Consistent formatting for Dawn/Tint.

This CL updates the clang format files to have a single shared format
between Dawn and Tint. The major changes are tabs are 4 spaces, lines
are 100 columns and namespaces are not indented.

Bug: dawn:1339
Change-Id: I4208742c95643998d9fd14e77a9cc558071ded39
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
diff --git a/src/tint/utils/io/tmpfile.h b/src/tint/utils/io/tmpfile.h
index 6f81a891e..24e7208 100644
--- a/src/tint/utils/io/tmpfile.h
+++ b/src/tint/utils/io/tmpfile.h
@@ -23,50 +23,50 @@
 /// TmpFile constructs a temporary file that can be written to, and is
 /// automatically deleted on destruction.
 class TmpFile {
- public:
-  /// Constructor.
-  /// Creates a new temporary file which can be written to.
-  /// The temporary file will be automatically deleted on destruction.
-  /// @param extension optional file extension to use with the file. The file
-  /// have no extension by default.
-  explicit TmpFile(std::string extension = "");
+  public:
+    /// Constructor.
+    /// Creates a new temporary file which can be written to.
+    /// The temporary file will be automatically deleted on destruction.
+    /// @param extension optional file extension to use with the file. The file
+    /// have no extension by default.
+    explicit TmpFile(std::string extension = "");
-  /// Destructor.
-  /// Deletes the temporary file.
-  ~TmpFile();
+    /// Destructor.
+    /// Deletes the temporary file.
+    ~TmpFile();
-  /// @return true if the temporary file was successfully created.
-  operator bool() { return !path_.empty(); }
+    /// @return true if the temporary file was successfully created.
+    operator bool() { return !path_.empty(); }
-  /// @return the path to the temporary file
-  std::string Path() const { return path_; }
+    /// @return the path to the temporary file
+    std::string Path() const { return path_; }
-  /// Opens the temporary file and appends |size| bytes from |data| to the end
-  /// of the temporary file. The temporary file is closed again before
-  /// returning, allowing other processes to open the file on operating systems
-  /// that require exclusive ownership of opened files.
-  /// @param data the data to write to the end of the file
-  /// @param size the number of bytes to write from data
-  /// @returns true on success, otherwise false
-  bool Append(const void* data, size_t size) const;
+    /// Opens the temporary file and appends |size| bytes from |data| to the end
+    /// of the temporary file. The temporary file is closed again before
+    /// returning, allowing other processes to open the file on operating systems
+    /// that require exclusive ownership of opened files.
+    /// @param data the data to write to the end of the file
+    /// @param size the number of bytes to write from data
+    /// @returns true on success, otherwise false
+    bool Append(const void* data, size_t size) const;
-  /// Appends the argument to the end of the file.
-  /// @param data the data to write to the end of the file
-  /// @return a reference to this TmpFile
-  template <typename T>
-  inline TmpFile& operator<<(T&& data) {
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << data;
-    std::string str = ss.str();
-    Append(, str.size());
-    return *this;
-  }
+    /// Appends the argument to the end of the file.
+    /// @param data the data to write to the end of the file
+    /// @return a reference to this TmpFile
+    template <typename T>
+    inline TmpFile& operator<<(T&& data) {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << data;
+        std::string str = ss.str();
+        Append(, str.size());
+        return *this;
+    }
- private:
-  TmpFile(const TmpFile&) = delete;
-  TmpFile& operator=(const TmpFile&) = delete;
+  private:
+    TmpFile(const TmpFile&) = delete;
+    TmpFile& operator=(const TmpFile&) = delete;
-  std::string path_;
+    std::string path_;
 }  // namespace tint::utils