Add while statement parsing.

This CL adds parsing for the WGSL `while` statement.

Bug: tint:1425
Change-Id: Ibce5e28568935ca4f51b5ac33e7a60af7a916b4a
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Dan Sinclair <>
diff --git a/src/tint/writer/hlsl/ b/src/tint/writer/hlsl/
index a9e290c..39adcf8 100644
--- a/src/tint/writer/hlsl/
+++ b/src/tint/writer/hlsl/
@@ -3481,6 +3481,53 @@
     return true;
+bool GeneratorImpl::EmitWhile(const ast::WhileStatement* stmt) {
+    TextBuffer cond_pre;
+    std::stringstream cond_buf;
+    {
+        auto* cond = stmt->condition;
+        TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(current_buffer_, &cond_pre);
+        if (!EmitExpression(cond_buf, cond)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // If the while has a multi-statement conditional, then we cannot emit this
+    // as a regular while in HLSL. Instead we need to generate a `while(true)` loop.
+    bool emit_as_loop = cond_pre.lines.size() > 0;
+    if (emit_as_loop) {
+        line() << LoopAttribute() << "while (true) {";
+        increment_indent();
+        TINT_DEFER({
+            decrement_indent();
+            line() << "}";
+        });
+        current_buffer_->Append(cond_pre);
+        line() << "if (!(" << cond_buf.str() << ")) { break; }";
+        if (!EmitStatements(stmt->body->statements)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        // While can be generated.
+        {
+            auto out = line();
+            out << LoopAttribute() << "while";
+            {
+                ScopedParen sp(out);
+                out << cond_buf.str();
+            }
+            out << " {";
+        }
+        if (!EmitStatementsWithIndent(stmt->body->statements)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        line() << "}";
+    }
+    return true;
 bool GeneratorImpl::EmitMemberAccessor(std::ostream& out,
                                        const ast::MemberAccessorExpression* expr) {
     if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->structure)) {
@@ -3551,6 +3598,9 @@
         [&](const ast::ForLoopStatement* l) {  //
             return EmitForLoop(l);
+        [&](const ast::WhileStatement* l) {  //
+            return EmitWhile(l);
+        },
         [&](const ast::ReturnStatement* r) {  //
             return EmitReturn(r);