Add TextureViewDescriptor.aspect.

This is to match the WebGPU IDL, but currently that member defaults and
must be set to "all".


Change-Id: I5f4d160163cb45e0ef043853518fe91b47b00d0f
Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <>
Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <>
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
diff --git a/dawn.json b/dawn.json
index 45be7bb..386d8ad 100644
--- a/dawn.json
+++ b/dawn.json
@@ -1319,7 +1319,8 @@
             {"name": "base mip level", "type": "uint32_t", "default": "0"},
             {"name": "mip level count", "type": "uint32_t", "default": "0"},
             {"name": "base array layer", "type": "uint32_t", "default": "0"},
-            {"name": "array layer count", "type": "uint32_t", "default": "0"}
+            {"name": "array layer count", "type": "uint32_t", "default": "0"},
+            {"name": "aspect", "type": "texture aspect", "default": "all"}
         "TODO": [
             " Allow choosing the aspect (depth vs. stencil)"
diff --git a/src/dawn_native/Texture.cpp b/src/dawn_native/Texture.cpp
index f6370a8..e5e2c49 100644
--- a/src/dawn_native/Texture.cpp
+++ b/src/dawn_native/Texture.cpp
@@ -235,6 +235,11 @@
+        DAWN_TRY(ValidateTextureAspect(descriptor->aspect));
+        if (descriptor->aspect != dawn::TextureAspect::All) {
+            return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Texture aspect must be 'all'");
+        }
         // TODO( check stuff based on resource limits
         if (descriptor->arrayLayerCount == 0 || descriptor->mipLevelCount == 0) {
             return DAWN_VALIDATION_ERROR("Cannot create an empty texture view");
diff --git a/src/tests/unittests/validation/TextureViewValidationTests.cpp b/src/tests/unittests/validation/TextureViewValidationTests.cpp
index 8d7d219..f68f46c 100644
--- a/src/tests/unittests/validation/TextureViewValidationTests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/unittests/validation/TextureViewValidationTests.cpp
@@ -345,4 +345,21 @@
+// Test that only TextureAspect::All is supported
+TEST_F(TextureViewValidationTest, AspectMustBeAll) {
+    dawn::TextureDescriptor descriptor = {};
+    descriptor.size = {1, 1, 1};
+    descriptor.format = dawn::TextureFormat::Depth32Float;
+    descriptor.usage = dawn::TextureUsage::Sampled | dawn::TextureUsage::OutputAttachment;
+    dawn::Texture texture = device.CreateTexture(&descriptor);
+    dawn::TextureViewDescriptor viewDescriptor = {};
+    viewDescriptor.aspect = dawn::TextureAspect::All;
+    texture.CreateView(&viewDescriptor);
+    viewDescriptor.aspect = dawn::TextureAspect::DepthOnly;
+    ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR(texture.CreateView(&viewDescriptor));
+}  // anonymous namespace