Vulkan: clear nonrenderable texture color formats
Clears nonrenderable color formats and adds a clearValue enum to help
share the code path between zero and nonzero clears.
Bug: dawn:145
Change-Id: I285521cae0ee71625602b949888b21481a05fb8e
Commit-Queue: Natasha Lee <>
Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <>
diff --git a/src/dawn_native/vulkan/UtilsVulkan.cpp b/src/dawn_native/vulkan/UtilsVulkan.cpp
index 723a6bb..dd81f3f 100644
--- a/src/dawn_native/vulkan/UtilsVulkan.cpp
+++ b/src/dawn_native/vulkan/UtilsVulkan.cpp
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
#include "dawn_native/vulkan/UtilsVulkan.h"
#include "common/Assert.h"
+#include "dawn_native/Format.h"
+#include "dawn_native/vulkan/Forward.h"
+#include "dawn_native/vulkan/TextureVk.h"
namespace dawn_native { namespace vulkan {
@@ -41,4 +44,55 @@
+ // Vulkan SPEC requires the source/destination region specified by each element of
+ // pRegions must be a region that is contained within srcImage/dstImage. Here the size of
+ // the image refers to the virtual size, while Dawn validates texture copy extent with the
+ // physical size, so we need to re-calculate the texture copy extent to ensure it should fit
+ // in the virtual size of the subresource.
+ Extent3D ComputeTextureCopyExtent(const TextureCopy& textureCopy, const Extent3D& copySize) {
+ Extent3D validTextureCopyExtent = copySize;
+ const TextureBase* texture = textureCopy.texture.Get();
+ Extent3D virtualSizeAtLevel = texture->GetMipLevelVirtualSize(textureCopy.mipLevel);
+ if (textureCopy.origin.x + copySize.width > virtualSizeAtLevel.width) {
+ ASSERT(texture->GetFormat().isCompressed);
+ validTextureCopyExtent.width = virtualSizeAtLevel.width - textureCopy.origin.x;
+ }
+ if (textureCopy.origin.y + copySize.height > virtualSizeAtLevel.height) {
+ ASSERT(texture->GetFormat().isCompressed);
+ validTextureCopyExtent.height = virtualSizeAtLevel.height - textureCopy.origin.y;
+ }
+ return validTextureCopyExtent;
+ }
+ VkBufferImageCopy ComputeBufferImageCopyRegion(const BufferCopy& bufferCopy,
+ const TextureCopy& textureCopy,
+ const Extent3D& copySize) {
+ const Texture* texture = ToBackend(textureCopy.texture.Get());
+ VkBufferImageCopy region;
+ region.bufferOffset = bufferCopy.offset;
+ // In Vulkan the row length is in texels while it is in bytes for Dawn
+ const Format& format = texture->GetFormat();
+ ASSERT(bufferCopy.rowPitch % format.blockByteSize == 0);
+ region.bufferRowLength = bufferCopy.rowPitch / format.blockByteSize * format.blockWidth;
+ region.bufferImageHeight = bufferCopy.imageHeight;
+ region.imageSubresource.aspectMask = texture->GetVkAspectMask();
+ region.imageSubresource.mipLevel = textureCopy.mipLevel;
+ region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = textureCopy.arrayLayer;
+ region.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
+ region.imageOffset.x = textureCopy.origin.x;
+ region.imageOffset.y = textureCopy.origin.y;
+ region.imageOffset.z = textureCopy.origin.z;
+ Extent3D imageExtent = ComputeTextureCopyExtent(textureCopy, copySize);
+ region.imageExtent.width = imageExtent.width;
+ region.imageExtent.height = imageExtent.height;
+ region.imageExtent.depth = copySize.depth;
+ return region;
+ }
}} // namespace dawn_native::vulkan