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Change-Id: Id2aa79f989aef3245b80ef4aa37a27ff16cd700b
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/tint/+/80482
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Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <bclayton@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Ryan Harrison <rharrison@chromium.org>
diff --git a/src/tint/resolver/dependency_graph.cc b/src/tint/resolver/dependency_graph.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d58018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tint/resolver/dependency_graph.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "src/tint/resolver/dependency_graph.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "src/tint/ast/continue_statement.h"
+#include "src/tint/ast/discard_statement.h"
+#include "src/tint/ast/fallthrough_statement.h"
+#include "src/tint/ast/traverse_expressions.h"
+#include "src/tint/scope_stack.h"
+#include "src/tint/sem/builtin.h"
+#include "src/tint/utils/defer.h"
+#include "src/tint/utils/map.h"
+#include "src/tint/utils/scoped_assignment.h"
+#include "src/tint/utils/unique_vector.h"
+namespace tint {
+namespace resolver {
+namespace {
+// Forward declaration
+struct Global;
+/// Dependency describes how one global depends on another global
+struct DependencyInfo {
+ /// The source of the symbol that forms the dependency
+ Source source;
+ /// A string describing how the dependency is referenced. e.g. 'calls'
+ const char* action = nullptr;
+/// DependencyEdge describes the two Globals used to define a dependency
+/// relationship.
+struct DependencyEdge {
+ /// The Global that depends on #to
+ const Global* from;
+ /// The Global that is depended on by #from
+ const Global* to;
+/// DependencyEdgeCmp implements the contracts of std::equal_to<DependencyEdge>
+/// and std::hash<DependencyEdge>.
+struct DependencyEdgeCmp {
+ /// Equality operator
+ bool operator()(const DependencyEdge& lhs, const DependencyEdge& rhs) const {
+ return lhs.from == rhs.from && lhs.to == rhs.to;
+ }
+ /// Hashing operator
+ inline std::size_t operator()(const DependencyEdge& d) const {
+ return utils::Hash(d.from, d.to);
+ }
+/// A map of DependencyEdge to DependencyInfo
+using DependencyEdges = std::unordered_map<DependencyEdge,
+ DependencyInfo,
+ DependencyEdgeCmp,
+ DependencyEdgeCmp>;
+/// Global describes a module-scope variable, type or function.
+struct Global {
+ explicit Global(const ast::Node* n) : node(n) {}
+ /// The declaration ast::Node
+ const ast::Node* node;
+ /// A list of dependencies that this global depends on
+ std::vector<Global*> deps;
+/// A map of global name to Global
+using GlobalMap = std::unordered_map<Symbol, Global*>;
+/// Raises an ICE that a global ast::Node type was not handled by this system.
+void UnhandledNode(diag::List& diagnostics, const ast::Node* node) {
+ TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics)
+ << "unhandled node type: " << node->TypeInfo().name;
+/// Raises an error diagnostic with the given message and source.
+void AddError(diag::List& diagnostics,
+ const std::string& msg,
+ const Source& source) {
+ diagnostics.add_error(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
+/// Raises a note diagnostic with the given message and source.
+void AddNote(diag::List& diagnostics,
+ const std::string& msg,
+ const Source& source) {
+ diagnostics.add_note(diag::System::Resolver, msg, source);
+/// DependencyScanner is used to traverse a module to build the list of
+/// global-to-global dependencies.
+class DependencyScanner {
+ public:
+ /// Constructor
+ /// @param syms the program symbol table
+ /// @param globals_by_name map of global symbol to Global pointer
+ /// @param diagnostics diagnostic messages, appended with any errors found
+ /// @param graph the dependency graph to populate with resolved symbols
+ /// @param edges the map of globals-to-global dependency edges, which will
+ /// be populated by calls to Scan()
+ DependencyScanner(const SymbolTable& syms,
+ const GlobalMap& globals_by_name,
+ diag::List& diagnostics,
+ DependencyGraph& graph,
+ DependencyEdges& edges)
+ : symbols_(syms),
+ globals_(globals_by_name),
+ diagnostics_(diagnostics),
+ graph_(graph),
+ dependency_edges_(edges) {
+ // Register all the globals at global-scope
+ for (auto it : globals_by_name) {
+ scope_stack_.Set(it.first, it.second->node);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Walks the global declarations, resolving symbols, and determining the
+ /// dependencies of each global.
+ void Scan(Global* global) {
+ TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(current_global_, global);
+ Switch(
+ global->node,
+ [&](const ast::Struct* str) {
+ Declare(str->name, str);
+ for (auto* member : str->members) {
+ TraverseType(member->type);
+ }
+ },
+ [&](const ast::Alias* alias) {
+ Declare(alias->name, alias);
+ TraverseType(alias->type);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::Function* func) {
+ Declare(func->symbol, func);
+ TraverseAttributes(func->attributes);
+ TraverseFunction(func);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::Variable* var) {
+ Declare(var->symbol, var);
+ TraverseType(var->type);
+ if (var->constructor) {
+ TraverseExpression(var->constructor);
+ }
+ },
+ [&](Default) { UnhandledNode(diagnostics_, global->node); });
+ }
+ private:
+ /// Traverses the function, performing symbol resolution and determining
+ /// global dependencies.
+ void TraverseFunction(const ast::Function* func) {
+ // Perform symbol resolution on all the parameter types before registering
+ // the parameters themselves. This allows the case of declaring a parameter
+ // with the same identifier as its type.
+ for (auto* param : func->params) {
+ TraverseType(param->type);
+ }
+ // Resolve the return type
+ TraverseType(func->return_type);
+ // Push the scope stack for the parameters and function body.
+ scope_stack_.Push();
+ TINT_DEFER(scope_stack_.Pop());
+ for (auto* param : func->params) {
+ if (auto* shadows = scope_stack_.Get(param->symbol)) {
+ graph_.shadows.emplace(param, shadows);
+ }
+ Declare(param->symbol, param);
+ }
+ if (func->body) {
+ TraverseStatements(func->body->statements);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Traverses the statements, performing symbol resolution and determining
+ /// global dependencies.
+ void TraverseStatements(const ast::StatementList& stmts) {
+ for (auto* s : stmts) {
+ TraverseStatement(s);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Traverses the statement, performing symbol resolution and determining
+ /// global dependencies.
+ void TraverseStatement(const ast::Statement* stmt) {
+ if (!stmt) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Switch(
+ stmt, //
+ [&](const ast::AssignmentStatement* a) {
+ TraverseExpression(a->lhs);
+ TraverseExpression(a->rhs);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::BlockStatement* b) {
+ scope_stack_.Push();
+ TINT_DEFER(scope_stack_.Pop());
+ TraverseStatements(b->statements);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::CallStatement* r) { //
+ TraverseExpression(r->expr);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::ForLoopStatement* l) {
+ scope_stack_.Push();
+ TINT_DEFER(scope_stack_.Pop());
+ TraverseStatement(l->initializer);
+ TraverseExpression(l->condition);
+ TraverseStatement(l->continuing);
+ TraverseStatement(l->body);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::LoopStatement* l) {
+ scope_stack_.Push();
+ TINT_DEFER(scope_stack_.Pop());
+ TraverseStatements(l->body->statements);
+ TraverseStatement(l->continuing);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::IfStatement* i) {
+ TraverseExpression(i->condition);
+ TraverseStatement(i->body);
+ for (auto* e : i->else_statements) {
+ TraverseExpression(e->condition);
+ TraverseStatement(e->body);
+ }
+ },
+ [&](const ast::ReturnStatement* r) { //
+ TraverseExpression(r->value);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::SwitchStatement* s) {
+ TraverseExpression(s->condition);
+ for (auto* c : s->body) {
+ for (auto* sel : c->selectors) {
+ TraverseExpression(sel);
+ }
+ TraverseStatement(c->body);
+ }
+ },
+ [&](const ast::VariableDeclStatement* v) {
+ if (auto* shadows = scope_stack_.Get(v->variable->symbol)) {
+ graph_.shadows.emplace(v->variable, shadows);
+ }
+ TraverseType(v->variable->type);
+ TraverseExpression(v->variable->constructor);
+ Declare(v->variable->symbol, v->variable);
+ },
+ [&](Default) {
+ if (!stmt->IsAnyOf<ast::BreakStatement, ast::ContinueStatement,
+ ast::DiscardStatement,
+ ast::FallthroughStatement>()) {
+ UnhandledNode(diagnostics_, stmt);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /// Adds the symbol definition to the current scope, raising an error if two
+ /// symbols collide within the same scope.
+ void Declare(Symbol symbol, const ast::Node* node) {
+ auto* old = scope_stack_.Set(symbol, node);
+ if (old != nullptr && node != old) {
+ auto name = symbols_.NameFor(symbol);
+ AddError(diagnostics_, "redeclaration of '" + name + "'", node->source);
+ AddNote(diagnostics_, "'" + name + "' previously declared here",
+ old->source);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Traverses the expression, performing symbol resolution and determining
+ /// global dependencies.
+ void TraverseExpression(const ast::Expression* root) {
+ if (!root) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ast::TraverseExpressions(
+ root, diagnostics_, [&](const ast::Expression* expr) {
+ Switch(
+ expr,
+ [&](const ast::IdentifierExpression* ident) {
+ AddDependency(ident, ident->symbol, "identifier", "references");
+ },
+ [&](const ast::CallExpression* call) {
+ if (call->target.name) {
+ AddDependency(call->target.name, call->target.name->symbol,
+ "function", "calls");
+ }
+ if (call->target.type) {
+ TraverseType(call->target.type);
+ }
+ },
+ [&](const ast::BitcastExpression* cast) {
+ TraverseType(cast->type);
+ });
+ return ast::TraverseAction::Descend;
+ });
+ }
+ /// Traverses the type node, performing symbol resolution and determining
+ /// global dependencies.
+ void TraverseType(const ast::Type* ty) {
+ if (!ty) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Switch(
+ ty, //
+ [&](const ast::Array* arr) {
+ TraverseType(arr->type); //
+ TraverseExpression(arr->count);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::Atomic* atomic) { //
+ TraverseType(atomic->type);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::Matrix* mat) { //
+ TraverseType(mat->type);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::Pointer* ptr) { //
+ TraverseType(ptr->type);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::TypeName* tn) { //
+ AddDependency(tn, tn->name, "type", "references");
+ },
+ [&](const ast::Vector* vec) { //
+ TraverseType(vec->type);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::SampledTexture* tex) { //
+ TraverseType(tex->type);
+ },
+ [&](const ast::MultisampledTexture* tex) { //
+ TraverseType(tex->type);
+ },
+ [&](Default) {
+ if (!ty->IsAnyOf<ast::Void, ast::Bool, ast::I32, ast::U32, ast::F32,
+ ast::DepthTexture, ast::DepthMultisampledTexture,
+ ast::StorageTexture, ast::ExternalTexture,
+ ast::Sampler>()) {
+ UnhandledNode(diagnostics_, ty);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /// Traverses the attribute list, performing symbol resolution and
+ /// determining global dependencies.
+ void TraverseAttributes(const ast::AttributeList& attrs) {
+ for (auto* attr : attrs) {
+ TraverseAttribute(attr);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Traverses the attribute, performing symbol resolution and determining
+ /// global dependencies.
+ void TraverseAttribute(const ast::Attribute* attr) {
+ if (auto* wg = attr->As<ast::WorkgroupAttribute>()) {
+ TraverseExpression(wg->x);
+ TraverseExpression(wg->y);
+ TraverseExpression(wg->z);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (attr->IsAnyOf<
+ ast::BindingAttribute, ast::BuiltinAttribute, ast::GroupAttribute,
+ ast::IdAttribute, ast::InternalAttribute, ast::InterpolateAttribute,
+ ast::InvariantAttribute, ast::LocationAttribute,
+ ast::StageAttribute, ast::StrideAttribute,
+ ast::StructBlockAttribute, ast::StructMemberAlignAttribute,
+ ast::StructMemberOffsetAttribute,
+ ast::StructMemberSizeAttribute>()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ UnhandledNode(diagnostics_, attr);
+ }
+ /// Adds the dependency from `from` to `to`, erroring if `to` cannot be
+ /// resolved.
+ void AddDependency(const ast::Node* from,
+ Symbol to,
+ const char* use,
+ const char* action) {
+ auto* resolved = scope_stack_.Get(to);
+ if (!resolved) {
+ if (!IsBuiltin(to)) {
+ UnknownSymbol(to, from->source, use);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto* global = utils::Lookup(globals_, to);
+ global && global->node == resolved) {
+ if (dependency_edges_
+ .emplace(DependencyEdge{current_global_, global},
+ DependencyInfo{from->source, action})
+ .second) {
+ current_global_->deps.emplace_back(global);
+ }
+ }
+ graph_.resolved_symbols.emplace(from, resolved);
+ }
+ /// @returns true if `name` is the name of a builtin function
+ bool IsBuiltin(Symbol name) const {
+ return sem::ParseBuiltinType(symbols_.NameFor(name)) !=
+ sem::BuiltinType::kNone;
+ }
+ /// Appends an error to the diagnostics that the given symbol cannot be
+ /// resolved.
+ void UnknownSymbol(Symbol name, Source source, const char* use) {
+ AddError(
+ diagnostics_,
+ "unknown " + std::string(use) + ": '" + symbols_.NameFor(name) + "'",
+ source);
+ }
+ using VariableMap = std::unordered_map<Symbol, const ast::Variable*>;
+ const SymbolTable& symbols_;
+ const GlobalMap& globals_;
+ diag::List& diagnostics_;
+ DependencyGraph& graph_;
+ DependencyEdges& dependency_edges_;
+ ScopeStack<const ast::Node*> scope_stack_;
+ Global* current_global_ = nullptr;
+/// The global dependency analysis system
+struct DependencyAnalysis {
+ public:
+ /// Constructor
+ DependencyAnalysis(const SymbolTable& symbols,
+ diag::List& diagnostics,
+ DependencyGraph& graph)
+ : symbols_(symbols), diagnostics_(diagnostics), graph_(graph) {}
+ /// Performs global dependency analysis on the module, emitting any errors to
+ /// #diagnostics.
+ /// @returns true if analysis found no errors, otherwise false.
+ bool Run(const ast::Module& module) {
+ // Collect all the named globals from the AST module
+ GatherGlobals(module);
+ // Traverse the named globals to build the dependency graph
+ DetermineDependencies();
+ // Sort the globals into dependency order
+ SortGlobals();
+ // Dump the dependency graph if TINT_DUMP_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH is non-zero
+ DumpDependencyGraph();
+ graph_.ordered_globals = std::move(sorted_);
+ return !diagnostics_.contains_errors();
+ }
+ private:
+ /// @param node the ast::Node of the global declaration
+ /// @returns the symbol of the global declaration node
+ /// @note will raise an ICE if the node is not a type, function or variable
+ /// declaration
+ Symbol SymbolOf(const ast::Node* node) const {
+ return Switch(
+ node, //
+ [&](const ast::TypeDecl* td) { return td->name; },
+ [&](const ast::Function* func) { return func->symbol; },
+ [&](const ast::Variable* var) { return var->symbol; },
+ [&](Default) {
+ UnhandledNode(diagnostics_, node);
+ return Symbol{};
+ });
+ }
+ /// @param node the ast::Node of the global declaration
+ /// @returns the name of the global declaration node
+ /// @note will raise an ICE if the node is not a type, function or variable
+ /// declaration
+ std::string NameOf(const ast::Node* node) const {
+ return symbols_.NameFor(SymbolOf(node));
+ }
+ /// @param node the ast::Node of the global declaration
+ /// @returns a string representation of the global declaration kind
+ /// @note will raise an ICE if the node is not a type, function or variable
+ /// declaration
+ std::string KindOf(const ast::Node* node) {
+ return Switch(
+ node, //
+ [&](const ast::Struct*) { return "struct"; },
+ [&](const ast::Alias*) { return "alias"; },
+ [&](const ast::Function*) { return "function"; },
+ [&](const ast::Variable* var) { return var->is_const ? "let" : "var"; },
+ [&](Default) {
+ UnhandledNode(diagnostics_, node);
+ return "<error>";
+ });
+ }
+ /// Traverses `module`, collecting all the global declarations and populating
+ /// the #globals and #declaration_order fields.
+ void GatherGlobals(const ast::Module& module) {
+ for (auto* node : module.GlobalDeclarations()) {
+ auto* global = allocator_.Create(node);
+ globals_.emplace(SymbolOf(node), global);
+ declaration_order_.emplace_back(global);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Walks the global declarations, determining the dependencies of each global
+ /// and adding these to each global's Global::deps field.
+ void DetermineDependencies() {
+ DependencyScanner scanner(symbols_, globals_, diagnostics_, graph_,
+ dependency_edges_);
+ for (auto* global : declaration_order_) {
+ scanner.Scan(global);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Performs a depth-first traversal of `root`'s dependencies, calling `enter`
+ /// as the function decends into each dependency and `exit` when bubbling back
+ /// up towards the root.
+ /// @param enter is a function with the signature: `bool(Global*)`. The
+ /// `enter` function returns true if TraverseDependencies() should traverse
+ /// the dependency, otherwise it will be skipped.
+ /// @param exit is a function with the signature: `void(Global*)`. The `exit`
+ /// function is only called if the corresponding `enter` call returned true.
+ template <typename ENTER, typename EXIT>
+ void TraverseDependencies(const Global* root, ENTER&& enter, EXIT&& exit) {
+ // Entry is a single entry in the traversal stack. Entry points to a
+ // dep_idx'th dependency of Entry::global.
+ struct Entry {
+ const Global* global; // The parent global
+ size_t dep_idx; // The dependency index in `global->deps`
+ };
+ if (!enter(root)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::vector<Entry> stack{Entry{root, 0}};
+ while (true) {
+ auto& entry = stack.back();
+ // Have we exhausted the dependencies of entry.global?
+ if (entry.dep_idx < entry.global->deps.size()) {
+ // No, there's more dependencies to traverse.
+ auto& dep = entry.global->deps[entry.dep_idx];
+ // Does the caller want to enter this dependency?
+ if (enter(dep)) { // Yes.
+ stack.push_back(Entry{dep, 0}); // Enter the dependency.
+ } else {
+ entry.dep_idx++; // No. Skip this node.
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Yes. Time to back up.
+ // Exit this global, pop the stack, and if there's another parent node,
+ // increment its dependency index, and loop again.
+ exit(entry.global);
+ stack.pop_back();
+ if (stack.empty()) {
+ return; // All done.
+ }
+ stack.back().dep_idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// SortGlobals sorts the globals into dependency order, erroring if cyclic
+ /// dependencies are found. The sorted dependencies are assigned to #sorted.
+ void SortGlobals() {
+ if (diagnostics_.contains_errors()) {
+ return; // This code assumes there are no undeclared identifiers.
+ }
+ std::unordered_set<const Global*> visited;
+ for (auto* global : declaration_order_) {
+ utils::UniqueVector<const Global*> stack;
+ TraverseDependencies(
+ global,
+ [&](const Global* g) { // Enter
+ if (!stack.add(g)) {
+ CyclicDependencyFound(g, stack);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (sorted_.contains(g->node)) {
+ // Visited this global already.
+ // stack was pushed, but exit() will not be called when we return
+ // false, so pop here.
+ stack.pop_back();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ [&](const Global* g) { // Exit. Only called if Enter returned true.
+ sorted_.add(g->node);
+ stack.pop_back();
+ });
+ sorted_.add(global->node);
+ if (!stack.empty()) {
+ // Each stack.push() must have a corresponding stack.pop_back().
+ TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
+ << "stack not empty after returning from TraverseDependencies()";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// DepInfoFor() looks up the global dependency information for the dependency
+ /// of global `from` depending on `to`.
+ /// @note will raise an ICE if the edge is not found.
+ DependencyInfo DepInfoFor(const Global* from, const Global* to) const {
+ auto it = dependency_edges_.find(DependencyEdge{from, to});
+ if (it != dependency_edges_.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ TINT_ICE(Resolver, diagnostics_)
+ << "failed to find dependency info for edge: '" << NameOf(from->node)
+ << "' -> '" << NameOf(to->node) << "'";
+ return {};
+ }
+ /// CyclicDependencyFound() emits an error diagnostic for a cyclic dependency.
+ /// @param root is the global that starts the cyclic dependency, which must be
+ /// found in `stack`.
+ /// @param stack is the global dependency stack that contains a loop.
+ void CyclicDependencyFound(const Global* root,
+ const std::vector<const Global*>& stack) {
+ std::stringstream msg;
+ msg << "cyclic dependency found: ";
+ constexpr size_t kLoopNotStarted = ~0u;
+ size_t loop_start = kLoopNotStarted;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {
+ auto* e = stack[i];
+ if (loop_start == kLoopNotStarted && e == root) {
+ loop_start = i;
+ }
+ if (loop_start != kLoopNotStarted) {
+ msg << "'" << NameOf(e->node) << "' -> ";
+ }
+ }
+ msg << "'" << NameOf(root->node) << "'";
+ AddError(diagnostics_, msg.str(), root->node->source);
+ for (size_t i = loop_start; i < stack.size(); i++) {
+ auto* from = stack[i];
+ auto* to = (i + 1 < stack.size()) ? stack[i + 1] : stack[loop_start];
+ auto info = DepInfoFor(from, to);
+ AddNote(diagnostics_,
+ KindOf(from->node) + " '" + NameOf(from->node) + "' " +
+ info.action + " " + KindOf(to->node) + " '" +
+ NameOf(to->node) + "' here",
+ info.source);
+ }
+ }
+ void DumpDependencyGraph() {
+ if ((true)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ printf("=========================\n");
+ printf("------ declaration ------ \n");
+ for (auto* global : declaration_order_) {
+ printf("%s\n", NameOf(global->node).c_str());
+ }
+ printf("------ dependencies ------ \n");
+ for (auto* node : sorted_) {
+ auto symbol = SymbolOf(node);
+ auto* global = globals_.at(symbol);
+ printf("%s depends on:\n", symbols_.NameFor(symbol).c_str());
+ for (auto* dep : global->deps) {
+ printf(" %s\n", NameOf(dep->node).c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ printf("=========================\n");
+ }
+ /// Program symbols
+ const SymbolTable& symbols_;
+ /// Program diagnostics
+ diag::List& diagnostics_;
+ /// The resulting dependency graph
+ DependencyGraph& graph_;
+ /// Allocator of Globals
+ BlockAllocator<Global> allocator_;
+ /// Global map, keyed by name. Populated by GatherGlobals().
+ GlobalMap globals_;
+ /// Map of DependencyEdge to DependencyInfo. Populated by
+ /// DetermineDependencies().
+ DependencyEdges dependency_edges_;
+ /// Globals in declaration order. Populated by GatherGlobals().
+ std::vector<Global*> declaration_order_;
+ /// Globals in sorted dependency order. Populated by SortGlobals().
+ utils::UniqueVector<const ast::Node*> sorted_;
+} // namespace
+DependencyGraph::DependencyGraph() = default;
+DependencyGraph::DependencyGraph(DependencyGraph&&) = default;
+DependencyGraph::~DependencyGraph() = default;
+bool DependencyGraph::Build(const ast::Module& module,
+ const SymbolTable& symbols,
+ diag::List& diagnostics,
+ DependencyGraph& output) {
+ DependencyAnalysis da{symbols, diagnostics, output};
+ return da.Run(module);
+} // namespace resolver
+} // namespace tint