)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing external_texture", {});
return false;
if (spirv_seen(plane0)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing external_texture", {});
return false;
if (spirv_seen(plane1)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing external_texture", {});
return false;
if (spirv_seen(metadata)) {
diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Writer, "When processing external_texture", {});
return false;
return true;
// The remapped binding data and external texture data need to coordinate in order to put things in
// the correct place when we're done.
// When the data comes in we have a list of all WGSL origin (group,binding) pairs to SPIR-V
// (group,binding) pairs in the `uniform`, `storage`, `texture`, and `sampler` arrays.
// The `external_texture` array stores a WGSL origin (group,binding) pair for the external textures
// which provide `plane0`, `plane1`, and `metadata` SPIR-V (group,binding) pairs.
// If the remapper is run first, then the `external_texture` will end up being moved from the WGSL
// point, or the SPIR-V point (or the `plane0` value). There will also, possibly, have been bindings
// moved aside in order to place the `external_texture` bindings.
// If multiplanar runs first, care needs to be taken that when the texture is split and we create
// `plane1` and `metadata` that they do not collide with existing bindings. If they would collide
// then we need to place them elsewhere and have the remapper place them in the correct locations.
// # Example
// WGSL:
// @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> u: Uniforms;
// @group(0) @binding(1) var s: sampler;
// @group(0) @binding(2) var t: texture_external;
// Given that program, Dawn may decide to do the remappings such that:
// * WGSL u (0, 0) -> SPIR-V (0, 1)
// * WGSL s (0, 1) -> SPIR-V (0, 2)
// * WGSL t (0, 2):
// * plane0 -> SPIR-V (0, 3)
// * plane1 -> SPIR-V (0, 4)
// * metadata -> SPIR-V (0, 0)
// In this case, if we run binding remapper first, then tell multiplanar to look for the texture at
// (0, 3) instead of the original (0, 2).
// If multiplanar runs first, then metadata (0, 0) needs to be placed elsewhere and then remapped
// back to (0, 0) by the remapper. (Otherwise, we'll have two `@group(0) @binding(0)` items in the
// program.)
// # Status
// The below method assumes we run binding remapper first. So it will setup the binding data and
// switch the value used by the multiplanar.
void PopulateRemapperAndMultiplanarOptions(const Options& options,
RemapperData& remapper_data,
ExternalTextureOptions& external_texture) {
auto create_remappings = [&remapper_data](const auto& hsh) {
for (const auto it : hsh) {
const BindingPoint& src_binding_point = it.first;
const binding::Uniform& dst_binding_point = it.second;
// Bindings which go to the same slot in SPIR-V do not need to be re-bound.
if ( == &&
src_binding_point.binding == dst_binding_point.binding) {
BindingPoint{, dst_binding_point.binding});
// External textures are re-bound to their plane0 location
for (const auto it : options.bindings.external_texture) {
const BindingPoint& src_binding_point = it.first;
const binding::BindingInfo& plane0 = it.second.plane0;
const binding::BindingInfo& plane1 = it.second.plane1;
const binding::BindingInfo& metadata = it.second.metadata;
BindingPoint plane0_binding_point{, plane0.binding};
BindingPoint plane1_binding_point{, plane1.binding};
BindingPoint metadata_binding_point{, metadata.binding};
// Use the re-bound spir-v plane0 value for the lookup key.
ExternalTextureOptions::BindingPoints{plane1_binding_point, metadata_binding_point});
// Bindings which go to the same slot in SPIR-V do not need to be re-bound.
if ( == &&
src_binding_point.binding == plane0.binding) {
remapper_data.emplace(src_binding_point, BindingPoint{, plane0.binding});
} // namespace tint::spirv::writer
namespace std {
/// Custom std::hash specialization for tint::spirv::writer::binding::BindingInfo so
/// they can be used as keys for std::unordered_map and std::unordered_set.
template <>
class hash<tint::spirv::writer::binding::BindingInfo> {
/// @param info the binding to create a hash for
/// @return the hash value
inline std::size_t operator()(const tint::spirv::writer::binding::BindingInfo& info) const {
return tint::Hash(, info.binding);
} // namespace std