tint: Fix emitting identity matrix ctor in HLSL
This patch fix the issue of identity matrix constructors in HLSL. This
patch also fix dawn e2e tests for identity matrix constructors and zero
matrix constructors.
Bug: tint:1596, tint:1545
Change-Id: I6c41eb299c1d5f89cf18720611f450abae26d3f4
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/94042
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <bclayton@google.com>
Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Zhaoming Jiang <zhaoming.jiang@intel.com>
diff --git a/src/tint/writer/hlsl/generator_impl.cc b/src/tint/writer/hlsl/generator_impl.cc
index b9a6675..72e02f0 100644
--- a/src/tint/writer/hlsl/generator_impl.cc
+++ b/src/tint/writer/hlsl/generator_impl.cc
@@ -1110,52 +1110,13 @@
return EmitZeroValue(out, type);
- if (auto* mat = call->Type()->As<sem::Matrix>()) {
- if (ctor->Parameters().size() == 1) {
- // Matrix constructor with single scalar.
- auto fn = utils::GetOrCreate(matrix_scalar_ctors_, mat, [&]() -> std::string {
- TextBuffer b;
- TINT_DEFER(helpers_.Append(b));
- auto name = UniqueIdentifier("build_mat" + std::to_string(mat->columns()) + "x" +
- std::to_string(mat->rows()));
- {
- auto l = line(&b);
- if (!EmitType(l, mat, ast::StorageClass::kNone, ast::Access::kUndefined, "")) {
- return "";
- }
- l << " " << name << "(";
- if (!EmitType(l, mat->type(), ast::StorageClass::kNone, ast::Access::kUndefined,
- "")) {
- return "";
- }
- l << " value) {";
- }
- {
- ScopedIndent si(&b);
- auto l = line(&b);
- l << "return ";
- if (!EmitType(l, mat, ast::StorageClass::kNone, ast::Access::kUndefined, "")) {
- return "";
- }
- l << "(";
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mat->columns() * mat->rows(); i++) {
- l << ((i > 0) ? ", value" : "value");
- }
- l << ");";
- }
- line(&b) << "}";
- return name;
- });
- if (fn.empty()) {
- return false;
- }
- out << fn << "(";
- if (!EmitExpression(out, call->Arguments()[0]->Declaration())) {
- return false;
- }
- out << ")";
- return true;
+ // Single parameter matrix initializers must be identity constructor.
+ // It could also be conversions between f16 and f32 matrix when f16 is properly supported.
+ if (type->Is<sem::Matrix>() && call->Arguments().size() == 1) {
+ if (!ctor->Parameters()[0]->Type()->UnwrapRef()->is_float_matrix()) {
+ TINT_UNREACHABLE(Writer, diagnostics_)
+ << "found a single-parameter matrix constructor that is not identity constructor";
+ return false;