Remove storage textures from vertex tests

The template change in test/tint/builtins/gen/gen.wgsl.tmpl removes the
remaining usages of storage textures in vertex shaders in Tint end2end
tests, replacing them instead with a VertexOutput object to prevent DCE.
The template is the only manually modified file in this change, the rest
were created with:
./tools/run gen
./tools/run tests --generate-expected

Binding numbers and entry point ordering had to be slightly shuffled to
work around:

Bug: 344846829
Change-Id: I6c2c80b78168a13c6c545e7a0dc924d64997ff0e
Reviewed-by: Antonio Maiorano <>
Commit-Queue: Natalie Chouinard <>
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/var/textureSample/193203.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/var/textureSample/193203.wgsl.expected.msl
index 479020b..a952d82 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/var/textureSample/193203.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/var/textureSample/193203.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 #include <metal_stdlib>
 using namespace metal;
-void textureSample_193203(texture2d_array<float, access::sample> tint_symbol, sampler tint_symbol_1, device float4* const tint_symbol_2) {
+float4 textureSample_193203(texture2d_array<float, access::sample> tint_symbol, sampler tint_symbol_1) {
   float2 arg_2 = float2(1.0f);
   uint arg_3 = 1u;
   float4 res = tint_symbol.sample(tint_symbol_1, arg_2, arg_3, int2(1));
-  *(tint_symbol_2) = res;
+  return res;
-fragment void fragment_main(texture2d_array<float, access::sample> tint_symbol_3 [[texture(0)]], sampler tint_symbol_4 [[sampler(0)]], device float4* tint_symbol_5 [[buffer(0)]]) {
-  textureSample_193203(tint_symbol_3, tint_symbol_4, tint_symbol_5);
+fragment void fragment_main(device float4* tint_symbol_2 [[buffer(0)]], texture2d_array<float, access::sample> tint_symbol_3 [[texture(0)]], sampler tint_symbol_4 [[sampler(0)]]) {
+  *(tint_symbol_2) = textureSample_193203(tint_symbol_3, tint_symbol_4);