tint: No-op Resolver refactoring

• Split type_ctors_ into array_ctors_ and struct_ctors_. These are the
  only two type constructors that we need to cache in the Resovler. All
  other types are cached in the IntrinsicTable. By making these two
  separate fields, there's no way we can accidentally put other types in
  there. This is slightly more optimized too, as each map is smaller,
  and the keys hold less data.
• Drop the 'const' on vectors that are std::move()'d. A const object
  cannot be moved, and this results in a silent copy. Fix the logic of
  BuiltinCall() and FunctionCall(), as these were happily using the
  vectors that had been moved.
• Extract the messy Texture-Sampling collection logic out into two

The rest of the changes are tweaks required to handle abstract numerics
and materialization, which will be put up for review shortly. Landing
the no-op refactoring now reduces review noise later.

Bug: tint:1504
Change-Id: Iffc8039360d6138c3ac9b456be6ca7b8451ede9f
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/90532
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <bclayton@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Dan Sinclair <dsinclair@chromium.org>
diff --git a/src/tint/resolver/resolver.cc b/src/tint/resolver/resolver.cc
index b9c0833..cc45490 100644
--- a/src/tint/resolver/resolver.cc
+++ b/src/tint/resolver/resolver.cc
@@ -1163,7 +1163,6 @@
     // Resolve all of the arguments, their types and the set of behaviors.
     std::vector<const sem::Expression*> args(expr->args.size());
-    std::vector<const sem::Type*> arg_tys(expr->args.size());
     sem::Behaviors arg_behaviors;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->args.size(); i++) {
         auto* arg = sem_.Get(expr->args[i]);
@@ -1171,7 +1170,6 @@
             return nullptr;
         args[i] = arg;
-        arg_tys[i] = arg->Type();
@@ -1180,31 +1178,10 @@
     bool has_side_effects =
         std::any_of(args.begin(), args.end(), [](auto* e) { return e->HasSideEffects(); });
-    // array_or_struct_ctor is a helper for building a sem::TypeConstructor call for an array or
-    // structure type. These types have constructors that are always explicitly typed (no
-    // inference), and do not support type conversion. As such, they do not use the IntrinsicTable.
-    auto array_or_struct_ctor = [&](const sem::Type* ty) -> sem::Call* {
-        auto* call_target = utils::GetOrCreate(
-            type_ctors_, TypeConstructorSig{ty, arg_tys}, [&]() -> sem::TypeConstructor* {
-                return builder_->create<sem::TypeConstructor>(
-                    ty, utils::Transform(
-                            arg_tys, [&](const sem::Type* t, size_t i) -> const sem::Parameter* {
-                                return builder_->create<sem::Parameter>(
-                                    nullptr,                   // declaration
-                                    static_cast<uint32_t>(i),  // index
-                                    t->UnwrapRef(),            // type
-                                    ast::StorageClass::kNone,  // storage_class
-                                    ast::Access::kUndefined);  // access
-                            }));
-            });
-        auto value = EvaluateConstantValue(expr, ty);
-        return builder_->create<sem::Call>(expr, call_target, std::move(args), current_statement_,
-                                           value, has_side_effects);
-    };
     // ct_ctor_or_conv is a helper for building either a sem::TypeConstructor or sem::TypeConversion
     // call for a CtorConvIntrinsic with an optional template argument type.
     auto ct_ctor_or_conv = [&](CtorConvIntrinsic ty, const sem::Type* template_arg) -> sem::Call* {
+        auto arg_tys = utils::Transform(args, [](auto* arg) { return arg->Type(); });
         auto* call_target = intrinsic_table_->Lookup(ty, template_arg, arg_tys, expr->source);
         if (!call_target) {
             return nullptr;
@@ -1229,8 +1206,44 @@
             [&](const sem::U32*) { return ct_ctor_or_conv(CtorConvIntrinsic::kU32, nullptr); },
             [&](const sem::F32*) { return ct_ctor_or_conv(CtorConvIntrinsic::kF32, nullptr); },
             [&](const sem::Bool*) { return ct_ctor_or_conv(CtorConvIntrinsic::kBool, nullptr); },
-            [&](const sem::Array*) { return array_or_struct_ctor(ty); },
-            [&](const sem::Struct*) { return array_or_struct_ctor(ty); },
+            [&](const sem::Array* arr) -> sem::Call* {
+                auto* call_target = utils::GetOrCreate(
+                    array_ctors_, ArrayConstructorSig{{arr, args.size()}},
+                    [&]() -> sem::TypeConstructor* {
+                        sem::ParameterList params(args.size());
+                        for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
+                            params[i] = builder_->create<sem::Parameter>(
+                                nullptr,                   // declaration
+                                static_cast<uint32_t>(i),  // index
+                                arr->ElemType(),           // type
+                                ast::StorageClass::kNone,  // storage_class
+                                ast::Access::kUndefined);  // access
+                        }
+                        return builder_->create<sem::TypeConstructor>(arr, std::move(params));
+                    });
+                auto value = EvaluateConstantValue(expr, call_target->ReturnType());
+                return builder_->create<sem::Call>(expr, call_target, std::move(args),
+                                                   current_statement_, value, has_side_effects);
+            },
+            [&](const sem::Struct* str) -> sem::Call* {
+                auto* call_target = utils::GetOrCreate(
+                    struct_ctors_, StructConstructorSig{{str, args.size()}},
+                    [&]() -> sem::TypeConstructor* {
+                        sem::ParameterList params(std::min(args.size(), str->Members().size()));
+                        for (size_t i = 0, n = params.size(); i < n; i++) {
+                            params[i] = builder_->create<sem::Parameter>(
+                                nullptr,                    // declaration
+                                static_cast<uint32_t>(i),   // index
+                                str->Members()[i]->Type(),  // type
+                                ast::StorageClass::kNone,   // storage_class
+                                ast::Access::kUndefined);   // access
+                        }
+                        return builder_->create<sem::TypeConstructor>(str, std::move(params));
+                    });
+                auto value = EvaluateConstantValue(expr, call_target->ReturnType());
+                return builder_->create<sem::Call>(expr, call_target, std::move(args),
+                                                   current_statement_, value, has_side_effects);
+            },
             [&](Default) {
                 AddError("type is not constructible", expr->source);
                 return nullptr;
@@ -1301,7 +1314,7 @@
             resolved,  //
             [&](sem::Type* ty) {
                 // A type constructor or conversions.
-                // Note: Unlike the codepath where we're resolving the call target from an
+                // Note: Unlike the code path where we're resolving the call target from an
                 // ast::Type, all types must already have the element type explicitly specified, so
                 // there's no need to infer element types.
                 return ty_ctor_or_conv(ty);
@@ -1319,7 +1332,7 @@
                 auto name = builder_->Symbols().NameFor(ident->symbol);
                 auto builtin_type = sem::ParseBuiltinType(name);
                 if (builtin_type != sem::BuiltinType::kNone) {
-                    return BuiltinCall(expr, builtin_type, std::move(args), std::move(arg_tys));
+                    return BuiltinCall(expr, builtin_type, std::move(args));
                 TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
@@ -1339,11 +1352,14 @@
 sem::Call* Resolver::BuiltinCall(const ast::CallExpression* expr,
                                  sem::BuiltinType builtin_type,
-                                 const std::vector<const sem::Expression*> args,
-                                 const std::vector<const sem::Type*> arg_tys) {
-    auto* builtin = intrinsic_table_->Lookup(builtin_type, std::move(arg_tys), expr->source);
-    if (!builtin) {
-        return nullptr;
+                                 std::vector<const sem::Expression*> args) {
+    const sem::Builtin* builtin = nullptr;
+    {
+        auto arg_tys = utils::Transform(args, [](auto* arg) { return arg->Type(); });
+        builtin = intrinsic_table_->Lookup(builtin_type, arg_tys, expr->source);
+        if (!builtin) {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
     if (builtin->IsDeprecated()) {
@@ -1366,21 +1382,7 @@
         if (!validator_.TextureBuiltinFunction(call)) {
             return nullptr;
-        // Collect a texture/sampler pair for this builtin.
-        const auto& signature = builtin->Signature();
-        int texture_index = signature.IndexOf(sem::ParameterUsage::kTexture);
-        if (texture_index == -1) {
-            TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "texture builtin without texture parameter";
-        }
-        auto* texture = args[texture_index]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable();
-        if (!texture->Type()->UnwrapRef()->Is<sem::StorageTexture>()) {
-            int sampler_index = signature.IndexOf(sem::ParameterUsage::kSampler);
-            const sem::Variable* sampler =
-                sampler_index != -1 ? args[sampler_index]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable()
-                                    : nullptr;
-            current_function_->AddTextureSamplerPair(texture, sampler);
-        }
+        CollectTextureSamplerPairs(builtin, call->Arguments());
     if (!validator_.BuiltinCall(call)) {
@@ -1392,9 +1394,27 @@
     return call;
+void Resolver::CollectTextureSamplerPairs(const sem::Builtin* builtin,
+                                          const std::vector<const sem::Expression*>& args) const {
+    // Collect a texture/sampler pair for this builtin.
+    const auto& signature = builtin->Signature();
+    int texture_index = signature.IndexOf(sem::ParameterUsage::kTexture);
+    if (texture_index == -1) {
+        TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_) << "texture builtin without texture parameter";
+    }
+    auto* texture = args[texture_index]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable();
+    if (!texture->Type()->UnwrapRef()->Is<sem::StorageTexture>()) {
+        int sampler_index = signature.IndexOf(sem::ParameterUsage::kSampler);
+        const sem::Variable* sampler =
+            sampler_index != -1 ? args[sampler_index]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable()
+                                : nullptr;
+        current_function_->AddTextureSamplerPair(texture, sampler);
+    }
 sem::Call* Resolver::FunctionCall(const ast::CallExpression* expr,
                                   sem::Function* target,
-                                  const std::vector<const sem::Expression*> args,
+                                  std::vector<const sem::Expression*> args,
                                   sem::Behaviors arg_behaviors) {
     auto sym = expr->target.name->symbol;
     auto name = builder_->Symbols().NameFor(sym);
@@ -1420,25 +1440,7 @@
-        // Map all texture/sampler pairs from the target function to the
-        // current function. These can only be global or parameter
-        // variables. Resolve any parameter variables to the corresponding
-        // argument passed to the current function. Leave global variables
-        // as-is. Then add the mapped pair to the current function's list of
-        // texture/sampler pairs.
-        for (sem::VariablePair pair : target->TextureSamplerPairs()) {
-            const sem::Variable* texture = pair.first;
-            const sem::Variable* sampler = pair.second;
-            if (auto* param = texture->As<sem::Parameter>()) {
-                texture = args[param->Index()]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable();
-            }
-            if (sampler) {
-                if (auto* param = sampler->As<sem::Parameter>()) {
-                    sampler = args[param->Index()]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable();
-                }
-            }
-            current_function_->AddTextureSamplerPair(texture, sampler);
-        }
+        CollectTextureSamplerPairs(target, call->Arguments());
@@ -1452,6 +1454,29 @@
     return call;
+void Resolver::CollectTextureSamplerPairs(sem::Function* func,
+                                          const std::vector<const sem::Expression*>& args) const {
+    // Map all texture/sampler pairs from the target function to the
+    // current function. These can only be global or parameter
+    // variables. Resolve any parameter variables to the corresponding
+    // argument passed to the current function. Leave global variables
+    // as-is. Then add the mapped pair to the current function's list of
+    // texture/sampler pairs.
+    for (sem::VariablePair pair : func->TextureSamplerPairs()) {
+        const sem::Variable* texture = pair.first;
+        const sem::Variable* sampler = pair.second;
+        if (auto* param = texture->As<sem::Parameter>()) {
+            texture = args[param->Index()]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable();
+        }
+        if (sampler) {
+            if (auto* param = sampler->As<sem::Parameter>()) {
+                sampler = args[param->Index()]->As<sem::VariableUser>()->Variable();
+            }
+        }
+        current_function_->AddTextureSamplerPair(texture, sampler);
+    }
 sem::Expression* Resolver::Literal(const ast::LiteralExpression* literal) {
     auto* ty = Switch(
@@ -1667,27 +1692,27 @@
 sem::Expression* Resolver::Binary(const ast::BinaryExpression* expr) {
-    auto* lhs = sem_.Get(expr->lhs);
-    auto* rhs = sem_.Get(expr->rhs);
+    const auto* lhs = sem_.Get(expr->lhs);
+    const auto* rhs = sem_.Get(expr->rhs);
     auto* lhs_ty = lhs->Type()->UnwrapRef();
     auto* rhs_ty = rhs->Type()->UnwrapRef();
-    auto* ty = intrinsic_table_->Lookup(expr->op, lhs_ty, rhs_ty, expr->source, false).result;
-    if (!ty) {
+    auto op = intrinsic_table_->Lookup(expr->op, lhs_ty, rhs_ty, expr->source, false);
+    if (!op.result) {
         return nullptr;
-    auto val = EvaluateConstantValue(expr, ty);
+    auto val = EvaluateConstantValue(expr, op.result);
     bool has_side_effects = lhs->HasSideEffects() || rhs->HasSideEffects();
-    auto* sem =
-        builder_->create<sem::Expression>(expr, ty, current_statement_, val, has_side_effects);
+    auto* sem = builder_->create<sem::Expression>(expr, op.result, current_statement_, val,
+                                                  has_side_effects);
     sem->Behaviors() = lhs->Behaviors() + rhs->Behaviors();
     return sem;
 sem::Expression* Resolver::UnaryOp(const ast::UnaryOpExpression* unary) {
-    auto* expr = sem_.Get(unary->expr);
+    const auto* expr = sem_.Get(unary->expr);
     auto* expr_ty = expr->Type();
     if (!expr_ty) {
         return nullptr;
@@ -1740,6 +1765,7 @@
             if (!ty) {
                 return nullptr;
+            break;
@@ -2076,19 +2102,21 @@
         auto& behaviors = current_statement_->Behaviors();
         behaviors = sem::Behavior::kReturn;
+        const sem::Type* value_ty = nullptr;
         if (auto* value = stmt->value) {
             auto* expr = Expression(value);
             if (!expr) {
                 return false;
             behaviors.Add(expr->Behaviors() - sem::Behavior::kNext);
+            value_ty = expr->Type()->UnwrapRef();
+        } else {
+            value_ty = builder_->create<sem::Void>();
         // Validate after processing the return value expression so that its type
         // is available for validation.
-        auto* ret_type =
-            stmt->value ? sem_.TypeOf(stmt->value)->UnwrapRef() : builder_->create<sem::Void>();
-        return validator_.Return(stmt, current_function_->ReturnType(), ret_type,
+        return validator_.Return(stmt, current_function_->ReturnType(), value_ty,
@@ -2379,20 +2407,4 @@
     return sem::ParseBuiltinType(name) != sem::BuiltinType::kNone;
-// Resolver::TypeConstructorSig
-Resolver::TypeConstructorSig::TypeConstructorSig(const sem::Type* ty,
-                                                 const std::vector<const sem::Type*> params)
-    : type(ty), parameters(params) {}
-Resolver::TypeConstructorSig::TypeConstructorSig(const TypeConstructorSig&) = default;
-Resolver::TypeConstructorSig::~TypeConstructorSig() = default;
-bool Resolver::TypeConstructorSig::operator==(const TypeConstructorSig& rhs) const {
-    return type == rhs.type && parameters == rhs.parameters;
-std::size_t Resolver::TypeConstructorSig::Hasher::operator()(const TypeConstructorSig& sig) const {
-    return utils::Hash(sig.type, sig.parameters);
 }  // namespace tint::resolver