Rolling 5 dependencies

Roll third_party/SPIRV-Tools/ 0cbdc7a2c..5a581e738 (8 commits)

$ git log 0cbdc7a2c..5a581e738 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-08-29 bclayton spvtools::Optimizer - don't assume original_binary and optimized_binary are aliased (#2799)
2019-08-28 stevenperron Check feature mgr in context consistency check (#2818)
2019-08-26 stevenperron Refactor instruction folders (#2815)
2019-08-23 8729214+jonahryandavis Add missing files to (#2809)
2019-08-22 afdx Extend reducer to remove relaxed precision decorations (#2797)
2019-08-22 stevenperron Handle Id overflow in private-to-local (#2807)
2019-08-21 stevenperron Even more id overflow in sroa (#2806)
2019-08-21 stevenperron Add name for variables in desc sroa (#2805)

Roll third_party/glslang/ 95609e6d9..796df2d74 (35 commits)

$ git log 95609e6d9..796df2d74 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-08-28 rharrison Change to initializing the variable
2019-08-28 rharrison Return nullptr after assert to avoid uninitialized variables
2019-08-28 cepheus ESSL/SPV: Fix #1856: Allow ESSL shaders to compile to OpenGL SPIR-V.
2019-08-28 cepheus Documentation: Provide more detail in setting up the environment.
2019-08-27 cwallez Add missing HLSL files.
2019-08-26 cwallez GN build (for Chromium): enable HLSL in dependents.
2019-08-26 baldurk Dereference any array type before expanding root-level SSBO members
2019-08-23 dneto GN build (for Chromium): enable HLSL
2019-08-22 jbolz GL_NV_integer_cooperative_matrix support
2019-08-22 cepheus Bump revision.
2019-08-22 cepheus GLSL: Inherit memory qualifiers, both declaratively and in execution.
2019-08-22 jonahr Fix conformance with -Wextra-tokens
2019-08-21 cepheus Bump version.
2019-08-21 cepheus web: Fix accidental additon of refract() prototypes and update README.
2019-08-13 cepheus Web: Turn off includes, independent preprocessing path, fine tune all.
2019-08-11 cepheus Web: Make switched methods all be non-virtual, more web-dependent code,
2019-08-10 cepheus Web: Optional error management and error tightening.
2019-08-09 cepheus Web: Use isEsProfile() instead of run-time testing; remove more atomics
2019-08-08 cepheus Web: Remove unused stage functionality, SPIR-V logger, and hex_utils
2019-08-08 cepheus Web: Remove unnecessary GLSL numeric types, and some collateral.
2019-08-08 cepheus Web: Tighten up sampling code and interfaces.
2019-08-07 cepheus Web: Complete the removal of vendor-specific #ifdef's, including CMake.
2019-08-06 cepheus Web: Prune grammar and lexor down to needed subset.
2019-08-06 cepheus Web: Generalize _EXTENSIONS* in SPIR-V back-end.
2019-08-06 cepheus Web: Turn off bracket-style attributes, reflection, and IO mapping.
2019-08-01 cepheus Web: Remove/rationalize a set of *_EXTENSIONS, using GLSLANG_WEB.
2019-07-31 cepheus Web: First pass of tabling the built-in function declarations.
2019-07-28 cepheus Web: Selectively remove a few key features, using #ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
2019-07-27 cepheus Web: Change a bunch of HLSL methods from dynamic to compile-time known.
2019-07-27 cepheus Web: Remove a few additional HLSL constructs with ENABLE_HLSL.
2019-07-26 cepheus Web: Add sanity check test suite for smaller-footprint builds.
2019-08-20 cepheus Bump revision.
2019-08-14 kainino convert_glsl_to_spirv: fail early, reduce copies, remove input buffer allocation
2019-07-25 kainino make glslang.js easy to use
2019-08-14 kainino enable build for node

Roll third_party/shaderc/ 210fac890..f4786674e (10 commits)

$ git log 210fac890..f4786674e --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-08-28 zoddicus Seperate non-API spvc code into private source file (#794)
2019-08-27 zoddicus Rolling 7 dependencies and updating known_failures (#791)
2019-08-27 zoddicus Add ToVulkan API methods (#792)
2019-08-27 zoddicus Refactor internals of conversion API to be more modular (#785)
2019-08-25 dneto Remove extra semi-colons (#790)
2019-08-23 dneto GN build: enable HLSL in Glslang (#789)
2019-08-22 9856269+sarahM0 spvc: Add option to inject code to enforce robust-buffer-access
2019-08-21 dneto Force Glslang to support HLSL in its interface (#784)
2019-08-21 zoddicus Fix some Python2 vs 3 issues in (#783)
2019-08-20 zoddicus Manually cast fuzzing data to avoid new GCC warning (#782)

Roll third_party/spirv-cross/ 4ce04480e..ee7357f2a (11 commits)

$ git log 4ce04480e..ee7357f2a --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-08-29 post MSL: Add {Base,}{Vertex,Instance}Index to bitcast_from_builtin_load.
2019-08-02 cdavis GLSL: Fix post-depth coverage for ESSL.
2019-08-28 post Run
2019-08-27 post GLSL: Assume image and sampler can be RelaxedPrecision.
2019-08-27 post MSL: Deal with array copies from and to threadgroup.
2019-08-27 post Do not allow base expressions for non-native row-major matrices.
2019-08-27 post Deal with ldexp taking uint input.
2019-08-26 post Move branchless analysis to CFG.
2019-08-26 post Elide branches to continue block when continue block is also a merge.
2019-08-26 post Deal correctly with sign on bitfield operations.
2019-08-26 post Fix variable scope when switch block exits multiple times.

Roll third_party/spirv-headers/ e4322e3be..059a49598 (1 commit)

$ git log e4322e3be..059a49598 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-06-12 cepheus Grammar: Add instruction-printing classes.

Created with:
  roll-dep third_party/SPIRV-Tools third_party/glslang third_party/shaderc third_party/spirv-cross third_party/spirv-headers

Change-Id: Iaa7791ec4d7ed0c383ba19544e74e0281372495c
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
1 file changed
tree: ad542a471a71014d5d4d6804b9f67fdabc14904f
  1. build_overrides/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. generator/
  5. infra/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .gitattributes
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gn
  15. codereview.settings
  17. dawn.json
  18. dawn_wire.json
  19. DEPS
  21. OWNERS
  23. README.chromium

Dawn, a WebGPU implementation

Dawn (formerly NXT) is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the work-in-progress WebGPU standard. It exposes a C/C++ API that maps almost one-to-one to the WebGPU IDL and can be managed as part of a larger system such as a Web browser.

Dawn provides several WebGPU building blocks:

  • WebGPU C/C++ headers that applications and other building blocks use.
  • A “native” implementation of WebGPU using platforms' GPU APIs:
    • D3D12 on Windows 10
    • Metal on OSX (and eventually iOS)
    • Vulkan on Windows, Linux (eventually ChromeOS and Android too)
    • OpenGL as best effort where available
  • A client-server implementation of WebGPU for applications that are in a sandbox without access to native drivers

Directory structure

  • dawn.json: description of the API used to drive code generators.
  • examples: examples showing how Dawn is used.
  • generator: code generator for files produces from dawn.json
    • templates: Jinja2 templates for the generator
  • scripts: scripts to support things like continuous testing, build files, etc.
  • src:
    • common: helper code shared between core Dawn libraries and tests/samples
    • dawn_native: native implementation of WebGPU, one subfolder per backend
    • dawn_wire: client-server implementation of WebGPU
    • include: public headers for Dawn
    • tests: internal Dawn tests
      • end2end: WebGPU tests performing GPU operations
      • unittests: unittests and by extension tests not using the GPU
        • validation: WebGPU validation tests not using the GPU (frontend tests)
    • utils: helper code to use Dawn used by tests and samples
  • third_party: directory where dependencies live as well as their buildfiles.

Building Dawn

Dawn uses the Chromium build system and dependency management so you need to install depot_tools and add it to the PATH.

On Linux you need to have the pkg-config command:

# Install pkg-config on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install pkg-config

Then get the source as follows:

# Clone the repo as "dawn"
git clone dawn && cd dawn

# Bootstrap the gclient configuration
cp scripts/standalone.gclient .gclient

# Fetch external dependencies and toolchains with gclient
gclient sync

Then generate build files using gn args out/Debug or gn args out/Release. A text editor will appear asking build options, the most common option is is_debug=true/false; otherwise gn args out/Release --list shows all the possible options.

Then use ninja -C out/Release to build dawn and for example ./out/Release/dawn_end2end_tests to run the tests.


Please read and follow Dawn doesn‘t have a formal coding style yet, except what’s defined by our clang format style. Overall try to use the same style and convention as code around your change.

If you find issues with Dawn, please feel free to report them on the bug tracker. For other discussions, please post to Dawn's mailing list.


Please see LICENSE.


This is not an officially supported Google product.