dawn_node: Add binding/GPUDevice.cpp
Bug: dawn:1123
Change-Id: Ied4baca4d5eea41ad13ee488978a8f2354d5f8d0
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/64919
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <bclayton@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
diff --git a/src/dawn_node/binding/GPUDevice.cpp b/src/dawn_node/binding/GPUDevice.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d87da51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dawn_node/binding/GPUDevice.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Dawn Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUDevice.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/Converter.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/Errors.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUBindGroup.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUBindGroupLayout.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUBuffer.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUCommandBuffer.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUCommandEncoder.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUComputePipeline.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUPipelineLayout.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUQuerySet.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUQueue.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPURenderBundleEncoder.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPURenderPipeline.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUSampler.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUShaderModule.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUSupportedLimits.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/binding/GPUTexture.h"
+#include "src/dawn_node/utils/Debug.h"
+namespace wgpu { namespace binding {
+ namespace {
+ class DeviceLostInfo : public interop::GPUDeviceLostInfo {
+ public:
+ DeviceLostInfo(interop::GPUDeviceLostReason reason, std::string message)
+ : reason_(reason), message_(message) {
+ }
+ std::variant<interop::GPUDeviceLostReason> getReason(Napi::Env env) override {
+ return reason_;
+ }
+ std::string getMessage(Napi::Env) override {
+ return message_;
+ }
+ private:
+ interop::GPUDeviceLostReason reason_;
+ std::string message_;
+ };
+ class OOMError : public interop::GPUOutOfMemoryError {};
+ class ValidationError : public interop::GPUValidationError {
+ public:
+ ValidationError(std::string message) : message_(std::move(message)) {
+ }
+ std::string getMessage(Napi::Env) override {
+ return message_;
+ };
+ private:
+ std::string message_;
+ };
+ } // namespace
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // wgpu::bindings::GPUDevice
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ GPUDevice::GPUDevice(Napi::Env env, wgpu::Device device)
+ : env_(env), device_(device), async_(std::make_shared<AsyncRunner>(env, device)) {
+ device_.SetLoggingCallback(
+ [](WGPULoggingType type, char const* message, void* userdata) {
+ std::cout << type << ": " << message << std::endl;
+ },
+ nullptr);
+ device_.SetUncapturedErrorCallback(
+ [](WGPUErrorType type, char const* message, void* userdata) {
+ std::cout << type << ": " << message << std::endl;
+ },
+ nullptr);
+ device_.SetDeviceLostCallback(
+ [](WGPUDeviceLostReason reason, char const* message, void* userdata) {
+ auto r = interop::GPUDeviceLostReason::kDestroyed;
+ switch (reason) {
+ case WGPUDeviceLostReason_Destroyed:
+ r = interop::GPUDeviceLostReason::kDestroyed;
+ break;
+ }
+ auto* self = static_cast<GPUDevice*>(userdata);
+ for (auto promise : self->lost_promises_) {
+ promise.Resolve(
+ interop::GPUDeviceLostInfo::Create<DeviceLostInfo>(self->env_, r, message));
+ }
+ },
+ this);
+ }
+ GPUDevice::~GPUDevice() {
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUSupportedFeatures> GPUDevice::getFeatures(Napi::Env env) {
+ class Features : public interop::GPUSupportedFeatures {};
+ return interop::GPUSupportedFeatures::Create<Features>(env);
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUSupportedLimits> GPUDevice::getLimits(Napi::Env env) {
+ return interop::GPUSupportedLimits::Create<GPUSupportedLimits>(env);
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUQueue> GPUDevice::getQueue(Napi::Env env) {
+ // TODO(crbug.com/dawn/1144): Should probably return the same Queue JS object.
+ return interop::GPUQueue::Create<GPUQueue>(env, device_.GetQueue(), async_);
+ }
+ void GPUDevice::destroy(Napi::Env) {
+ device_.Release();
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUBuffer> GPUDevice::createBuffer(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::BufferDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor.label) ||
+ !conv(desc.mappedAtCreation, descriptor.mappedAtCreation) ||
+ !conv(desc.size, descriptor.size) || !conv(desc.usage, descriptor.usage)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUBuffer::Create<GPUBuffer>(env, device_.CreateBuffer(&desc), desc,
+ device_, async_);
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUTexture> GPUDevice::createTexture(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUTextureDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::TextureDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor.label) || !conv(desc.usage, descriptor.usage) || //
+ !conv(desc.size, descriptor.size) || //
+ !conv(desc.dimension, descriptor.dimension) || //
+ !conv(desc.mipLevelCount, descriptor.mipLevelCount) || //
+ !conv(desc.sampleCount, descriptor.sampleCount) || //
+ !conv(desc.format, descriptor.format)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUTexture::Create<GPUTexture>(env, device_.CreateTexture(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUSampler> GPUDevice::createSampler(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ std::optional<interop::GPUSamplerDescriptor> descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ if (descriptor.has_value()) {
+ wgpu::SamplerDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor->label) || //
+ !conv(desc.addressModeU, descriptor->addressModeU) || //
+ !conv(desc.addressModeV, descriptor->addressModeV) || //
+ !conv(desc.addressModeW, descriptor->addressModeW) || //
+ !conv(desc.magFilter, descriptor->magFilter) || //
+ !conv(desc.minFilter, descriptor->minFilter) || //
+ !conv(desc.mipmapFilter, descriptor->mipmapFilter) || //
+ !conv(desc.lodMinClamp, descriptor->lodMinClamp) || //
+ !conv(desc.lodMaxClamp, descriptor->lodMaxClamp) || //
+ !conv(desc.compare, descriptor->compare) || //
+ !conv(desc.maxAnisotropy, descriptor->maxAnisotropy)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUSampler::Create<GPUSampler>(env, device_.CreateSampler(&desc));
+ }
+ return interop::GPUSampler::Create<GPUSampler>(env, device_.CreateSampler());
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUExternalTexture> GPUDevice::importExternalTexture(
+ Napi::Env,
+ interop::GPUExternalTextureDescriptor descriptor) {
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUBindGroupLayout> GPUDevice::createBindGroupLayout(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor.label) ||
+ !conv(desc.entries, desc.entryCount, descriptor.entries)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUBindGroupLayout::Create<GPUBindGroupLayout>(
+ env, device_.CreateBindGroupLayout(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUPipelineLayout> GPUDevice::createPipelineLayout(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor.label) ||
+ !conv(desc.bindGroupLayouts, desc.bindGroupLayoutCount, descriptor.bindGroupLayouts)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUPipelineLayout::Create<GPUPipelineLayout>(
+ env, device_.CreatePipelineLayout(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUBindGroup> GPUDevice::createBindGroup(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUBindGroupDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor.label) || !conv(desc.layout, descriptor.layout) ||
+ !conv(desc.entries, desc.entryCount, descriptor.entries)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUBindGroup::Create<GPUBindGroup>(env, device_.CreateBindGroup(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUShaderModule> GPUDevice::createShaderModule(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUShaderModuleDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor wgsl_desc{};
+ wgpu::ShaderModuleDescriptor sm_desc{};
+ if (!conv(wgsl_desc.source, descriptor.code) || !conv(sm_desc.label, descriptor.label)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ sm_desc.nextInChain = &wgsl_desc;
+ return interop::GPUShaderModule::Create<GPUShaderModule>(
+ env, device_.CreateShaderModule(&sm_desc), async_);
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUComputePipeline> GPUDevice::createComputePipeline(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUComputePipelineDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc, descriptor)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUComputePipeline::Create<GPUComputePipeline>(
+ env, device_.CreateComputePipeline(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPURenderPipeline> GPUDevice::createRenderPipeline(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPURenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc, descriptor)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPURenderPipeline::Create<GPURenderPipeline>(
+ env, device_.CreateRenderPipeline(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Promise<interop::Interface<interop::GPUComputePipeline>>
+ GPUDevice::createComputePipelineAsync(Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUComputePipelineDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc, descriptor)) {
+ return {env};
+ }
+ using Promise = interop::Promise<interop::Interface<interop::GPUComputePipeline>>;
+ struct Context {
+ Napi::Env env;
+ Promise promise;
+ AsyncTask task;
+ };
+ auto ctx = new Context{env, env, async_};
+ auto promise = ctx->promise;
+ device_.CreateComputePipelineAsync(
+ &desc,
+ [](WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status, WGPUComputePipeline pipeline,
+ char const* message, void* userdata) {
+ auto c = std::unique_ptr<Context>(static_cast<Context*>(userdata));
+ switch (status) {
+ case WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus::WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Success:
+ c->promise.Resolve(interop::GPUComputePipeline::Create<GPUComputePipeline>(
+ c->env, pipeline));
+ break;
+ default:
+ c->promise.Reject(Errors::OperationError(c->env));
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ ctx);
+ return promise;
+ }
+ interop::Promise<interop::Interface<interop::GPURenderPipeline>>
+ GPUDevice::createRenderPipelineAsync(Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPURenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc, descriptor)) {
+ return {env};
+ }
+ using Promise = interop::Promise<interop::Interface<interop::GPURenderPipeline>>;
+ struct Context {
+ Napi::Env env;
+ Promise promise;
+ AsyncTask task;
+ };
+ auto ctx = new Context{env, env, async_};
+ auto promise = ctx->promise;
+ device_.CreateRenderPipelineAsync(
+ &desc,
+ [](WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus status, WGPURenderPipeline pipeline,
+ char const* message, void* userdata) {
+ auto c = std::unique_ptr<Context>(static_cast<Context*>(userdata));
+ switch (status) {
+ case WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus::WGPUCreatePipelineAsyncStatus_Success:
+ c->promise.Resolve(interop::GPURenderPipeline::Create<GPURenderPipeline>(
+ c->env, pipeline));
+ break;
+ default:
+ c->promise.Reject(Errors::OperationError(c->env));
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ ctx);
+ return promise;
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUCommandEncoder> GPUDevice::createCommandEncoder(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ std::optional<interop::GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor> descriptor) {
+ wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor desc{};
+ return interop::GPUCommandEncoder::Create<GPUCommandEncoder>(
+ env, device_.CreateCommandEncoder(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPURenderBundleEncoder> GPUDevice::createRenderBundleEncoder(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor.label) ||
+ !conv(desc.colorFormats, desc.colorFormatsCount, descriptor.colorFormats) ||
+ !conv(desc.depthStencilFormat, descriptor.depthStencilFormat) ||
+ !conv(desc.sampleCount, descriptor.sampleCount)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPURenderBundleEncoder::Create<GPURenderBundleEncoder>(
+ env, device_.CreateRenderBundleEncoder(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Interface<interop::GPUQuerySet> GPUDevice::createQuerySet(
+ Napi::Env env,
+ interop::GPUQuerySetDescriptor descriptor) {
+ Converter conv(env);
+ wgpu::QuerySetDescriptor desc{};
+ if (!conv(desc.label, descriptor.label) || !conv(desc.type, descriptor.type) ||
+ !conv(desc.count, descriptor.count) ||
+ !conv(desc.pipelineStatistics, desc.pipelineStatisticsCount,
+ descriptor.pipelineStatistics)) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return interop::GPUQuerySet::Create<GPUQuerySet>(env, device_.CreateQuerySet(&desc));
+ }
+ interop::Promise<interop::Interface<interop::GPUDeviceLostInfo>> GPUDevice::getLost(
+ Napi::Env env) {
+ auto promise = interop::Promise<interop::Interface<interop::GPUDeviceLostInfo>>(env);
+ lost_promises_.emplace_back(promise);
+ return promise;
+ }
+ void GPUDevice::pushErrorScope(Napi::Env env, interop::GPUErrorFilter filter) {
+ wgpu::ErrorFilter f = wgpu::ErrorFilter::None;
+ switch (filter) {
+ case interop::GPUErrorFilter::kOutOfMemory:
+ f = wgpu::ErrorFilter::OutOfMemory;
+ break;
+ case interop::GPUErrorFilter::kValidation:
+ f = wgpu::ErrorFilter::Validation;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Napi::Error::New(env, "unhandled GPUErrorFilter value")
+ .ThrowAsJavaScriptException();
+ return;
+ }
+ device_.PushErrorScope(f);
+ }
+ interop::Promise<std::optional<interop::GPUError>> GPUDevice::popErrorScope(Napi::Env env) {
+ using Promise = interop::Promise<std::optional<interop::GPUError>>;
+ struct Context {
+ Napi::Env env;
+ Promise promise;
+ AsyncTask task;
+ };
+ auto* ctx = new Context{env, env, async_};
+ auto promise = ctx->promise;
+ bool ok = device_.PopErrorScope(
+ [](WGPUErrorType type, char const* message, void* userdata) {
+ auto c = std::unique_ptr<Context>(static_cast<Context*>(userdata));
+ auto env = c->env;
+ switch (type) {
+ case WGPUErrorType::WGPUErrorType_NoError:
+ c->promise.Resolve({});
+ break;
+ case WGPUErrorType::WGPUErrorType_OutOfMemory:
+ c->promise.Resolve(interop::GPUOutOfMemoryError::Create<OOMError>(env));
+ break;
+ case WGPUErrorType::WGPUErrorType_Unknown:
+ case WGPUErrorType::WGPUErrorType_DeviceLost:
+ case WGPUErrorType::WGPUErrorType_Validation:
+ c->promise.Resolve(
+ interop::GPUValidationError::Create<ValidationError>(env, message));
+ break;
+ default:
+ c->promise.Reject("unhandled error type");
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ ctx);
+ if (ok) {
+ return promise;
+ }
+ delete ctx;
+ Promise p(env);
+ p.Resolve(
+ interop::GPUValidationError::Create<ValidationError>(env, "failed to pop error scope"));
+ return p;
+ }
+ std::optional<std::string> GPUDevice::getLabel(Napi::Env) {
+ };
+ void GPUDevice::setLabel(Napi::Env, std::optional<std::string> value) {
+ };
+ interop::Interface<interop::EventHandler> GPUDevice::getOnuncapturederror(Napi::Env) {
+ }
+ void GPUDevice::setOnuncapturederror(Napi::Env,
+ interop::Interface<interop::EventHandler> value) {
+ }
+ void GPUDevice::addEventListener(
+ Napi::Env,
+ std::string type,
+ std::optional<interop::Interface<interop::EventListener>> callback,
+ std::optional<std::variant<interop::AddEventListenerOptions, bool>> options) {
+ }
+ void GPUDevice::removeEventListener(
+ Napi::Env,
+ std::string type,
+ std::optional<interop::Interface<interop::EventListener>> callback,
+ std::optional<std::variant<interop::EventListenerOptions, bool>> options) {
+ }
+ bool GPUDevice::dispatchEvent(Napi::Env, interop::Interface<interop::Event> event) {
+ }
+}} // namespace wgpu::binding