Rolling 4 dependencies
Roll third_party/catapult/ c1e70d412..dd218dfd8 (416 commits)
$ git log c1e70d412..dd218dfd8 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2023-08-08 seanmccullough [sandwich] have alert_group_workflow update bugs with components
2023-08-08 sunxiaodi add attempt count support for sandwiching. Default is 30.
2023-08-04 seanmccullough [sandwich] log call steps for every execution
2023-08-07 ashwinpv Update traffic for upload-processing
2023-08-05 ashwinpv Refactor Row creation to be more efficient with datastore operations.
2023-07-26 bsheedy Reland "[typ] Support parsing multiple lists"
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang [chromeperf] Add post issue for buganizer client
2023-08-04 ashwinpv Use the correct key object to get the test object
2023-08-04 ashwinpv Pass in the actual entity rather than key to skia_client
2023-08-04 seanmccullough [sandwich.go] add call logging to the workflow execution request
2023-08-04 ashwinpv Revert "Update traffic for upload-processing"
2023-08-04 ashwinpv Update traffic for upload-processing
2023-08-04 ashwinpv Skia Bridge data upload fixes and improvements
2023-08-04 wenbinzhang Revert "[chromeperf] update perf-issue-service traffic"
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang [chromeperf] update perf-issue-service traffic
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang [Chromeperf] fix use of get_multi
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang Revert "[chromeperf] update perf-issue-service traffic"
2023-08-03 seanmccullough [sandwich] set analysis_spec to limit what cabe needs to analyze
2023-08-03 ashwinpv Update default service traffic
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang [chromeperf] update perf-issue-service traffic
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang [chromeperf] fix the use of transaction
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang Revert "[chromeperf] update perf-issue-service traffic"
2023-08-03 wenbinzhang [chromeperf] update perf-issue-service traffic
2023-08-03 seanmccullough [sandwich] add the measurment name to sandwich tryjob titles
2023-08-02 bsheedy Support browser arg consolidation
2023-08-02 ashwinpv Update default traffic
2023-08-02 ashwinpv Add a banner to the /report and /group_report pages announcing the future deprecation.
2023-08-02 ashwinpv Add cloud metric for graph_revisions api
2023-08-02 seanmccullough [sandwich] cli tool to run sandwich workflow for a pinpoint bisect job
2023-08-01 yuanhuang [weekly deployment] pinpoint cloud-build-84e3795..8e86633
2023-08-02 yuanhuang [weekly deployment] upload-processing cloud-build-84e3795..8e86633
2023-08-02 yuanhuang [weekly deployment] upload cloud-build-84e3795..8e86633
2023-07-31 wenbinzhang [chromeperf] Use to replace the to access datastore data
2023-08-01 yuanhuang Revert "[typ] Support parsing multiple lists"
2023-08-01 ashwinpv Update api traffic
2023-08-01 ashwinpv Update traffic for default and skia bridge
2023-08-01 wenbinzhang [chromeperf] reconcile the responses from buganizer to align with the monorail format
2023-08-01 yuanhuang [Sandwich] add unit tests for
2023-08-01 ashwinpv Open up skia url for everyone
2023-07-31 seanmccullough [sandwich_verification] fix json parsing bug in
2023-07-26 cbruni Support filtering httparchive requests by response status code
2023-07-26 yuanhuang [Sandwich] fix error in the culprit handler
2023-07-26 bsheedy [typ] Support parsing multiple lists
2023-07-25 eduardoyap [weekly deployment] upload-processing 707e909..84e3795
2023-07-25 eduardoyap [weekly deployment] api 707e909..84e3795
2023-07-25 eduardoyap [weekly deployment] upload 707e909..84e3795
2023-07-25 eduardoyap [weekly deployment] pinpoint 707e909..84e3795
2023-07-25 eduardoyap [weekly deployment] default e2e0440..84e3795
2023-07-26 wenbinzhang [telemetry] check whether the measured dump IDs are a subset of the overall trace for memory traces
2023-07-25 ashwinpv Add Skia Url to the bugs
2023-02-23 sunpeng Reduce the auto bisect speculation level from 2 to 1 to speed up auto bisect jobs
2023-03-06 wenbinzhang [pinpoint] emit metric for the swarming job running time
2023-03-06 sunpeng Deploy pinpoint service to the latest version
2023-03-04 sunpeng Increase the throughput of job-queue, and refresh frozen jobs more frequently
2023-03-04 sunpeng Reduce the page size to make the Pinpoint home page load faster
2023-03-03 sunpeng Add metrics: changes per job, attempts per job, differences per job to pinpoint job
2023-03-03 sunpeng Remove API metrics from ChromePerf APIs to avoid killing the quota of Cloud Monitoring API
2023-03-02 sunpeng Add API metrics for upload and upload-processing services
2023-03-03 sunpeng Apply the latest version to upload-processing service
2023-03-03 sunpeng Disable unnecessary logs, those are killing the quota of Cloud Logging API
2023-03-02 sunpeng Disable unnecessary log to reduce cost and avoid throttle from Cloud Logging API
2023-03-01 sunpeng Setup pinpoint version to the latest
2023-03-02 bashi netlog-viewer: Show DNS_OVER_HTTPS event source nicely
2023-03-02 bashi netlog-viewer: Fix log_view_painter_test
2023-03-01 sunpeng Convert the UUID type to string.
2023-03-01 sunpeng Fix the throttling issue from Cloud Monitoring API
2023-03-01 sunpeng Add API metrics (call count, failure, latency) to Pinpoint service APIs
2023-03-01 eduardoyap Stop using overriden_anomaly_config.max_window_size on anomaly detection.
2023-03-01 sunpeng Fix metric issue for pinpoint staging
2023-02-27 bsheedy Support Windows minidump annotation extraction
2023-02-27 sunpeng Add pinpoint job metric on the time waiting in configuration queue
2023-02-27 sunpeng Bump up pinpoint version to deploy the latest changes
2023-02-23 sunpeng Increase the job-queue rate and retry limit
2023-02-23 sunpeng Fix the frozen job refresh.
2023-02-25 sunpeng Bump up runtime to the latest version
2023-02-25 wenbinzhang Revert "Turn off proxy-server when running benchmarks on live sites"
2023-02-24 funing Fix fetching git hash in cache
2023-02-23 sunpeng Upgrade the instance types to avoid the failure caused by the instance performance limitation.
2023-02-24 ashwinpv [chromeperf] Check if the 'units' key exists and throw bad request if it doesn't
2023-02-24 funing Keep commit return value as before
2023-02-24 dalecurtis Preland new disable_test_server argument to Telemetry.
2023-02-23 tperrotta Update yapf style from "chromium" to "yapf"
2023-02-23 funing Add queue status to pinpoint metrics
2023-02-23 sunpeng Add owners to catapult repo
2023-02-23 sunxiaodi Turn off proxy-server when running benchmarks on live sites
2023-02-22 funing Cache repo@head as key in datastore
2023-02-20 nikolaos [heap] Revise the new-style GC metrics
2023-02-17 bsheedy Add remote platform TsProxyServer restart
2023-02-22 dproy Check if mainThread exists before accessing its fields
2023-02-17 funing Enable other repos in Pinpoint by passing git-repo as a parameter
2023-02-21 johnchen Add debugging log about anomalies created
2023-02-21 hypan Use no-streaming app install for emulator with Nougat.
2023-02-20 sunpeng Move pinpoint version forward
2023-02-20 sunpeng fix a bug in for loop while printing metric
2023-02-18 sunxiaodi [Pinpoint] Move Pinpoint version forward
2023-02-17 sunxiaodi recommend iteration count by configuration
2023-02-16 bsheedy Add minidump annotation parsing
2023-02-17 ianstruiksma WPR must handle websites with more than one CSP header entry.
2023-02-16 seanmccullough [results.html] ignore significance if change magnitude is less than 1%
2023-02-16 ianstruiksma When inserting sha to CSP, only insert once per site
Roll third_party/jinja2/ ee69aa00e..515dd10de (3 commits)
$ git log ee69aa00e..515dd10de --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2023-07-04 aredulla [ssci] Add Shipped field to READMEs
2022-12-28 yukishiino third_party/jinja2: Update to version 3.1.2
2022-10-28 richardwa Make more mojo dependencies explicit to enable remote execution
Roll third_party/markupsafe/ 0944e71f4..006709ba3 (3 commits)
$ git log 0944e71f4..006709ba3 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2023-07-07 aredulla [ssci] Add Shipped field to READMEs
2022-10-28 richardwa Make more mojo dependencies explicit to enable remote execution
2021-06-29 yukishiino Take over the ownership of third_party/jinja2 and markupsafe/
Roll third_party/zlib/ 64bbf9885..526382e41 (57 commits)
$ git log 64bbf9885..526382e41 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2023-07-29 uioptt24 [zlib][arm] Perform CPU feature detection for Arm inside adler32()
2023-07-28 cavalcantii [mini_zip][build] Add minizip build target
2023-07-28 cavalcantii [zlib][build] Adding option to build with Rabin-Karp hash
2023-07-27 aredulla [ssci] Support License File paths from root
2023-07-21 cavalcantii [mini_zip][build] Use relative paths for minizip
2023-07-21 aredulla Specified License File field for minizip
2023-07-13 cavalcantii [zlib_bench] Allow user to print results in CSV format
2023-07-11 dtapuska [zlib][ios] Enable Armv8.1 crc32/pmull simd code for iOS
2023-07-07 aredulla [ssci] Add Shipped field to READMEs
2023-07-03 dcheng Use a fixed flat set to store well-known extensions.
2023-06-22 davidben Make base::StringPiece a typedef for std::string_view
2023-06-15 cblume Remove empty OWNERS file
2023-06-08 cavalcantii [zlib] Sync with zlib, patch 5 of N
2023-06-08 swarming-tasks Remove from third_party/zlib/contrib/bench/OWNERS.
2023-06-07 cavalcantii [zlib] Sync with zlib, patch 4 of N
2023-06-05 cavalcantii [zlib] Sync with zlib, patch 3 of N
2023-06-05 hans [zlib] Use deflateBound() in the deflate fuzzer
2023-06-05 swarming-tasks Remove from third_party/zlib/OWNERS.
2023-06-05 swarming-tasks Remove from third_party/zlib/contrib/tests/fuzzers/OWNERS.
2023-05-31 cavalcantii [zlib] Sync with zlib, patch 2 of N Ported: - Remove K&R function definitions from zlib.
2023-05-30 prashanthsw Use //third_party/cpu_features:ndk_compat
2023-05-25 cavalcantii [zlib] Sync with zlib, patch 1 of N
2023-05-25 rhalavati Add open64 for Large File System support to gzlib.
2023-04-11 cavalcantii [zlib] Only create needed vectors for crc_fold_512
2023-04-11 cavalcantii [zlib][fuzzer] Use relative path for dependency header
2023-04-04 lei.a.shi [zlib][x86] Implement AVX-512 based CRC-32 checksum
2023-04-03 dtapuska [ios] Make zlib_unittests pass on iOS.
2023-03-14 adetaylor Remove 'use_libfuzzer' from zlib fuzzer
2023-03-09 zcbenz [zlib][build] Add arg to expose zlib symbols
2023-03-09 zcbenz [zlib][build] Use relative path to reference zlib
2023-02-27 cavalcantii [zlib] Unconditional refill for literals with fastpath
2023-02-22 fdegros Update OWNERS
2023-01-27 cavalcantii [zlib][build] Handle CentOS quirks
2023-01-26 cavalcantii [zlib][build] Add basic CMake buildsystem
2023-01-13 avi Update header includes for /base/functional in /third_party
2023-01-10 spvw Task posting v3: manual changes in zlib to continue handle refactors
2023-01-04 hans [zlib] Annotate loadchunk with Z_DISABLE_MSAN
2022-12-08 noel [zlib] make insert_string_simd load window data with zmemcpy
2022-11-15 scroggo Remove Chromium-specific directories from zlib fuzzer includes
2022-11-07 cavalcantii [zlib] Sync with zlib 1.2.13, patch 2 of N
2022-11-03 cavalcantii [zlib] Sync with zlib 1.2.13, patch 1 of N
2022-10-20 hans [zlib] Remove redundant return statement
2022-10-19 hans [zlib] Suppress MSan reports in chunkcopy operations
2022-10-03 pcc [zlib] Fix infinite loop in CRC32 intrinsics.
2022-09-30 ayaelattar [sheriff] Disable ZipTeest.BigFile on CrOS
2022-09-27 avi Update copyright headers in third_party/zlib/
2022-09-27 jdapena [zlib] Fix GCC build of CRC32 extensions
2022-09-16 hans [zlib][fuzz] Cap the input size for zlib_inflate_with_header_fuzzer
2022-09-16 nigeltao [zlib][aosp] move chromium_zlib_hash field to end
2022-09-13 cavalcantii [zlib] Increase inflate dynamic table sizes
2022-09-09 cavalcantii [zlib] Re-land adding PMULL based CRC-32 for aarch64
2022-09-07 hans [zlib] Adjust integer types in inflate_with_header_fuzzer
2022-09-05 hans [zlib] Fix 32-bit build of inflate_with_header_fuzzer
2022-09-01 hans [zlib] Add a fuzzer which would have found CVE-2022-37434
2022-08-25 cavalcantii Sync with zlib, patch 1 of N
2022-08-01 cavalcantii [zlib] Only write padding bytes for DEBUG builds
2022-07-29 adanilo Extract: Detect and report AES usage via UMA
Created with:
roll-dep third_party/catapult third_party/jinja2 third_party/markupsafe third_party/zlib
Change-Id: I4fb0ce5ec771c7cb2ab7c401f52f38f556d9ae26
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <>
Auto-Submit: Anne Redulla <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 74b29a8..46a2477 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
# This is a dependency of //testing
'third_party/catapult': {
- 'url': '{chromium_git}/catapult.git@c1e70d412ce01fb194f73f7abfdac710aae87dae',
+ 'url': '{chromium_git}/catapult.git@dd218dfd815774289f8a81015f7a3131f72afbde',
'condition': 'dawn_standalone',
'third_party/google_benchmark/src': {
@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@
# Jinja2 and MarkupSafe for the code generator
'third_party/jinja2': {
- 'url': '{chromium_git}/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2@ee69aa00ee8536f61db6a451f3858745cf587de6',
+ 'url': '{chromium_git}/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2@515dd10de9bf63040045902a4a310d2ba25213a0',
'condition': 'dawn_standalone',
'third_party/markupsafe': {
- 'url': '{chromium_git}/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe@0944e71f4b2cb9a871bcbe353f95e889b64a611a',
+ 'url': '{chromium_git}/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe@006709ba3ed87660a17bd4548c45663628f5ed85',
'condition': 'dawn_standalone',
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
'third_party/zlib': {
- 'url': '{chromium_git}/chromium/src/third_party/zlib@64bbf988543996eb8df9a86877b32917187eba8f',
+ 'url': '{chromium_git}/chromium/src/third_party/zlib@526382e41c9c5275dc329db4328b54e4f344a204',
'condition': 'dawn_standalone',
diff --git a/third_party/catapult b/third_party/catapult
index c1e70d4..dd218df 160000
--- a/third_party/catapult
+++ b/third_party/catapult
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit c1e70d412ce01fb194f73f7abfdac710aae87dae
+Subproject commit dd218dfd815774289f8a81015f7a3131f72afbde
diff --git a/third_party/jinja2 b/third_party/jinja2
index ee69aa0..515dd10 160000
--- a/third_party/jinja2
+++ b/third_party/jinja2
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ee69aa00ee8536f61db6a451f3858745cf587de6
+Subproject commit 515dd10de9bf63040045902a4a310d2ba25213a0
diff --git a/third_party/markupsafe b/third_party/markupsafe
index 0944e71..006709b 160000
--- a/third_party/markupsafe
+++ b/third_party/markupsafe
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 0944e71f4b2cb9a871bcbe353f95e889b64a611a
+Subproject commit 006709ba3ed87660a17bd4548c45663628f5ed85
diff --git a/third_party/zlib b/third_party/zlib
index 64bbf98..526382e 160000
--- a/third_party/zlib
+++ b/third_party/zlib
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 64bbf988543996eb8df9a86877b32917187eba8f
+Subproject commit 526382e41c9c5275dc329db4328b54e4f344a204