Rolling 4 dependencies

Roll third_party/SPIRV-Tools/ 0125b28ed..001e823b6 (24 commits)

$ git log 0125b28ed..001e823b6 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-06-18 afdx Add fuzzer pass to obfuscate constants. (#2671)
2019-06-17 33432579+alan-baker Handle volatile memory semantics in upgrade (#2674)
2019-06-17 33432579+alan-baker Validate Volatile memory semantics bit (#2672)
2019-06-17 33432579+alan-baker Disallow stores to UBOs (#2651)
2019-06-17 dneto Another fix uint -> uint32_t (#2676)
2019-06-15 33432579+alan-baker Validate variable initializer type (#2668)
2019-06-14 dneto Fix uint -> uint32_t in fuzz.cpp (#2675)
2019-06-13 afdx Add replayer tool for spirv-fuzz. (#2664)
2019-06-13 33432579+alan-baker Add validation for Subgroup builtins (#2637)
2019-06-11 afdx Add constant == uniform facts. (#2660)
2019-06-07 stevenperron Cast __LINE__ to size_t (#2661)
2019-06-06 afdx Add transformation to replace a boolean constant with a numeric comparison (#2659)
2019-06-06 dgkoch Add builtin validation for SPV_NV_shader_sm_builtins (#2656)
2019-06-06 greg Instrument: Fix code for version 2 output format. (#2655)
2019-06-05 afdx Fix bug in 'split blocks', and add tests for fuzzer. (#2658)
2019-06-05 dneto Optimizer: Handle array type with OpSpecConstantOp length (#2652)
2019-06-05 afdx Add fuzzer pass to add dead breaks. (#2654)
2019-06-04 afdx Add fuzzer pass that adds useful constructs to a module (#2647)
2019-06-03 jbolz Add validation for SPV_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock (#2650)
2019-05-31 zoddicus Remove asserts from GetUnderlyingType (#2646)
2019-05-31 dsinclair Close opened file handles. (#2644)
2019-05-31 kevin.petit Validate OpenCL rules for ImageRead and OpImageSampleExplicitLod (#2643)
2019-05-31 afdx Add spirv-fuzz pass to permute blocks. (#2642)
2019-05-29 pierremoreau Linker: Better type comparison for OpTypeArray and OpTypeForwardPointer (#2580)

Roll third_party/glslang/ f88e5824d..f9d08a25f (44 commits)

$ git log f88e5824d..f9d08a25f --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-06-18 cepheus Bump revision.
2019-06-17 cepheus AST/SPV: Fix #930: translate uvec4 <-> uint64 for SubgroupGeMask et. al.
2019-06-18 cepheus Bump revision.
2019-06-17 cepheus SPV: Add a switch for favoring non-NaN operands in min, max, and clamp.
2019-06-17 cepheus Bump revision.
2019-06-17 siglesias Delete duplicated gl_SubGroupSizeARB builtin treatment
2019-06-12 siglesias Add missing GL_ARB_shader_ballot builtins to Geometry and Tessellation shaders
2019-06-14 jbolz Add gl_SemanticsVolatile to GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics, and make volatile-qualified atomics generate MemorySemanticsVolatile when using the Vulkan memory model
2019-06-13 alanbaker Update test expectations for new SPIRV-Tools
2019-06-13 alanbaker Update known good SPIRV-Tools
2019-06-04 dkoch Add support for GL_NV_shader_sm_builtins
2019-06-08 cepheus GLSL: Revert f6873f7 to fix #1764.
2019-06-07 jbolz Use spvValidatorOptionsSetBeforeHlslLegalization for pre-legalized HLSL
2019-06-06 greg Uppdate spirv-tools known-good
2019-06-05 dsinclair Remove unused parameter
2019-06-04 jbolz Add missing NV_EXTENSIONS ifdef
2019-06-03 jbolz Support GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock
2019-05-27 dkoch Fix subgroup support for ray tracing
2019-05-30 dkoch Add AST tests for ray tracing shaders
2019-05-30 dkoch Add AST tests for mesh and task shaders
2019-05-30 dkoch Add more subgroup testing
2019-05-30 jbolz Allow runtime-sized arrays of acceleration structures
2019-05-28 dkoch Fix include guard for GL_EXT_multiview
2019-05-28 dkoch Return consistent names from CapabilityString
2019-05-23 mattparks5855 Fixed .dll install on MSVC.
2019-05-17 thomasanderson Remove non-source sources from binary targets
2019-05-16 syoussefi allow optimization in glslang lib and standalone
2019-05-16 dneto Update SPIRV-Tools, SPIRV-Headers
2019-05-10 cepheus Build: Fix 3 warnings.
2019-05-10 cepheus Bump version and revision.
2019-05-09 cepheus SPV 1.4: Move to 1.4 validation, removing all 1.4 validation failures.
2019-03-31 cepheus SPV 1.4: Emit SignExtend and ZeroExtend for integer image reads/writes.
2019-02-07 cepheus SPV 1.4: Lookup tables: Use variable initializer and NonWritable...
2019-01-15 cepheus SPV 1.4: Add support for OpCopyLogical, careful of Boolean differences.
2019-01-12 cepheus SPV 1.4: Implement the 5 new loop controls.
2019-01-10 cepheus SPV 1.4: Use OpSelect for trivial typed non-scalar/vector expressions.
2019-01-04 cepheus SPV 1.4: Add testing infrastructure for SPV 1.4 tests.
2019-01-04 cepheus SPV 1.4: Generate all globals on OpEntryPoint interface list.
2019-05-09 cepheus SPV: Move to the SPIR-V 1.4 header.
2019-05-09 cepheus Latest known-good SPIRV-Tools: WARNING: Needs python 3.x.
2019-05-09 cepheus Bump revision.
2019-05-08 jbolz For nonuniformEXT constructor, make a copy of the node to decorate
2019-03-08 jbolz Add support for GL_EXT_buffer_reference2
2019-02-17 jbolz Add Float16/Int8/Int16 capabilities for private variables and function parameters

Roll third_party/spirv-cross/ fce83b7e8..05ea05509 (46 commits)

$ git log fce83b7e8..05ea05509 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-06-18 post Make sure args.msl22 is set in
2019-06-18 post MSL: Fix path check in
2019-06-17 post MSL: Conditionally validate MSL 2.2 shaders.
2019-06-14 post MSL: New SDK errors out on cull distance.
2019-06-13 post MSL: Fix regression with Private parameter declaration.
2019-06-12 post MSL: Support stencil export.
2019-06-12 post GLSL: Support GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export.
2019-06-11 post MSL: Support Invariant qualifier on position.
2019-06-12 post Add MSL 2.2 path in
2019-06-10 post Expand constexpr sampler sanity check.
2019-06-10 post MSL: Support remapping constexpr samplers by set/binding.
2019-06-10 post Employ heuristics to figure out how to emit SSBO/UAV reflection names.
2019-06-06 post Deal with nested loops.
2019-06-06 post Use the existing loop dominator when doing loop variable preservation.
2019-06-06 post Rewrite how loop dominators are propagated.
2019-06-06 post Deal with case where a variable is dominated by inner part of a loop.
2019-06-05 pmours Fix storage packing qualifiers missing on "shaderRecordNV" buffers
2019-06-05 pmours Add test for callable data
2019-06-05 pmours Fix callable data variables
2019-06-03 pmours Add support for "shaderRecordNV" qualifier
2019-06-05 post Deal with case where a block is somehow emitted in a duplicated fashion.
2019-06-02 post Fix erronous default for emit_line_directives.
2019-05-31 post MSL: Fix declaration of unused input variables.
2019-05-28 post Fixup OpLine parsing comments.
2019-05-28 post Support emitting OpLine directive.
2019-05-28 post GLSL: Support std430 in UBOs with scalar layout.
2019-05-27 post Run
2019-05-27 post MSL: Use correct address space when passing array-of-buffers.
2019-05-27 post OpArrayLength must trigger active variables.
2019-05-27 post MSL: Implement OpArrayLength.
2019-05-24 post Add Git/timestamp --revision support.
2019-05-23 post MSL: Add test case for complex type alias.
2019-05-23 post MSL: Fix struct declaration order with complex type aliases.
2019-05-18 post Fix formatting, update C ABI version.
2019-05-09 post MSL: Support argument buffers and image swizzling.
2019-05-08 stuart.carnie Add get_member_name and active_buffer_ranges to C APIs
2019-05-17 amerkoleci Fix spvc_type_get_vector_size C function.
2019-05-16 cdavis Remove fallback for OpGroupNonUniformElect.
2019-05-15 cdavis MSL: Add support for subgroup operations.
2019-05-14 post Only deploy on new tags.
2019-05-14 post Add setup for Github releases via Travis.
2019-05-14 post Validate that C ABI in CMakeLists.txt matches code.
2019-05-14 post Run
2019-05-11 laszlo.agocs GLSL: Add option to disable buffer blocks regardless of version
2019-05-13 post Fix nonuniform test for MSL.
2019-05-13 post HLSL/MSL: Deal correctly with nonuniformEXT qualifier.

Roll third_party/spirv-headers/ c4f8f6579..de99d4d83 (17 commits)

$ git log c4f8f6579..de99d4d83 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-06-12 dneto Add Volatile to Memory Semantics, for SPV_KHR_vulkan_memory_model
2019-06-10 ehsannas Add grammar and symbols for UserTypeGOOGLE extension to unified1.
2019-06-07 cepheus Add missing "version" : "None" to a bunch of reserved enumerants.
2019-06-07 cepheus Add more detail about reserving tokens to the README.
2019-06-07 cepheus Restore numerical order in enumerants.
2019-06-02 jbolz Add SPV_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock
2019-05-17 dkoch Add support for SPV_NV_sm_shader_builtins
2019-05-31 cepheus OpenCL ext. inst. header: Support C in addition to C++.
2019-05-27 michael.kinsner Proposed LoopControl bitfield allocation mechanism in spir-v.xml
2019-05-23 victor Reserve token range for Codeplay
2019-05-18 mchiasson Update CMakeLists.txt
2019-05-16 jbolz Update HasResultAndType code generation to skip duplicate enum values. There weren't any until SPIR-V 1.4 release, now there are two.
2019-05-16 mchiasson updated as per code review
2019-05-12 alan Compare enum names rather than values to determine last element
2019-05-11 mchiasson cmake development configuration package Fixes #104
2019-05-09 rex.xu Enable Groups capability by the extension SPV_AMD_shader_ballot
2019-04-30 ian.d.romanick Add INTEL_shader_integer_functions2

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/SPIRV-Tools third_party/glslang third_party/spirv-cross third_party/spirv-headers

Change-Id: Ie30848dc4e2d6932dc86d42c632537a19828329a
Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <>
Commit-Queue: Ryan Harrison <>
1 file changed
tree: 4c0e5aad1671ff3cd86985ae8efee41fa2e0fff0
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. generator/
  5. infra/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gn
  14. codereview.settings
  16. dawn.json
  17. dawn_wire.json
  18. DEPS
  20. OWNERS
  22. README.chromium

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn (formerly NXT) is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. It exposes a C/C++ API that maps almost one-to-one to the WebGPU IDL and can be managed as part of a larger system such as a Web browser.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on OSX (and eventually iOS)
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux (eventually ChromeOS and Android too)
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Directory structure

  • dawn.json: description of the API used to drive code generators.
  • examples: examples showing how Dawn is used.
  • generator: code generator for files produces from dawn.json
    • templates: Jinja2 templates for the generator
  • scripts: scripts to support things like continuous testing, build files, etc.
  • src:
    • common: helper code shared between core Dawn libraries and tests/samples
    • dawn_native: native implementation of WebGPU, one subfolder per backend
    • dawn_wire: client-server implementation of WebGPU
    • include: public headers for Dawn
    • tests: internal Dawn tests
      • end2end: WebGPU tests performing GPU operations
      • unittests: unittests and by extension tests not using the GPU
        • validation: WebGPU validation tests not using the GPU (frontend tests)
    • utils: helper code to use Dawn used by tests and samples
  • third_party: directory where dependencies live as well as their buildfiles.

Building Dawn

Dawn uses the Chromium build system and dependency management so you need to install depot_tools and add it to the PATH.

On Linux you need to have the pkg-config command:

# Install pkg-config on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install pkg-config

Then get the source as follows:

# Clone the repo as "dawn"
git clone dawn && cd dawn

# Bootstrap the gclient configuration
cp scripts/standalone.gclient .gclient

# Fetch external dependencies and toolchains with gclient
gclient sync

Then generate build files using gn args out/Debug or gn args out/Release. A text editor will appear asking build options, the most common option is is_debug=true/false; otherwise gn args out/Release --list shows all the possible options.

Then use ninja -C out/Release to build dawn and for example ./out/Release/dawn_end2end_tests to run the tests.


Please read and follow Dawn doesn‘t have a formal coding style yet, except what’s defined by our clang format style. Overall try to use the same style and convention as code around your change.

If you find issues with Dawn, please feel free to report them on the bug tracker. For other discussions, please post to Dawn's mailing list.


Please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.