Replace TextureCopyView::arrayLayer -> origin.z in backends

Also fix a misuse of VkBufferImageCopy that caused some Swiftshader

Bug: dawn:22
Change-Id: Ie812a590d70c7561dfcf2f78ce6c530187610e65
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Jiawei Shao <>
diff --git a/src/dawn_native/CommandEncoder.cpp b/src/dawn_native/CommandEncoder.cpp
index 5b8bc64..b282dc8 100644
--- a/src/dawn_native/CommandEncoder.cpp
+++ b/src/dawn_native/CommandEncoder.cpp
@@ -737,13 +737,8 @@
             copy->source.rowsPerImage = defaultedRowsPerImage;
             copy->destination.texture = destination->texture;
             copy->destination.origin = destination->origin;
-            copy->copySize = *copySize;
             copy->destination.mipLevel = destination->mipLevel;
-            copy->destination.arrayLayer = destination->arrayLayer;
-            // TODO( Make backends use origin.z instead of arrayLayer
-            copy->destination.arrayLayer = copy->destination.origin.z;
-            copy->destination.origin.z = 0;
+            copy->copySize = *copySize;
             return {};
@@ -803,17 +798,12 @@
             copy->source.texture = source->texture;
             copy->source.origin = source->origin;
-            copy->copySize = *copySize;
             copy->source.mipLevel = source->mipLevel;
-            copy->source.arrayLayer = source->arrayLayer;
             copy->destination.buffer = destination->buffer;
             copy->destination.offset = destination->offset;
             copy->destination.bytesPerRow = destination->bytesPerRow;
             copy->destination.rowsPerImage = defaultedRowsPerImage;
-            // TODO( Make backends use origin.z instead of arrayLayer
-            copy->source.arrayLayer = copy->source.origin.z;
-            copy->source.origin.z = 0;
+            copy->copySize = *copySize;
             return {};
@@ -860,19 +850,11 @@
             copy->source.texture = source->texture;
             copy->source.origin = source->origin;
             copy->source.mipLevel = source->mipLevel;
-            copy->source.arrayLayer = source->arrayLayer;
             copy->destination.texture = destination->texture;
             copy->destination.origin = destination->origin;
             copy->destination.mipLevel = destination->mipLevel;
-            copy->destination.arrayLayer = destination->arrayLayer;
             copy->copySize = *copySize;
-            // TODO( Make backends use origin.z instead of arrayLayer
-            copy->source.arrayLayer = copy->source.origin.z;
-            copy->source.origin.z = 0;
-            copy->destination.arrayLayer = copy->destination.origin.z;
-            copy->destination.origin.z = 0;
             return {};